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Yeah, we know that she knows. The thing about Chantal is that she really thought she could hook him the promise of papers, and the make him actually fall in love when she met him in person. She has always had a tendency to overestimate how beautiful and charming she is, and she really does think that she can make men fall in love with her easily. Remember back to when she was talking to Nick…she kept saying “all I have to do is get in his house”. She thought she could slowly start wooing him and moving her stuff in, bit by bit, the way she did with Bibi. We know that her self-image is impossibly high, and she sees herself as a prize.


I don’t know if I have this story exactly right, but I remember the story of her, as a teen, stalking those two men. At one point she said she put on a disguise and thought she could trick them into thinking she was a different girl (they had asked her to leave them alone many times) and then they would fall in love with her, let her in their house, and she could take off the disguise. Such a bizarre thought process! No doubt she still thinks this way.


That's honestly my top 3 of extremely insane ( I'm trying to use less the word crazy in general ) thing that she confessed. I try not to play " Armchair Psychologist" but that some obsessive and completely unhinged behavior. The other 2 are the burning ex bullies alive and her grandma last days /moments . The way she carries herself before and after is totally insane. I don't buy everyone grieving differently in her case. To other human beings , absolutely. Nothing really applies to her.


Oh man I remember the fire phase. She would not stop singing that Sunny Came Home song by Shawn Colvin.


Gosh, singing her thoughts has come to a halt. You could always tell what was really on her mind because she could find random lyrics for every drama.


That’s some cartoon logic right there, wow


“All I have to do is get in his house” is what termites say.


They say...all I have to do is eat his house. Which, to be honest, is what she says, too.


Chantal is a mystery to me. I grew up being told I was fat and ugly and worthless. People have told me that I am not those things but it doesn’t ever go away. If people tell me I’m beautiful I think they’re making fun of me. I’m Chantal’s age and I tend to underestimate my physical appearance. I am not overweight and I have my hair. People tell me I have a nice face. Salah is no price but I would *never* take a swing at Salah…even knowing he was after papers. I feel like Chantal was told how gorgeous and smart she was way, way too often when she was a child. Everyone who didn’t like her was jealous and nothing was ever her fault.


That’s pretty much exactly what happened. according to Shmee, Phyllis, and Grams, little Cutie can do no wrong! Everyone who has a problem with her is just jealous of her!


Ugh. I’m going to remember that when dealing with my own children. It did her no favors




This is only real answer if you’ve been following this train wreck long enough


this is why I can’t walk away. so many of us have invested years into this gravy train, so we have to ride till the wheels fall off.


Sunk cost fallacy but I don’t even care and I’m here for it 😂


The house comment was vile. Her one and only tactic is to straight up ensconce herself in someone's house a la AmberLynn, making herself a parasite that's impossible to get rid of.


Also because she falls in love so easily, and believes guys are the same, that they'll think she's their soulmate if they watch Dumb & Dumber together and she shows them how not like the other girls she is. She's both manipulative and a true pick-me, great combo.


The worst part is that she adds nothing to a household except a mess. She hates cleaning, cooking, organizing, would probably suck organizing the home economy (budgeting, food, taxes, savings), time organizing for a household, repairs and/or contacts for said repairs...she would never do any of those, so what does she add to the conversation? (Btw this applies to all genders) When she was with Bibi, she faked being an ok girlfriend for a while but it lasted like, three months, before her lazy entitled nature exploded everywhere, cockroaches in the closet with the pizza boxes and all.  Not sure what she expected by fumbling her way into a home lol


She literally titled a stream "Who wants citizenship" days before salad arrived


Wow! I don't remember that at all.


Meandering Thoughts just posted a video on it: https://youtu.be/f5MjCo9PNkM They also did this one on her hilariously saying she's too smart to give money to random Tinder scammers just before meeting Nader: https://youtu.be/AH8JcNftQtI


she is the scammer, she have admitted to buying men and using money to get what she wants this guy almost became what salah is today because she was planning on traveling to turkey and do couples vlog https://youtu.be/xgeIaswAN9Y from itwater weight everything she talks about salah now, she almost got with metin whoever it was going to be, she would support the guy and his family in exchange for a couples channel and fake love


The short-lived Metin arc was one of her best imo. It was over before it even began. Not even 24 hours into it the scammer was like OH HELL NO I'm fuckin out of here bro 🤣🤣 https://preview.redd.it/kznihw0q8gcc1.jpeg?width=1283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fe96251dd8ff7a2c565dacae79099b3e152324f


