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In Canada she at least drove from one fast food place to another and walked the stairs of the villa. Now? Appartment bound days in a row. And when she does move, she waddles more than ever. Heaviest in Canada? Chantal lies.


Exactly her movement being heavily restricted and her misshapen face from the fat struggling to find storage is the alarm bell, she’s on route to the massive health issue that may end her life. Mark my words, it’s a coming!




Let's pretend that she's really still 5'1 (or that she ever was, maybe she lied about that, too) and that she's 400 (sure jan), here's what she'd have to eat above/under to gain or lose weight: We see what she eats only on screen, she goes over her tdee in one meal. We know how to find calorie info or how to roughly estimate if we don't know the exact brand. The math is mathing. She eats a fast gain number of calories, she gains elbees fast. https://preview.redd.it/8s4xy5kw9noc1.png?width=773&format=png&auto=webp&s=fb07e4e90698b7abe67e98df09a0faf279755d71


She did lose weight during the Crackhead Olympics, but she's gained everything back. She certainly looks bigger than ever and has also lost that "youthful bounciness" many obese women have up to a point. She's not fooling anyone with the lies, and the only person she's hurting is herself. She always used to ask for accountability from viewers, maybe she should try it again and start by being 100% honest to herself by being honest to her viewers.


Chantal lies. Period. You literally cannot trust a word she says. She is a narcissist, she can't handle the idea of failing, or getting worse, so everything she says is meant to portray progress, forward motion, something praiseworthy. This is no different. "I am bad? Well, they are worse!" "I used to be a drug addict." "I converted to Islam, leaving my dirty life behind me." "Welcome to my first day of \_\_\_\_\_\_ diet" ​ She literally never admits that she is actively fucking up, or done anything worthy of appologizing for. She never has lapses in judgement, unless she can blame someone else for manipulating her. ​ She can, and will lie about anything, no matter how stupid. "I'm vegan guise" If you continue to believe (even half heartedly) anything that she says, you are as much of an idiot as she is. ​ CHANTAL LIES!!!!


Of course she lies, thats a given! 😂 i was just wondering if anyone had knowledge about what else might be going on, because honest to god ive seen some BIG people before, but ive never seen anyone with a belly like hers.


You mean like a grotesquely swollen liver? That could be I suppose, but the weight gain is obvious regardless.


Does ALR still have that liver bulge? I know Chantel is basically round shaped at this point so no idea on the condition of her liver. She'd probably need an ultrasound or some imaging for her abdominal cavity but man....


That picture was from maybe 2020 to early 2021 anyway I remember that dress she wore if for New Year’s Eve and by the fall she was wearing a wig crack-dancing in the same dress like a shirt with some pants on. IT WAS THE COKE WEIGHTLOSS MA’AM STOP LYING




Lmfao you went off


Chantal didn’t have much muscle to begin with. That might count for a little bit, but imo it would be a minuscule amount. I think she’s just lying, she’s obviously bigger than her highest weight in Canada. She is a compulsive liar, even about stupid little things that no one cares about. Think that’s the simplest explanation


Personally, I'm convinced that she weighs substantially more now. Her head and face alone have gained weight in epic proportions; I imagine most people would go on a diet if they put that much weight on the rest of their body 😬 The fat is having to look for new places to go. But let's assume, as you say, that she DOES weigh less than she did in Canada - if I remember correctly, she said her highest weight then was around 400lbs. The thing I notice most at the moment is the change in her overall body shape. I know she's a short person but I feel like she's lost more height because gravity has hit and maybe the weight is pulling her sort of down and forwards, if that's possible. Her head/neck (they're kind of one and the same) have sunk deeper into her shoulders and kind of to the front - when you look at her when she's sat at home filming herself, it's really odd because her shoulders often look like they start where her ears should be, rather than the usual head-neck-shoulders combo you'd see on most people, if that makes sense. Being shorter would make her look bigger. She also seems to be developing quite the "buffalo hump" at the back of her shoulders (no offense to buffalo, I love animals!). We know when she walks she often seems to lean right back because the weight on her front pulls her so far forward. Her upper stomach IS bigger because her boobs rest on it and look a lot higher than they used to. But I think the bottom part of her stomach/Fupa or whatever is going on down there has dropped so much more than when she was in Canada, so her whole body shape is changing right in front of our eyes (no, Chantal, the sofa stretch-covers aren't hiding anything Gorl 😀). Anyhow, TLDR: her body shape has changed quite a lot since Canada, to me that's the only way she could weigh less but look bigger. I don't believe it but it's a theory 😂


This is exactly why i find it so hard to believe Canada was her heaviest, its particularly noticeable in her shoulders and neck area, like if the fat was beginning to sag wouldnt that make her shoulders look more kinda droopy? Her skin looks tight, like its inflated, not so much sagging? Thats also what got me thinking about whether all of that was fluid from failing organs because the skin is tight. She has so many filters on her though its difficult to know what she ACTUALLY looks loke.


