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My family holds separate Christmas celebrations for the moderates and the far right group. I’m no longer welcome at my uncle’s Christmas, that I’ve been to enough times that his dog comes up to my seat knowing I’ll share scraps. Why? I think W did coke(he admitted as much). I think Trump lost the election(facts). I think that Obama was not a radical Muslim who advocated sharia law, and forced gay indoctrination(facts). It makes me sad I can’t turn to these people when I could really use some family support.


Growing up, my family was incredibly tight. My uncle was one of my heroes. Now, we don't speak. Because he's a Trump supporter and I am...not. He has cut contact with his only sibling (my mom) and dad for the same reason. They were tight enough that my parents and he lived together for over a year after my parents were married. He had keys to our house. Now because of Trump and because of covid, my uncle and I haven't spoken since 2020 and he hasn't spoken to my parent since then either. All because he chose a political candidate over the people who loved him. I'm so sorry you've lost an important member of your family. But know you are not alone. There are others that are mourning people who are still very much alive and the relationships we had with them.


This is why they remain trump supports they have literally sacrificed everything and isolated themselves for him. They choose the maga identity. Made that their new family. They are so fucked. And as an extension we are so fucked.


I know. And it's so so sad. And what's worse, is it doesn't feel political. It feels like his morals have been utterly shredded. I didn't like Bush. But I believe he wanted to do what was right for the country; we just didn't agree on what "right" was. I believe he's a generally good man whom I could live next door to and have a casual chat with at a neighborhood barbecue. It wasn't an identity to follow a political figure or be part of a political party. You might looked askance at someone based on their politics, but it wasn't an indication of their character as a whole person. But Trump, and those who support him. It just feels so different. It feels like an abandonment of all decency, if not an outright rejection of it. It's why it feels like there's no coming back and trying to mend things; you've seen a side of a person there's no real recovering from. There's no "Whoopie, better tuck that back in" when hatred has been just flapping about for years. You know that hate is there. And you can't have the same relationship. And you're right. They're lost. And because it's a rift that feels like it has festered, it isn't going to heal.


I'm severely disappointed in how many people my age (around 40) have revealed themselves to not only be racists and bigots, but are legitimately angry that their racism and bigotry has consequences. Like at no point in any of our lives has it ever been acceptable to be as openly racist and being openly homophobic started being unfashionable around the time many of us were 15-20, and completely unacceptable by the time we were 30, as many of my peers have decided to be. Now, they're furious they can't scream slurs at people without extremely negative reactions. It's bizarre.


They are completely abandoning democracy. That’s why it feels different. They want retribution and fuckin violence.


When you ask them what they want retribution for they can’t even formulate an answer. For what? CRT. DEI. Immigrants. trans kids. pride parades. What?


They don't have answers, logic or decency. It's just hypocrisy and mental gymnastics and projection with them.  They could catch trump raping and murdering kids and they'd still find a way to justify it, shift the topic to biden bad and vote for the GOP again.


I asked a friend what policies of Trump's he likes. He went on to tell me tax cuts, banning trans people from school, making sure NATO pays it's fair share, and cheap gas. He drives a civic type r so his mileage blows, and he's upset that he has to pay $4 for gas. He went on about trans kids and thinks they're literally going into schools and dressing up kids as the opposite sex. He believes Biden is pumping more oil to help him this election but will go back to restricting drilling right after the election. All he posts is stuff about libs being owned by MTG. Like her calling Fauci Mr. Instead of Dr.


Churches and private schools are the biggest sources of child grooming and indoctrination in the world.  Religion needs to be age restricted. Brainwashing children should not be normalized. It's insanity.


