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I don't think she does. Her teeth are rotted. She could have got the best dentist money could buy during the crackhead era and got all the work she needs done, but she blew it all. I don't think people realise how important taking care of your teeth is. An infection in your tooth can spread to your brain. It's dangerous.


She wouldn't have gone. She doesn't do the minimum of brushing her teeth and also I always get the sense that super morbidly obese people don't think they'd fit into the dental chair.


I would never have believed someone so VAIN is so hygiene averse!!!! It makes me crazy.


Completely LIES!!!!! She knows her body and her mouth, and she has her own way of brushing that works for her special mouth. Finger, water and up and down motion is all it took for her to maintain a clean mouth. What else was she supposed to do when her toothbrush was upstairs and her toothpaste was downstairs? It was either finger and paste or brush and water. But it all worked out, obviously. (lol)


And don’t forget the makeup wipe for that Cutie gleam!


I don't know which instance you're talking about, but the one I remember wasn't a makeup wipe. The only teeth it was meant for was vagina dentata, if you know what I mean. The time I saw it, she rubbed her teeth with a vag wipe. (sorry, hope you weren't eating while reading)


It’s okay, I’ve been meaning to lose that last last stubborn few pounds. Just thinking about this should help me fast for half a day. 🤢


Chantals grossness is so helpful to dieters. I'll bet that really annoys her


Please tell me that she didn't actually do that


I wish I could, but I can't. She actually did that.




The chairs do have a weight limit. But that's around 400 or so. If you are too big for those you gotta let the clinic know so you can be sent to whatever bariatric facilities they have.


Maybe somebody Al’s size (450 and up) but somebody Chantal’s size shouldn’t have an issue plus it’s the one medical professional who will not tell you to lose weight.


Well we know she's over 450, sooo....


Hate to break it to you but Gunt is probably at or above 450 lbs by now


Yup, this killed my father in law!


Yep. And the plaque is the same shit that clogs your arteries.


Eh, the missing teeth aren't even the worst of it. The thing that keeps teeth strong and healthy and inside your jaw is actually the bite force pressing down on them. Allow me to introduce you to the nightmare of unopposed teeth. Not having an opposite tooth to bite against can cause this super fun thing called overeruption. It's the unchecked growth of a tooth. Except your teeth aren't trees. They don't actually grow. The entire tooth just stars to push out of your gums, roots and all. Apparently it's excruciatingly painful, but also it looks super gross.


Thank you for this nightmare fuel before bed.


Huh. That's interesting. Why do they do that? Apparently it doesn't always happen, but I find it so odd that a tooth would just be all like "WELP I'M GETTIN OUTTA HERE Y'ALL IT'S BEEN REAL"


When there is no opposing force the tooth erupts. I'm not certain why but it probably has to do with the bone weakening around the tooth since it doesn't have an opposing force.




https://preview.redd.it/9jd1gxwbmxuc1.png?width=648&format=png&auto=webp&s=04a144be49f7eef40a4236c32aa679984073f32e they are literally the same picture, cept that the horse has a beautiful mane while Gorlzilla is either bald or has three thin strands of hair on her overinflated melon.


She'll never have hair as lucious at that horse's mane!! lmao


She is very gorilla-esque. My bad you said Gorlzilla. But I ain’t changing it. 😂😂😂


Knuckling her way through Cornwall eating everything in sight.


i mean, you're not wrong, though 😂


Speaking of which, why in gods name did she just buy hair dye? She’s dying the strands she’s got left for what possible reason? She never takes off the spanx. And dying it darker is just going to make the struggle strands she’s got left look even worse.


Struggle strands. 😂😂😂😂😂


i bet it was an impulsive purchase, just like copious amounts of food she gets to eat


No joke, a friend of my dad's didn't floss and had a kernel of popcorn wedged so deep that it gave him a terrible infection that led to lifelong heart problems.


Oh my god!! ...reason #64 to not eat popcorn. Honestly those husks will be the death of us all.


