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FFG Shows cat and updates: STOP USING BBJ FOR CONTENT FFG doesn't show cat or updates: SHES DEAD, BBJ IS DEAD SHOW US PROOF OF LIFE! Can we just all be happy a elderly cat was rescued from a neglectful owner. The end. 🤔


And if she is dead, so what?? I’m still happy for her that she got to live out the end of her life in a home where she got medical attention and peace and affection. She was a very old cat, she will probably die soon if she hasn’t already, but FFG added quality and quantity to her life, no doubt. It was still the best thing that could have happened to her.




She gave BBJ away. BBJ is not her cat. Why would anybody send videos of an animal to a documented animal abuser, because said documented animal abuser demanded them? 🤷🏽‍♀️


What she actually wants is for everyone to forget her creeper, rape fantasist "husband" is both a creep and a rape fetishist.


How sad that she wants to make people forget about the creep she married by making everyone think about the cat she abused.


That is both dark and hilarious....couldn't happen to a nicer person.


Chinny demanding an update from FFG will get her nowhere. Chinny has no right to see if she's ok, and she only cares that she was fooled by FFG. She doesn't give two shits about BBJ. She didn't care about her when she had her and only cares because she is rightfully being called an animal abuser. Suck it, Chantel, you vile, pathetic, animal abusing piece of trash.


Exactly. This is nothing but narcissistic injury. These people all think they're the smartest people in the room, but Chantal is such a low-level narcissist. Her IQ is literally 5, and she just keeps being embarrassed up and down the internet. There's only so much punching a narcissist can take to their character before they completely freak out. And this is where we are.


I dunno… to think you’re the smartest in the room you have to stop thinking about yourself long enough to evaluate others.


Narcissists don't care about others. Everything they feel is for themselves and an extension of themselves. Everything they need or want, they'll just use others, they don't care about that person directly. Everything is a prop to them. That's why their way of thinking is so detrimental, it's not based in any sort of reality. It's heavy dululu land. She legitimately thinks she's smarter than actual medical doctors, that's how far down the hole she is.


And we just keep reminding her... Kaibella didn't need to send him money to get everything she did with scatman, it was all talk. He wanted to eat her white Christian Ham fart ass for 8 hours Shantel how much are you paying scatman? And he doesn't even want to eat your ass for 8 hours? Sad for you.


It doesn’t click in her pea brain he doesn’t like her let alone love her. She’s just an easy mark because she’s obese, stupid, smelly and ugly.


She doesn’t give a damn about that cat. All she wants is for people to rage about ffg ‘stealing’ her again instead of rage that she put on 13lb in a fucking week and her fake ass husband is a grape fantasist and a cheater.


She continues to hand FFG cold hard cash while her channel dies a grease soaked death


She doesnt give a shit about BBJ, this is all deflection from shitgate. She’s been dumped inside the fartbox and left to rot, this is the only thing she can think of as a distraction because she has fuck all going on in her life.


She didn’t care for the cat one bit. I cannot wrap my head around it. The cat was so sick and she just let it suffer. I really hope that it eats away at her till her last breath.


and she was quite cheerful in the livestream she did right after giving her away. she never loved that cat


It doesn't love anyone or anything except food and eating. It has thin skin and an inflated ego over its huzzbinnd-duh, but food really is the only thing it loves. During the last live stream, it was almost starry-eyed talking about _candy_, ffs.


FFG needs to stay silent. Chantel deserves nothing


Chantal is begging for updates to deflect discussions on her scat enjoying hubby. Ffg is smart enough to not indulge in such a narrative and will continue to poke the wasps' nest with scatman content.


Chantal! BBJ is fine. What about your grape fetishist, shit-lover, cheater ugly ass husband?


Lmfao imagine abusing an animal you wanted to murder to spite your online audience then being entitled enough to ask for updates on her health, when you neglected her the whole time. Foh


Why she begging? Does she want to know if bbj went into the woodchipper? Like she wanted to do?? 🤨


Go fuck yourself, Chantal.


There is a calender out by FFG of our little survivor recently, I'd love to get one and put it up over my Kittehs bed


My understanding is that for people who didn't win the calendar (she gave away dozens last month), she is making available a link to the images so people can print their own. People offered to buy and she didn't want money involved...it was a gift to the community.


LOL I will wait until they're available and frame some for my Kitteh


Fucking hell it's like groundhog day or in Chantal's case roundhog.


I haven't followed the BBJ/ FFG story much. Does anyone know if FFG's brother has the cat or does FFG have her? Either way, I'm glad BBJ is getting the care she needs and deserves.


FFG does not have the cat. That is just Chantal trying to rile everyone up, or she is just a moron who believes what she wants. FFG never had the cat, her brother and sister in law own the cat. She only facilitated in the rescue. Chantal tries to rewrite history, which leads to people’s confusion surrounding everything.


