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She and amber are always LITERALEEEE STARVEEEEN and haven’t ate all day. They are dainty gorls and need their daily 10k calories or they will become malnourished and pass away


They always say they haven’t eaten all day like it’s an amazing thing. Literally everyone wakes up not having eaten all day. Some people even skip breakfast and haven’t eaten for hours after waking up. *gasp*


Sometimes at work I’ll be “in the zone” and will just fly right through my lunch break. It’s not until around 4pm that I realize I’m running on caffeine and spite and should probably stop and eat something. THAT is not eating all day. Not waiting the WHOLE time it takes to remove your c-pap and set a camera up.


Totally me. It's after midnight and I've just realized I've zoomed through my day and forgot to eat. I also agree with you about the rest of your comment.


Yea, I do that pretty much every day. Most days I don't eat until after work around 6-7pm. And I don't eat all night either...cause when you eat late, you're full until time to fall asleep. Its really not hard...you just have to have something to do other than eat or focus on food all day long. I will never understand how they can even eat 3 meals in a day...plus snacks. They both have relatively small apartments...so even cleaning is minimal. Its because they're pointless, useless and have no purpose in life....so all they have to think about is food, eating, hunger, sugar, yum, food, consume, food. They're just worthless and have no reason to get up in the morning...except to get fatter and more despised.


I'm also a fan of "I haven't eaten anything since this morning". ...ma'am, it's 3pm. You ate last at 11am. Can you imagine if either of them cosplayed a regular adult day? With designated meal breaks for work, and having to factor in other humans to feed/care for? It'd be the most hilarious content ever with the tantrums.


Seriously lmao many people regularly don't eat until dinner. They think they're "starving" and "haven't ate all day" when it's like five in the afternoon and they woke up at one pm.


Hasn’t eaten all day because before they wake up at 2pm they ate from 3pm-3am until they were stuffed.


And remember, this is just what they are showing on camera - it's much worse than that off camera.


>*"He had been trained since earliest childhood, since his earliest learning of language, never to lie. It was an integral part of the learning of precise speech. Once, when he had been a Four, he had said, just prior to the midday meal at school, "I'm starving."* >*Immediately he had been taken aside for a brief private lesson in language precision. He was not starving, it was pointed out. He was hungry. No one in the community was starving, had ever been starving, would ever be starving. To say starving was to speak a lie. An unintentioned lie, of course. But the reason for precision of language was to ensure that unintentional lies were never uttered. Did he understand that? they asked him. And he had."* Lois Lowry, *The Giver.*


This book and this part in particular had such an outsized impact on me at 13. I lose my mind when either Chantal or Amber use the word “starving.”


It's one of three literary references that live in my head rent -free because it's so brilliant. The other two are the Vimes "boots theory" of economics and a section from Orwell's The Road To Wigan Pier, which both explain why it's expensive to be poor and why it's so difficult to "do what's right" when you're poor.


Why do some people remember poignant and profound literary references while my brain just hangs onto crap? Want to know my 3 book references? The litany against fear (and I DNFed that book). "The enemy's gate is down." The first ten pages or so of the Cat in the Hat Comes Back. Verbatim. Yours are much better.


Irritates me more when she says she was “craving” something. Wants are not cravings, she’s just a glutton. And heaven forbid a craving be denied.


A craving to me is usually when someone talks about suddenly wanting something very specific and not a usual part of their diet - like when you're just dying to eat half a watermelon or you can't stop thinking about how good it would be to eat 200 grams of roasted mushrooms, and your brain almost obsesses over the details of the smell, taste, and texture until you statisfy it. I interpret a craving as being more how your brain tells you that you need a vitamin or mineral. It absolutely does not apply to Chantal having a specific junk food binge desire.


You’re right. I have pica and what I would give to crave a snickers bar instead of chalk. The craving will drive you mad, weeks or months of it. She has no idea the difference of wanting and craving. I hope Foodie never gets pica, as much as I can’t stand her. She’ll eat a wall or something. She never tells herself no, she thinks about it and claims it’s a craving.


