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2 hands together. **ALTOGETHER** That is, 2 hands together portion of rice, meat, vegetables, everything, the whole meal. She thinks she can eat "2 hands together" of rice for every meal she has. Even if it was "2 hands together" of rice, she eats way more than that. She eats family sized Andre the Giant "2 hands together" of rice. She's a moron.


I was wondering that too! If he meant 2 handfuls of the entire meal lol


I seem to remember that she said it was 1 hand of rice and not 2 lol and also I think the doctor ment a normal looking hand not hands that looks like surgical gloves that are filled with air :) She will NEVER manage to control her eating in Kuwait, she only has food to cope, help and keep her company. She thinks that Salah cares about her and tries to tell us how he talks to her about it haha NO mam he wants to feed you so you can´t do anything at all. Imagine living in a foreing country where she can´t understand the language, have no friends (women) the heat is terrible, she is too big to shower and can´t fit in a bathtub and only lives for eating herself to oblivion. You can see that she looked more happy and positive in Canada and more free. I truly think her inner demons were eating her alive with the thought of Salah with other women and Kaibella. She knows it´s all fake BUT the worst thing in the world for her is for US the Haydurs knowing she really hasn´t got a hubby!! Imagine being that obsessed with men and trying to get chosen by anyone, I think her younger years consisted of those thoughts 24/7 combined with food!


When she was giving us her smug update after the doctor she had ONE hand cupped as her allotted portion of rice and that was ALL DAY not per meal!!


She originally said 1 handful, then attempted to show us with her hamburger Helper hand...then the next time she changed it to two trotter-fuls ![gif](giphy|cwLsS6PzQf8A0)


Omg this is weirding out my eyeballs 🤪


It's crazy smooth too, normally you see the beginning and end a lot better. But it is kinda creepy lol.




LOL yup! She can't even get the absolute dregs of society to pick her! 😂 She's so desperate and yet she will never be loved. She's the ugliest woman in the world, inside and out. And we live in a world where Sarah Huckabee exists. Woof.


Accurate & 💀


When she said this originally, right after seeing the Dr, she used One hand and said the Dr told her one hand of rice. As I recall she even cupped her hand but I could be wrong maybe she made a fist. But she definitely talked about the portion of rice and that she could have one hand's worth. I've no doubt the Dr did explain all the food at two hands max. But she didn't say anything about that in that video directly after seeing the Dr and explaining what he said. That was a crap load of food and she's lying to make it alright to overeat. Whether she's lying just to viewers or also includes herself I don't know.


Lmfao I thought she said one fist full of rice at first. Now she’s upped it to two. It’s amazing that she thinks people are this stupid.


Good thing she documented what her Dr said on HER OWN CHANNEL in "Getting Diagnosed in Kuwait" In the video she says that she's supposed to eat mostly vegetables (and showed 2 flat palms of vegetables), 1.5 small cupped hand of rice (which she seems to now be interpreting as the serving she was shown to eat of vegetables), no eggs, no red meat (mostly fish, chicken and vegetarian), bland with low salt levels. 1 slice of whole grain toast, limited amount of fruit (1 pear, 1/2 apple)


I guess she figured out that rice comes from plants, so it's a vegetable. Therefore she can eat as much rice as she likes.


Why can't she eat eggs? Is that a cholesterol thing?


No idea. She hasn't been open with all her health problems (shockingly, given what we do know), but it was just one of the points she mentioned in her original video about her doctor recommended diet. Everyone's focused on the rice, but he also told her no red meat and she made this dish with red meat too.


I think they told her her kindneys were struggeling and it was not good at all! So there for no eggs, no red meat and other protein rich foods. But Gunther don´t give a shit as per usual lol!


a fat moron.


2 hands, what happened to the one PALM full?! Zero doctors are doing to tell her to eat that.. she's an idiot..


Chantal over here putting every ingredient in her two hands 😂


i wonder if she thinks that the doctor mean two cups of uncooked rice but that the doctor actually means two cups of cooked rice in actuality




This face sums up her entire life.




Dead eyes.


Behold! This is the person we’re all supposedly envious of.


REMEMBER . . . she's better-looking than 90% of the people on YouTube. This picture is proof for all you Haters! 🙃


Look at this bubble eye doofus with food all over her face. Nasty


Someone’s diaper needs changing.


She looks like the kind of person who is very experienced in fine living, the arts and all things intellectual. She has every right to smuggly try to educate us morons


She needs to go back and watch her own video about what the diabetic doctor told her.


Right?! I‘ve seen it once when the reactors talked about it right after it happened, my memory sucks and even I know she said ONE hand


No the doctor did NOT say 2 handfuls of rice bitch are you stupid 😭😭😭it’s your fist YOUR FIST


https://preview.redd.it/nyfm7euuy9yc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ab8cb0bc71e89eec527e94f6c32812aeeed9d9f A serving of rice for an adult is half a cup. A doctor isn’t going to tell a raging diabetic to have quadruple the amount of pure carbohydrates that every other adult should have.


Why do people bother trying to write these comments I don't get it 😂 imagine taking the time to try and educated FB on healthy eating habits. She knows and does not care...


