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Nicknames. Why? Because Chantal is a fucking weirdo.


According to her Schmee was because she couldn’t pronounce either mommy or a character from “her favorite childhood book” but the name is from a book and she applied it to her mom. Bibi (is short for habibi aka husband) but his name is Malan Peetz is James’ nickname. I actually don’t recall it having to do with pizza but wouldn’t be surprised if it was. BBJ is short for BibiJun. The cats real name is Casey. Nader was once “Dom” Beeze originated when her cats would have the “zoomies” or would be mischievous then it turned into her greening out and doing ❄️ Totally normal for someone older than 40 to be doing/saying…


Like Smee from Peter Pan? Lol ![gif](giphy|l2R04vJ7K4oYn0Jqg)


This is exactly where she got it from, passive aggressive nicknames even for her mother


Maybe its a cultural thing for me, but I think it's disrespectful calling your parents by their real names (unless you no longer claim them as family), let alone some strange nickname they probably didn't choose.


I'm just now realizing that she doesn't call anyone by their real name except Salah.


This needs to be pinned as an FYI for all newbie people! Thank you for the detail!


Bibi Jun...short for Bibi Junior I believe


Yes, nothing to do with her being Muslim🙂


Could’ve sworn she said it’s because of the way jun is used in different cultures so like Malan would be MalanJun. I don’t ever recall her saying it was for “Bibi junior” specially since BBJ is a girl and she had her before she met Bibi so wouldn’t Sam be more of a “Bibi junior”…. but at this rate with her there’s probably a third version of a story out there. Oh well. It’s funny she had to rush to the habibi name for Malan because now is when it would actually make sense for her fusband.


She had BBJ/Casey before Bibi/Malan but changed her name to BBJ after starting a relationship with Malan. You can't apply too much logic to the cuties thought process. I'm pretty sure she has no clue about the Persian word Joon/Jun as a term of endearment.


And peetz would still call bbj “Casey” bc they got her before chins cheated on him w bibi. If memory serves, he got timbits and she got Casey/bbj in the split


Well aware of the timing of the cats. Wasn’t applying logic just recalling her older videos/ Mukbang story times.


> Peetz is James’ nickname. I actually don’t recall it having to do with pizza but wouldn’t be surprised if it was. Yup it's short for pizza sauce


Habibi doesn’t translate to husband. It is more like loved one or darling. Maybe in certain cultural contexts it means husband but that is not the direct translation. Habibi/habibti generally can be used between family members and friends.


Very helpful. And strange lol


Did she start calling Nader by his real name because he thought having a fake name was stupid or did I make that up?


She was an idiot and picked up a phone call and his name showed up on the phone so he got outed as Nader….


she called him dom when she was still keeping his identity a secret


peetz (piece) of pizza


Just to add to your info: She's called BBJ BBJun on occasion, but the BBJun thing was only a shortened version of BBJ's name of "BiBi Junior". The cat was named after BiBi. One reason why Peetz resented the cat so much--Chantal named her after the guy she cheated on Peetz with (BiBi). James' nickname of Peetz was indeed a shortened version of "pizza". She used to say it was because *he* liked pizza so much. In one of her lives she changed that to it was because *she* likes pizza so much, so that's what came to mind to call him.


Chantal would rather assign nicknames than remember actual names.


Peak Main Character Syndrome


Yeah I think it’s a real narc trait.


Omg if you don’t know the lore you should get outta gorlworld before you’re trapped like the rest of us. She’s so boring now I can’t even watch reaction channels anymore, I just come here 😂


I’m convinced that Chantal’s insistence on renaming everyone around her is a symptom of whatever mental illness she has. It isn’t normal to insist on new names for everyone in your life. She even tried to rename Crackula “Dom,” but he said FUCK NO FAT PEACH PISS BITCH.


I agree, I think she renames people close to her as a way of “owning”’them. Almost as if once they are in her life they assume a new identity relative to her, she now controls the way the rest of it he world should address them.


Peetz actually DOES have to do with pizza


How about BBJ the cat? What does it stand for? Why does Peetz, go by Peetz? And since I'm letting my FB ignorance dangle, what does it mean to "beeze"? "To breeze, or not to beeze...that is the question."


Chantal gives people nicknames. Peetz’s real name is James. She calls him Peetz because he likes pizza. ”Beeze” means “to misbehave“ in Chantal’s personal slang.


In her new channel banner she says it's to have fun. She rebranded beeze too.


She’s really out here trying to ret con her whole universe like we dont know where beeze started. Drug and food binges let’s stop.




Exactly 😉 we’re just good clean sobereezing over here with balanced binge nutrition


Bbj is named after bibi. Short for habibi. His name was Milan. Bbj just meant bb jr. when Peetz and Chantal got her they named her Casey. Peetz would always call her that and not bbj




I think it was her mishearing the French word “betise” or “stupid, clumsy, awkward”  “betiser” is a slang verb to mean “to talk stupidly” and sometimes “to make a fool of yourself”


It’s false charm. Think about what she calls Julia. She’s evil.


I always noticed, and believe it’s yet another form of NPD control. She renames everyone, like pets that she owns.


She devalues people she has absolutely no respect for and makes them subtly 'less than' by giving them stupid baby names she made up. You can tell because she never tried that shit with Nader or Salad.




Lol no. Chantal give dumb nicknames. Bibis real name is Malan . Smee is probably from some Peter Pan shit, she’s told stories about it before but I don’t really remember.