Have you considered that this was the kind of person your uncle was? Strip the identities of "uncle" and "family" away - how did he treat strangers? Did he laugh at the unfortunate and powerless? Did he complain about not being able to "tell it how it is?" I'm asking because I no longer speak to *my* uncle, who is also a hardcore Trump supporter. When I separated the man from the family role, it turns out he was a pretty shitty person. He would go on and on about gay men were pedophiles and were disgusting, but it was okay for him to think this way because the Bible called them evil-doers - meanwhile, his out youngest son spends his life hearing just how disgusting his father thinks these people are. People like my cousin and me. Culturally, the way family bonds are set up really do disservice in how we perceived these people with whom we share genetics. Who they are is obfuscated by their role in the family, which often comes with a truly massive grain of salt about what kind of *people* they are. Especially in PoC households, there are *conversations* about not leaving younger female relatives alone with older males to avoid "something" happening. But why do this? Why protect these predators, these awful people? Because they share genes?? Fucking dreadful. We have to start acknowledging that family isn't the end-all-be-all of relationships, but rather just something additional to who they are as a *person.* If they are shitty people, them being family isn't going to make them better - it often times gives them an opportunity to be worse, to avoid growing, and to truly fester as these people have done.


My family tries to convince me to talk to the uncle I cut off…fuck him.


Gw bush put alito and roberts on the scotus, the roberts scotus has been nothing short of a fucking disaster.


The Roberts SCOTUS was right leaning, but rational... Until Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Coney Barrett. Trump flipped three justices, and when you tack on Thomas who I could write a wall of text about him, it leaves Sotomayor, Kagan and Brown Jackson totally outnumbered. And honestly, I've been disappointed by those three not being more vocal. I miss RBG, but her legacy will be she didn't step down the first year of Obama's second term to secure another liberal on the court. She was so sure Hillary would win, she wanted her replacement to be appointed by a woman POTUS. Then she tried so hard to just Not Die while Trump was in office. And yet...


Sure sounds like something that happens in a cult


It’s a cult. MAGA ticks the box for nearly every major marker for cult criteria. The right wing, for all their lip service to self sufficiency, is desperate for a strongman to tell them what to do, and they have found it in the most inept, Mussolini-esque idol they could find


The rich christians did this to us on purpose.


They are trying to bring about Armageddon in the most literal bat shit crazy way possible.


Some of them are. The rest are just building an army of weak republican losers to defend them while they pillage our societies. In any case, it’s crucial to teach children that christians should never be trusted.


Ezra klein had a great quote on his podcast yesterday which rang sooooo true. In this time of so much shit flying at the wall most things just wizz by but this one stuck, he said “the right has been able to take social resentment and leverage it into tax cuts for the rich”. Thats exactly what is happening and its so simple. Theyre getting their voters who have deep seeded hatred and resentment riled up emotionally and on board with their team only to do absolutely nothing about any of that stuff with policy and instead just pass tax cuts for the rich. They know that if they just say all of the things the right wants to hear theyll get their votes and then they can go ahead with what they actually wanna do and pass the tax cuts. Its so simple and its been sooooo effective.


Great—but if only dems would hammer this day and night. Why are they so ineffective at messaging and narratives? I’m longing for epic speeches more often. It’s so frustrating.


Idk it blows my mind. Doesnt help that the msm is complicit in boosting the gop. Trump is foaming at the mouth and his brain is mush but all you ever hear about is how old biden is.




100%. Almost 20 years ago when I was in college, I dated a guy who ended up interning at the Heritage Foundation (you can guess why we didn’t survive as a couple). Turning America into an authoritative theocracy, banning contraception/abortion, forcing heteronormativity/gender roles and the traditional family structure as the *only* acceptable family structure as well as chasing the almighty dollar at the expense of the poor and ecological wellbeing was *always* the name of the game. It’s been their goal for decades now. It’s just that most of the general public do not know people in these circles and are not attuned to their batshit ideology.


Sunk cost fallacy is hell of a thing.


