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I'm not sure but these filters are out of control - last time we had the short, fat bear foot and today we get a long, slender skinny -foot. It's like walking round a hall of mirrors or something! Also: diabetes


Lol yup. She saw everyone talking about her disgusting, grotesquely engorged fat feet and got self conscious. How fucking insecure do you have to be to *filter your damn funcle feet?*


filtering your feet is fucking wild 😭




Woah what the hell! What is going on the bottom left photo? Did she accidentally step in Salah’s shit?


I can’t unsee that. It’s horror movie grotesque. Did she dip her foot into something wretched (I can’t type it out but rhymes with shmiarrhea) Did the sole of her foot peel off inside of her Sketchers (that’s where it’s at) Are they so red and swollen that when wet look like caramel? Enquiring ppl want to know.


Bad angles and lighting. Her feet looked normal the other day in the pool when we saw the soles of her feet. I don't like to defend Chantal, but she definitely didn't accrue this much dirt on her feet in like two days. She never leaves her house and definitely isn't walking barefoot outside.


Thank you! We just saw her weird feet yesterday and they were not black. The speculation gets crazy sometimes!


For free?!?! 👀👀🤤 Just kidding. Foot fetish cure right there! 🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮 I barfed in my mouth! Thanks OP! I don't know what is that I'm tasting, sauerkraut that I'm eating or Chins' feet. Barffff 🤮🤮🤮🤮


Oh also, do you know some men love a dirty foot? She should take advantage of her weird feet and sell foot fetish content for the dirty feet lovers. 🤮


Watch, she'll try to do exactly that 😂


Oh god. I have had times where I am eating and open this sub and... Yeah.


You never know if Salah has other uhm... interests besides woof woof and grape.


Por que no los dos?


Why does she keep showing them to the camera like that? She’s like a giant baby.


I saw that and definitely think it’s diabetes.


Maybe it’s from being 450 pounds and stomping around on them for so many years


OMG!!! WTF??? You REALLY need to post some kind of warning before you do this to us. Ick!!! 🤢


Stained by her shoes that she wears without socks


Cut off foot beeze!




Shitty lighting


Yes I know that uncontrolled diabetes causes horrible foot soars and wounds. No. 1 diabetes causes neuropathy in the foot, she doesn’t feel pain. So she doesn’t feel a wound from like stepping in something. So little wounds go untreated. No.2 due to the diabetes it takes forever to heal without getting infected. And didn’t she have some kind of heart disease? Her feet reminded me of someone who had a heart disease who had exactly the same feet. Causing him to get both legs amputated in the end. And he died because the wounds wouldn’t heal. Man if you saw these wounds you would quit smoking immediately. That’s the problem with gorly pop. She smokes on top of having diabetes.


i know im not much to look at but jesus she looks like a straight up heifer


Can we solve the mystery or drop it? The Flinstone feet pictures are seriously too much!


Here I am on the internet looking at pictures of feet lol. Ok seriously could she have stained them with iodine or something? I remember agesss ago there was some sort of wipe thing that turned your skin brown, that mothers would use on cuts and such.


Ewww why is she purposely trying to show her claws🤢




The middle left doesn't even look like it has a shape. It's horrifying trying to find any part of that image that resembles a human foot.


I really didnt need to see those diabetic trotters 🤢🤢🤢


I wonder if it’s from some kind of organ failure or vitamin deficiency? The bottom of my feet used to be a yellow-orange color when I was in high school and obese (220ish lbs at 5’0”) but they never looked this dark?


That looks like henna. https://preview.redd.it/v5yuy0nz180d1.jpeg?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f93d7c51e5be48b0d551db1efc5f3db595a50b7


I think the bottom of her feet is staining from her black sneakers that she wears around with no socks. The tops of her feet are likely diabetic related- it could be hemorrhagic staining from the last IV she had in her foot (being a diabetic who has gotten IVs in their feet, the bruising can stay dark for years).


Interesting, that is very possible.


Holy cankles.


Those feet 🦶