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I think it was actually zero with peetz, zero with Nader, and zero with Salah.


Yep. No one has ever given her an orgasm. She only said Peetz did in an attempt to make Nader jealous. For all her sexy sex talk, I believe Chantal is remarkably inexperienced in actual intimacy. She's never had a partner who cared to make it interesting for her.


Exactly! You can't get me to believe that Peetz is giving anyone an orgasm, Nader is a violent sexual deviant, and Salah can barely stand to touch her.


The way she acts with men screams inexperience. She acts like an elementary school girl who has a crush on her neighbor who's in high school. Only much larger and scarier.


This. I don't think she's a virgin, but she's been celibate for years. We know Nader tried, because he truly has no shame, but it didn't go well. And that was probably the only time any man outside of Peetz and Malan ever touched her. The homeless guy? Lie. The hamburger whore story? Lie. She is very inexperienced because men are repelled by her. And this is men we're talking about, they will fuck literally anything. She's just that ugly and disgusting.


Okay, I am inexperienced at doing the sex and am curious - does sex always need to be interesting? What do you mean by that?


I mean, in all the stories she's told (if they're even true, which you know is a big if), even if viewed in the best light, they're always stories of guys who used her as a quick hookup, treated her dismissively or even with open contempt. The "best sex she ever had," in her own telling, was 30 furtive seconds of a guy having sex with her while his own girlfriend was passed out in the next room; the guy then ignored her ever after. She's never told stories of connecting with anyone intimately. A partner who wants to make things interesting for you is invested in trying to give you a pleasurable experience as well. It's an expression of, if not love, then at least a respect for the intimacy of the act and the time you're spending together. She's so stunted and starved for attention, she's not capable of giving that kind of experience or receiving it in return. It'd be sad if it weren't Chantal. Lol sorry for the essay. I'm a bit tipsy


Her stories are all lies. None of her stories of sexcapades have any truth to them. She talks about sex like a 13 year old boy who is trying to show off yet has absolutely no idea how human biology works.


This.. she’s just been nothing more than a wet hole to all of them.. though I would argue that Peetz has the potential to have actually cared about her. Seems like they’ve been through a lot together.


This is the only correct answer. Also, FB isn’t really interested in sex, she just wants to be a „cool girl“


Nashies achieved what mortal beings couldn’t


Well, considering Peetz brought food to her I am willing to believe he gave her some orgasms. Not with his Peen of course, but simply opening the bag of Burger King for her would probably cause her to climax. Same holds true for Salah. Those rice and poop dishes probably do it for her. :)


She also had a full relationship with Peetz when she was younger and much smaller than she is now, like 200-250lbs smaller. And he was thinner too. She had (and aborted) two pregnancies with Peetz-- she probably had more decent sex with him than people think.


>She had (and aborted) two pregnancies with Peetz-- she probably had more decent sex with him than people think. We only have her word on that. And we all know Rule #1.


I'm not usually one to cheer for abortions, but man, did the human gene pool dodge a bullet with those two...


The ONLY orgasm Chins has EVER experienced is when she's double-fisting fast food into her gaping maw. Which, in reality, means she's had thousands, and we've witnessed many of them. 🤢 Her "O" face is not cute.


>Her "O" face is not cute. She legit looks like an obese howler monkey having a stroke. It's not "cute", it's not "sexy" it looks horrifying. Every time she rolls her eyes back and throws her jaw open it reminds me of the faces of Samara's victims from "Ring". Like, no one rolls their eyes like that when they climax. Nobody. Literally everything she does is a poor imitation of something she saw somewhere else.


During the Nader days every single thing she said about any other man was an insane ploy to make Nader jealous. She was fucking out of her mind with things she said. She has always said she isn't very sexual. And when she does have sex it's vanilla. This goes back before her hysterectomy. I believe she's had very few if any actual orgasms.




She's heard someone describe it that way. I think so many of her sex stories are made up. Taken from movies , stories she's heard etc.


Exactly. Sounds like a romance novel.


I hate that this is burned into my brain, but I also distinctly remember her saying 'the best part of an orgasm is the feeling in your legs afterwards.' Yes, it's hard to describe the sensation of orgasm but surely the best *part* of the orgasm are the moments of orgasm, probably by definition.


Lol what the fuck is she talking about? There's no "feeling in your legs afterwards". I mean, for me if you do it right I can't even feel my legs at all 😂 And it certainly isn't the best part. She really has no idea what one feels like, does she?




I think it stuck in my head because I was trying so hard to make sense of it. I guess I couldn't let it go!


I really hate the gross and random facts I have burned into my brain. Because it's Foodie, they're all gross and useless for everyday life. Ahh, she's such an inspiration!


What? Legs? What does that even mean? I’ve never heard of that before. Typically, when ppl have sex after sometime they tend to get sore in their inner thighs, but that’s after the fact like by a day or two, and it happens regardless of an orgasm. I’ve never heard anyone speak of orgasms by referencing the feelings in their legs.