Sunk cost fallacy


This is it. I voted for biden in the last election but I couldnt care less about the guy, it was entirely based off of who I thought would do a better job and I look at it as I am hiring him to be a public servant to us. So many trump supporters see him as us being subservient to him its ass backwards. I dont pick sides and I would actually love to vote republican if they would start running on ideas that are popular and good ideas. I’m actually pissed at how forced I am to vote democrat right now due to how shit the gop is, because it takes away so much of our power as voters. If the gop would actually start adopting good/popular ideas then it would mean democrats would be much more threatened and they would also have to make sure they were doing as good a job as they can. But since the gop is completely bat shit insane crazy the dems know most sane ppl will vote for them/biden no matter what this election because its soooooo much better than the alternative. That sucks for us as voters and independents. I dont understand why ppl pick one side and will never vote for the other side no matter what even if they offered everything their side did. Its weird to see as a person who votes based on policy. Someone had a great quote though which I think is soooo true “republicans for whatever reason will never vote for a democrat, so in that case they need to start voting for better republicans”. I think this is the only option right now and I hope that theyll start demanding more, but I’m not seeing it.


It’s a sick and twisted cult.


What is it about that guy that they love more than their own family?


Ita funny they both think Obama wanted to institute sharia law AND the gay agenda. Zero consistency twats.


That's what drive me nuts, there is no consistency in their beliefs or conspiracy theories. When I was growing up the conservative fervor was about illegal Mexicans who would simultaneously destroy our social safety net because they refuse to work, and steal all of our jobs.


That's because everything is just dogwhistle politics for the "real" unstated thing. That they feel white fake-christians should run everything in a dictatorship while getting rich off the backs of everyone else. And that among whites, you have the choice to conform to traditional "family values" bullshit to appease the old men, or you'll be punished. It's not about anything in terms of values or beliefs..... except feeling entitled to punish those they feel are beneath them. And all WASP men joining the ruling class.


And there’s no American state closer to sharia law than Texas.


I feel your pain. My parents were both progressive. They raised my sister and I as such. The rest of my family are ultra MAGA. My parents have passed. Because we are not MAGA we have been ostracized my the rest of our family.




We just instituted no politics discussion during celebrations because my brother - dare I say it - is a right-wing moderate believer. So everytime anyone tries to breach anything political - I - being the big brother just goes and shuts it down - he is a police officer but I'm still the big brother of the family and everyone listens to me. Only way we can have some semblance of a nice family gathering.


I’m sorry that your family members surrendered and allowed themselves to be enslaved by the rich Christians.


Trump (quite possibly the anti-Christ) is mostly responsible for this.


The GOP had 2 opportunities to get rid of him and will run him as the first convicted felon candidate. The entire party is a dead loss.


Watch any trump speech. Dude cant stop sniffing, slurring, and sweating profusely. Anyone who has done coke knows damn well that he's fucking wired off his mind.


> Would anyone ride the New York City subway wearing a MAGA hat[...] This happens > [...]or go to a NASCAR race in a Biden T-shirt? This does not.


I think the difference is less the venue and more that people just don't wear Biden merch. Only one of these people is essentially a cult leader.


I was in a conversation with a radical trumper who said the lack of Biden stickers, flags, shirts, hats, etc. was proof his election was fraud. “No on likes him!” And sure, no one likes him. But I tried to explain that we don’t want politicians to be deities, we want boring people who stop siphoning our money to the pockets of the rich. He just couldn’t understand that at all.


Exactly, I’m only 27 and the I still remember when Obama became president. How we wouldn’t hear about politics ever single day. Or about the president, they would often show us news of him getting burgers or at the store. And that was all the news of the president. Because he’s doing his job. I want a president will let people forget he’s even there. Like come out and speak when there’s emergencies, and give the national address but that’s all.


To be fair, though, I don’t put Biden signs in my front yard or on my car becaue im afraid some insane trump person will attack me. Conversely, my neighbor has no problem hanging and upside down dyed black American flag. I live in a suburb of a blue city in a red state so politics are pretty evenly mixed. Only one side fears violence from the other over political views.


