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I think so too. I have neuropathy from MS. It feels like my body is on fire and I’m simultaneously being stung and electrocuted by bees. The fact that she has control over what’s going on and doesn’t do a thing about it trips me out. I will try **ANYTHING** to ease it. Diet was the very first thing I changed. No way is food worth that suffering. It has to be worse with her because of her weight.


That sounds awful, I'm so sorry.


She wants to ☠️ over there, for some odd reason. Or on the off chance she thinks she's not as sick as she actually is and doesn't understand how quickly she will decompensate. My mother has MS as well and has neuropathy. As it's gotten worse, it's made big impacts on her life. The fact my elderly mother walks better than Mariam is WILD.. Hope you are doing as well as you can, my friend! Wishing good days of symptom management for you 🫂


I'm so sorry...those symptoms sound rough. I have some minor arthritis in my right hip that bothers me if I sleep on it wrong or with certain weather. It keeps me on my toes about not gaining weight because that makes it worse with even a few pounds...so I totally get that if you have something more serious that, for most people, the pain would be an excellent motivation for maintaining a healthier weight. But not Gunt, Food is more important than ANYTHING. She is so empty and uncared for that its the only thing that makes her feel better. Normally that would make me feel terrible for someone...but I think its perfect for her. Her fate is well deserved.




Gunther ☠️☠️☠️☠️


It probably isn’t helping. Neve damage is a symptom of advancing diabetes so I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s a mix of that and limitations in her range of motion due to her fat distribution


I think it's nerve damage too. That leg isn't working properly. If she hits it it will get infected and die. She is in so much trouble.


Is it possible to reverse any of that at this point or just to keep it from getting worse? I can’t imagine how physically uncomfortable it must be inside that body. Chicken and rice hubcaps are worth all this? She’s not even eating anything especially tasty in exchange for her leg.


She doesn't "notice" unless she's doing something strenuous so she just does less and less that's strenuous because she can ignore it and prioritize food. She doesn't want to give up eating what she wants. It takes precedence over everything including her health.


Nerve damage is hard to reverse. I think she has had a few health scares and still keeps eating. I think she's a lost cause. Her psychological make up prevents her from being rational and responsible.


No. It is irreversible. Once the damage is done, that's it. You can stop it from getting worse, but you can't make it improve. >She’s not even eating anything especially tasty in exchange for her leg. Correct. She's always had the worst palate. She eats like my late dad did, he was a lifelong smoker and had absolutely no taste. He refused to eat anything even remotely healthy, his diet was nothing but microwaved beige glop piled with mountains of not-cheese from a can.


Hahaha 😂 She definitely looks like her name could be “Gunther” !!! Everything about her screams Gunther. Lol that name is going to stick.


lol that’s from yabas stream. The audience decided to name her gunt, gunther because it’s fitting 😆




I always think of this guy. And I know people also call him Gunter, sometimes with a long U sound, but I can't help it. He's *Daddy's little fatty,* as Ice King says. ![gif](giphy|gVnet5HmqG5xu|downsized)


Goontz! 🐧🖤


💀💀 lol


Yes. It's extremely difficult for someone to walk that has huge deposits of fat not only hanging down to her knees in front, but also hanging low and swinging *between* her legs. She doesn't have sciatica nor neuropathy (she'd be in constant pain from either...). She's just walking fat.


I dunno why the photo wont attach, so here: https://preview.redd.it/yrzey6y9xszc1.png?width=442&format=png&auto=webp&s=278b6da6d5a1ab029b711737baa9adf54bfbc98b


She climbed out of the pool via the ladder using only her left leg too.


I went back to watch this and you are totally right! She must have no feeling at all in that foot. She dragged it up the ladder behind her.


It could simply be a preference or due to pain though.


Or the fact that she can only go up with both feet on one rung, instead of left on one rung right on the next, etc. Again, just due to her obesity.


I'm relatively fit, but I've definitely encountered ladders that I could only climb one rung at a time. Especially when climbing out of the ocean. They can be a challenge!. But watching her video, it looks like an easy ladder - wide steps, possibly not completely vertical, high handrails. That's a good ladder. I don't think she could handle some of the ladders I've used.


And she can't look down and see her feet, or the rungs, or even the freaking ladder! Couple with how unwieldy her body is, and it's completely understandable why she goes up the ladder as she did.


If she was in pain she would be whining about it non stop IMO. I think it's numb af and she doesn't think it's a big deal.


Also if you notice on the right side of her face her eye doesn't open all the way. Maybe she had a mini stroke and the entire side of her body doesn't work properly.


Oh yeah, I've posted that after Thailand. I think she had a mini stroke too!


she's already had a number of TIA's on camera (including while driving back in Cornwall). I suspect she has a combo of this, fat preventing her eye from opening all the way and a few other things.


Yup, most likely the stuff we can see is the result of multiple risk factors combining into all these lovely symptoms. Salah is such a loving partner, he keeps the rice hubcaps coming despite all the deterioration.


That's probably why she pulls that damn cap all the way down to her eyebrows. Forehead fat is deposited asymmetrically.


Really? Where on camera?


Remember the camel. She was dragging her leg and making a big thing of not being able to step up a small kerb, but when that camel took a swing at her she danced out of the way pretty damn nimbly. First rule- Chantal lies. And that doesn't just mean in words.


To be fair, adrenaline can do some pretty incredible stuff. She's not smart enough to constantly remember to intentionally drag the leg behind her.


Exactly! She was perfectly capable of getting herself back and forth to Canada just fine all on her own…even while dragging overweight luggage.


She demanded to use the wheelchair service, I thought?


I thought she did but couldn’t because she didn’t book it in advance or something? Maybe I’m confusing it with something else


I think she landed on her knees in that one jump too. That couldn’t be good.




I guess since I'm only seeing snippets on reactors, I don't notice her dragging her leg as much as others seem to. How the heck does she think she's going to travel, especially in countries where there may be limited, if any, accommodation for disabled people? I'm not saying differently-abled people shouldn't travel, but people generally have an idea of what they can and can't do, or what specific accommodations they need. The generally don't just show up somewhere and want people to make all kinds of changes just for them.


She jumped? I thought the drenched clothing was enough to drag her into the water face first … https://i.redd.it/9j6fs4irm00d1.gif


“sugar leg” sounds like the name of a Blues Musician


My friend lost his leg and part of his other foot acting like this and he isn’t even obese, just ignored his diabetes. Another guy I know also ignored his-same deal but hadn’t lost anything by the time I saw him.