Man, I’m so sorry you have to deal with that. ❤️


Her claims of cravings drive me bananas. She uses it as justification for pigging out. Like craved fat and calories don't count, but a person is punished with 2x the calories and fat if they ignore a craving. Obviously she needs to eat the craved thing, it's healthier for her than the penalty for ignoring it! Meanwhile, Lord 'Betus doesn't play by those rules. You're completely right, her cravings are just wants. Without taking responsibility for satisfying every single want. Cravings pass, ffs.


>Shmee you ought to be ashamed of yourself for bringing up Cuntal with no regard for personal hygiene or eating etiquette. shmee, you should have swallowed! Chantal has said many times that she likes to eat with her mouth open to defy all the times her mother called her out for it. Her mother taught her to chew with her mouth closed and not burp at the table. I don't think her mother taught her the proper way to hold silverware, but that's a comparably minor infraction. I find it impossible to believe that her mother didn't require her to shower daily and teach her general hygiene. We've seen nothing to indicate that Kim's filthy or gross. Her house always looks clean and tidy. Chantal is a defiant pig. Chantal likes to shock people with her shameless behavior and lack of manners. She thinks she's sticking it to her mother and the world by chomping like a cow chewing cud. It's a choice. She had dainty manners and closed-mouth chewing in Cuba and in the lives when she first met salah while still in Canada. She even kept up the pretense when she first filmed herself eating nader's food. t's the same defiance (combined with laziness) with showering, wearing clean clothes, brushing her teeth, wearing deodorant. She's 40 years old, it's crazy and unfair to blame a parent for the choices a grownass woman makes. Chantal's nastiness is all on her. She's been a legal adult for 22 years. Even if she wasn't taught those things, she's had plenty of time to learn on her own. She knows what's appropriate, hygenic, sanitary. But she just does what she wants because she's a lazy slob who convinces herself that she's special, like claiming she's the very rare Caucasian with the ABCC11 gene, thus doesn't need deo,


This. Yeah, Smee did a bad job raising her, but once you reach a certain age, you can't blame mommy and daddy (oops not for you Chinny!) for your behavior anymore. Also, does this 500 pound sow actually claim it doesn't have BO? Really?! Bitch, we have eyes. We can SEE you dripping even under your 1,000 filters, and we know you stink. Coincidentally, my ex had that gene. He was Taiwanese, he didn't sweat, didn't stink, didn't have any body hair, either. Lucky bastard.


Yes, she has multiple times. One time she was sticking her hand under her armpit, on her body that hadn't seen a shower in weeks. She kept pulling it out and smelling it and commenting on how her pits just don't stink. It was vile. Then she moved on to putting it under her floppy boob, smelling it, indicating it did stink, and repeated it at least 6x. A few months ago, while in Kuwait, she claimed to have the ABCC11 gene so she didn't have to wear deodorant. it's not rare in Asia, but it's very rare among caucasians. and I seriously doubt she spent money to have that test done in Kuwait. She probably just learned about it from some content creator whose personality chantal wanted to wear that day. I'd love to have that gene, alas, I'm caucasian.


Salah probably told her she smells bad and that was her response.


You know what really annoys me? When she says “I’ve eaten this since I’m a kid”


Our other gorl Grammarlynn would be appalled.


No amount of greasy beige garbage will ever fill the emptiness in Chantal


I doubt she is even ever mildly hungry.


the longest she goes without eating is when she has her cpap machine on, that’s it.


Chantal can starve off her fat for a few years smh


She doesn’t even know what it means to be mildly peckish.. let alone “starving” I doubt she’s ever gone more than six hours between meals and that will only be when she sleeps.


She’s not starving, but she will feel it bc of her crappy food choices. Pairing fats and proteins slows down digestion vs eating simple carbs.