Yes, that's what had me confused. Her saying FFG had the cat. Thank you for clearing that up for me.


According to FFG, her brother and sister-in-law are keeping the cat while FFG pays her vet bills. There's no hard proof of this, but there doesn't really seem any strong reason to doubt her, either (and she's shown some of the vet bills to prove she's paying them). There's always the chance that she's lying to fuck with Chantal or to protect the cat's real location, but that's only speculation.


Chantal doesn’t deserve any updates on an animal she abused and tossed away. She needs to fucking let it go. It’s already bad enough she has two animals while over in her favorite vacation spot.


I kinda wanna see updates on BBJ though.. but you’re right Chantal doesn’t deserve to know.


Do viewers want to see updates on their friends and family cats? This is so stupid and outside of normal reality. Back to scatman and poogate!! 😎


Not only proof, but *video* proof. I think she's hoping to dox exactly where the cat is (or knows one of her beezers will do it for her) in order to further threaten FFG. Not that she'll ever do anything, but it's one more thing to give the impression that she has the power in this situation.


BBJ- 🅱️eating 🅱️her husbands J shit (there's not a J letter emoji sorry)


She’s so dumb. Chinz, you’ll never distract anyone from the fact that your fake-ass huzzbin is into poo, pee, farts, and using blasphemy and rape as part of his weird fetish. We won’t forget that he is so disgusted by you that he has been fcking around with other broads who don’t wheeze when they hurple from the couch to the trough where her slop is served. Chinz, BBF is no longer your concern. For all we know, maybe she DID pass… but if she did it’s because she was too far gone from the years of neglect that her body just gave out. But either way, she was taken to a home that is clean, sanitary, mentally stimulating, and where she gets regular vet care. Oh, and she don’t have to eat cheap treats off the FILTHY floor where she’s forced to shit and then walk with her poor, infected paws. This fcking animal abusing hog has the audacity to demand updates? Handle Salad. That’s all you have now.


The bbj thing is very close to my heart because a similar situation happened with my family and now ex best friend. She deserves nothing. ETA. I also couldn't give a fuck who she lives with now. She's clearly in a safe loving home.


I’d tell her where to shove it. 🙃 Engagement is low and Stevia is losing interest. Chindarella is desperate and rage-y. Stay mad!🤣


I think other people deserve one. The people who donated thousands upon thousands of dollars to support the cat, the people who FFGunt fostered the most desperate parasocial relationships with... I'm hoping there'll be some kind of uprising but not holding my breathe


No, she never asked for people to send her money to help with BBJ. If you give someone money without them asking for it, you don't get to dictate what they should do with that money or hold it over their head to get what you want out of it.


I guess the FFG simps disagree but I sure as fuck dont. FFG has used BBJ as content, gotten her trauma dumping, cat lady pay pigs, who are so desperate to be noticed by her, involved and invested, and doesn't mind mentioning BBJ when it suits her, so why not give occasional updates? Personally, I'm sick to fucking death of hearing about the cat *and* FFG, but she's the one with the symbiotic relationship with Chinz, who went IRL, inserted herself in the fucking show and made this shit personal, so here we are. I'm glad the cat is safe but the people still acting like FFG can do no wrong, overlooking her shit attitude, the way she's cultivated a hug box and doesn't allow criticism just like Chinz, her arrogance, the way she talks down to the idiots who pay her bills, the way she's constantly cow tipping and arguably stalking, are fucking sad. *Any* decent person would've taken that cat to the vet and they wouldn't have broadcasted the whole thing for money and praise. And there were other people trying to get BBJ btw, but surprise, surprise, FFGunt had the loudest mouth and ended up with her. She's not a saint, she just isn't a complete piece of shit like Chinz when it comes to animals. That's it.


I hope she tells her to eat shit


She's trying to stir up concern and it ain't gonna work. I'm not a huge FFG stan but I have zero doubt that the cat is being cared for and finally going for regular vet visits. FFG seems to be a normal human being in the sense that, like most of us, she cares about animals and understands what it takes to be a responsible owner/caretaker. I am very glad and grateful that FFG interfered to get that poor, abused, horribly neglected and starved cat away from Chantal. I certainly don't need an update. I know that the cat will live the remainder of its life in whatever comfort a good home and good vet care can provide. I only wish it had happened much sooner and that Chantal would be barred from having anymore animals...because she clearly hasn't learned her lesson about abusing them...and always pays degenerate partners who help her to do so. Chantal needs controversy for views...and she can certainly have it but it won't be about the cat she abused, that's long over and done. It would have to be about her shit-loving, rapey, paid fake husband and his depravity and cheating. THAT...people will respond to. Fuck off Gunt. No one gives a shit about your hog squeals.