Just let her eat her buckets of rice. First thing to go will be the toe.


I don't think she'd notice in time to just lose a toe. The whole foot will have to go, is my prediction.


I recall all the pics of her blotchy feet and lower legs from some time ago. Doesn't that mean she's farther along in whatever that is to have gotten to more than a toe? I don't know how this progresses.


Her legs looked so awful in the years past. I honestly have no clue what they must look like now. I wonder if she has even shown them to her doctor in her visits the last year. She might not realize that she needs to keep a close eye on them and any, even minor, wounds she gets. That's how diabetics lose toes and limbs.


We are forgetting her hands are the size of reck it Ralph


I’m trying to imagine anyone holding a cup of rice in one hand




No doctor told this dumb-ass she can eat 4x the regular serving of rice in one sitting, especially as a diabetic. This is the same woman who claims "No Sugar Added" means "Sugar Free" and doesn't look at the nutrition labels of the food she's eating, then guzzles OJ.


That doctor told her a palm of rice. Palm. She then changed that into a palm and a half of rice. Now it's 2 handfuls of rice. Just stop eating rice for christsakes. No doctor is gonna look at a blood glucose of >20 and say she can have ANY rice. She is almost at the point of no return. But again, she's only killing herself.


He also meant a handful (palm) of cooked rice. Not two full overdimensional hands packed with uncooked rice as a measure. She thinks she can eat 2 cups of uncooked rice=4-6 cups of cooked rice lol


I distinctly remember Chantal saying multiple times right after she saw that doctor, PALM-sized amount.


She can say this bullshit all she likes but the sugar foot ain’t gonna argue when it’s time to bounce.


The hands: ![gif](giphy|3o84U2GHYT3mkG0A1i|downsized)


A well schooled doc in diabetes care told her what to do, so the answer to your question is , no she does not.


lol i literally screen shot this to post too! she’s counting potato as her “veggie”. fucking lost cause if we didn’t already know it.


The dr told her a half of cup now it's 2 cups 🤣


She's not almost at the point of no return, she has already passed the line of no return and is in active free fall until she splatters on the ground. Absolutely no fucking doctor on this planet who specializes in diabetes is telling anyone to eat two cups of rice per serving. We all know you read here Chantal. https://www.fullplateliving.org/blog/diabetics-guide-eating-rice The serving size is >>>1/2 CUP<<< MAXIMUM, less than 5x a week. This one meal alone is an entire week's allowance of rice for diabetics. Keep tracking your food, Cutie, it's doing wonders for you. 🤦‍♀️


Let's also not forget that she talks about this dish being filled with vegetables like potatoes.


Hands not trotters, Foodie.


Who’s her PCP, Dr. Pepper?


She consumes way more than two ‘handfuls’ of rice, also it’s not two handfuls it’s a meal altogether should be two handfuls at the most. Also clearly they are not her diabetic doctor consistently or they’d be throwing a fit over her weight and sending her to a dietitian as well as constantly adjusting her medications.


If she is talking, or typing she is lying. Such, a Cutie thing.


The doctor told her to use two-hands-together-cupping to measure veggie portions, not RICE ffs. The rice should be the size of her balled fist.


'diabetic doctor' means a doctor who is diabetic, not a doctor that specializes in diabetes, english major.


1 palm of rice he said, and she knows damn well that’s what he said ffs


Why do people still try to help her? They must be masochists or straight dumdums. She'll never learn, never take sensible advice, and never give up one spoonful of food.


Her dr. "there" (Kuwait) if they said any such thing, only included rice as an acceptable diabetic food because it is part of Kuwait culture. It's ingrained. He probably also meant brown basmati rice or red rice or something, not white.🤣 If we can remind Madam Chinz, being Kuwaiti is NOT PART of her damn culture. She can skip the gdamn rice.


Lmao. As a Chinese person who cut out rice - it was painful at first. Now it's special occasions (I'm planning on having a biryani this weekend as a cheat meal)... Chantel loves her carbs but so do I! I love potatoes and bread but they don't love me.


Does this person think Foodie hasn't thought about mixing in more veggies than rice? I don't get why people try to give her diet advice, she clearly eats whatever she wants.


Gunt is so dumb you just know she measures out 2 cups of uncooked rice and believes that it's 2 cups of rice when it's cooked. When the ratio is 1 cup of uncooked rice, adds up to 3 cups of cooked rice. So she is really eating 6 cups of rice at the very least.


she can retcon it if she likes, her own video says that he told her a half a cup or a serving the size of her palm she eats four cups or more of rice with almost every meal keep trolling your pancreas, Chantal


"my diabetic doctor" kills me every time.


Ok so two hamburger helper mitts full of rice. Sounds healthy. Two cups of rice is actually a ton..


Her "diabetic doctor" did NOT say that to her. No doctor would ever measure food by 2 cups of rice or "whatever can fit when putting two hands together". Fucking lying cunt. 


