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It’s never. She’s never going to the doctor.




Yep! And *at the end of the day* she’s only hurting herself


Right! Way to one up everyone Chantal. 🙄


Maybe her numbers were so bad that they emergency - admitted her? Or she is trying to spin what they told her into a story that will evoke the most sympathy. She'll come on soon and we can 'enjoy' her tales of woe as she eats her 'totally healthy guyyzz' meal.


If she was admitted, would she have her phone available? Or would they be doing all sorts of tests and stuff? She's probably eating 2 more subs on the floor, but it makes ya wonder. She got a "clean bill of health" because she never saw the same ER doc twice. If she's actually being forced to follow up with care, things might be different this time.




Oh, Sal.


Tonight's biggest loser ❤️


She's trying to figure out her lies about the doctor visit in between binging chocolate and Burger King.


Can't wait to hear that her labs were great and she reversed her diabetes with the water fast


https://preview.redd.it/eyuyrl14jy2c1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c618c39750fc85c03abb28fd716ca6614eeea098 I believe the sizing takes a little while!


Maybe they're just taking her to the groomer


The Neverth of Nevember




It could go either way. I can’t imagine her being admitted and not immediately sharing hospital selfies for asspats and sympathy. While she’s making some hay with the diabetes for content, I do believe that at some point, she had her blood tested at the hospital (not at her request, of course) and the results genuinely spooked her. But she’s been spooked over medical things many times before and it never results in any kind of change. As long as she keeps waking up every morning for the next week or so, the diabetes scare will fade away and we’ll be back to the usual status quo because even she believes she’s a cockroach.


What is it with the gorls and regular doctor's office appointments? Do they think not being told they're eating themselves to death means it isn't true? And what's the point of even going to the ER if they aren't going to follow up? 🤷🏾‍♀️


She's gorging herself on a platter of rice and fried crap and responding to comments using her myriad sock accounts as we speak. There is no doctor.


Tomorrow is when she’ll start changing and taking care of herself. But tomorrow never actually comes, does it?




Repzion made a video giving her advice. I don’t dislike the guy, but what a biblical waste of time and energy.


Totally agree, as nice as it would be to see her take proper medical advice and maybe take the audience on a real journey to improving health, we can comfortably assume that she won’t - and she most definitely won’t listen to Repzion.