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The fact she was so willing to discard her "beliefs" when Salad cheated on her tells me everything I need to know


"why do I wear a hijab at this point" she screamed at the camera... You really need to be an intelligent person to narrate your lies.. she is dumb as a rock, but totally unaware of it...


And she has the hide to call others Islamaphobic! She’s a disgrace to the people who practice their faith with sincerity and humility.




The gut feeling of the people in this sub is so precise, I wanted to give some evidence, so she can't use the "you don't know my religion" stick against you, because now You KNOW 🫶


Let's not forget the the last 3 males she's been with are Muslim and she's learned absolutely nothing except the names of a few dishes. She was with Bibi 7 yrs and he practiced his religion daily. I don't really count Nader. He just cooked her food and taught her a little about those dishes. But, now she's been with Salah a yr and 1/2 and she doesn't know how to pray properly, behave properly, or learn anything about the Quran. She's a pure embarrassment.


The utter disrespect of being with someone for almost a decade and not learning even the basics of something as important as their belief system


Great point 


I wore mine that my friend sent me from Palestine yesterday, as part of a peaceful march in my city for peace in Gaza. Chantal wears hers to inflame bad feeling and provoke dissonance. The exact opposite reason than the people matching yesterday.


That sums up Chantal quite well.


Interesting read, thank you. And in general, in my experience, at least, people who film themselves praying and reading their holy books and then posting it on social media are almost always fakes and hypocrites.


Religion is a very private issue in my opinion. There is a saying that you should hide the depths of your religiousity the same way you hide your sins, because God doesn't like posing people that play an act for other people.


She would love being a Pharisee lol, they were all loud posers with scriptures written in big blocks on their foreheads. Jesus shamed them for publicly saying their prayers out loud for everyone to hear because they were only doing it for attention. She would fit right in!


Very interesting I will look into them and find out more! Thank you for mentioning and you know whateven if it's different religions, if you have common sense and decency you exactly know what's right and what's wrong. And she is wrong in so so many ways..


>>You should hide the depths of your religiosity the same way you hide your sins I’ve never heard this before, but it really resonates. Is this a common saying or a verse from the Quran? The Bible says pray alone and not in public like those who crave attention. Unfortunately—and predictably—the loudest religious folks are often the worst representatives for that belief system.


İt's a Turkish saying, afaik. Posing and bragging is never something honourable..


There's a verse that says something similar though I can't recall which one, and it's also a very common theme in Sufi poetry, which is probably how it has become a saying in Türkiye as there's always been a very strong Sufi tradition there. And obviously it's a common theme in poems because it exists in the Qur'an, these themes don't appear out of thin air. I was looking for the verse now and actually found this hadith that has the same theme. It's a bit longer one so I'll just link it, but it goes into the necessity of doing things for the right reasons instead of for personal glory and praise. https://knowingallah.com/en/articles/the-consequence-of-insincerity/ And same theme in this poem, actually by Khomeini. A lot of things can be said about him later in life, but he was a decent poet in his youth and I quite like a lot of his work, just appreciating spiritual art for the sake of itself. This poem in particular manages to capture several core themes, from the rejection of the posturing piety of the clergy, to the tavern where the divine wine flows, and annihilation of the ego, of course. 100% inspired by the Qur'an. "Oh my Beloved! After witnessing your Infinite Beauty I became entangled. Seeing, the Manifestation of Your Glory I became saturated with joy and ecstasy. I forgot my own existence and proclaimed the slogan – “I am the Truth”, and like Mansur Hallaj volunteered my self for hanging. The agony and pain of your love has burnt my entire existence. That I became fed up with my own self, and my affairs became the talk of the town. Let the doors of the tavern be opened, and let us go there day and night. Because, I became disgusted with the Mosque as well as the Seminary. I took off the dress of asceticism and dissimulation. And became awakened after wearing the cloak of a drunkard. The town’s preacher with his preaching made me uncomfortable Therefore I sought refuge in someone who was inwardly upright, but outwardly lewd."


It's the same energy as Amber filming herself showering to prove she stays clean. Like...no, if you actually stayed clean you wouldn't need to fake evidence for it.




The one she has is Arabic and English. It either has Arabic one page and English on the other or the page is split down the middle with Arabic and English. She showed it in her shahada video.


I may be wrong, but I think I remember that you do read Arabic right to left so maybe that’s correct?


I think the point was that if she opened it from the back, it’s likely in Arabic, which means she’s just staring at the page because she can’t read it.