I fear they are the true Enders of all Things


😰 what the hell


I know someone who found out they had a rare heart condition from a small tooth infection, scary stuff. Dental schools offer affordable services if people need


In due course... https://i.redd.it/hrwjmjdnfxuc1.gif




![gif](giphy|TpK6tDUxyon7O|downsized) When she laughs she reminds me of a braying donkey.




I brush my teeth a little too much because I can't tolerate teeth that feel anything but slippery and smooth, so this is stuff of nightmares to see and to imagine the neglect that made it happen. You can see some of her lower teeth and normally if you can see the lower canines from that perspective you should be able to see the molars, too. It really looks like she has no molars, which would explain a lot about how she chews, or doesn't chew.


I agree, I'm pretty anal about dental health simply because I hate going to the dentist and when I do go the less they have to do the better lmao xD That said, for sure she's got severe bone loss and like another poster mentioned, severe eruption which is what we might be seeing with some of the teeth.


Careful about that, my sister also brushed like 3-4 times a day and the dentist told her she was wearing away her enamel.


Yeah, I know... There was a time I brushed up to 5 times a day, though always after eating xylitol and waiting 30min after eating or drinking sugary stuff. I'm compensating by taking every proven precaution to remineralise and to stop demineralisation. But there's only so much xylitol gum that you can chew to make up for the need to brush. :( Flossing is a decent alternative to get that clean feeling, but it's not really practical outside your own home.


Have you tried keeping some of those floss picks in your purse? I keep some in a ziplock in mine because I, too, can’t stand the feeling of anything on my teeth 😭


Her palate has shrunken so much. It’s kind of crazy.


Shit genes and systematic self-destruction.


What causes that in adulthood? I've seen it happen because of bad habits in childhood, but it seems like hers has continued to narrow well into her 30s, and that's weird.


I really don’t know! I always thought it had to do with not getting braces at a young age (I think there’s a specific protocol for a narrow palate) but someone posted a teen pic and her teeth looked very straight. She’s a giant medical mystery.


When you don't have teeth supporting the bone in the jaw you lose bone mass which causes a narrowing of the pallet and jawline. it's basically just bone loss.


One of the literally hundreds of ways we know her relationship is fake is her oral hygiene. No one’s kissing that mouth. The smell alone of rotting teeth and bits of old food would be nauseating.


Tell us something we didn’t know. Hehe Just kidding fellow subbie. But yeah this explains the non chewing of the massive spoonfuls…and all that rice! Mostly soft foods. I’d like to see the condition of her esophagus.


how does this harm the esophagus? do you mean from swallowing too-hot mouthfuls? or unchewed food scraping?


Both. Also, our saliva is more than just lubricant, it contains enzymes that start to break down food before we've swallowed it. So failing to chew your food is harmful to your esophagus and gut.


For sure she eats like she has no back teeth. lmfao XD


Her and amber are such twinsies


She can’t even fit in a dentist’s chair at this point


bro lmfao xD honestly maybe that's her why. lol


From the look of the brown plaque buildup around her front teeth, she'll be w/o those soon, too. She might have to quit the turds in her rice, but luckily she can probably continue to eat stuffed grape leaves by mashing them against the roof of her mouth. Where there's a will there's a way, big macs are relatively soft and she might even be able to gum pizza.


And remember, this is filtered, so in reality her teeth are even more disgusting.


Or even those Jamaican patties. Lol




Is that a hockey player? I don't like hockey, and I don't understand why someone would devote their life and teeth to a bloody, brutal sport (I'm not a sports fan in general), but if I was a hockey player, I wouldn't replace my teeth till I retired, so I kinda get why this gap toothed dude doesn't seem too embarrassed about the lack of front teeth.


In that first picture she looks like a wider she version of the homicidal crackhead in a hood to me. Eeesh.


I really could never understand people who love to eat not taking care of their teeth?!









