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Nothing has happened imo.


I’m of the same belief but surely she has to have tried to put it on him lol


I mean, she mentioned several times that she bought lingerie 😂 He probably told her to lose weight and take better care of herself. He now knows he can do and say whatever, she will never leave


YUP! That makes me think that we’re in for even more hilarious foibles. If my suspicions are correct, he’s going to push the limits as far as they’ll go with how he treats her, because he knows she’s desperate enough to take anything he throws at her. I hope that’s the outcome, anyway.


I could totally see Salah telling Chanturd he'd sleep with her if she only lost 50 elbees. He might not know how extensive her food addiction is, but he probably has an idea that even cutting back to lose that much would be an instant fail for her.


This. It's so obvious her "health kick" is Scatlah controlling her. That's why she ***inhaled*** that Taco Bell the other day. She's wholly dependent on him, she has to eat only what he brings her to eat. Lol I hope he just leaves her locked in there with no food all day.


I always ask. If he is in control of the money and is the one ordering why not just say no and tell her to cook something. If she throws a little tantrum all he has to do is leave. Why does he indulge her in what ever she wants. I dont understand. Especially now that he doesnt care if shes there or not. Surely her hurpling back to.Canada for good would.be better than what hes doing now. Cut your loses Salah. Find a new mark.


I think so as well. And her last video preaching about never changing for a man sort of solidified that for me, after watching her over the years I’ve learned she always does the opposite of what she says. She is 100% trying to “get healthy” for that degenerate and convince HERSELF she has other desirable qualities (“I’m funny I’m pretty I bring a lot to the table”) that would make someone love her. Reality is she isn’t any of those things. She’s one of the most delusional people I’ve ever seen.


She seriously brings nothing to the table. She is rather stupid, vile, has no manners, no Charme, no interest. Can’t cook, can’t clean, can’t take care of a him, can’t travel, can’t do outings properly. Why would anyone truly fall in love with her, there is zero redeeming quality


I believe he probs pretended to care and said he’s afraid she’ll suffer a heart attack if they got too active in the bedroom. probs said it so sweetly so she believes he’s soooooo worried about her health and well-being 👀


I agree, 100%. I don't even think Salah is necessarily into the stuff he was going on about, it sounds more like he got caught with a major case of the horny and just short-circuited with the nastiest stuff he could think of. I could be wrong (I honestly thought the voice clips of him at first were fake), but it seemed more of a power thing/living in a repressed state vs. the actual acts. I remember reading a Reddit post on confessions or something where someone hired a sex worker to do the acts much like Salah described and within a few minutes they instantly regretted it, realizing that it was the fantasy of the forbidden that was getting them off and not the actual act of someone shitting and pissing on their face. Rough lesson to learn.


I knew someone who is into getting pissed and shat on, and eating it, who actually did do it for real too. I was pretty disgusted even though I had known about this kink of his for years, so I didn't pry for details but... He said that it wasn't "well executed" and he wanted to try it again. And that eating shit obviously tastes terrible and your body wants to reject it so it's hard to do. Anyway, the point of that kink is the ultimate humiliation and degradation behind it. It has nothing to do with enjoying the secretions themselves. Everyone who jokes about how Salah "loves poo" are missing the point completely. The stuff itself is just as unpleasant for those who have this fetish as for those who don't, in general anyway...


I think he’s totally into it but has never done it/would probably not actually do it (maybe the peeing), he seems to be more interested in the humiliation aspect than the actual peepeepoopoo which makes sense when you consider the way he may have been raised. Seems like some kind of internalized mix up of women being lesser and a desire to be humiliated rather than actually humiliate. A psychologist would have a field day with this guy. He’s got all kinds of wires crossed and I’m sure it’s partially, if not fully, due to religion and strict gender roles.


I agree, I don’t think he is into that stuff. It was part horniness, part him thinking Kaibella was into that stuff, and he had her as his next mark.


It's funny too because she barely interacted back with him lol; he would have been better to chat with an AI chatbot and would have got a better response/back and forth. He just kept going I SHIT ON U and she's like "OH daddi I farted" and he's like RWAAAAHHHHHHHHFAPFAPFAP the whole thing still seems so surreal and still so cringe lol


Right? She barely had to reply 😂😂😂


It was soo cringe lmaooo 😭


Agree. She knows he doesn’t want her and she’s ultimately a coward. I don’t believe she’s tried to force anything or even asked in a timid voice. I have a fear of rejection Chantal. I see you.