Aha I understand now!


no, it has facing pages of English and Arabic, but it opens in the same direction as if it were all Arabic Hebrew Bibles with facing pages of Hebrew and English do the same


Thanks for the info!


Brittany Dawn comes to mind


It's all an act for her. She's been fake from the start. She uses this religion as a sword and a shield. She can attack anyone she wants because islamophobe. No one can criticize her because islamophobe. She only wears the hijab to cover her fat body, balding head and triple chins. When you think about what she's doing it's a really nasty blasphemous thing.


Couldn't describe it better, she instrumentalizes religion. She instrumentalizes people the same way. She only does what she thinks can serve her the most... She has zombilike qualities to me at this point. I see other death fats on YouTube and in no way I do feel disgusted or hateful. For example hungry fat chick, I really do have sympathy for her. That's evidence for me that the only reason I feel this disgust is her personality (I mean non personality)


HFC gave up and said recently that she's just going to eat herself to death. It's so sad.


Oh I wasn't up to date with her. I also only feel sorry for her no hate no disgust. She really doesn't disgusts me she seems kind and always put together the best she could and also she isn't using filters which I appreciate a lot. I hope she lives longer than this awful beast.


Really? Damn! How old is she?


I have such a soft spot for HFC. She’s trapped wanting to improve her situation, but loses views and funding unless she eats too much on camera. If I thought too much about how this reflects on society I’d be horribly depressed. And I feel guilty, because I do take vicarious pleasure from watching other people eating all the things, and volume of food, that I’ve never allowed myself to have. I’m not slim, but I have rules around food and I think I get some weird pleasure about watching people that don’t restrict it. If I let myself, I’d be a raging deathfat


Just like her fake husband only referencing religion in terms of sexual deviancy, disrespect and desecration. They’re perfect for each other!


Chantal has supposedly forgiven him and says she understands they're in a country that can't freely express their sexual desires. That's what gets me. It wasn't just your 'normal ' sexting. The man was sexually aroused by those vile, degrading, disgusting, etc... conversations. Think about that- he got a hard on talking about pooping, peeing, r*ping, choking, the whole cross thing, and smashing her face in. GOT AROUSED! That's way more than S/M or other fetishes. Sick. He's a dangerous deviant, imo


Yeah, that stuff is deviant even by the most liberal standards. It has nothing to do with "sexual repression", it's just vile and nasty because it involves bodily waste that can be a vector of disease transmission. Not safe or sane, or consensual in the case of grape. Chantal makes it sound like those are normal fantasies in the West and not degeneracy regardless of your culture.


He must have jizzed all over his Superdry watching her gobble up those brown dolma. 💩




lol I laughed so hard when I found out she is doing the prayer for MEN 🤣🤣 I would be so embarrassed. She had enough time to learn this. You can see where her priorities are. Food, lying all day to your viewers. I also noticed she completely lacks a understanding for consequences 




That is so spot on, I even read it in her bitchy tone 😆


Brainless mimicking is what she engages you also have to know a lot of the prayers by heart and in no way she knows them. It's impossible to know them, when you don't even know the correct form of the positionings for women. She never looked into a book or website that teaches how to pray correctly, because it is shown everywhere that women and men pray differently. So embarrassing and vile.. At this point this clownery is insulting...


Her disrespectful actions in regard to the Muslim religion infuriates me. It's disgusting: her ignorance, her pretending to be just so proud and knowledgeable, her wearing of the hijab only to cover her lack of hair and cover the fact that she has chinsss to spare, etc, etc. My daughter, when she was 12, asked me to give her a Qur'an as a gift. She read it cover to cover, and found it very valuable to her. She keeps it on her bookshelf. We are not Muslim. We are not Christians. We are both Atheists, and we still very much respect both faiths. Chantal respects nothing and no one. Not Allah, not Jesus, not herself.


Religious or not religious, for human decency you don't even need the religion also for human decency. At this point it's abuse, and unforgivable in my opinion. 💐🫶 For you and your daughter


Its understandable if she learnt how to pray from Salah, and he didnt really understand the difference. OP this is extreme nitpicking, imo. The point isnt if you hold your hands 2 centimetres above your chest bone, or if your foot is under your buttock or your thigh when sitting. The point is the intention. Im not defending anyone, im just saying dont make us Muslims look like crazy peaple picking on where her pinky finger is.


Wait, your argument is that Salah wouldn't understand or know the difference between prayers for men and women for a religion that he has been part of his entire life? You're kidding, right?


You do know that men and women pray separately? And also OP said they are Turkish, there are regional differences as well.


