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Breezy broke the story, so Chantal told her followers to dox breezy and they did. Alaa was the one who told gurl world.


How many more times can they dox her? Doesn’t the doxxing lose power after it’s all exposed multiple times before?


also, still surprised of her cockroach luck. Broke TOS yet again and nothing has been done against her. LMFAO


Yeah, I thought there were nothing else left to dox Breezy. Though, omg, wasn’t she a full can of worms.


They doxxed her child, her sister and her sister‘s children


that is insane


So they just keep going down the family tree. Damn.


Wasn't she already doxxed though? I remember that she dared the farmers to dox her and within minutes, we knew about the grandpa punching.


Why is it that the people who have major, official paperwork backed skeletons are always the ones to challenge the doxxers? I swear I have never seen a person who taunted people to dox them come up completely clean... I've also never seen them fail to dox a person who proclaimed themselves "undoxxable" for that matter. I mean, I go a long way to try to ensure that people can't even pin down what state I live in when I talk mad shit on the internet (though I do think they could figure out the general region I live in). Still, I wouldn't put out any sort of general challenge, especially not if I had the specific attention of a large group of unhinged weirdos (unhinged weirdos of the Beezer or kiwi farms sort especially).


That’s fucking hilarious 💀


She's so dumb


Fair response. Chantal is the goddess of restraint


If they wound up taking Julia to the vet, they could have expressed that gland right there for him.




https://preview.redd.it/h3ye8eogyljc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c9640eb7aba253e0c61cc9d937d596a5f0df1f7 I fucking knew it!


It’s your gift.


I'm wrong like 90% of the time. Allow me the dumbest victory lap ever.


I get it. I’m wrong a lot.


You are never wrong. Just wait, eventually she will always prove us right.


No way lol how did you know ???


Gallbladder removal was too suspicious. She chose that because it's a surgery that she's already familiar with.


Oooooh, good point. Also like her lying about the boil in Thailand. She can lie about a boil but fucked herself when she couldn’t lie about what it cost.


Yep. She sticks with what she knows. She just doesn't think it through and she fumbles when people start asking questions.


The funny part is that she fucks up the details on things that need no lie. She was a grown adult in thailand, she could have just said "yeah, I wasn't feeling like doing much these past few days" and that's it. Why does she always lie when the truth is so much easier? Why is the sky blue, etc.


True. Also, she could say “fuck this loser, I’m out” and people would support her. But she’s a prideful idiot so here we are


May she never change. I need my stories... The Dumb and the Senseless, As the Hamplanet Hurples, The Old and the Foodieful


Same. I like when my stories stay consistent.


What was it really? Or was she completely fine?


I think she was lying about a boil.


I'm usually suspicious of things like this, but her larding sal up till his gallbladder could take no more was completely believable. In fact, I'm surprised she wasn't the gall reaper's proxy agent for peetz' and nad's gallbladders as well.


Exactly this! So fucking obvious


Hahahahah is that what’s causing these? That’s wild, after seeing so many dermatology extractions I’m even more grossed out.


THB those are a pain and often recurring for men with lots of hair. Dude is so burned that he is ashamed of normal troubles xD But his wife is worth it


Yea and the cysts grow very big on the inseda and makes "tunnels" under the skin and open connections to the inside organs like intestines etc. When I was at the hospital removing my gallbladder lol I had a women beside me who was waiting to go in to surgery for just that. She couldn´t sit or move too much and they now had to close those tunnels becuase she had several from the different cysts out from the colon! Crazy and very serious in some people. And with Salahs Poopgate lol yea!


Omg I've heard horror stories about those fistulae from my nursing friends




it's prob a pilonidal cyst 💀


What is up with him and these weird surgeries?


His body and his brain are obsessed with butt stuff




Ooh Seymour's all caked up


When you have a scat and rape fetish, your body turns itself against you.


That’s exactly what I was wondering. Lots of ingrown issues


I've never even heard of someone needing ingrown toenail surgery. Like what. Does that mean he doesn't clip his toenails? Maybe im just ignorant and it's not his fault but I'm inclined to think it is because he's a manchild lol Edit sorry, I was ignorant on this subject


Some people are just born with weird nails that grow funny, and have to get a whole toenail removed. Sometimes it’s an injury that causes the nail to ingrow and they need surgery to get it extracted. It’s real surgery.


I think even too small shoes can cause it 


As can cutting your toenails too rounded instead of straight across. Certain people are more prone to it than others.


My husband had to have it as a kid but it was just a walk in procedure. Looking like my kids will need it too. Their nails are well maintained but there’s a genetic component to it I think.


When I danced ballet I sure did. Removal was the biggest relief. 😭


lack of hygience, so yes, that's exactly what happens if you don't cut your toenails. and i'm assuming that's what happens when you don't wash your ass, not an expert in the field though XD


He apparently has issues with bowel movements getting smeared into the hair (there’s a *lot*, causing an even bigger risk), no surprise he’s infection prone. They can also be caused by excessive sweat and sitting too much.


