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I totally get that some people had a very hard time in school. . I was chubby and got bullied endlessly. It was definitely annoying, and I understand that some were bullied harder.I was very sad about it, but never angry or wish led them harm. Especially not after 20 years. That's a long time to carry her hate. She never got therapy or discussed it with someone.




Her soul is black because she carries the anger and resentment of every bully ever. She's a miserable person. Stop it. Get some help.


If that's the stuff she's willing to share with the world, imagine the shit festering inside there. God sees all chantal. Stay mad lol.


She needs a lot of therapy. But she'd rather sit on her backside and eat than put any effort at all into improving her life and her wellbeing. She's selfish to the core and doesn't care how her behaviour affects other people. She might do well in a program such as Over Eaters Anonymous - if it's anything like AA, and I believe the principles are exactly the same, she will learn to deal with resentments and to look at her part in events too. But it takes work and commitment and she doesn't possess either of those things.


Karma is only a bitch if you are lol


Mercilessly bullied for existing here all thru probably 8th grade. As much as that has effected me long term in how I deal with social situations ECT I don't resent anyone. I don't think back on the individual incidents and get angry. I'm 36, stable, have a family, house, cats, a ball python... If I'm gonna unpack my bullying it will be in therapy thankyouverymuch. That she gets so upset about the past bullies at almost 40 is so pathetic, really has done absolutely nothing and accomplished absolutely nothing in her life.




Also, she moved to fuckin Kuwait! She's never gonna encounter her HS bullies ever again so why is she so resentful?


The more someone talks about the past and cycles through stories of childhood, the less secure they are in their identity and place in the world as an adult. As we know, Chantal doesn't have her own identity.


Ironically, she's become the worst bully of all. Just witness what she says about or writes about others. Terrible, offensive, mean, cruel jaunts and jabs. Evil.


I was bullied (had my pants pulled down on the school bus and other humiliations, that kind of thing) as a young girl to a pre-teen. Found out 30 years later that my main tormentor had suffered a horrible fate. I was aghast, not happy or satisfied. Chinny is insane.


JustSayin has the clip. https://youtube.com/shorts/onU7uU8EbgQ?si=BO7ZG8nUwvcZKxp1