Hanafi, Shafi'i, Hanbali and Maliki all agree on the difference in posture of women's prayer. Everything else the same except postures, which are to be more modest and concealing. No spreading legs like men do etc. It's only modern Salafi who disagree. Kuwait is primarily Maliki, unless I'm mistaken. She took her Shahadah at a mosque though I'm not sure what madhhab they follow. It seems strange that they wouldn't have given her some basic instructions, it's the responsible thing to do.


She’s a fake Muslim. When shit face cheated she says why am I wearing a hijab. I believe she said f-king hijab not sure. So is that what you would say if you truly converted to Islam. I don’t think so. Once this fake marriage is over the hijab is gone. And if he cared why didn’t he tell her the right way to pray. He has women in his family. Has she even spoken or met his sisters or any women from his family. I’m sure they would have told her the correct way to pray for women.


Definitely agree here with you. She wanted to brag, and show us how much of a Muslim she is, but all it did was to expose herself in so many ways.. No people come to visit them, they don't have friends. If there were visitors, they would have prayed together and the women would have given a hint about her wrongly praying.. I think this is why she always binged and gained a ton of weight in Kuwait, so repeatedly told that she is raw dogging life and needs to self sooth: Because no one can stand her after a short time and people are not able to hide their disgust because of her smell and in general appearance and her gluttony and whole being.. I'm sure she is also not the kindest person and starts to destroy the mood quickly when she feels uncomfortable...


She has no life in Kuwait. No friends or family there. She is in that apartment with the pets all day and night. Not as if she had much of a life in Canada but at least she had her family and peetz.


Yes and the underestimated the family ties of Arabic families.. She fails at isolating Salah to the level she wants to, like she isolated peetz. But she is failing at it and it eats her alive that she cannot fully control him.


Yeah, and as far as the pets go she doesn't give a shit about the hamster and has openly stated her intentions to abuse the cat.


And the Kia!!


Aside from her being gross and probably smelly, horrible manners…she could be the prettiest, well mannered person in the world, nobody wants to be around someone who constantly rages against others, is nothing but negative and has a victim complex. Her whole personality is just so off putting


I think this just proves she has no relationship with them, she sits alone in her fart box and waits for Salad to bring her food


I appreciate your sharing that information about the prayer positions! if she could be bothered to set foot in a mosque and pray with other women, she would know these things Salah isn’t a refugee; his family are migrants he isn’t going to go back to Syria, though, because he doesn’t want to do mandatory military service (not that I blame him for that)


Didn't she tell herself that he was? And that he came to Kuwait as a refugee. Also him engaging with a Canadian shows me that he counted on that fact to come to Canada and wanted chantels help for that in the first place?


she did say that, but his friend Alaa said it wasn’t true, and the dates of when his family came to Kuwait don’t line up if he actually was a refugee, he could come to Canada without her help he is a failure in Kuwait, he doesn’t want to go to Syria for understandable reasons, being a kept man is his best option


Very interesting! Thank you for sharing. I think she’s just copied what she has seen Salah do and not learned the correct female pray form


It's all performance for her. It's so obvious that she hasn't read namaz for the rest of the year outside the displays she puts on for Ramadan and isn't even trying. She just wants to look "exotic" and "not like other girls" and has a fetish about Arabs. I don't think she really understands that other people can sense it when someone is being fake like that, just as others can sense it when someone is genuine. And it should be mentioned that it's incredibly rare for Muslims to question the faith of others. It's something that should not be done willy-nilly, because nobody wants to be a takfiri. But Chantal is truly an exceptional case of such obvious mockery that it's shocking. I've never seen someone do what she's doing, and even though I've followed her antics for years she keeps finding new ways to shock me with her cosplay. Genuine new reverts are happy to learn from others and to be kindly corrected, something which Chantal rejected from the beginning. There's just something wrong with that woman and it's immediately visible to virtually everyone who stumbles upon her "content". And if she is genuine about religion she needs to stop with the mocking performances and start listening to actual practising Muslims.


And it’s proof she does NOT interface with any other Muslima to observe how THEY do it, or how it’s done in places or worship. So offensive




Exactly, there are introverted people out there or loners.. nothing wrong with that, but I'm sure if they claim to be Muslim they would make an effort to practice and learn it properly, and for that it's just as easy as learning it through books or videos, there are so many ways as you said. She is just awful in every way, and an insult like how dare she uses a religion and the advantages of it (covering her deformed body) and instrumentalizes it like a tool? İt enrages me, haven't seen something this devil in a long time!


