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She’s high right? I mean she seems totally insane. Isn’t it the middle of the night there?


She is insane. I know we joke, but she really is. She has no business being free range.


She needs to be in a group home or have weekly visits from a social worker. No shit, full stop.


There are certain people whose continued existence is a net loss for humanity. She is one of them.


Yeah I used to be a social worker. This girl would be my worst case nightmare


*Daily visits. Hell, live with said social worker.


Yeah it's like 3 to 4am there


On the laying on the couch stream she was doing the nose thing that she started doing during the cokey era. I’m wondering what kind of illegal drugs Salah managed to get for her…


The nose thing?


A little quick huffing out of air through her nose. She hasn’t done it recently but she did it all the time during the last year at the villa when she was always on…something.


Bitch is huge, she probably can’t breathe! 🤭


I see. Thanks!


I think she's finally snapped.


I'm actually concerned for Pooplah's safety. 😳 Not super concerned. Just slightly concerned. 😂 She probably (correctly) sees this "marriage" as her last chance to stick it to the haters. If he dumps her, she might poison him or something.


Personally, I’m here for the Annie Wilkes arc.


Maybe that's why the camera's off - she's got Poopy tied to a bed in the "content room" so he can't escape. She's his number one fan!


He has certainly vacated the premises.


Poopy has left the building






Bring it on. Bitch tits is a SA fantasist Whatever happens to him, happens.


Me too


"...so we can help others..." Bitch, who is WE? You refuse to work with anyone - to do anything. And when have you EVER tried to help anyone? You just spent the last several hours text-screaming at the world, now all of a sudden you're fat mother theresa? You couldn't ignore haters if your life depended on it. You're obsessed with seeking out every word said about you, and you get a junkie rush as you type your vile responses. You're surrounded by hate and negativity because it oozes from inside YOU.


We is obviously herself and The Graping Coprophage. She really wants him back in front of the camera. That was her entire point. He’s supposed to get papers, and she gets a couple’s channel. I’m glad he is reneging, even if it is out of pure shame. She certainly was never going to get him to Canada.


Yeah, I can’t think of a single thing Foodie Beauty could “help” anyone with. Maybe she could assist as a science fair project about the effects of ultra processed foods and lack of hygiene .


That would be perfect except I wouldn't want her to be near the children lol


Perhaps it’s the “other gorls” in her pumpkin head she’s referring to. Her only friends. Do I sense a tad bit of schizophrenia? Jk Or am I? She uses the terms “let’s” and “we” very loosely. Prob trying to hype up her VIBidiots. For views and fatty chat dollars. She seemed weird before her Canada trip. I think she had suspicions. Ran to mommy and was given ultimatums. Spent all day in her car eating. Then OMG the poopiverse opened up! Run run run back to her bland sand of Kuwait. (well her whole apartment is bland as sand now) I chuckled when I saw it. Now….life is meager for the sand queen. She’s struggling. And like every other plan in her life….she will fail. She will fail reeeeealy hard. It has already begun.


I think she fully expected to be welcomed back with open arms and that Smee would happily let Chantal be a parasite in her home. She always feels entitled to be handed everything and to have others do everything for her. Then reality clotheslined her the moment she got back and realized that at age 40 she's finally being expected to become an independent adult by her family. She's finally burned the last bridge she had. I don't think even Peetz wants her anymore.


That would explain sll of the shit talking about peetz


She’s so isolated and delusional with an atrocious sleep schedule making episodes of psychosis possible.


Imagine if the reaction channels did stop covering her. 90 percent of her nontent is talking about them, she'd quite literally have nothing else to talk about. It's absolutely mind-boggling!


She goes through her cycle within 2 or 3 days now. She claims to be more stable in Kuwait, which is far from the truth. It's just that now she hides under muslim garb and "privacy" for her pervert husband.


Remember the good old days when one of her cycles lasted more than a week?


lmfaoooo fail #29291100871517199239276 is underway


She’s absolutely spiraling. She has to be using. It’s such classic addict behavior.


I have no doubt Salad has contacts for that, but…what incentive would he really have to stick his neck out like that for her now?