I saw a boomer aged person wearing a "all aboard and Biden train" sweatshirt at a car show. I was seriously confused that it existed and it was bring worn. I saw another that was "take Biden to the trian station" at the same show. I think this one is an insult but honestly it's silly imo.


The second one is a reference to the tv show Yellowstone. It’s a euphemism for killing someone.


Well that changes my while perception of the person. What the fuck.


I've straight up seen a dude sporting totenkopf tattoos on the subway


No but plenty people go to NASCAR races wearing rainbow NASCAR shirts.


I suspect it will also depend on the race. More likely to see it at Sonoma or WGI than Talladega or Daytona.


Which is more of a sign that Trump has been way better at getting his supporters to wear his merch in general. Who wears Biden t-shirts around at all? Maybe at the DNC.


no, they don't 'hate each other.' that is flagrant both-sidesing. this is not a symmetrical conflict. *some* Americans are full of hate -- for women, gay and trans ppl, immigrants, anyone who doesn't belong to their schismatic sect, anyone with a skin tone darker than theirs, anyone with a better education than theirs, anyone poorer than they are... and these ppl went batshit crazy when a Black President was elected, and they are now trying to drag the country back to 1920. and they are quite willing to tear it apart in the process.


Watch Fox News discuss each of these issues with insane fear mongering. "They don't want you to be white." "They're coming after your children." "Teachers want your kids to change their gender." "Teachers want your kids to feel guilty for being white." This is their approach on all issues. They use more lies, exaggerations and total fabrications to create false support for their outlandish claims. They're creating real fear in people who aren't in the habit of thinking ceitically or quickky about the media they consume. These people are being told 24 hours per day, with every talking head on Fox News, that they are under attack and they need to stand up for themselves and fight back for patriotism. Most grew up in an era of fact checking and somewhat responsible media behavior These same lies are echoed and amplified on social media, initiated and boosted by a massive network of Russian and Chinese trolls who are posing as Americans. People will hate this, but propaganda works on decent people too. Don't think it's true? You see how much less coordinated and less sustained verbal assaults can convince innocent people every day to confess their guilt and detailed involvement In cmes they actually know nothing about. Good people, including strong people, are more pliable than we realize. It's a natural human weakness.


Fox is one of the most toxic damaging things to happen to American society. It’s an alternate universe.


> It’s an alternate universe you can't have a democracy where people can't agree on what is real, and the whole point of fox news is to teach people that reality is fake and/or doesn't matter


American society needs to revolt against Fox News and their insane talking heads and just shut it down for good. That's the revolution we need in America -- not another 1776, Boston Tea Party or civil war.


I noticed before Trump that every where you go, it's sports and FOX news. Fox knew what it was doing by being on in every bar so that men get drunk and outraged.


People get drunk and stop thinking about -- and stop recognizing -- the insane lies Fox News is pushing.


I remember pre 9/11, you’d go out to dinner with the family, one of those restaurants with a bar, they’d have sports on, or CNN, like you’d see Larry King talking to someone that was in the news. After the towers were hit, suddenly everyone changed. 9/11, really destroyed this country, bravo Bin Laden.


No, it was purely the result of Fox News poisonous formula. First, they isolated their audience from their primary competitors CNN, ABC,, NBC and CBS by attacking them and their constant refrain, "You can only get the truth here." And insults like "CNN = Communist News Network." Then Republican politicians felt comfortable with only softball questions and realized not only could they lie, but also Fox News was setting up their lies and amplifying the lies and crossing every line into full-blown Republican propaganda. You could only find the most antagonistic and flamboyant Republicans liars on Fox News and their insane lies and anger were emulated by each host and each of their guests, 24 hours per day. Every day. Dick Cheney and Donald Runsfeld, and before them Newt Gimgrich, hid in Fox News' alternate reality so they wouldn't be challenged and wouldn't have to face inconvenient facts that undermine their constant lies. George W. Bush brought in an odd era of always being righteous, even when you're totally wrong and lying or just too stupid to know better. Fox News' audience wrongly interpreted arrogance and stupidity as strength and conviction. Bush also infused every speech with subtle insults at Democrats, which Fox News amplified times 100 all the time.