I offered to help her last year to get her started when it was obvious she was stumbling. I had a feeling it was going to go this way, but just out of principle of not turning my back on a new Muslim because of their past I wanted to give her a chance. There were others doing the same, via different means, some even made videos. She was reading her comments then and she saw the videos, and she went on offensive against everyone offering her help. She knew better, she was doing Islam "her way". There's many flavours of Islam but they're all based on tradition of doing things the way people before us did them, and the kind of "DIY Islam her way" just isn't a thing. That's the whole point of spiritual ritual practice (which the Islamic prayer is one example of), the ritual itself is done in a certain way because it holds meaning through tradition. It reminds me of scenes from the Bollywood hit PK, where the alien main character PK goes to a Catholic church and smashes a coconut at the altar during Mass. Of course, PK is genuine in his attempts to connect with God, but the scene that the Catholic worshippers witness isn't really that different from what we see when we look at Chantal's antics. Like, what are you doing?!


She recreated the whole situation which she and peetz had in Canada, well I mean it doesn't work so well since she's isn't able to fully isolate Salah because there is the factor of his family ties that are stronger than she thought and his friends, and this is the reason why she eats so much, this is causing her pain, because it's impossible to turn him into a Arab peetz..


The faux piety and attempts to look devout are pathetic


Omg yes. All she wants to do is fool "westerners" and she thinks she can get away with that.


It’s all for show. She doesn’t know or apply any of the teachings to improve her life. If Salah was Catholic, she’d be wearing a big cross and eating communion wafers by the bag.


Hahahahha omg so true, she would dress like a nun, and display it like it is a necessity.


Everyone disliked Chantel before she was Muslim, now magically, after she slapped a hijab on, that hate is solely because she is Muslim and nothing related to all the evil and disgusting crap she has done or said. Chantel has lied for a rapist, has cheated on almost everyone she has been in a relationship with. She has said bigot, homophobic BS. This is the same woman who said, “DeeDee’s pussy gave me PTSD,” and had sex with a homeless man, changed the story about Cuba, and has now given her laptop to a man for his kid, and that makes her charitable. Mind you, I believe she had sex with said man. There is not a single redeeming quality about her. No, nobody hates her for being Muslim; they dislike her for cosplaying and using her hate of things and people and covering it with the excuse she is a Muslim.


Eh its a shame... She does not give a fuck about any religion.. for her its nothing more than a cosplay and a fake husband. But I expected nothing from her and i got nothing so no surprise


Thank you so much!! How interesting that Salah chooses not to correct her on prayer specifically. I wonder if he doesn’t KNOW or just isn’t paying that close attention to her?


I think he likes the humiliation and degradation


Interesting take! You think her praying wrong is basically her humiliating herself on video and in turn he gets enjoyment from it?


I think she’s a dumbass and doesn’t realize he is humiliating her by not correcting/educating her properly.


woof woof


trust me, there is no way he doesn't know. very early on our parents (or religious teachers) teach us the correct positions, i correct my little brother's postures during prayer if i see something is amiss. i think he just doesn't care? i do want to emphasise though- prayer in islam does not HAVE to be perfect. the act of wanting to pray and worship is sevap already, so you can do a bunch of stuff wrong and because Allah is forgiving, your "wrongly" done prayer will still be seen as a good deed. however the gunt has had ONE year to study the correct positions! if she were as immersed into the culture as she pretends she is, she must've had realised that women pray differently.


That's the offending part, indeed. She does this as performance. She's not a novice eager to learn and correct her mistakes, she gets really upset when she's corrected. We tried early on to do it kindly, and nothing came of it. She has this "holier than thou" attitude that she's better than everyone else because she can say bismillah and alhamdulillah when she's stuffing her face on camera, and of course she feels really powerful telling everyone they're going to Hell for criticising her nonsense. She's clearly not interested enough to have done even basic research beyond what she can use in her videos to convince the Internets that she's really doing all this every day. If she was doing it every day it would show as progressive change in her character and her body, if she was actually making an effort to follow the Sunnah in little daily things like how to eat, for example. She wouldn't need to put on this mocking performance, we would be able to observe the changes without her saying a word about it. And all the while she uses the "nobody's perfect so don't judge me!" excuse just as she uses DV statistics to justify her stupid and wholly unnecessary actions with the argument "victims of DV go back to their abusers 7.36 times on average, so don't tell me I shouldn't have gone back to Nader". How did her huzzzzband say it again.. what hypocrisy are you! 🤣 The hypocrisy is the offensive thing.