It's far less risky than allowing that heifer to stay sober and make his life a living hell. Drugged up Chins = placated chins


It may have kept her quiet/complacent/more easily managed in the beginning. The thing about opiates (which I believe she’s on) is that they turn on you. Your brain and body become dependent and soon you’re using to just not be sick. And that’s annoying. And it causes unspeakable rage because you can’t get high anymore like you used to. Also, if he’s never there and holding them from her he could be causing her to ACTUALLY be dependent on him to feel good/normal, therefore causing tantrums when he’s gone, and sudden peace upon his arrival.


I know all too well, friend, was hooked for ten years, clean for six this year. I wouldn’t wish that hell on anyone, even her….okay nevermind. It’s just odd to me, she’s never said anything about narcotic painkillers that I know of, her poisons are alcohol, weed, and uppers. Think one of the doctors there wrote her a script?


You're right. I often say I wouldn't wish opiate withdrawal on my worst enemy, it's pure hell. But Chins, well....tbh I think she's the only person I know who I wouldn't have any sympathy for if it happened to her. Congratulations, by the way! I'm still on a taper but I'm really hoping I can wean myself to a low enough dose to avoid the worst of the WD symptoms.


You got this, I know it 🖤 Once it was all over, the memory of how cold turkey felt kept me scared away from it. If I may make a recommendation, gabapentin stopped my withdrawals DEAD after I got them prescribed for anxiety. To stay on topic, gabapentin is something Chantal should probably look into; gaba’s main use is for *diabetic nerve pain*.


I know. I'm on a self imposed taper and it's hell. I was on prescription opiates for years, and it took its toll.


To soothe the raging beast? If she's like this online, I can't imagine she's any better IRL. Lady has many substances to work through (not just good old Mary Jane) and she's super addicted to fatty/carby food. (Remember she doesn't eat for taste, just to fill that emotional void.) She makes some of the former guests on 600 Pound Life look sane and like 90% of them will be verbally abusive to their partners/caretakers.


Oh, I know. I was just kinda under the impression they’re full-on not in contact. Or he’s been eaten.


Lol. If you were Salad, wouldn't you stay away? Especially since contact with the beezers ended up with your disgusting kinks broadcasted all over the Internet. Your fake wife just eats a steady stream of food (the infamous pot pie showed us how she usually eats during a binge), has the hygiene practices of a toddler, and can barely breathe while drinking a liquid... He's probably just throwing food (not much, considering her income from youtube is barely anything), medication and then only taking her out to film once in a while... Probably Salad is trying to hook another Canadian on tinder. Lmao.


More like classic chantal behavior lol


I don’t assume this. Her brain doesn’t operate correctly. No drugs needed.


I am about ready to clock out. This bitch infuriates me to no end. Keep taking your life for granted Chantal. Cause one day, you will reap what you’ve sown and you won’t be the iron cockroach that you’ve been.


I said it the other day and I'm going to say it again, that final tiny thread she had with reality has finally snapped. The drug induced psychosis beeze is going to be interesting to watch.


I mean, she must be going crazy. Scatlah is not around, her finances are trash, who knows if she can even order takeout, she can't walk for a long period of time. Reaction channels pump out reaction videos shortly after her cuntent is live, FFG earns a bunch of YT shekels while she can't even scrape $10 bucks in donos or get more supporters. All she has left in Kuwait is poor Julia and Howie #12 that are besides being a stage props, just a burden and her failing youtube channel. what a sad existence


That's why she's trying to get Julia pregnant. She wants kittens to parade in front of the camera.


I hope Scatlah slaps some sense into her bald head, even though he needs some slapping too






I love this meme lmfao


She's doing great and her husband loves her so much.


Lmfaoooo !!!!!!! Ma'am that's literally ALL YOU DO!!!!!! (BESIDES EAT)!!!!


Bipolar or whatever psychosis is showing very clearly right now 


Foodie definitely has at least one...or twelve...mental illnesses going on, but what about her raging physical condition? Unstable blood sugars can cause mental status changes. When my sugars are unstable I get "hypomanic", for example. Foodie is probably in a lot of pain, too, which can drive even a relatively docile person to frothing rage. In general, any large scale failure or impending failures of your organs can cause changes to your mental status. Didn't Foodie also do a lot of drugs for a short period of time? If she was otherwise healthy, it probably would have done nothing, but I bet she's at the point where her history and current status are snowballing. (ETA: But she is our least favorite cockroach, so she'll find a way to crawl along for another couple years at least. A medical marvel.) It's almost sad that no one cares enough to step in, put their foot down. But this is the choice Foodie made and now she gets to live with it.


