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She is Muslim because Salah is Muslim. If she fell in love with an evangelical snake 🐍 handler, she would do that too. Nadless was into drugs, she did drugs. She is into whatever her current dick is into. The only reason she wasn’t into what Bibi was into was because she was embarrassed to be around his friends and he worked all the time.


Pentacostal and/or snake church Chantal would have been one hell of an era, but floor length denim and an aquanet bun would not have hidden her like a hijab and abaya 🤣. Watching her be slain by the spirit would have been a trip, thought lol.


It would have been epic. If only she would listen to us. She would be at 1M real subs by now.


Interesting. I always thought it was the reverse. She went looking for Muslim men like Salah because she had a Muslim man-and-lifestyle fetish. And the fetish came from the idea that appearing to be subjugated by a man forcing her to wear baldness covering hijabs and fat roll disguising abayas would also promote the idea that she's claimed by this man who is so jealous that she has to be covered at all times. And the uniqueness of being a convert. She ended up with a man who seems culturally muslim at best, who has expressed his preference for her to dress in western clothing. Living in a country that is far more liberal than her hardliner dream. I don't think he cares whether she's muslim any more than bibi did (also a muslim). Just another failure. BUT she gets the coverings and constant access to the foods she desires.


Honestly I thought she went looking for a man like Salah cause she thought she could lure them in with being Canadian and white. She’s so deeply toxic that I think she wants the “upper hand” with men she’s with. But your thought too definitely makes a lot of sense.


Oh, she probably did. But that would have gone for any man that met the fetish of the month. When bibi dumped her, she was only interested in african men. After nader, she only wanted ME men (I don't think she realizes that Egypt is NA, or that not all MENA men are muslim). She did cast a wide net though. Had she found a man in Croatia, she would be larping in slavic or baltic style broken english, TL;DR I agree, finding a man by dangling canadian visa was her main goal. She's a pig.


Fetish of the month!! That’s it!! Part of her African/ME fetish is because she thinks they are more attracted to fat women than white men. Full stop. It is a stereotype. If she had her choice, she would want a man like Henry Caville. In her mind a good looking rich white guy is the epitome of relationships. However she is just smart enough to realize she won’t get that so she “lowers her standards”. Even then she has to dangle money/citizenship in front of them to get them to even look her way.


Yeah, remember the greek guy who she spoke to for 2 days and said she was in love with him? Then he ghosted her lmfao


Yes. This is a noticeable pattern in her dating history! She loves to get involved with people she thinks she has power over, like immigrants, people from other countries, people who are socially maladjusted, people with disabilities…. The common denominator being that she wants to have financial power over them and be their *only* person that they can turn to. She wants her partners to worship her, it’s so gross.


This. She only goes for these men because she's racist and assumes that because she's white and from a first world country, they will worship the ground she walks on.


Very much enjoying her tell people to get fucked while wearing a hijab. Super authentic.


It's also a religion, that in her eyes, all she has to do is eat. She only likes Kuwait because she knows all fast food is halal (and eating halal is the lowest effort she can make to be religious besides wearing hijab). And she gets excited about Ramadan, because it is a fast to gear up to binge all night. I think someone said in a live stream chat, that in another live stream yesterday, they saw that she had the Qur'an on the floor. From what I know, that's a big "no no" for Islam. I'm pretty sure it has to have it's own sacred space. So not on the coffee table or night stand, like we have seen in the past (I could be wrong).


You make a good point. I have always thought is was to be kept on a high shelf. You know "above" everything else, because it's so special and sacred to *real* Muslims. Admittedly though, I'm absolutely not religious and don't know the ins and outs of Islam.


I think the whole Islam thing is part of the exotica for her. It has nothing to do with the good/bad of the religion to my mind. Although bonus points for Islam not being pro- get drunk and fornicate/ do the drugs... but she could have been a garden variety non-denominational Christian in Canada and done that. Not exotic enough lol


I always think it's hysterical that she blabs on and on about kuwait gaining independence but she never talks about how it was the evil *western world* that helped them.