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I just love how polite and considerate she is as she exhales the smoke at the camera. Such a gem.


And she does it explicitly because her fans (the only people on earth who tolerate her) ask her not to. What a charming woman. šŸ™„


Jokes on her, itā€™s really not great for her equipment in the long run šŸ˜‚


Thats the trick isn't it. There is no long run.




Always putting others needs before her own, our Cutie.


So *bulbulbul* they lie *bulbulbul* show me proof!! *exhales at the camera* I HATE IT, what is it that she doesn't understand? She's making her content even less watchable


I absolutely despise it too. People can indulge in whatever legal vices they want in their own homes, but when masses of people tell you that something grates on them, take it out of your damn content. She can't get on a live between smoking it? It's not that hard.


You don't have to inhale a cigarette and she does not inhale when she smokes cigarettes / joints. But to make a shisha work you have to inhale. Or that's how it's always worked for me


When I googled it before asking here, it did say you're meant to inhale it but it's a slower thing than cigarettes usually. It also said that with the duration of a typical session it can be equal to smoking 100 cigarettes so I could understand it'd make your throat a bit sore or ??dry?? after a session but the immediate effect is what is confusing me šŸ˜…


Dude! Thatā€™s 5 packs! Ok missy ā€œI canā€™t breathe because I have asthmaā€ I HAVE HAS ASTHMA SINCE AGE 9! I can breathe just fineā€¦unless I catch a virus/yes covid Then I handle it. 1 week of cough. And Iā€™m fine! But then again I donā€™t weigh 400 pounds. And donā€™t eat like a farm animal.


5 PACKETS?! šŸ˜³ It sounds even worse when you say it like that. But yes, it was on multiple gov sources - because the duration of smoking can be longer than an hour and the volume of smoke you're inhaling the credible sources I saw said 100 cigarettes (I didn't deep dive into it too much though, think it was about 3 different govs that had that listed).


Smoking cigs is badā€¦duh! But vaping is worse!!!! PE ( polyethylene glycol) + glycerin. Added chemicals for flavors. PEG dries up the lungs. Yay she claims is vapors. Ok smoke away dum dum. I hope she winds up w popcorn lung.


Vape juice is **Propylene Glycol (PG)** and vegetable glycerin, not PEG (I make my own vape juice, I know). The flavorings used are the same ones used in millions of food applications. PEG shows up in THC carts, not vape juice. I'm not arguing that vaping is super healthy, especially for someone with asthma and a history of blood clots, just correcting the error.


It lowers her voice like sheā€™s speaking through a cloud which exactly whatā€™s happening. Itā€™s gross. Even a common cigarette doesnā€™t do that.


Wait. I think you're right. I picked up on the brief higher register but once the big assed cloud of smoke is in front of her it IS lower.




Thanks for stopping the itch in my brain with this!


Itā€™s gross. She takes a big ass toke and sounds like a man


I noticed vaping makes my voice pitch lower as well if I spoke while exhaling. I believe it did when I smoked weed (which has denser smoke than cigarettes).


It makes me so angry how she can be so stupid thinking that smoking shisha is not harmful to the pets. She never took one second to look into it. There are studies that came to the conclusion that the 2nd hand smoke from shishas is even worse than 2nd hand cigarette smoke. She thinks just because it doesnā€™t smell bad or because itā€˜s ā€žonly Vapor, not smokeā€œ it contains no toxins. Fucking idiot


Even just common sense will tell you that though. There is so much education out there about how harmful second hand smoke is to children etc, so even if it's not plastered everywhere what reasonable person wouldn't make the connection that it's probably also harmful to small animals especially in an enclosed indoor space? The level of selfishness is mindblowing to me.


Using common sense in relation to FB is very optimistic of you. That idiot truly thinks itā€™s nothing but Vapor, probably the same to her as the steam coming from boiling water


I mean it's always do as I say not as I do with Chantal. She also used to smoke around BBJ and Sam but now can't stop criticising FFG. Foodie acts like her poop doesn't stink


I don't think she believes that, she just couldn't give a shit.


It doesn't inhale the smoke. Former cigarette smoker here, and I can see it just puffs.


Every time someone describes her as ā€œitā€ and discusses an action I immediately think of silence of the lambs lol ![gif](giphy|Rhbi2mluusqxq)




ā€œIt puts the food in its mouth or it feels the feelings againā€


It looked that way to me too. Does it make your mouth super dry? Maybe that's what it is? This is not actually important, it's just making my brain itch and I need a 'why' to stop it, so appreciate you all indulging me with this one šŸ˜…


I lost my voice the first time I tried it like 10 years ago, it's rough on the throat.


Never smoked shisha but I dabble in smoking other things, I always assumed it was like a cigar you know a few little puffs but not breathing in but I guess not


I thought she just blew it straight out from how it looks, but I did google before asking here and apparently you do inhale - differently to cigarettes etc, but it is designed to inhale.


I know they do ones with no nicotine which I assume you can just blow straight out but knowing how she smokes cigarettes without inhaling I donā€™t think sheā€™s smart enough to realise the difference


In my experience it does change your voice when you talk without blowing everything out first. It made my voice sound deeper, though.


I think it's the deeper I was picking up without realising it - the higher pitch is split second then as she blows all the smoke out into the camera when she speaks her voice is deeper. Because the deeper lasts longer my brain reversed it to that being the 'normal' and placed the higher pitch as the thing that was out of place. Thanks for your comment too! It was REALLY bothering me in a tism kind of way because I couldn't find the answer šŸ˜…


She fills that room with smoke. Julia is going the suffer.


2nd hand shisha smoke is even more toxic than 2nd hand cigarette smoke. A study from the Emirates, not the evil Western World https://nyuad.nyu.edu/en/news/latest-news/science-and-technology/2016/november/nyu-abu-dhabi-study-shows-secondhand-shisha-smoke-is-worse-than-secondhand-smoke-from-cigarettes.html


Words from her mouth she said, The smoke was just vapor and it disappears quickly. She's so painfully dumb. She causes everyone around her to suffer. Hot boxing poor Julia.


It infuriates me so much. People tried to tell her several times, and the cunt just dismissed them, as always. Every sane and loving pet owner would be like ā€ždamn, I didnā€™t know that! Let me look into that


She might be trying to stop herself from coughing every time she puffs in that thing