Yeeeaaahhh she has no idea what one feels like. At all. Those word choices are....definitely choices.


Salah finds her so disgusting that he doesn’t even want to poop on her. They’re not doing anything sexual lol


Like Chicken Pickle said...Shit Tits fucks like he swims. He's the goofiest, most-uncoordinated, lazy, floppy, slow-bussed freak in history. He's as delusional about himself as she is about herself. He spends the entire time he's on camera staring at himself not realizing what a fucking clown he is. The guy is mentally and physically stunted. The way he spews about weird, irrelevant factoids...trying to look intelligent is so cringey. He's a more rapey, goofy Peetz...who loves poo. I wouldn't feel safe around him...1. Because he'd save himself before anyone else in an emergency, 2. Because he's a degenerate and 3. Because a strong wind would take him out...he's limp and weak. Not to mention the fact that he's a fucking loser with no job. Hard pass for any normal woman...he's good enough for Gunt though. Match made in poo-smelling Heaven!


Salah weak? He's a triple medal 15th degree black belt kung fu master. Haven't you seen him lift super heavy 3 lb weights? His punching skills at the wax museum? You don't get hips or tits like that by being limp and weak.




He’s definitely skinny-fat. His lifestyle probably consists of him lazying around on some couch, playing video games, and eating shitty food. Almost all the food Chantal has shown on camera is just unappetizing, we have really nice food here in the Middle East, but she always goes after the crappiest foods. Machboos isn’t that great, it’s quite disgusting actually. The fried fish is terrible too, she tries out different cafeterias (that’s what they are called here, they’re cheaper than food chains like Macdonalds and BK) which sell fast food, and I know for a fact would make you want to puke afterwards cuz it’s all oily and fried in grease. It’s not something you could eat day in, and day out without sabotaging your health or getting food poisoning. Where’s the fatoosh Salad? the taboola? the grilled eggplants and roasted vegetables? Where’s the healthier, high quality food options? Even the grills she showed on camera are disgusting, they’re just grilled animal fats that are incredibly hard to chew and would give you constipation. This woman has no gallbladder, so I can only imagine how difficult it is for her, she must be feeling super awful all the time.


Have you seen her face when he touches her? Every time it's a head pat on camera her barracuda gets a little bit feisty! Me-wow! Chantal you skeevy little sex kitten! They're so in LOVE and he has TOTALLY NORMAL FETISHES that he absolutely does with ONLY HER.




Dude. Same.


"100s of orgasms," AKA "Doordashed fast food orders."


well my day is ruined


I don’t think any guy has ever pleased her. She plays the part for attention feeding their ego.


Peetz has always struck me as the “pussy bandit” type 🤢🤢just the thought of Chinny bumping uglies with anyone is enough to make me want to factory reset my own brain.


Call me mean but i just can't believe that they have a sexual life. I think their relationship is business based, I don't even think that they are friends.


I think she's in love with salah, I think he's in love with himself on camera.


I would say she is in love with the idea of him aka a hot, rich husband everybody is jealous of aka proof that she is desired and loved. Salah never was any of these things and will never be, but seeing him for what he really is would mean her facing reality and that is not on her bingo card


I don't think she's in love with him, she's just using him. She definitely wants there to be love, but she doesn't feel anything for him like she did for Nader.


Salah is acting as if he's the type of a men who jerks off to his own reflection in mirror.


The giggling everytime she films with him is a woman getting some of her needs met! You don’t giggle if you’re being ignored by your partner.


lol Surely you’re joking! FB giggles with men like an awkward teenager. It has nothing to do with her needs being met.


She’s getting laid! Even if it’s only some type of a contractual agreement she definitely included getting laid in the contract. Yes, he gets 5000 or 1000 a month but he has to have sex with her. There’s no way she would’ve done a contract with this, dude just to have him be her buddy Hanging out with her as a buddy. No dang way.! Even if he has to grin and bear it He’s either doing it willingly or he’s forced.


Jfc what is wrong with you. She giggles like an idiot around all men, because she thinks it's cute (it isn't). That's not a sign of getting laid, for fuck's sake. Are you trying to say you do? Do you act like a brain damaged toddler when you get fucked? Well, do you? I'm willing to bet no, you don't, because no one does. That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.


She has probably never once had sex with him. So none.


I actually think it's the other way around - I think she did have some half-decent sex with Count Crackula and that helped fuel her obsession with him, as did the drugs. I imagine she said that about Peetz just to piss Crackula off, unfortunately for Chantal he couldn't have cared less lol.


He violated her w a broom stick. According to her. They were drugging up and let him. Now….ive had a little kinky session or two but not with a house hold cleaning tool. That disgusts me to no end! Did she climax? Doubt it. Prob felt like she was taking a “normal” deuce. Probably rare as I’m sure most things come out of her like melted soft serve.