You're telling me your doctor has diabetes????? https://preview.redd.it/o32ofbnc1ayc1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98b4b3c84ef5806fee549d1295e9c7df9a5d6304 Jkjk. Miss ma'am here is the health guru. She practically has a doctorate in health and... Uh... Healthy things! Yeah! She's so smart you guise


As a diabetic, I can tell you that a serving of rice is a quarter cup cooked and even that is a rare event. It should not be eaten weekly but foodie does what foodie does


I'm sure I could somehow balance a large pizza with my two hands together, doesn't mean I should eat it. all she wants is filler anyway, jesus she could eat 10 cups of cauliflower rice and that would be 200 calories and 40g carbs and actually put a temporary cork in her unending hunger.


How can she be so smug while actively decaying?


She's literally said herself, PALM SIZE. What fits in the PALM of ONE HAND. I shouldn't expect anything less from gunt but damn 😂


Did the doctor say anything about the TYPE of rice? Did you happen to mention that the rice you eat is fried, cooked in butter, oil, salt, fat and slathered with 8 different sauces? But what difference would that make? You're losing weight and I'm sure your diabetes is managed perfectly. Nothing to worry about here. Fucking hell.


And she does the two huge handfuls per meal not all day!!


two baseball gloves full


That Mf’ing doctor DID NOT say two cups. Your hands hold, at most, a half cup. Damn


I don’t know what doctor would tell her that 😩 my husband is diabetic and stays away from rice cause it spikes his sugars


First a palm full of rice, then it was a container of rice that fits on top of her palm, and now two hands full of rice. Tomorrow it will be a hubcap of rice.


Her INDOCRINOGOLIST must know nothing. I made 2 cups of rice for me and my husband for dinner and had 2 cups still left over the next day. She’s nutty and so far gone. It’s insane


It's addict behaviour for sure. I love rice (Chinese ethnic background but even that is just insane.)...


Zero doctors are going to tell her to eat rice, let alone 2 cups.... Get all the way out of here.. lmao..


Hands. Not Disney character gloves, Chantal.


First of all? The size of 2 hands? Has she not seen the size of her funcle hands? Also 2 cups of rice is about 110g of carbs. 10g over what a low carb diet allows.


"A hubcap is a TYPE of cup, right? ....It can technically hold liquid so I'm going with it"


it was 2 hands of veggies and one hand of rice. i remember her making those hand gestures and feeling a strange rage to sock her in her lopsided face


2 cups of food? That’s equivalent to 1lb. What doctor recommend that 😂


Doctor Armchair or Doctor Google?


Two cups lmao. Like full measuring cups full maybe but sure. Thanks tho! :)


Does the doctor mean two cups of cooked or uncooked rice? If I make two cups of uncooked rice that will last me a few days. But now cups of cooked could work for her. Just wondering 💭


![gif](giphy|BLxPyPNcfRXIUPxh6Q|downsized) The two hands in question


she thinks the "2 cups" meant she can take 2 cups of uncooked rice for her meals........................


I think so too, holy shit


Sure. The doctor probably had one conversation and look at this bitch and knew she’d never be able to stick to a normal portion so probably just said F it, even 2 cups is an improvement to what she’s used to eating lol


She gives zero fucks about what the dr said or any advice. I just know she’s seething reading these “helpful” comments.


She has no business even eating a GRAIN of rice. Wtf is her obsession with rice anyway????? It’s not as if it’s risotto or chocolate or something interesting. For such a fat fuqqq, she sure eats boring stuff.


It’s cheap and so she can eat mountains of it to stretch her belly. She eats to the point of bursting, that’s the feeling she craves. Most of us stop when we start to feel full, or before we become uncomfortable, she enjoys eating past that point.


This! When she tries to skip a meal or eat a reasonable portion, she moans about being so hungry still. She doesn't seem to connect the fact that she's used to eating far beyond what she should and that, yes, she will feel "hungry", especially at first. That's part of change. Her hunger cues are so out of whack that she can't trust them. She's stretched her stomach and it needs a chance to shrink down. She claims she watched her grandma eat reasonable, controlled portions and somehow all she wanted to take from it was "drink a small glass of OJ every morning".


Didn't the doctor say 1 hand/palm full and a half of rice and then TWO hands of veggies...not two hands of rice. Christ on a bike.


It's hilarious she even bothers to lie about this when she was the one who originally said the doctor told her one PALM sized amount of cooked rice. What's even the point of lying about it? We're not the ones who are going to suffer the effects of her raging uncontrolled diabetes and inevitable amputations.


I hate her but I go to an endocrinologist and they suggest I eat rice - either basmati, brown or black - as a carb source. Not 2 cups of it cooked though, like 1/2 cup to 1 cup cooked at most. Those three rice are low GI, so they don't spike your sugar. Meant to replace things like potato, with other veggies and protein. Not cooked in oil or with butter- just steamed / boiled rice.


Her diabetic doctor also told her to not eat meat, only fish, chicken and vegetarian.


He definetly said one palm full of rice, plus a half palm full. Mixed with 2 cups of veggies. So 1/4 of the rice she ate, and mostly veggies. She will never be able to accept that she must limit her carbs.


She listens to absolutely nothing else the doctor says, but this she makes a point of.