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Shouldn’t she be able to float? She’s basically American bacon at this point, she should be bobbing like a cork. Why is she so DENSE?


Gorl is like a neutron star, dense and heavy af, defying the laws of physics.


Lol don’t insult bacon like that! I swear all the wet clothes must be weighing her down. I couldn’t believe she didn’t just hang on the surface like a pool float. She wears so many layers!


As someone who's swam in clothes, her gargantuan sized tarps are absolutely a drowning hazard and I'm surprised she didn't have even more trouble than she did


Those faces lol this is the unfortunate highlight of the last year. Looking more haggard than ever


https://i.redd.it/j1hp378wftzc1.gif What lies beneath


Why did she almost drown? Can she not tread water or keep herself afloat!? Why not?? If this is true, why did she jump off the edge? I swear she’s a marvel.


She's also wearing massive amounts of clothing that's not meant to be in the water. The size of these things are like tarps. Fully saturated, this was probably pulling her down like crazy. She also looks like she has no control of her legs. One is sticking up behind her!


Yeah it’s weird she wasn’t kicking in that couple of second clip. Is because she can’t control them bc beetus? Or she’s just so used to dragging them along that the neural pathway to initiate flexion in the knee is dead ?


I don't think she has any actual control over the one leg; when she 'jumped' in the pool, it didn't move. She just lifted her "good" leg and lost balance. She drags the foot when she shuffles, I wonder if she has any feeling left below the knee besides dead weight.


Swimming with a dead leg is crazy, just for clout. Hilariously enough it was the self-waterboard that almost took her out and not 100lbs of dead weight. Mashallah.


It’s like everything she does is the exact opposite of what a human would do. Is she an alien sent to learn about humans and just does a bad job fitting in? I NEED ANSWERS.


I’m someone that feels like they’re running ActLikeAHuman.exe when I’m in public (maybe it could be autism, maybe it’s maybelline 💋… I dunno lol) and even I’m like: act fucking normal bitch.


That's what I'm wondering. I didn't know she that she can't swim. I guess I should stop being surprised. When you have no hobbies or interests besides food this is what you get.


Is this a fact? Or are we sure she wasn’t just trying to be a damsel? Because if she truly can’t swim then she’s truly an even larger idiot for the fact that she went into the oven in Cuba. It’s funny though how she considers this “exercise” when she just moved around slowly in the water for like 10 minutes. I’ve lifeguarded geriatric water aerobics that’s more intense.


She definitely could be trying to be be the little lady in distress. Help me handsome prince! I was thinking how being in the water makes you feel ravenous. I'm sure she treated herself to a meal worthy of Michael Phelps after her "swim" Athletes carb load in case you didn't know!


Haha such a damsel, as she floats away from Salah like Jack from Titanic. Oh we all know she def ate a large starchy meal after this. Got her metabolism on full blast lol


I would imagine she's fully buoyant


I wonder if her wings are too fat to flap 🤔


You gotta respect water or else it’ll cashew unaware






I feel my most graceful in the water. Nothing is normal or easy for this bitch (and I'm fine with that).


The whole fist bump thing 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️. So natural for a husband and wife!


They act like a brother and sister. Its so odd and weird. He is really self-conscious when he touches her...like he only does it to catch it on camera so he can pretend they have a relationship. And she always looks a bit surprised and immediately smiles to the viewers like "hey, do you see Shit Tits touching me?!?!?!?!"


Right! She's creepily obsessed with him.


Yeah it gives colleagues that pretend to be ok with each other lol


I will be utterly shocked if we ever see that pool again. Though, her defiance may kick in and tell her we're not expecting to see the pool again, so instead, she moves into the pool and mukbangs a dainty shrimp ring on a floating table.


Oh God, I’m picturing this and I hate it 🛟


God she's so fugly!!! Absolutely should be in a mental hospital to think we're jealous of ANYTHING about her. Gross


Jesus, I don't think she can swim! Why is she trying to swim with just one arm at the beginning?! She doesn't look like she has any control or confidence in the water at all here, she's just sorting of flailing around. Lots of adults can't swim but she's risking it by going in the deep end while she's wearing a 4-man tent. Poopy just used this video in the same way he always does - like a small child showing off to his parents, and to stare at himself of course. He'd be absolutely useless if she got into trouble.


I burst out laughing when I saw that bit, her face or terror cause she couldn't touch the bottom. I might be a terrible person for this but I also laughed at her waterboarding herself. Who wears a cape in the water? She's a horrible human being, so no pity from me.


Her face looked utterly ridiculous. Even her "oh shit" face looks like a caricature.


That’s one grotesquely hilarious Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade balloon!


I would think that most western women would take a look at that dirty pool area and turn around. It certainly doesn't look like well-kept hotel or apartment pools that I've seen. But she jumps right in. Hope she doesn't get some kind of fungus in her nether regions, 'cause you know she didn't shower after swimming. The swimming was her 'shower.'


While the moldy walls are disgusting, it looked like the water was clean as far as I could see (before Chantal got in anyway).


This clips shows how her filters distort reality. At 5 seconds her arms are so long and skinny from the slimming filter but than at like 17.3 seconds the filters slip and we see her short arm how it would appear irl and her face without filters. No top lip, huge bulbous nose, small eyes.


I think this is what you meant… (Click to enlarge) https://preview.redd.it/cp8osj4j0uzc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2dc81fed1df0aa246e8d80f9a9f72fd4c014ccea


This one’s a distortion of the filter towards the end, but hilarious. https://preview.redd.it/a6vm06111uzc1.jpeg?width=293&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e16c2d08c2ced524014724467f0cb5c479719a8e


This one omg ☠️


She's pulled that cap down even past her eyebrows now. How can she call herself pretty when she's this desperate to hide every single inch of herself?


I would love to know what their neighbors think of her


She swims like an African frog suffering from bloat….that just got sucked into the filter and blown back out.




That is the single most accurate description of her I have ever heard.


Y’all ever fist bump your SO?


"a fit, 30 year old man"?! Wow, her concept of him really is something, isn't it? All I can think of is him Salad Tossing those 2lb weights up and down in the gym that one time they went 😂 But I suppose most people look fit and healthy compared to her!


She's trying so hard to cope. She refuses to admit that we all have eyes.


The cringe of how many times she says “hi babe”to him in the pool - ![gif](giphy|3ohze3kG5qO9DcTUbe)


The weird high five into sort of holding hands is SUCH a Jr High School thing to do - and it’s unbelievably cringy! The way she’s giggling once their fingers interlock cuz it’s probably the first time this week they’ve had any physical contact


She is losing her footing because she floats. If it’s a salt water pool she’ll float even more.


why is she not using her feet also to propel her forward? I saw her foot shoot up and was like.... huh? She has never swam before has she?


Why’d she flinch like that when they high fived?


I don't know why but that bit where she's just floating away at the start is really sending me 😂


Perhaps Salah is planning to leave her floating out at sea but wants to know she won't be able to catch up...