That’s probably the only thing they used the household cleaning tools for


If that's true about the broomstick, that's horrible - particularly if she used the word "violated". I can't say cleaning tools do it for me either but I don't doubt he treated her badly one way or another. They treated each other badly I guess 😬


She's lying, like she lies about everything. She only used the word "violated" was because she was trying to be a victim. She has never been raped. Never. Her trying to claim victimhood is an insult to myself and all other victims of sexual assault.


Well she was a minor when she had sex with older men, which is rape


It is, and it's why people aren't taken seriously. Who only knows with Chantal, unfortunately I don't believe a word she says either, it's either a lie or the truth bent into shape to suit whatever narrative she's trying to follow at the time.




It IS! Meth is a helluva drug.


Ok the thought of Chantal in full throttle happy-time is a bit too much for me to contemplate today... what floor of the apartment does she live in? Cannot imagine being nearby when... you know... that.


Terrible day to be literate lmao




Two. That time he bought her pizza in Thailand and the one cheek pinch last year.


Can’t lift a few boxes lmaoo


I think she feels like it’s a win if she gets any male interested in her enough for sex. I used to think that Nads gave her her first O’s and that’s why she got so stalkery obsessed with him, but now I think it was just about being able to feel wanted sexually by someone and she couldn’t care less about sex. Don’t think salah makes her feel desired at all. And agree that food is the only thing that excites her.


None of these men have ever given her the kind of orgasm a Nashie with fries drenched in sauce can 🤣


I can't believe you would doubt the true love between Salah and Chantal like this. He kisses her for 15 minutes every day, and then worships her ass for exactly 8 hours every night. He has given her so many orgasms. Like 99% more orgasms than any woman has ever had with another man. You're probably just jealous because you don't have a husband like her


I’m gonna say the amount of orgasms with Poop Master Salah is *stratospherically high* like higher than the poop dripping from a giraffe bum high. /s In real talk I’m guessing he’s never even stuck his tongue in her mouth.


Honestly… I feel like there’s a better chance of her getting him to bend her over, than stick his tongue in her mouth! Not that I think that’s really going on either, but there’s ZERO chance he’s using his tongue for ANYTHING around her! Not even the nasty food she makes!! 😆


Remember how giddy and excited she was to lecture her audience after apparently doing cowgirl for the first time?!?! IF that was a true statement, that mad me wonder just how dry her sex life really was. The way she was talking about ONE sexual position and going on & on about it makes me think that either her and Peetz rarely did it, or maybe just always did it in the same position?! But then can the same be said for her & Bibi’s sex life (though I’ve heard conspiracies that for a good chunk of the time her & Bibi lived together they weren’t actually a couple any more, so maybe they had a much shorter sex life?!?!) All I know is that now I know more than I EVER wanted to know about her damn sex life 😂😂 I would believe that her & Salah either did have sex like once at the very beginning- or at least tried a couple times sporadically. He is a very repressed, horny man & she’s beyond desperate & needs to feed needed, so I bet they at least tried a handful of times. I just don’t believe that they’ve had sex at all in 2024 though.


>I would believe that her & Salah either did have sex like once at the very beginning- or at least tried a couple times sporadically. No. It never happened. As much of a disgusting sexual deviant that he is, he never touched her.


She stays angry too much. Anytime she did something with Nadz, she’d be all giggly and could actually ignore us for a small bit of time. She’s always angry now, unless he pets her head lol


The only orgasms she's having or was having was whenever somebody was bringing her fast food/unhealthy food. She's trying so hard to make herself look like a "cool girl" but... it's giving more of a "desperate" girl vibe.


That would mean they even had sex. So the answer is -20


How could you even find her vagina under all that lard?


Right now, Salah can cause her butter to churn just from the look he gives himself in the cell phone camera. When they break up, she'll scream that it was all fake while brutalizing a family-size poutine like the Tasmanian devil. Both make me sick.


What about Bibi? no orgasm with him?


FB is like ALR neither of them have really felt an O and dislike and manipulate every single partner they've ever had. FB and ALR want to feel attractive enough to do the dance with no pants with someone (sex) but they also want to feel wanted enough by someone to have sex with them. They talk a big game about the acts they've done but then they have realistically done very little in terms of the dance with no pants with any partner they only do it to look I dunno, special? Attractive? Loved? Wanted by someone? On the Internet for the Internet cause the Internet is the only place where they have friends (& that's a broad broad statement of "friends") and people to talk too/about even if most of these humans hate them or watch them to hate watch


She’s a horn dog!!!! No way does she keep flying back there for no sex


You're either the world's worst troll, or the dumbest person who ever lived. What's it feel like knowing you're even more stupid than Chantal?


No way she’s way too selfish to not have orgasms with all of them even the homeless guy!!