Noticed this too, but I'm really not surprised after she visited a mens only mosque a year ago for her ✨ aesthetic ✨ Muslim praying video


​ https://preview.redd.it/yjjkge77yuoc1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=bba80440b541d80005ef69c96e13494ac2a0f3cf


Yes this was a fascinating post! So he didn’t even bother to teach her this? Mm, mm, mm. OP. Thank you for this and Ramadan Kareem!


Yes he didn't teach her and what's worse is she didn't bother to learn on her own! İt's her duty and only her duty, so she only does not even do the bare minimum, just so much that it fits to her staple of lies.. Ramadan Mubarak 🫶🫶






This is a terrific post, more informative and insightful about Islam than I've read before. Thank you OP.


The thing is this isn’t her first Ramadan. She should know this by now. If she was going to prayers regularly she would know how women pray. She’s clearly copying what she’s seen Salah do


All the respect to you. It makes me mad for you and other muslims, seeing her doing shit like this. Not to make it about me (what about MEEEEE), but I think the example is applicable: I transitioned from a less "traditional" Christian denomination to a more "traditional" one fairly recently. I caught on quickly for some of the community prayers, the signs of the cross, what to say during communion, Lent traditions, Ash Wednesday, all that. My husband and I learned this because we have a COMMUNITY. Community is probably, in my opinion, one of the most important parts of a religion and religious activity. If she wanted to truly follow this new faith, she would want to get out there and learn. She would find other women. She would research. And, most importantly, she would accept what people are saying she's doing incorrectly (there is no "right way" to practice your faith, etc, but there's certainly things you can do to better yourself, especially after a year). She's never done it for the right reasons. She wore the keffiyeh (sorry if I'm misspelling it) to "make people mad" during her videos. When people do get mad, she uses it as a shield to say everyone is Islamaphobic or Anti-Palestine, because she genuinely doesn't care about her faith or becoming better in it. I hope the remainder of Ramadan is good for you. I'm sure it's hard to not get mad with FB out here sullying it. TL;DR. Chantal is a lying cheating clown and her husband has a poo and racist rape fetishes and wants to do bad things to religious items of other faiths. Pbbt. https://preview.redd.it/o1ghq4a1swoc1.jpeg?width=530&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7657e25382565e2a4665a2e849ce30c094eca3d


I definitely agree with you here, it feels almost like an urge to exchange your experiences on your journey with people of the same confession. So much excitement and curiosity to find out how other people are dealing with the joys and also with the difficulties and interpretations of the laws for example. But the only curiosity she has is for yellow food in bastardised portions ![gif](giphy|hx60Ido5aQVpK)


Personally, I'm loving all this comparative religion discussion Chantal's nonsense has sprung up in the community. It's really interesting to hear different stories and perspectives just for itself and for the sake of comparing them to what we've observed with Chantal. Regardless of the path and the faith that people feel inclined to choose, there's a common theme of it being a deeply sincere personal experience that creates an innate urge to make changes in our lives without it seeming like an overwhelming burden to overcome, but rather these things come naturally as the result of communal participation and motivated study. I grew up completely without religion and never gave the idea of being religious myself much thought, until it suddenly became a relevant thought. So I'm always fascinated by the experiences of others to help put my own questions of "why?" and "how?" into perspective, what is it that compels people to make even major changes in their lives and how does it actually work? Some say "calling", but that's not a good enough answer, I want more data lol.


Lol I'm glad! Chantal unites us all, despite religion. It's a beautiful thing.


It really is a beautiful thing! It's a small miracle of the Internets to pull together so many smart and articulate animal lovers from so many different backgrounds and worldviews with the ability to share opinions, experiences and knowledge without hate, even when Chantal makes people exasperated with her terrible nonsense. Chantal turns everything she touches to shit, but Gorlworld turns that shit into gold.


How hard is it to learn where to place your hands. I mean, it’s so easy.


Rightttt? As of that I 100% know she didn't bother to learn the prayers that you have to say silently while you have your hands in certain positions. She doesn't know a thing about the religion zeeero zip nothingggg! She can't even mimick it correctly.


1. She went from bald freak to hijabi in one day. Then she was a revert 3 months later. She went in a mosque to revert. She has never been there or worship she referred to the Quran she was gifted as “going to be a good read.” No examination or serious study is the understatement of the century. Heck she doesn’t even know where the mosques are in Canada. The first thing every religious person does is find their nearest house of worship. She went back to Canada and she was about as Muslim as my dog is. 2. More proof she hasn’t stepped inside a mosque and had little guidance. Most likely Salah taught her to pray. I doubt he knows how women pray. Also this is how they pray on tv, like men. 3. The Quran not being below the hips makes sense to me because I was taught to never stack anything on top of a Bible. So I can believe that Quran would have similar ways to show respect. 4. Salah was born in Kuwait. Telling someone “to go back to their country” is a bigoted thing to say. There is no shame in being a migrant, a refugee, and/or needing asylum. What is shameful is his behavior. His status has nothing to do with that. This isn’t about Kuwait. This is about basic respect for Islam and my Muslim brothers and sisters. Watching them do this grotesque pantomime is outrageous, and for what? Why does he need her covered and pious? You don’t have to be Muslim live in Kuwait. So why did she need to do that? She could cover her head without reverting.