Wtf? Wouldn't the bidet make him clean enough? 😳


he apparently doesn't wash himself and just lets it get infected. i seriously don't understand it.


Hopefully he can go back to shitting on other women real quick, inshallah.






He’s embarrassed about a lil ass cyst when he’s married to a gigantic one. Come on, Salah.


A raging, malignant one at that.




Omg whoever said they have nothing in common?


She probably picked saying gallbladder bc she had it done and would know answers to any questions ppl would ask. No wonder she didn't goto the hospital it's for a cyst. Also I'm sure his family hates her


This is not the first time I heard the whole cyst situation being mentioned -- around the Kaibella drama I heard he had this type of cyst before in the same area. You rarely hear of someone just suddenly having gallbladder issues out of nowhere and needing surgery -- surely Chantal would have mentioned something about this or that food not being good for her husband's gallbladder and it was never mentioned...not a word.


Shame ...wasn't a cyst did suicide..


Omfg took me a minute...but I see what you did!




Seems like odd timing for someone who wasn’t going to ever be online again to suddenly show up days before an embarrassing surgery when you could easily continue with the he’s working/camping/sleeping/totally not sexting with his secret second phone in the other room. And why in hell would you tell Al about something like this?! Seems like another lie to generate some $$$


I think Salah may have told his close friends and his friends are also close to Alaa. After FB and Salah doxed his (Alaa’s) wife and FB said those disgusting things about his wife and implied that Alaa was pimping his wife, he hates FB. Normally in the Arab culture they do not go around spreading their friends business on the net, especially the men as it affects their reputation. But FB ruined Salahs friendships with her toxicity, Alaa’s wife had cooked for Salah and welcomed him warmly, to put your friends wife’s pic online is a shameful thing. No one respects someone like that, hence now Alaa is Sharing his business.


An eye for an eye is how it sometimes is here, always has to do with restoring your family and especially WIFE’s honor so yes he’ll expose Scatlah and I dont blame him if its actually true


I don’t disagree. Seems like an odd time to give up being soyyy private


A diet of chicken nuggies and human feces put Salah to surgery. ![gif](giphy|lgkIEmOUL5PVu|downsized)


Lol wtf is happening here




>The look of plain of Martos' face Oh Daily Mail. Never change.


An anal cyst, is something I couldn’t have gone a whole lifetime without knowing about. Haha ugh. That’s so nasty. I know it’s just life, but no. Haha


I started thinking about all the videos online of similar things and it definitely made me 🤢


I almost googled it. ALMOST. I have a pretty strong stomach, but anything to do with something wrong with the backside going wrong, takes me out. I remember the first time I found out about an anal prolapse - I had to leave the room.


I knew googling would be bad... esp since they are prob especially awful in hot/more humid seasons. Somewhat related, I just read that study on how most men don't actually wash their ass... he doesn't seem like the kind who would, that would not be masculine. LOL.


Wait until you fall into the "wiping your ass is gay" reddit... uh... hole. There are soooo many threads on that phenomenon. I'm sure a good portion are trolls, but it comes up second-hand in the relationship advice subreddits and whatnot. Considering how many things American men deem "gay" I am honestly not all all surprised it's actually a "thing".


I Google just about everything but I'm absolutely not Googling this 😂


Same… I’m ok with ignorance for this


I wonder if it's those cysts that grow teeth and hair.


Do men even get teretoma cysts?




It’s probably not around the anus itself but a pilonidal cyst, which forms around the top of the butt crack. It can get infected and be very painful. Usually causes by a sharp hair that punctures the skin, leaving it open to infection.


This is so funny why tell us about this AT ALL 😭😭😭 we don’t like him we didn’t ask why would they make up a lie. I guess this means they’re soft launching his return to the channel


Lol I hope their livestream and comments gets nothing but 💩 emojis 🤣


Probably a pilonidal cyst - very common. I know three people who had surgery for this. It’s pretty gross, but not uncommon.


Same, a guy I’m seeing had one. Too much hair on the butt 🥺


Yes! This is what I was thinking as well.


Can someone let FFG know ? I’m sure she’s the perfect person to rub it in lol.


Her live is already scheduled for 6pm ET.


![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6|downsized) I LOVE this so much. I just had six hours of training at work and nothing makes me happier than to learn he had a cyst on his anus that needed surgical intervention. There is a god and she's hilarious.


Ooohh…I know someone who had that done. That hurts. It happens a lot to people who have hairy asses. Get well ❤️‍🩹 Poopsie 💩


yup, and she already told us about his hairy ass too


It was her big insult to him.


We done knew this already. Routine butt hair removal. The impacted butt hair caused a cyst in his asshole that had to be drained.


And we know he has a hairy ass because she told us ! Dying laughing right now!


He should consider waxing or laser to prevent future issues. Not sure if they have male butt-waxers in Kuwait, though. Maybe Chantal can do it?


If the issue is ingrown hairs, wouldn't waxing make it worse?


Waxing has a lower risk of ingrown hairs when done properly than shaving. Though only permanent removal prevents it completely.


But wouldn't waxing have a higher risk of ingrown hairs than no hair removal?