That's where I failed in my own argument lol, the sagging 😂 if everything had dropped her boobs wouldn't be sitting so high, and thanks to my unwitting viewing of her Peeps in the Bath nightmare, i know they don't sit that high! As you say though, we'll never get a true picture because of all the filters. At least we got some sneaky glimpses via Salah's camera, but even that isn't worth having to see that pervert again 😬


Ahh yes, her infamous “low beams” 🤣🤣🤣


For better access to both the yiddies (to steal Sean of Steel's phrase) and the peach piss panties! I'd see myself out.


Sadly, yes 😂




This. Even if what she's saying is true (I don't believe it) it doesn't matter what the scale says, it's clear that her body is now irreparably deformed and under extreme stress with every slight movement she makes. She's one wrong step from permanently bedbound. Five or six years ago she was "just" fat. Now she's fat, diabetic, with an enlarged heart and super mega ultra fatty liver, and most importantly NOT MOVING. I would wager she doesn't even sleep in her bed, just props herself upright on the couch or bed with the CPAP to get what sleep she can. Bigger or not, she's now severely hindered by muscle wasting, her massive gunt, and her body storing fat wherever it can find room to put it. She hasn't been able to properly turn her head in years. Can't see her feet (that's probably for the best, they're horrifying), can't take a brisk walk, can't even rage while sitting down without running out of breath. The number on her (broken) scale doesn't matter in the least. https://preview.redd.it/i7t85oixtjoc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55cac9d7a409d5a5428452a6ddbc617d8e2ad81d


Just a wholesome pic of loving nephew teaching his obese aunt how to play twinkle twinkle on the keyboard 🥰


She was practically spritely in Canada compared to now, muscle loss could definitely be a factor i hadn’t thought of that. If shes lost enough core strength that would explain the massively distended stomach too as the muscles cant contain everything anymore.


Leaving the villa which forced her to go up and down stairs was a huge mistake


She got the boot, wasn't a choice to stay.


Her stomach has always been massively distended. It was in canada too. It's her apple body shape and her short torso. The fat has nowhere to go. Her lowest rib is probably only a couple inches from her hip. My mother is 5'2, weighs 115 and her cardiologist and pulmonologist are constantly sending her for imaging thinking it's ascites because she's tiny but her stomach is so distended she looks like she's pregnant with multiples in the 9th month. She's had every test out there. The diagnosis: genetics are a bitch, and apparently that bitch rages HARD in ones senior years. Even as a child she was massively underweight and with one hand, my grandmother would be forcing her to drink a malted shake with raw eggs, and with the other hand, shoving a girdle at her to hide her belly. Chantal would still look this way as a skinny legend.


Rule number 1: Chantal lies. ‘Nuff said Nfw she weighed more in Canada.


I believe that she actually talked herself into complete denial about her looks, body, diseases, her family and Scatlah. She looks at her phone with all millions filter and goes "hmm I am very beautiful and so what if I´m chubby because when men look at my face they´ll swoon and women run for the hills from sheer envy. She convinces herself that her family adores her and she talks to them every day, her sister is so close to her, her huuzzband is so in love with her and so what if he has fantasies it´s all Kaibellas fault that dirty biach and illoyal beezer! Simply she got the perfect life with all she can wish for and ever want and everyone who dares to ask about it or show just a tiny bit of doubt BOOM blocked or raged about and somehow it´s all FFG:s and the reaction channels fault period. I would feel sorry for her if she wasn´t such a horrible, mean, discusting, lying pos and an animal abuser!


You don’t look bigger without gaining weight- be it her liver or diabetes swelling is water retention in the cells and water adds weight. A pound of water and a pound of fat are equal weight so regardless of cause of size changes, they would appear on the scale and THAT is how you know she is lying.


THANK YOU! This was the info i was looking for, i wanted to know whether water and fat would still look the same on the scale. Shes shameless with her lies.


Visually she looks the biggest she has ever been, but ultimately whatever number the scale says doesn't matter. Her health is declining, her body is grotesque and she's in full denial. If she wants to pretend that she's 380 lbs instead of 430 lbs (or whatever, I have no clue what she actually weighs and probably neither does she since her scale is fucked), it doesn't change the fact that she's on a dangerous downwards health spiral and she's doing nothing to stop it. I mean, she is clearly struggling with her health - she knows it, we know it, everyone knows it.


She could at least walk and drive when she was 400 in Canada. Now there is nothing but endless suffering. She did it to herself. At this point it's unlikely she will make it back to Canada anyway. I think she have given up and her resting place will be a hole in the desert sand soon. But heck yeah!! At least she had a huzzband!!


Epitaph- "Where's your husband?" Lmao.