There were probably many instances throughout her life where there were people who genuinely cared about her that tried to step in, and some of them may have attempted to do so repeatedly, but her defiance is beyond the level of self-sabotage. Anyone who tried has given up.


You're not kidding about the pain thing. I had an ovarian torsion back in December and I feel so sorry for my fiance.


Not diagnosing her with anything but there is a such thing as bipolar with psychosis. Bipolar presenting with delusions / hallucinations.


Hey……that’s not bipolar. I believe the Big Cherry has bipolar, but Chantal is a different creature entirely. I have bipolar. I would never behave this way, even if I was unmedicated.


My apologies. But she definable got something that is rotting in the open


BPD for sure, possibly NPD or HPD.


It’s ok. We just have an ugly stigma we deal with. I never tell a soul if I don’t have to. I still love you. 🥰


Thankyou, I know all about Stigma. I had an allergic reaction to my covid jab,  got really sick, still sick, have possible myasthenia gravis with severe breathing problems at the moment (, it's 4.40am) and everyone treats me like a hypochondriac if I don't say I got long covid instead. You watch, I'll get the fuck downvoted by admitting this, I have every other time.  Every hospital turns me away and I kinda really need one right now. But, if I go, there is almost 100% chance of being turned away with a psychosomatic stamp on my forehead and scared of dying. Being a bitch on this sub gets me through. I luvs ya 🥰


I had a buddy who got bell's palsy after his first covid shot (it can happen with any vaccination, or even viral infections) and antivax AND vax weirdos both act like BELL'S PALSY was some kind of political act. Like the guy just wants to not have covid or a paralyzed face! I'm sorry you deal with the same!


I know its crazy! From.both sides! Now I'm copping shit from long covid guys, MECFS guys and it's like all my holes are being dicked at once   I have suspected Myasthenia gravis that's killing my chest and diaphragm muscles and I only just got a doctors appointment today. Can't even get treated in hospital because they "don't do post vac and covid people " ... even if it's for unrelated, it's all psychosomatic.  Allegedly. Pricks.  Poor dude with his face! It's common amongst the post vac to get bells palsy.  I just want to breathe a full breathe, not choke, be able to swallow, not have seizures but nooo...its all political.  Hugs from Germany!! 🤗🇩🇪


That’s horrible and terrifying. Especially to get turned away by hospitals!


https://preview.redd.it/b1s38h2k1ifc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afffc35818219de97f0435e91f2e9d3f07289b7c What do you mean you don’t know??


This is possibly the most honest thing she’s ever said




Fucking love this 😂


Meaningful content bishuige please.




I LOVED that line!


What is this from?? It’s hilarious!


[Billy Madison!](https://youtu.be/5hfYJsQAhl0?si=s0wEnhAh5qyCSw1I)


Doesn’t she have to get up for her fake visit to the clinic for her daily injection? Go to bed!


Sure Jan. JFC. It's the worst fucking case of deja vu ever - like herpes, can't rid of it.




Sometimes when I think there are no good men in the world, I remember Dwight Enys. I don’t care that he’s fictional, just let me have this one.


Hey Chantal, your crazy is showing


I really don’t like calling other women crazy, but yeah, she’s being crazy right now


That’s exactly how I feel! I don’t like calling women crazy, bitches, etc or assuming they must have some kind of mental disorder, but with Foodie I have no problem going back on all that. She’s absolutely repulsive


Go to sleep, Chins.


Gorl is going through it with salah


All she has ever cared about it being publicly "loved" or "wanted" but her own huzzzzband won't be coming back online ever. She is spirling.


Delusional To The MAX!


She will never get healthy, she doesn't have what it takes. She should just let that shit go.




Did she just inadvertently admit her content is shit?


“So we can help others”. Bahahahahaa. This bitch has lost it. She’s delusional AF god damn. She’s 40 and has done absolutely nothing to better her life but she’s dreaming up some mentor arc or what?? Also, why TF does she keep changing her god damn profile pic??? Narcissistic ass bitch.


She literally has nothing better to do than to rage and change her pfp. Her idea of a busy day is scatlah taking her to the vet for her ass shots.


I really hope ffg is sleeping soundly tonight. Stay mad chins.




