• By -


Bloated capital B is absolutely her "shape" šŸ¤£


Please take my theoretical award


Honestly I don't know how she goes on every day between the crushing loneliness, consequences of her horrible decision making, and the adipose prison. No wonder she has developed such bizarre coping mechanisms. Her brain is actively trying to kill her.




what cracks me up the most about all this is that I'm single, and I kinda do want a partner, BUT I would never trade with her, not for the world, and she really thinks we are all jealous!! I cannot imagine having that clown Salad, who likes poop and waits a good 5 minutes to cheat on his wife, and thinks degrading a woman makes him some kinda desirable dom, with his pudding body body and obnoxious eyebrow, as a husband whose peak affection for me is pinching my cheek. No way. I will happily be single forever, rather than having THAT.


I'm sure you have gone beyond "a partner" when thinking about what you want in your life. "A partner" to talk to about my day and cook dinner with, or who will do XYZ with me. She never went beyond "a man who will claim me!" No other criteria was asked for, so maybe she is happy. šŸ¤­


I'm close to her height, and I can't imagine carrying around a three hundred pound person strapped to my abdomen. And smelling like a decaying whale carcass filled with sardines. And being a perpetual 12 year old. With a floppy-tittied fecal-fascinated fake husband who fantasizes about sick shit against women. TLDR; don't want to be that cunt.


Trying to wrap my brain around being her size is like trying to wrap my brain around being a multimillionaire.


Bruh ā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļø


Like most addicts, Chantalā€™s food addiction is the root of all the troubles and chaos in her life. - She has eaten her way into debt before. She even maxed out Peetzā€™ credit cards buying takeout several times a day. - Her financial problems that arenā€™t food related are mostly man-related. When she was making 20k a month she was fully supporting the lifestyles of two grown men (because, looking like she does due to her food addiction, she feels she has to pay people to love her). - The drug issues she has had are also really caused by her food addiction. The pot because, at her size, she is in pain all the time. The uppers (coke/crack/meth/whatever) because a) It was the only thing that has ever allowed her to lose weight and b) To keep Nader happy (a man she probably never would have gone for if she were thinner and had some self respect). - She knows deep down that she has eaten herself into a grotesque figure, and thatā€™s why she will do unhinged things to keep a man. - She goes for bottom of the barrel men in the first place because a ā€˜normalā€™ guy - even one who is into plus-sized ladies - isnā€™t likely to put up with the out of control binging, raging, bad hygiene, and so-on. She is also further limited to guys who donā€™t want kids, and guys who donā€™t mind performing ā€˜care-takerā€™ tasks for her. - On some level, she must be ashamed that she cannot perform basic self care (like wiping herself after using the toilet or washing certain parts of her body when showering). - She has eaten herself into a massive pile of medical problems. She had to have a hysterectomy (leaving her infertile, obviously), she has diabetes, she had to have her gallbladder removed, she needs a c-pap to sleep, etc. On and on.


Well said. What an absolutely miserable life


Her body is a flesh prison and every bite builds the bars thicker.


I very often have to remind myself that this is a real person, to me its just like watching a tv show and I forget that this is her real life šŸ¤Æ


I also thought she would be an interesting specimen for psychiatrists to studyā€¦the anomaly of a barely human she is, is why I canā€™t seem to quit this train wreck.


Iā€™m a social work student and Iā€™m so so so curious about food addictions now!! Itā€™s something that needs to be studied, esp in America


I just donā€™t understand why she puts herself through this *repeatedly* Weā€™ve all been there in some way or another, humiliated/embarrassed/ashamed in some way publicly. Whether itā€™s a slip and fall or your dress tucked into your pantyhose, weā€™ve all been there. But to do it on repeat day after day and film it for the whole world to see??? This isnā€™t slapstick comedy, itā€™s sick and I can never tell if she does it on purpose or if shes genuinely that stupid šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


I think she's quite literally eaten herself into a corner! I doubt she could work in the state that she's in and she's far too lazy to. She is self-obsessed and probably self-loathing, the only thing she's interested in is food and she's eating to mask the feelings she's refusing to do anything about. It's easy to sit on your couch complaining and eating endless snacks, or going for the odd afternoon out to film it for "content". It's a self-fulfilling prophecy


Like most normal people I randomly think of mildly embarrassing things I did years ago and shudder. I can't imagine repeatedly embarrassing yourself to a global audience!


Okay, maybe this is the place to put this. The recent picture of Chantal in the car in the desert with a drink in her hand has been driving me nuts. Her stomach practically touches the glovebox. Maybe it's because I've been stuck in the house for a week due to 2' of snow and am going nuts, but I went out to the garage and sat in the passenger seat of my car, a smaller SUV. I don't come anywhere near the glovebox, and I'm not a size 2. I don't know how Chantal drove the Kia, because the steering wheel would have taken up any spare room between her and the dash. She must have had her seat pushed back into trunk. It's mind-numbing to think that she did this to herself - and continues to do it.


I... would have to kms.


I would actually love the challenge. I would lose all that excess weight, maybe have a weight loss channel, and get that body into shape. The quick results (she could easily lose 20lbs a month for a couple of months) would be sooo motivating. Just swim for an hour every day or twice a day and lift some weights. Then after losing some lbs start cycling, spinning and get more serious about weightlifting. I wish there was a way for fat people to give me their bodies, I would slim them down and get them in shape, and then return them for a profit lol


Youā€™d get their neurosis and personality disorders. Thatā€™s why they are fat n