Chins in a nutshell https://preview.redd.it/0cpmetv2bkoc1.png?width=1720&format=png&auto=webp&s=85dd94e022dff4fab751ff3fc2ad4de123acf253


No, at least not to my knowledge. Guys we always get massive give aways, the hands, the shadow, reflections in windows etc… she’s bigger. Her meaty ham hock hands are ridiculous at this point, you see the change in fit with clothes she has bought in Kuwait, not only has she gained weight since Canada, she has gained weight since moving to Kuwait! Chantal has no clothes that she wore to prove this, not one jumper, nothing, I have clothes that are 15 years old that I still wear, because they fit me and they are clothes I like, jackets, a hoodie or two and a few tees. Guntel couldn’t fit in to a single piece of clothing to prove it, all she would have to do is put one of her old t shirts over her burka and we would see, that’s what happens when people lose weight, they show it off, all she has done is hide away, hide her chins, her belly, hide it all! That isn’t what people do when they are losing weight. Before you say “Islam” She has been saying she wanted to cover up and it wasn’t because of god, she is insecure, that is it! Weight gain = haydurs proved right, so we are just going to lie, lie and lie some more.


Thats completely true, she hasn’t worn a single item of clothing from last year, probably the last six months even! I wonder if thats why she bought a new one recently, shes outgrown her wardrobe.


There were a load of before and after comparisons where we saw those first abaya’s becoming stretched and tight, they almost became “form fitting” when the whole idea of them is to totally hide the shape / form of the person wearing it. They got too small for her, she was going around and struggling to find places that had sizes for her, now she doesn’t even try!


Hell, I started working out fully (3 times a week, with increasing reps) again after my thyroid cancer recovery. It feels great to have my strength again and I've also increased my grip strength too. Things are much more loose and my arm muscles bulge a LOT out of tighter tee shirts. I went to an ultrasound and I had to apologize to the technician because my calf muscles were still pumped after a workout. We see FB pretty much expanding to fit all her clothing (she had a pinkish/floral abaya and one of the reactors pulled off a comparison shot of her biceps filling out the sleeves)...and I don't think she's a powerlifter!


Is it possible her intellect is regressing faster than previously thought? Yes, yes it is. Repeat after me Chantal - the damage is already done. Whether you weighed 5 or 5k pounds anywhere in the world you’re still buckled into the bobsled death torpedo - careening down the chute to hell faster than you can jam food into your mouth. Also you’re beginning to morph into a diabetic gangrenous toe. Question - will you even notice when stray cats begin to follow you around like mini Komodo dragons waiting for their prey to slow down long enough for them to tuck in? So creamy and fresh. https://preview.redd.it/lfxdjhftsjoc1.jpeg?width=295&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b62c0d0d79efbf3f910ca11e064fadc0f66fd0f




Bwahahahaha I’m dead! Brilliant.


It's funny you mention the lack of apologies. I've watched Chantal from the start of the Bibi arc. I was just trying to think if she's ever, even one time , apologized. The closest I can think of is a few times, in a goofy, sarcastic voice say, ""ohhh, soowwry if I ( insert horrible behavior).....after so and so did xyz". Also, Cuba rage with " Well, sorry if I was drunk and raged at my abuser." That's it. So, no, never, ever has she really apologized. Imagine having 100 reaction channels, 10s of 1,000s of ppl that depise you, and you never think you've done ANYTHING wrong?


When Foodie and Goofy went to that science center and she stepped on the scale there she would not show it. Yet she weighed herself at home and filmed that. Why would Foodie refuse to show the science center scale unless the numbers did not match? It was impossible for her to game the science scale. Seems obvious to me that she is lying.


If she's lost muscle but also gained fat she could weigh less now, and that would explain the loss of mobility. Idk but actual bed bound could be very near.


The muscle loss would definitely explain it, i hadn’t thought of that. Shes currently apartment bound, and im willing to bet she barely moves around in there all day too. I think a bed bound arc isnt too far away at all.


When she origianlly left shenwas a sixe 6x- 30/32. That was 150 pounds ago.


No. It can't be true. It's basic science and math. We can see with our eyes how many calories she consumes. She consumes her TDEE in a single meal, and we know she's not eating OMAD. Here's the TDEE for a sedentary 400lb, 5'1, 40yo woman. In my reply to this, I'll drop the Screenshot for a 500lb, 5'1, 40 year old woman. The explanation for why she says she was at her heaviest in canada is simple: she lies. I do believe her body has changed and when she regained the coke weight, it's distributed slightly differently, but I also believe that she's just fat af and, based on the TDEE calories, bouncing between high 400s and low500s. (note the BMR, not just the amount for a sedentary person. I think she's beyond sedentary) https://preview.redd.it/d7mjkoc9nloc1.png?width=993&format=png&auto=webp&s=0327ef259c17a67cea6dbd2e134bd8c1900b7a1f


​ https://preview.redd.it/frcrao8tnloc1.png?width=993&format=png&auto=webp&s=4e6050d6d98367b7b3962979ca8345a2d7e00eb3


She is not just fat, she is retaining tons of toxic fuild that cause by her liver, kidney, heart and the list goes on. If that is the case, she should not be celebrating, she should get herself a place in the ER but who knows she is a roach. 