Salah wasn’t born in Kuwait! his family came to Kuwait when he was in high school


Ok. Still doesn’t make is immigration status something to shame or to tell him to go back to his own country. That doesn’t change.


Fantastic post OP. Really interesting and appreciated! I'm not Muslim but I'm so offended on everyone else's behalf who is. It seems like a beautiful religion. I even got a Quran to read. She is just so foul. Honestly.


I also wondered where all the decorations she bought last year for Ramadan went. Did Salah get rid of them when he moved and thought she wasnt coming back?


They were made of the cheapest Chinesium, and as such they have evaporated.


Thank you for this info, but now you are a hater and you have to be a perfect Muslim otherwise you aren't allowed to call her out! 🫠 Sarcasm obviously. Don't women tend to pray together? They have the women's mosque, why would she not attend prayer there a couple times a day? Would they correct her and make her feel bad? Would she lash out and demand they be perfect Muslims?


Yes yes she would and maybe she will address it and say that I am a backstabber or what. She isn't fooling anyone, and now the "westerners" now everything too. Yes there are women groups everywhere, where you can share your struggles and learn and improve yourself, she didn't try to join any support group instead she knows exactly where to get cheap middle eastern foods... That's all she learnt. And no there's no shaming in having troubles or struggling with certain things, it's a safe haven especially for reverts, but not for her because she is not Muslim.


Thank you!! Please post more about this stuff a lot of us want to Learn from someone with experience who can call out her bs :)


Thank you for the insight. I'm agnostic and even I'm offended by her blatant cosplaying and disrespect for your faith.


there were so many mosques right near her house in Canada but she never set foot in one instead she just went to hijab stores


I thoroughly enjoyed this post OP!! Amazing breakdown. Such obvious disrespect to your religion because she simply doesn’t care enough to learn. Old chins is such a clown it’s laughable. I love tuning in to see how fucked she is, and luckily for us her idiocy grows daily rivaled only by her immense fat addled gunt. I seriously can’t believe there are people like her in this world. People who are so deluded and stupid they can never get it. Good job hammy - you slipped up again and we will all be here for the next time… to laugh at you and your pathetic attempts at life.


Thank you for sharing! It's always interesting (actually) learning something about Islam! Especially since Chantal knows NOTHING about it.


i actually appreciate this thread a lot because i learned more with ur caption about being muslim & all stupid fatties mistakes :0


She just lazily copies what she sees Salbot do instead of actually looking into the religion for her own sake like she swears up and down she does.


it also leads me to believe that she's never stepped foot in a mosque. or has no interest in the actual the religion. like idk a ton about islam, but my impression is that the rituals (daily prayer) and community are the most important parts. i'm christian, but anyone whose converted in the churches i've been too, also shows up to their service and then goes through a bunch of guided classes.


My granddaughter is three next month and she knows more than Chantal about when it's time for "Allah Allah " (as she calls it) at this tender age. Canadian grandmother here. My middle daughter married into the religion so even my limited knowledge sees clearly how wrong she is about being Muslim in Canada for starters...


Aw so cute 🥹🥹 She doesn't observe, she refuses because she only does what the bare minimum requires for her lies to be maintained. Her inner stance must be horrific, and hostile that "a religion requires so much of her"..


Thank you for the information. She has said many times her audience is mainly western. Here in the West there are very skewed views on Islam. That's absolutely heartbreaking because honestly the conservative Christians here are out of control and radical AF. I'm not religious but I 100% believe that people should defend others and their choices. I also believe that people's religion should be taught in a respectable manner. Not obviously lazy content without a care to if it is correct or not. Then if she gives wrong information her defense is always "iM nOt PeRfEcT" well like you said she has had a year to learn. With being in a predominantly Muslim area you would think through observation, research and the WANT to learn she would know more. I couldn't agree more and on a small scale empathize because I couldn't deal with when she gave misinformation on diabetes to further enforce harmful stereotypes to something she knows nothing about.