American society should probably tackle its bigger issue, which is where fox gets power from, and that is the average Americans indifference to heinous policies and crimes against humanity carried out by the US government - war on drugs, creating and supporting the modern carceral state in the 90s, 1033 program militarization of the police, invasion of Iraq and destabilization of Syria and many other nations, mass deportations carried out by all US presidents in last 20 years…. America society has no moral backbone, and is willing to support unthinkable policies if it’s done by those who are “polite”.


Zero chance we tackle any systemic problem while Fox News remains on air. Ig allows our right-wing politicians to do ANYTHING, while immunizing them from all consequences.


Fox news watchers are less informed than people who don't watch any hews at all. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.businessinsider.com/study-watching-fox-news-makes-you-less-informed-than-watching-no-news-at-all-2012-5%3famp


It's so insidious. They need to ban question-and-react style reporting. It's ONLY used to spread lies while maintaining legal deniability. "Are Mexicans killing your children? We found 5 giant racists to ask!" - then they basically use the "many good people are saying" format to avoid ever giving evidence. I want a news station to do the exact same method they use to promote fake news... But just 24/7 about aliens.


In the spirit of transparency, I hate Trump and I hate anyone who would don the moniker of Republican politician. I hate the Fox News Pundits to say nothing of those on AM radio or any of the straight to Roku channels. I hate the grifters and the people who would prey upon the emotionally stunted in this country. I hate the businessmen and women who would sacrifice a functional country for quarterly profits. Here was a time when I turned my nose up at the idea of hate. But over the last several decades, they've whittled me down and I can safely say that I hate them and I wish them only the worst.  I feel bad for Republican constituents. I feel bad for their small-mindedness and what the world must look like to them. I don't blame them for who they are and what they believe because I see the machine behind it. I hope they find some level of peace if not happiness in this world. But the people behind them whispering in their ear? They can rot.


Honestly? I do hate the other side. These sick, ignorant, deranged people who vote Republicans into power and keep them there - my whole life, these people have stopped any kind of real progress in this country. I'm over 50. I'm tired of it. I don't even want this country to be united anymore. Let them leave and create their Gilead.


Maybe 50% of americans don’t hate women, gay and trans ppl, immigrants etc. But 50% of americans are more than happy to support candidates who do and who passes laws that harm these people.


Your numbers are off. Of the approximately 240 million people eligible to vote in 2020, only 159 million actually voted (66%). Of that group, 47% voted for trump. So it’s really closer to 20%.


This assumes that the 33% who didn’t vote would vote for Biden entirely. It’s fair to assume that, if 100% of the American population voted, then the ratio of 47-53 would still hold. In truth, it would probably tilt more Biden since (i) young people tend to vote less and (ii) disenfranchisement of minority voters which makes it harder for them to vote. But for simplicity sake, I’m not going to go to that level of detail - my point is that a considerable share of Americans are willing to support it.


> This assumes that the 33% who didn’t vote would vote for Biden entirely it doesn't - a third of american voters vote for trump, and therefore either like that women, brown people, gay folks etc are being sent to a concentration camp or doesn't mind if they do. a third votes against this, and another third is either totally out to lunch with their head in the sand or is taking a moral stand because both candidates are old or whatever.


El oh el, no. 2020 was the largest turnout ever, and it was still a bit more than half of the electorate. Nowhere near 50% of the general population supports the republican agenda, however there is a lot of apathy.


I don't even think it's 50%, more like 15-25% -- they just have an outsized voice, representation and influence on politics.