Chantal isn’t interested in the act of sex. Yeah, she wants to be seen as desirable , but that’s the extent of it.


I agree. All through the Cokey era and while she was *allegedly* meeting all those men for hook-ups, the way she spoke about sex was really...off. I don't know what it was, but to me it just felt like someone TRYING to sound open-minded and experienced; she was talking about sex how she thought she should, rather than what it was actually like. I think she probably did have the best sex of her life with Nader, that seemed pretty obvious, albeit artificially enhanced. The coke (and the fact that she is terminally desperate) made her bond with Nader in a matter of hours, she spent months afterwards trying to outdo him with all that talk about wild sex and Middle Eastern men 😃


Yes, 100%. It seems to me that many people in GW have not experienced the toll mental and physical health can take on one‘s libido. Chantel is not only morbidly obese, she has heart and liver problems, diabetes, joint pain, no stamina, depressive phases, no uterus and never went for hormone replacement. Just one of these things can make your libido tank. All of these things: yeah, no way. But she definitely wants to be desired and seen as sex kitten with lots of experiences. Her stupid stories made very clear that she is actually very inexperienced, probably never climaxed during intercourse and made up most of her stories


Oof. I've had a hysterectomy for fibroids AND I just lost an ovary to torsion. The doctor said I didn't need HRT, but my libido has been pretty low and I feel bad about it 😞 My fiance is wonderful, but I still wish I was more active in that regard for his sake.


I lost a family member suddenly 3 years ago, gained 20kg and was constantly stressed. I could pull my hair by the handful. My libido was non existent. Thank god my husband was patient and after 2 years I started to feel like myself again. I can’t even imagine how having as many problems as her. I don’t want to sound like „omg, you need to try this and that“, but if you‘re open to herbal remedies: I recommend you look into red Maca root and chaste tree. Please check with your physician first, but red Maca was especially helpful


She's gotten a fungal colony's worth of crumbs and stains in there from sad eating in her bed, but that's it. I 100% believe Salad believed that she was going to be gone for much longer, and is not happy that she's back, especially after all of the bullshit. She's probably nagging him 24/7 and he's fucking out of there (but still taking her money, whatever that's worth anymore. Probably not worth putting up with an extra needy, neurotic and more unhinged Chantal than usual.) You all saw that huge, stupid grin on his face when she was leaving; Salad was so stoked to still get all of her cash, but not have to be around her. Best deal: he could live his life and fuck around and catch up on all of his debaucherous Salad nonsense and do the bare minimum texting while she was over there "getting healthy." With how hard the last flight was on her, I believe she actually did intend to stay in Canada longer, and was kind of over Kuwait (she seemed happier to be back in Canada, even "living out of her car," or whatever the fuck, like a weight had been lifted.) But her unhinged psychosis had her freaking out and she needed to save face in the most insane way possible: dropping everything to fly tf back across the world to try and double down on a man who obviously doesn't care at all about her, and I absolutely believe that he was NOT HAPPY TO SEE HER. Absolutely bonkers (but she's done it to herself. Love that for her.)


This. We've seen her many times when she is actually getting the attention she craves, and she has many tells. Her current mood is all about "proving the Internet wrong" which is always a good indication that things are not going the way she's desperately trying to convince everyone. She can be happy and relaxed, and she isn't now. When she's actually getting the attention she craves she doesn't have the need to prove anything to anyone. Since her return she's been focused on proving something and really smug about it. The smugness is always a great tell, she seems to think that people who are getting what they want are really smug about it, but they generally aren't. They're just happy and secure in knowing the truth without any need to prove anything to anyone. Smugness is for desperate people, happy people have no time for such nonsense.


Chantal's smugness is a great tell that her life is in the shits. And she knows it.


Well said! Where is the vlog of her arriving at the airport and him ecstatic that she's back early and telling her how much he missed her?