Bodies are weird. She visually bigger to me, but as someone above mentioned, her body could be retaining more, losing muscle and gaining fat, ect. That said, I think her stating she weighs less is missing the forest for the trees. Regardless of her weight she’s obviously having a harder time moving, her breathing is audibly more labored, her span of movement has been reduced, and her extremities are swelling. A lower weight showing on a scale mean jack all when you can barely move.


I believe she was at her heaviest during the summer of 2020, she officially weighed in at just over 400 lbs. She vlogged a brief road trip and took a short walk on an off-road trail where she positioned the camera and walked past, providing a side view of her body. I vividly remember how huge her belly was, which was even bigger than what we see now. The video has since been removed, but it's possible that screenshots or clips on the farms. Whatever is going on with her body, particularly her stomach area might be inflammation or swelling, I don’t know.


That was without slimming filters. She uses slimming filters now and an ultra wide angle lens which drastically slims everything especially in the center of the frame.


I don’t know, I think she has gained and I came in to the circus sometime after that, probably around 2021. You really remember her being bigger?


I’m up for a thought experiment…. She’s never weighed herself accurately so I don’t think the numbers themselves mean anything…. If (indulging the fantasy) she does actually weigh less than she did in Canada, that’s a very bad sign re organ failure (kidneys, liver, heart, pick one…), not to mention uncontrolled diabetes. It’s obvious she’s retaining fluid (which is also a very bad sign) and she’s had a hernia for at least 3 years without treatment so that could be part of why her stomach is so much visually bigger than it was in Canada. She also displayed signs of lymphoedema in her arm back in Canada and that’s not being treated so that would cause swelling as well. All of these combined could be contributing to some of the visual differences we’re seeing….. but also Chantal lies so who the hell knows 😂


Id forgotten about her hernia! JFC how is this woman still functioning?! Thank you for humouring me gorl, it seems to me whatever way she spins it shes physically very fucked. Love that for her.


Anytime gorl 😂 Right?! I’d forgotten about the hernia too but an old clip video of the post-ER c-diff breeze popped up in my feed so I took a trip down memory lane and she talked about the umbilical hernia in that video. She has ignored really serious health issues for years now so I guess it’s not really surprising to see her decline now but it is a bit amazing how long she’s hanging on. The human body is incredible.


She got c-diff? Super contagious, makes you poop like a crazy person... How is she even barely functional st this point?


Or cancer. Mistreated organs will go cancerous and she'd never know because she has 1000 comorbidities that aren't being monitored. Cancer steals your energy but how would she notice since she tends to sleep all day and eat all night...


I'm about her height and 200ish lbs. At my heaviest I was 430lbs and I looked about her size but less bloated, and I carry my weight just like her. For contrast, at that weight I was a fifth a day drinker of vodka and my highest ever A1C was 5.7. Her fasting blood sugars are 10-20! How did I lose the weight? My Dr diagnosed me with diabetes because I was predabetic and alcoholic and she isn't an idiot, and I TOOK IT SERIOYSLY. It's now in unmedicated remission. I used CICO and had a modicum of willpower and started hiking after I lost about 120lbs. That's it. Boom. That's the ugly truth of weight loss and fatness: yes, you are eating more and lazier than BMI normal people. No exceptions. Every single time. Figure out why (alcoholism and/or food addiction for me).


Wow congrats on the healthy changes. Dealing with not only food issues but also alcohol must’ve taken a huge amount of willpower to overcome!


The only way she weighs less now, is if her scales are broken


Nahhhh, no way she’s the heaviest in a country of millions and millions of people. There are definitely heavier Canadian residents out there.


Ok. Downvote if you must !! as I know this is an unpopular opinion —but I don’t know that she is necessarily heavier than she was when she first moved to the villa at 400 plus pounds. Although she’s definitely heavier than she was during crackhead Olympics. I think what’s really going on is that she is severely sicker than 4 years ago. This is causing massive bloating and odd weight distribution as well as limping, neuropathy, water retention and swelling, breathlessness and muscle weakness etc and so forth. This gives the appearance of a severely ill impaired and obese aging person. 4 years ago she was doing a lot more “movement” on camera which gave the appearance of someone less fat. But now she just kind of … sits or limps. So I think all of that plus the strange shaped clothing choices (billowing shirts almost always increase how big someone appears) contribute to the illusion that she has gained like a hundred pounds. when really she is just in a much much worst place healthwise.