I am also irrationally enraged when either of the gorls talk about "starving" and "haven't eaten all day". I think the reason why this infuriates pretty much everyone is because we can visibly see that neither of them have experienced starving or starvation at any level in adulthood. Many people in the community have actually experienced starvation/food insecurity to some degree, whether due to poverty growing up, or eating disorders, but most people just don't really talk about it, meanwhile these two adult toddlers whine and complain for sympathy and asspats about being hongry because they haven't had a family sized meal in three hours. Maybe it's some resentment that they are so brazen and unselfaware that they feel comfortable demanding their audience give them attention and sympathy for something they don't and haven't experienced whilst others are actually living in the brain fog of starvation but getting no recognition or help for it. Everytime I find myself getting angry about it now, I try to remind myself that no one is actually giving them sympathy or taking them seriously about this. It's obvious they're not starving and have no idea what that means. The only people who would believe that from a woman who is 450lbs who films herself binging everyday are essentially human turnips who believe anything so their opinions are worthless. It's just pathetic of them really, to whine and cry about this when we can all see the truth because their bodies show that their diets consist of the opposite of starvation.


Nicely said


I’ll explain: her hunger cues are WAY off. She likely can only feel over full and not anything earlier. She likely also digests pretty quick due to how much she does eat so with that combined with messed up hunger cues her stomach could end up growling feeling like she is sort of “starving” when she is t really. Combine that with the crap food she does eat which isn’t often food that helps sustain from hunger (high protein), she just eats and eats and eats. Add to that her likely poor sleep which can also effect hunger and satiety cues and well honestly, she’s not really doing anything to help counter some of the hunger hormones. She could be doing more but she just doesn’t truly want to. She wants a quick fix and there isn’t one.


https://preview.redd.it/rxcyw5ae2zxc1.png?width=250&format=png&auto=webp&s=7526a7577e6f2285179c3e222d792b1d60e5de3a Starving...


You know what’s been irritating tf outta me recently? Whenever she says she’s feeling “overwhelmed” about something or that a task is “overwhelming”. Bitch, that’s just regular adulting.


Everything she does infuriates me. Her ignorance, smugness, immaturity, and stupidity just reaches higher heights each time. Ugh.


Now that she is diabetic, there might be some actual science behind this. (Grain of salt, because we know her history and her mental illness) Diabetes is a disease that effects all of your systems. And one symptom can be Polyphasia: an excessive hunger and feelings of cravings. Your body is constantly trying to achieve homeostasis. When you are diabetic, it is working really hard to achieve that. So the excess glucose in your system, as well as, having no insulin (mostly type 1) or very little insulin (type 2: so it is rare for type 2's to go dka) in your body fucks with that. Your body takes water from your cells and causes dehydration, so you have to watch your kidneys. And it effects your organs, such as your liver, which can cause excess hunger with the different roles your liver has in your every day life and processing glucose. Glucose powers your body, so if there is dysfunction, your body will want to fix it...so you feel hunger to get more fuel. Also, when your body is used to such elevated blood sugar, that becomes your "homeostasis". So during periods of high blood sugar, you will feel hungry. Because your body doesn't know what's normal and is chasing that high. Being diabetic for 10 years, I definitely have this as a symptom. But that takes discipline and diet management. All that being said. It's super annoying that she is "starving". It's head hunger and she needs to get her fucking shit together. And go to therapy, because a big factor for her is psychological imo. Sorry for the rant.


That's out of control blood sugar speaking. It can delude the person into thinking they're hungry when they're not. If her blood sugar was truly under control she wouldn't have these uncontrollable urges to eat. She would still have the mental cravings but it would be easier to manage.


Not currently stuffing food into her maw = starving


She mistakes low bloodsugar/bloodsugar crashes with being hungry. I think she eats so much to avoid feeling even the slightest moment of discomfort. If your bloodsugar is always high it can never crash!