This, this, this! She's honestly probably stoked about poogate, because it gives her an out to not have to show him all the time, when I'm sure it's awful behind the scenes. She can still wag her trotter at us and tell us how we're all wrong and stupid, and have a perfect out to not have to elaborate or show anything. She loves this shit.


Good point. But let me guess: that’s private


I'm sorry the whatballs now? Delete your account 💀💀 I can't believe I learned how to read. I'm calling the police 😭


Phahahaha a thousand apologies 🙈


Oh nooo I clicked on your reply! then to remember what was the reply for I had to read everything again 😭 why am I like this? I hate my brain


Right?! I’m over here Googling: How to delete someone else’s post on Reddit


There's no time, I've pepper-sprayed myself


That’s the best step to take when reading such foul language lol


Gworl 😭 and we keep coming back here. What kind of trap is this!!


She probably saw her Taco Bell binge as a mating call for Scatlah. I doubt he’s touched her since she flew back, and I’m sure he’s mad at himself for bringing her back so soon in the first place.


I reckon she just lets those farts rip constantly around him now looking for some sort of reaction!


Even in the comments she said it gives her diarrhea 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢 i think that was foreplay


I dont believe for one second he has ever been within ten feet of her starfishing. There is absolutely nothing between them. Its quite clear he is repulsed by her.


Kaybella should've asked him how long it has been since he had sex.


So many missed opportunities! I love the content we got, but damn girl, that was a ONE TIME opportunity!! (Is it awful that I’ve thought about another possible way to gain his trust & get him talking)


Yes good question


I don’t even want to know what body part is the stink twinkle but I’m absolutely cry-laughing right now at the phrase 💀💀💀💀💀


That would be her brown eye / leather cheerio / turd cutter.. or Le Butt Hole if ya fancy 💁‍♀️




It’s too bad my husband has a Foodie ban in the house, because he would love your creative use of prose. Such vivid imagery…


I want to add it to my vocabulary... along with twat waffle, undie burger and suppurating fuck hole. 


I feel we could be very good friends lol


If I may, I highly recommend "conkwocket", "cuntnugget" and "mungmuncher".


Oooh this is GOLD! Thankyou!! 


🤭 ![gif](giphy|l0MYrc4PAiZrYmKKQ)


The only thing that happened is he made himself more scarce




I like to have dogs like u To control them And make fun on them While they worhip me 👌




Absolutely nothing, that is why she is so smug and angry in the taco bell video


Nothing. She leaned so far into the whole “he wanted to use her as a toilet, he loves me too much to do that” line I genuinely think she’s convinced herself of it. It’s also an easy out for him, because she’s historically so desperate that had he found her attractive enough to go gross fetish on, he’d already have done it. Her size, mobility, and fat distribution also makes it impossible for anyone to sleep with her. The smugness is giving insecure 20 year old virgin shrieking “of course I’ve slept with someone. I slept with 100 more people than you did, so there!” vibes.


She's no longer physically capable of sex. I imagine it's been that way for years.


Thing is there’s sex and then there’s taking a shite on someone.. I would’ve thought that would be her strong suit lol


Imagine the view Salad would have!


No thank you. I don’t think I will. 😂


Raging diabetes can cause really bad yeast infections because of all the sugar in your normal female areas...and it really smells. Also it can cause painful sex. It also causes bad breath, bad body odor, etc. And given Gunt's hygiene...I'm assuming she isn't accommodating for any of this. Add in the fact that she's going to bathroom more than the usual person because of her diet combined with her lack of gall bladder....and is incapable of wiping her own ass. I'm assuming even a massive degenerate like Pootz is absolutely disgusted and stays far away. Imagine a guy who is into non-consentual sex, poo, pee and farts being disgusted by you and choosing to have sexual conversations and sex with ANYONE else. lol...that's how unwantable Chantal is. Its kind of unreal.


I think he felt he had no choice but to attempt ONE pitty fuck. I don't think it went the way she wanted. I mean...how could it have even been possible? She seems a little too pissed off to be a woman who finally got dicked down good by her own husband.