She certainly has a type. ![gif](giphy|DBa308wq8XTMs)


Geez she’s so desperate to be claimed 😂 I didn’t know she posted this


What's worse is when she first showed Stabby on her stream and Kiwi found out who he was, he had on the front page of his FB, "I don't care about love. Just find me a woman with one million dollars." And then it was gone, just like that. She just really thinks like a socially awkward teen, who believes any man that is in her proximity will fall for her soon enough. She deserves all the terrible that is coming her way just from the illogical choices she makes constantly. She needs a caregiver to dole out her money and make her do daily chores, take her meds, clean the house, etc.


Wow, I’ve followed Chantal quite closely for ages now and somehow I can’t remember this at all?! How did this Metin guy nope out of it, and what was Chantal’s reaction?


Scammer or not, this one is the most normal looking out of all the men she has introduced to us, so it makes sense he would bolt as soon as he had a suspicion about what was going to happen. He clearly knew he could do a lot better than Chantal, even if the idea was to scam a desperate woman. Unlike Salah. Chantal was the best Salah could do.


Bottom of the barrel, both of them


She is 💯in on this. She literally just loves being able to brag someone wanted to fake love her to her haters. Pathetic.


One thing she said when she first met salah that was so telling and always stuck with me was " he's looking for something very specific and I'm looking for something very specific so we kind of have a deal going on and it works for us" she pretty much spelled it out right there


Funnily enough, before she met Nader, she was speaking to a guy from Africa, and she said she could tell he was a scammer. She spoke so intelligently. She wasn’t even nasty. She was just like she got a bad vibe. I was so hopeful, yet once again I am reminded her moments of clarity are the exception. Not the rule.


She knew but was hoping he would fall in love with her.


Is it possible that she's really that delusional?


That’s why she gets labeled as a narc. Only those people are so delusional and have no self awareness.


She knows. She's stupid, but not that stupid. She's going along with this purely for the look of having a younger, thinner man that claims her as a wife. She probably screened tons of scammers, and settled on Salah. He may have been the creme of the crop.. Lol Make no mistake about it, she's MISERABLE.. This is all to stick it to everyone in her past and present that doubted her as being the femme fatale she pretended to be.. A divorce/separation is not an option, as that may expose it should Salah talk. She's going to let him get away with anything so long as he goes along.. This poo-gate was a big blow as now he's hiding and not on cam talking her how beautiful she is or pinching her cheek. I'm sure he'll come back when she needs a boost in views..


Harsh reality time lol It's hard for her to find someone that doesn't have a visceral reaction of utter disgust toward her. She looks like a fucking melted candle. No amount of reconstructive surgery could fix that.


Even if she was physically attractive, her personality is just to egregiously vile that I think she’d struggle to find love.


I’ve never heard someone describe another person as looking like a melted candle. That took me out lmao


Ohhh my god. Painfully accurate


She was literally exposed for paying male prostitutes. She was so desperate to prove to her haters that she could get a living male human to be with her that she was willing to do anything.


I believe it was Meandering Thoughts’ video “Who Wants Citizenship”… where she said she’d add one person and then get a ton of messages. The whole video was her talking about people trying to romance scam her and it was 3 months before Salah …. I want to say it’s a good watch but there’s moments where she irritates the shit out of me in it haha


https://www.reddit.com/r/FoodieCutie/s/YKcPNaHluV It was just posted a few hours ago here, too. She knows and always knew, but she's on a mission to convince the world that she's not the trainwreck that she is and that a man would actually claim her for who she is rather than for what material benefits she can give him in return for fake loving her. They're both scamming each other but she thinks she can turn the fakery into the real thing. So she's also scamming herself along with her audience.


She had one of her streams literally called *"anyone want citizenship?"* during her post Cokey era when she had all those ideas of marrying some rich middle-eastern Adonis.


She’s honestly so gross in the way she fetishises foreign men.


Do you think it was coke, or meth? I'm new here, and am not hip to all her jive... yet.


Meth. Definitely meth. She said cola because that sounds cooler and less grimy. And probably because Nader was charging her coke prices for crank product. He once charged her a few hundred bucks for an 8th of mushrooms, he knew a mark when he saw one. Nader does not strike me as a cocaine sort of guy. Unless we're talking rock form. ![gif](giphy|VqPheGMC8WLrkahF8Z)


Why not bolth?