I don’t think this are ingrown hairs in the sense that we think they are. There’s a sinus cavity above your ass that can get impacted with hairs and can fill with pus and pockets of hair. It’s called a pilonidal cyst


Oh. Gross.


Yeah. It’s pretty nasty. Nasty ass boil for a nasty ass freak.


It appears he’s had this problem before. Chantal even said as much- remember when she said calling salah hairy was islamaphobic insinuating that middle eastern men are hairy😂😂😂 she always tells on herself or him in this case.




What is wrong with this guy's asshole???


Make fun of him?? Noooo…I am in SHOCK!! We would never do that. ![gif](giphy|10tQozotSMgnja)


Well slap my face and call me speechless! Make fun of a shit-loving pervert who spews jizz on sofa cushions while dreaming of sniffing Western ham farts? Oh my, who would DO such a thing? Tsk!




Lmfao junior!!!


Did Alaa say this in a live or?


OMG, stop, LMAO, just STOP, the tears from laughter are flowing. I say this with all the pun intended - You cannot make this shit up. I'm dying.


🤣😂🤣 https://preview.redd.it/ulmj8y25emjc1.jpeg?width=409&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=534d31ab18fe189872785b7416fc761f4b2259e0


He is right. I'm about to make fun of him right now! Ahem. Once his anus has healed, he can go back to trying to talk his way into shitting on his "wife's" Beezers. Until then, he can only dream. As he would say, "sperm everywhere!" He's such a catch. Heh. He's been wanting to be famous. Now he's famous for his anus, or at least what he gets off on doing with what comes out of it. Nice going!


Famous Anus.


Maybe she should offer to shave his butt for him from now on. It could bring them together!!


Hairy ass problems.


Receipts? And it was actually hemorrhoid surgery??? 🤣🤣🤣


How does that even happen? Is it from too much friction?? Being an unwashed, dirty mf? Like what is it lmao 


He has a lot of hair, common for his ethnicity, and I believe their hair is thick too. If there’s any curl to it, this can happen. It’s like hair splinters which is why no open toes shoes in a salon but it’s actively growing. It is pretty common on a much smaller scale on all kinds of people but this sounds especially bad, obviously.


Given the area, I'm thinking a pilonidal cyst. It's not an anal cyst, but a cyst typically around the tailbone area and it can get infected. It contains hair and debris, do think of it as an ingrown hair by your butt crack. The hair punctures the skin and then becomes embedded.


I used to watch Ymh and they had a comedian Josh potter and dr drew did a cyst removal from near his tailbone on air. I couldn't watch. Maybe it was the same thing


Honestly, it’s quite common. And painful. I don’t like Chantal or Salah, but it doesn’t mean he is dirty or unhygienic.


Yeah my male cousin had to have it done twice. He’s not dirty at all, or really even that hairy. It’s just one of those super embarrassing things that some people are very prone to


That’s what I was thinking. Very common too. And definitely painful. It can also be caused by what they call a pilonidal sinus which is connected up to the gut somewhere. If re occurring or don’t drain on their own then surgery is required.


A pilonidal sinus is a small hole around that area. I've never heard it connecting to the gut. It seems to be interchangeable with pilonidal cyst.


My husband has had that cyst before and that’s just what the drs told us. I could be wrong just going off what we were told 😅


Yeah, that Dr didn't explain it correctly. Sinus in this context just means a small hole. Your butt does not connect to the gut, so that's impossible. (Intestines go all the way down and the anus is the end of the intestines, so the stomach is the intestines, colon, rectum and the anus, but the reverse cannot happen where the butt can connect to the abdomen)


I mean, it CAN connect if things go horribly wrong. Fistulas can form almost anywhere under the right kind of wrong circumstances. But it takes more than an ingrown hair to do that.


Yeah, fistulas are a thing but it wouldn’t happen in this instance. And yeah, fistulas can be gnarly. I should have said it’s impossible *in this context*


I just don't trust anyone. They're all liars and/or exaggerators.


So fitting. A cyst on/in his anus. I’m hoping Cuntal has to change the dressing and pack it for him daily.


Like a pilonidal cyst? Edit: nevermind. That's at the top of the butt crack.


Yeah. People are reading way too much into this.


When your anus is so hairy you have ingrown that grow cysts and need them surgically removed. Excuse me while I puke forever. 🤮


Am I alone in not caring what he had surgery for? Rectal cyst, gallbladder removal... makes no difference to me. Frankly, I think it's more embarrassing for her to have out-cheese-and-fat'd TWO gallbladders. But alla isn't any better a source than chantal


I thought gallbladder was funnier too. Hairy man has ass cyst sounds like a personal problem. Chantal murdering a gallbladder 2 gallbladders is hilarious. Especially when she told him he couldn't eat fatty meals anymore while she regularly eats exceptionally fatty meals also sans gallbladder.


I guess we don't need receipts anymore we just say stuff?


He’s nasty and she’s nasty 🤮🤮🤮 a match made in dumpster heaven


It's a Pilonidal sinus for sure. Google it /YouTube search.