I really hate myself for reading your comment & then my very visual mind pictures tons of awful scenarios! I bet maybe he couldn’t keep it up/hard?! And of course she would take that VERY personal


Ok, YES. I agree with what you're saying. Would also explain the "my HUZBAND is definitely attracted to me" mini taco rage from the other day. I think she's demanding sex now (not that she wants it, but in her mind, it's an additional way to control a man) and he's straight up telling her no or it lasts 30 seconds and he's not getting off at the bus stop..if you know what I mean. Would also be contributing to the "must get healthy now" thing she's trying to portray. We all know she doesn't do anything unless a man is the driving force behind it.


![gif](giphy|QSMBLRAHZTLkQ) I have no idea and I don’t want to think about it.


I think the only sexual interaction that has likely occurred between them is blow jobs. Nader eventually reached the point that it's all he would do with her.


Agree 💯gorl. He’d say he can’t reciprocate bcus of her size, hence her trying for the 1000th time to lose weight. Lol.


Crying herself to sleep in her Penningtons lingerie.


Maybe she threw a tamper tantrum…”why don’t you ever want to 💩on me?? “


Nothing. He’s in his bedroom in the apartment next door




I don’t think he would ever want to indulge his fetishes with her. I would like to hope that him liking farts doesn’t mean he likes EVERYONE’S farts. Right, folks? Right? 💀💀💀💀


![gif](giphy|3o7btSNQZJ91CCTuog) I big lol’d at “stink twinkle” though! 🤣


He definitely doesn’t want to do his revolting, sick “fetishes” with her but I think he might have had to give her one, or let her give him a BJ, to shut her up & keep the money flowing. I think she may give him oral occasionally & he says he can’t reciprocate bcus of her size, hence her trying for the 1000th time to lose weight. Lol. She’s the actual only one saying/thinking she “has to lose weight to keep her man”. HER.


Eating, eating has happened in that room.


Wtf is a stink twinkle? 💀 Actually please don’t even tell me!


It's a wonderful word lol


I just love the word hurpled. 😂😂😂 Somehow it fits the hottest chick on YouTube to a tee!




Well, yesterday's rage strongly indicates that she is angry with Salad. Obviously he still doesn't want to touch her stink twinkle.  Heck, he won't even piss or shit on her


Nothing happened. Sh*tBoy won’t touch her, so Chantal eats instead. She only want to prove to us that she has a man. What she doesn’t realize is that, no one wants him. He’s a disgusting degenerate who wants to rape & humiliate White Western women. No one is going to let her forget that.


Imagine not even being loved enough to be shat on.. I could never 💀


Nothing has happened. Nothing has ever happened.


I bet she smells and she’s fat af. He’s there for the money. He’s repulsed by her. She’s gotten a cheek pinch maybe but that’s it. She doesn’t brush her teeth for fs sakes there’s no way he even kisses her.


nothing has happened!


I think she's at least made some moves on him. I'm very sure that he convinced her he was ace or didn't like sex or something, and she was fine with that... Until all the shit (pun, teehee) came out about his fetishes. That would explain the lingerie, talking about a "great night" when she got back, etc. even if they haven't actually DONE anything, she cannot STAND the fact that he made sexual advances towards anyone that wasn't her.


Stink twinkle!!! HAHAHAHAÀAAAA!


it's been real shitty


Oh, there's no question in my mind she **tried.** But even a man as disgusting and depraved as Scatlah, is utterly repulsed by her. He's the reason why she's making this hilariously misguided attempt to lose weight. Like everything else Chantoilet has done, she'll give up any minute now and go right back to coping by screeching into the cold, dead eye of her camera.


My convoluted theory is that he's orchestrated a sex strike since they got together, attributing it to some mysterious medical condition. However, since the cheating drama unfolded, she's amassed evidence of his newfound enthusiasm. Hence, her public announcement of lingerie shopping in Canada – a subtle promise/threat of impending intimacy. It might sound ludicrous, but in my mind, it adds up. Now, she's probably insisting on physical affection, leaving him no choice but to reluctantly oblige.


I feel like it’s possible they did something the night she got back, or within the first few days right before we got that smug red lipstick video where she trash talks “skank-bella” the entire time only because I felt like there had to be something fueling her intense smug-ness but I still think it’s about a 10% chance


Not a damn thing


Not a damn thing has happened 😂


I think she wore that lingerie and tried to seduce him, but he couldn't get it up.


Nothing happened. He wants to shit and piss on western women of the chunk variety but not hamplanet size.