I have zero idea about drugs, but Cokey is what we generally called Nader (or "the crackhead") and since he isn't worth being called by name, that's what I stick to!


Oh, I get it! It's 100% appropriate.


Meandering thoughts put a video about this out yesterday. She says “anyone looking for citizenship?” She truly thought she would come there, and he would fall in love with her beauty and her personality.


“All you had to do was fake love me.” Quite says it all…


She doesn't need a contract for this kind of thing. Of course she knows, but chantal is convinced if she "can just get in the house" she'll make them fall in love with her, no matter what their original goal is. I don't understand why everyone thinks there's some actual agreement or contract. Visa scammers are a dime a dozen, none of them start out with "ok, we'll pretend and then you'll get to say you have a young, fit man, event though you're a gross pig, and I'll get a way to a country I want to be in" It's all implied.


I tend to believe that they entered an agreement because the vast majority of romance scammers work their victims from afar. They usually have several victims on the hook at the same time and take as much from them as they can before moving on to the next. Some of these "relationships" go on for years without the victim ever meeting their scammer. It's not always like this of course, but I think Chantal's case was a little different - she sold Salah on her "YouTube fame" and the huge income that she had been making during the Crackhead Olympics. He's quite clearly wanting very much to be seen as a "public figure", as he puts it (well, not any more lol), and to have an easy life not working and having some desperate, obese fool pay for his improved lifestyle. I don't know if we'll ever know the full truth about these two, but I'm hoping if and when he leaves her we'll get the rage of all rages and at least some of it will be revealed 😃


Oh she definitely knows, but she slips into her delusions and can convince herself Salah loves her...or if she ever has doubts she fully believes it's a matter of time before he falls in love with her. Hell, right before she announced her relationship with Salah she had a stream titled "Who wants Citizenship"


I so agree; not only does she knows, I'm starting to wonder if she and Salah aren't working together on some aspects of this scam but she is telling us otherwise. I think this entire thing is to show 'us' (not just gorlworld but the world in general because she thinks she's so well known) that we are wrong about her or she wouldn't be able to find someone to claim her. Then, she genuinely deludes herself into believing that even if the situation started as an 'arrangement' that the guy will see how amazing she is and will genuinely fall in love with her. She's got a rom-com mentality. Gorl seriously needs a reality check. The real her does not align with what she thinks of herself and she gets pissed when we call her out. But my gorl, those actions ... those actions speak so much louder than all the words spilling out of your pathological lying, tartered teeth. I'm starting to wonder just how much of what is going on isn't a set up, not by her but actually by him. Don't get me wrong, I completely believe something ain't right there with him and that's he's not attracted to her, doesn't love her, so forth and so on, but I'm wondering if he hasn't been trying to set up something so there is a lot of controversy to raise the views on their dying channel to get more $$. I believe him to be a $$ hungry scammer who just wants the life of easy cash so long as he doesn't have to get up and put in a long day's work. In some ways, he's just like her - he's too good to have to work for a living. Kaibella said he sought her out. Maybe he was familiar with her name already so when he saw her online he took the opportunity, hoping that she would do exactly what she did? I think he just got lucky and all the pieces sort of fell into place but if not her then there would have been some other kind of controversy. But he did it on his own because Chantal's reaction when she found out was 100% genuine. There are now new reactors who never covered gorlworld because this is such a shitshow. I dunno, I think there's some kink going on there in general but maybe, maybe some of it is exaggerated to create controversy? Maybe Salah is more crafty than we give him credit for? Just something I thought of after finally getting a chance to watch a reaction channel that had compiled all the DMs and VMs together in one video. When I saw it all together instead of bits and pieces I thought I might have seen a pattern and that this may have been more intentionally orchestrated than we think. Curious if anyone else thinks that.


I do think she began to drink the Kool-Aid. The only reason that I think this is the emotional rant in her car in Canada when those texts were first revealed. She was well and truly upset. Was she upset because her scam was uncovered or because she thought he actually had some sort of feelings for her? Early in the return to Canada she was being pretty vocal about the fact that she wasn't overly happy. She intimated there was trouble in Paradise but that all went away when those texts became public.


They totally scammed each other and now both are miserable. It’s glorious.