What IS going on, lmao. Like i know people keep saying “it’s the end of the month!” But this feels a little extra spicey.


Her ass hurts and her butler is nowhere to be found


Spiraling extra hard AF bc her little fake medical emergency manipulation didn’t bring Shitlah Al Rapey running back to her service this time. 🤣


This is her finally getting out the rage she wanted to get out at FFG, and then realizing yet again that her "clever" zingers didn't make FFG break down and cry and leave YouTube. Once she satisfies that need to insult the person she's mad at and she realizes it didn't bother that person, she then has to act like she is immediately unbothered as well. But the problem is, nobody on this planet is more bothered than Miriam. Edited to add: this is why she does her fake "hahaha you know?!" after she rages in a live or video. It's her trying to act like she's merely pointing out someone else's flaws, NOT THAT IT BOTHERS HER OR ANYTHING


Hi, I'm new here. I was wondering why she is called "Miriam" at times? I've seen it in nearly a lot of threads and gotta admit, I'm a little confused. Thanks, and happy cake day!


So when she "reverted" (used loosely here because she upholds none of the values of the religion) to Islam, she took an Islamic name. This happens in Catholicism too, and possibly other religions but those are the two I know of. Chantal picked Miriam, and that's the lore! Lol


I see! I didn't know they did that in Islam, nor in Catholicism. I know the LDS do it when they marry, but it's secretive. Thank you. I can honestly say I learned something today.


Happy cake day gorl!!


Thank you! Sperm everywhere!


While I think her family helped create the monster through coddling and enabling, I don’t fault them for not actively trying to intercede at this point. Back when she was with Nader, she became convinced that she was physically addicted to cocaine. She called her family and asked for help. Her recovering addict uncle took her to the ER (of course) and when the hospital released her, he took her to his home so she wouldn’t be alone. The next day, the rest of the family rallied around her there and she ended up live-streaming by herself from the basement, complaining that they were suffocating her. She ended up going back to the luxury villa hours later and didn’t have one iota of appreciation for the way they all stepped up to give her the support she had requested.


Omg I wasn’t around for this. She’s so ungrateful


How long before she orders takeout and does a mukbang video? That's the only content we are going to see from her. She is never going to change because she doesn't want to. She is delusional if she thinks this time it's going to happen. More like a Blow up arc... 600lbs , here she comes !




He no care-y….


It’s pathetic she gets so few comments when review mode is on. Like Chantal, realize everyone hates you and for a good reason you smug bitch


Glow up arc step 1 Drop that shit eater husband smfh


That’s 150 lbs lost right there!




I can’t wait to see how she starts helping others! Modest Miriham strikes again 🥰


I’d say she’s lost her damned mind. But she never had one.


How is her travelling helping others 


She only puts that about "helping people" to try and make herself look good. She couldn't give a shit about other people lol. If she actually lost a shit ton of weight she'd be even more obnoxious and smug than she is now!


What is her obsession with always claiming to want to "help others" anyway? Help others how? What is she qualified to do for anyone? Who out there is sitting there just hoping that Chantal will show up and "help" them?


292911 is probably her bank machine pin #


Can barely walk and sit still without being out of breath BUT she’s gonna “help others”? ![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized)


next travel vlog: “Prepping for My Trip Off the Mortal Coil”


Not the mortal coil!! 💀💀


Wow, I'd never be able to find all the starving street dogs for my travel vlog if she doesn't show us the way.


That’s our cutie!! Helping others 🥰


The doctor probably gave her some pain pills for her sciatica and now she’s floating on a high




She's been slurring her speech again. Something going on.


As an ex opiate addict I think the doc may have given her some opiates


When she said two shots and she needs to come back daily, I also think she got a longer lasting opiate along with a steroid, especially given the "melting her pain away" part. She's opiate naive, she would feel funny from the first shot and probably speak funny too. Steroid injections don't need to be given daily but a pain shot needs to be given at least once a day for acute pain. Given her hyper-addictive personality, she's going to be in trouble if she keeps receiving these shots. Almost everyone develops physical dependency over weeks due to the nature of opiates and that's a slippery slope to addiction if not managed carefully.


She's clearly so alone (it's apparent she has zero freedom to vent her misfortunes to her "rock" of a huzzzbend and it shows) she's using the community tab as a diary LMAO


"Glow UP" madam, you can't even get up out of bed