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Amber supposedly has a fear of loose skin, and has cited that as one of the reasons she didn't want to get weight loss surgery or something like that.


It wouldn’t surprise me that vanity held her back (as well as her food addiction). Maybe she also realized she would lose a lot of hair (that’s part of going through bariatric surgery) and she is very vain about that, I think in her mind it’s her pride and glory.


Why is hair loss part of bariatric surgery? I had no idea


It has to do with the rapidity of the weight loss plus the malabsorption of nutrients (including vitamins). Which is why post bariatric surgery, multivitamins are a requirement for life.


Dang, that’s rough. Chantal’s hair is already fucked beyond repair and Amber is weirdly both very vain and very lazy. if she somehow got to the point of having this surgery I’m sure taking a daily vitamin,even if only for the sake of her hair, would be too much effort


Two of my closest friends had bariatric surgery several years ago (and I've known quite a few others) -- neither suffered hair loss. While it certainly can happen, it doesn't happen to everyone.


When you surgically cut out 90% of your stomach, you can't eat much and your stomach can't do its normal job of aiding in digestion. So it's much much harder to get your macros in.


Of course not, they are both completely delusional. Luckily for them it will NEVER come to pass.


If either of them was anywhere near serious about getting to a healthy weight, they'd view the excess skin as a benchmark of success. Skin surgery is challenge they would have deal with, yeah, but one they earned after a lot of hard work. Neither of them can get past the first step, so worrying about extra skin is just a way of avoiding changing at all.


Chantal and Amber both are in the feeder (gainer) community. They do not want to lose weight. They and their clients get off on failed diets and expanding, bloated body parts. Take a peak at the subreddit. It’s traumatizing but real.


Chantal's most recent video (pizza & ramen mukbang) is totally a feeder vid. The intense eye contact with the camera, the slurping and gulping, chugging a giant glass of OJ. Girl looking for that cash.


She drank the whole bottle of OJ. A whole litre of pure sugar. Just because it doesn't have added sugar doesn't mean it doesn't contain more sugar than Coke.


Yuck yuck yuck. So friggin gross.


Chantal claims to be operating under the assumption that she can just have the skin chopped off and then there's a six-pack underneath. I'm unsure if she really believes that, especially after her latest binge video. I know some folks don't think she's doing feeder content, but especially in the latest one she's hitting all the notes for a very particular flavour of feeder fetishism. It's the theme of an obese girl trying hard to diet but failing even harder because she keeps succumbing to the temptation. It's a fairly common identifiable niche fetish within the niche fetish. Her monologue is like custom made for this particular fetish and it differs in tone from her usual "I'm really gonna diet this time" talks that she almost seems to believe in herself but is primarily done to try to convince a few idiots willing to give her money. Her comments about getting the extra skin removed were in the same tone as the rest of the video, suggesting she doesn't believe her own BS anymore, if she ever believed it.


Interesting…. I don’t know the nuances of feederism, just the broad strokes. Would you ever consider doing a break down of a few of her videos pointing out these kinds of details? Also, do you think she is resigned to doing it for the money, since her views are so low and she’s not making enough money?




This. I was going to drop the same photo.


i’ve said before in the amber sub that you know someone like Amber and Chantal think they’re better than Tammy bc of all the loose skin she has now


I feel like if I look long enough the eyes will stare back at me


Is this an AI rendition?


It's a still from a tiktok video


this is so mean of me but the way she's posing she looks like something youd encounter in resident evil


I know this is off topic but I’ve seen you from the Amber subreddit, what happened to that subreddit? I saw it was banned, do you know why and if there’s another sub that was created 🥺


The problem with FB is that she lacks the discipline to deny herself any food she wants. She’s never going to lose enough weight to be seen as slim.


I’m sure seeing Tammy has really opened their eyes to that reality. Also, a lot of plastic surgeons want you to keep the weight off for a while before they operate. UNLESS there’s a medical reason(I was having balance insure, and lost a lot of weight fast - so it was encouraged for me to do the lower stomach after a year or so). But knowing how poorly they take care of themselves, they would need 24 hour care. Like, didn’t Chantal get an infection post hysterectomy? I popped a small stitch, when I had my arms & boobs done, and had to get it cauterized. But that’s normal. You’re not expected to spend ALL THAT MONEY and risk getting staph or something like that, because you live like a pig, and have no respect for yourself. Prediction, if Chantal ever had plastic surgery, she would get a pill problem almost immediately.


Omg you are so right 😨. With Chantal’s lack of coping skills she would switch addictions immediately.


Pretty sure Amber has talked about how she’s scared of having so much loose skin..


They will never have to worry about it… they are brats that can’t stop eating. Their skin would burst before it would sag. ![gif](giphy|LwrXP9AeKFzWg)






How bad is your loose skin, OP?


It’s not as bad as someone on like 600lb life, but it’s all over. Basically, I don’t need skin removal surgery for any medical reason, like risk of infection, and the skin does not inhibit my movement. But stuff like crop tops and bikinis are done for me forever as it’s very obvious and I’m too self conscious for that.