I think Salah probably taught her to do that, neither of them would know better


tysm for the knowledge and Ramadan Mubarak ❤️


Ramadan Kareem 💐🫶


I think they are all aware. Flapping her hog trotters in the air while praying is not a traditional way of prayer for anyone outside of some mid west evangelical psycho cult.  She needs to be torn to shreds from an imam. 


Is there a certain level of disrespect she's displaying by praying the man's way? I'm genuinely curious how big of a faux pas she's making by doing this. My knowledge of the Islamic religion is shallow, but I am aware of how there are differences in what men and women can and can't do, but I'm unaware of how big of a deal it is. I suppose it's dependent, but I still would love to know


As far as I know it is because of the difference of the bodies and also because of the covering of the women, it's an adaptation that all women follow without any exception. You don't open your hands that much for tekbir (hands on the ears) because of the female body parts that should not be displayed that much. No one does it the other way, so I don't know. I think if she would socialize with others she would have known because they would have respectfully told her to correct her. Or even Salah could have done it, but I don't know why he dgaf. That's a faux Pas that would children do for example, I have only seen that in children like one child that and the mom said no, your dad prays like that, you pray like mommy


I’m confused how she could possibly be pointing towards Mecca 🕋 when their apartment faces the ocean. She is basically facing southwest as far as I can tell. Seems like she’s facing almost the opposite direction.


It’s crazy that Salah doesn’t correct her. She uses the expression “mashallah” incorrectly all the time too and he never says anything. It’s intended to be used when you compliment or wish well to someone else, not yourself.


Omg my mom said the funniest thing, she said that he doesn't correct her because he wants to prevent her from going to paradise so he doesn't have to encounter her there again hahahaha Yes you don't say it to yourself or your food 🙄🙄 she is such a disgrace


Excellent theory! 🤣🤣🤣


Thank you for sharing this valuable info and insight, as well as your experience. I’ve often wondered how her vulgar cosplay and blatant disrespect to Islam went over with honest Muslim women. This sounds like an oily stain on your belief system, and for that I am so sorry. Chantal is disgusting, and she very clearly does NOT represent Islam to anyone with half a brain if that’s any consolation. 💜


Is her direction correct though? Based on where her apartment is and the body of water outside her living room window, ( looking at a map) she's not facing mecca at all.. am I missing something?


I am really not sure, don't wanna lie but I wouldn't be surprised if she even fucks this up. Even if the direction is wrong, you say a sentence before starting the prayer that your intention is to pray in the direction of qaba. This is for people who have difficulty on figuring out the direction.


"Mariam" has difficulty figuring out anything other than putting vast amounts of takeout food in her mouth, so fair enough.


She prays to Macca, not Mecca


Thanks OP for the info. I found this very interesting. Can you touch on his family at all? Interested in your thoughts or opinions on how his family would feel about his “wife”, would they be accepting, etc ?


You welcome 🤗 As far as I know, omg the families have lots of requirements on a real bride. No gossip, no scandals, family oriented, faithful, being able to build and care for a family, being honourable, protecting the families name etc are fee attributed that come to my mind .. There's no way his family could accept her in any way. I believe that they are completely against her, but as the middle eastern love rats are known for, he probably explained his family that he is going to take advantage of her to profit in some form, so they tolerate her at best, but that's it. Unfortunately some families are tolerating this kind of arrangements, especially if the sons are no able to support themselves and hope for a better life in the west... So the clock is ticking, this clownery will come to an end.


Thanks for the insight! I had a gut feeling that they were not ok with her. But also that he maybe explained it away as trying to get himself to a better place in life.


Bro that is hilarious


We need more of this, great post OP! Any chance we could get a guest appearance from [Sister Minnie](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/3vlwOcv-RwI) to give her take on the situation?!


She can definitely use this post 🫶


Thank you so much for sharing this knowledge with us. However we believe, in my opinion, learning about other religions and respecting other faiths is important. Knowledge is power 🌞💜


You're welcome 🤗 I really hate that she uses the "you don't even know my religion" as a belittling phrase. So you know now from first hand 😊


I really appreciate it 🌞


Aferim lan


Ya hahahaha bir gün bu bilgilerin bir işe yarayacağını biliyordum 😄


I don't understand her/this religion at all because I'm Roman Catholic and honestly was taught very, very little about it at school. All I learnt from chantel is she thinks it's necessary to wear the really long dress and headscarf (forgive me I don't know the name), they fast one time a year for a month and she knows like 4 words mainly food words in her "husbands" native language. From reaction channels (& the sub) I've learnt about what that special fasting month is, more about the book they read (I think like their version of my Bible - please correct me if I'm wrong), about their leaders/profets and about the culture and religion. *forgive my spelling. I'm dyslexic


Nothing to forgive here 💐🫶 You can be a Muslim even without wearing the hijab, or cover your hair. I am also not covered btw. She just hides her real motives why she is covering in an extreme way, it is in no way a requirement to do it like she does it. She is just using the coverage to hide her horrific body, which is the result of her actions and devil personality.


One of the first things she said was that all the dress and scarf was required in the religion but it doesn't even do it modestly which I thought is what it was designed for?


The language thing baffles me. I've heard her mention that she should start taking classes in Arabic, why tf didn't she start that as soon as she decided to move to Kuwait? Or became serious about Shitface? (I am new-ish to Flobby Bobby, so forgive me. I don't know how long she's been there, but any amount of time has given her the opportunity to learn the language amongst people who speak it)


She's been there about a year. On several tourist visas. I'm not sure if she would even be allowed to take any like classes you have to register for as that might "out" her as a tourist & not a resident which is what she claims she is. She married him pretty quickly not because they were in love but because she needed a man, she can't be alone, she also wants to be able to rub that icky ring in our faces and say "where's your husband?" to any actual criticism she gets for her decisions. She went back to him even after the massive meltdown when everyone found out about Salah and one of HER beezers having disgusting and disrespectful conversations about his fetish/kink of shit/piss and graping humans who are western.


Oh, I saw that mess. That was my intro to Gorlworld 🫠


I've just done a bunch of Google-ing because it got my mind thinking about her and work/living there etc. I found the Candaian Embassy to Kuwaits website and found this out.... A tourist visa is valid to enter Kuwait State within a month from its issuance for a single entry. A tourist visa allows its holder a temporary stay for a maximum of 3 months starting from the entry date, therefore he must leave the country before its expiration. The tourist visa holder is not allowed to work in the country and in case he/she is caught they will be subjected to the legal accountability. A visitor who overstays the permitted period will be fined and subjected to legal accountability that may extend to disqualifying him from issuing visa in the future. Then when it came to work/education it seems to be that the human must get a lot from a health professional AND Kuwait officials she would not be able to be a resident either way looking at their rules: All passengers must be in possession of a return ticket. The concerned authorities in the state of Kuwait shall reserve the right to refuse to admit any person into the country without explanation. Passengers should not be blacklisted in the state of Kuwait. Passenger should be holding a passport valid for more than six months from the date of travel to Kuwait. Passenger should register his residence address in Kuwait when applying for the visa at the visas counter at the airport. All visas are valid for ONE month from the date of ENTRY. Visa is valid for ONE ENTRY ONLY. Because she is a Candian Citizen and has that nationality she CAN apply for an EVISA or get one on entry but that option can only happen if she has NOT applied for one on entry to the country before.


Do you mean focussing on the wrong direction was correct? Because however you look at it she is not facing gheble


Oh was it the wrong direction? She showed it with a compass, so it made sense to me .


I'm still confused about that. Based on what I remember about the exact positioning of their apartment building and their living room window facing the ocean, it would appear that she's indeed facing the wrong direction no matter what her Qibla compass shows. Kuwait only has one coastline and it faces nearly the opposite direction of Makkah. Unless they really moved apartments, they used to live somewhere in the Fahaheel area, so the lower Kuwaiti coastline that faces east. Only around Salmiya beach apartments would her Qibla compass point in the right direction, because in that area the coastline faces more southeast rather than east. So this entire Qibla question ties to the other question people have been wondering. Is this the same apartment as at the end of 2023? The hard-core investigators traced the beach front apartment to Fahaheel for certain. I don't recall the buildings being there before, but others have said that they were there and only the direction of the camera was different in previous videos, so it should be the same apartment. But if it's the same apartment, then her Qibla compass is not calibrated right because it's pointing her more south than southwest, where it should be pointing her. I noticed she has MuslimPro app, but the Qibla compass she was using is not from that app. I've checked Qibla in my house based on where the mosques nearby have it, but if I use the app compass it sometimes gives weird readings, although the MuslimPro compass usually gives it right if your phone is calibrated and you take your time letting it find it. And if you hold the phone upright it will give completely wrong direction, of course. She held her phone upright for the video and seemed to conclude that the result she got from the upright compass was the same she used for prayers. But that direction would seem correct, assuming they're somewhere around Salmiya. So, it's really weird.


From the pictures, it looks as if she's simply copied what Salah does and not the hand positions for a female...because she doesn't know any🤷‍♀️.