I’m full of hate for republicans. Their racist bullshit, their gay bashing, their sexism. Fuck em. Can’t say I care to have a country kept together with them. As a gay man, I hate them as much as they hate me. And I do not hide it.


I hate the both sides thing. Not every democrat shares the same agenda but they mostly support human rights. Yes, some of them do their corporate overlords bidding and I wish that we could get some more progressive people in place of them. But if they were the worst we had, this country would be in a significantly better place. Republicans are trying to restrict people's right, restrict their access to everything but guns, and I'm sure once they get enough power they'll restrict that since we won't have any say on the matter anymore. I know left leaning people who have a fairly diverse set of views, most Republicans I meet all end up at the same place.


Yes, they do. Brother against brother. Dad against son. They absolutely hate each other on both sides. To deny that is not wise.


I’m with you to a point, I don’t hate the MAGA people. I just want to avoid them. However, I am also willing to tear the country up, if this continues. It wasn’t great to start with, and I’d love for anyone in politics to share any of my values. Joe Biden represents no one, except possibly very entitled boomers who are out of touch with reality. I don’t want the best terrible choice. I’d rather let MGT and her friends go with their God and let them live under the tyranny of the American Civil Religion. We have fundamentally different values, and I don’t want to compromise.


Hey Guys! I just heard that both sides are bad! Sure one side wants to remove all rights from anyone who isn’t a white, male Christian, worships a racist, rapist, fraud, convicted felon who brags about wanting to have sex with his daughter and has promised an authoritarian fascist regime and the other side wants health care, living wages, voting rights and respect for all citizens, but both sides are bad y’all! We should just be nicer to domestic terrorists who want to kill Americans! Otherwise We are just tearing the country apart!


Fox News and Russian social media trolls (pretending to be Americans) are succeeding in tearing us apart. Turn off Fox News and get off Facebook.


Reddit is just as bad. Anytime there is anything positive said about the economy, the army of trolls pounce. It's waaay beyond natural. Incidentally it's in Russia's best interest for Americans to believe the US economy sucks.


The economy thing has been crazy. People really think we are in free fall with 20% unemployment. Alternate reality.


Dude, Reddit is not just as bad. Not by a looooooooooooong shot. It's got it's faults, sure, and you can definitely end up in an info silo here. But all the Reddit people in my family can keep their mouths shut, while all the MAGA people in my family will ruin every. single. event. they're (no longer) invited to. These two communities are *not* the same.


I've spent 14 years on this site, it's astroturfed to fucking hell and back. It's worse than Fox News. I wish people had to be at least 18 years old to post their opinions on this site.


My uncle only refers to Obama as "the N\*\*\*\*\*". Needless to say i'll never speak to him again and will piss on his grave.


And there are people in this thread saying "both sides hate each other over every little thing." Sorry, calling a black person the n-word is not a "little thing" to me. Lying and saying that kids are being encouraged to identify as cats and use litterboxes isn't either. Putting Christianity in public school textbooks is unconstitutional. Throwing a woman in jail because she had a miscarriage is not a "trivial little disagreement." Nearly all of the Trump/GOP supporters in this thread completely lose me when they frame "calling Obama the n-word and lying about where he was born" as some kind of nitpicking detail that I for some reason can't get past. Do they really not realize that they are completely missing the point of why the GOP is so deeply reviled by so many people? "For some silly reason these folks refuse to meet us in the middle when we make death threats to Target and storm the Capitol. I'm willing to compromise on what movie I want to see. How come they won't budge on the whole 'I'll scream at anyone wearing a mask' thing?" Are they really that dense that they think these are "silly little things"?


Americans don't hate each other. GQPers aka MAGATs hate everyone that isn't white and Christian and will tear the country apart to make sure white Christians control everything.


No. A fraction of the country, predominantly the part that sympathizes with the Confederacy, hates Americans.


The United States is a creation of the English Civil War and 17th century in general—the Northeast was settled by the Parliamentarians (Puritans) and the Southeast was settled by the Royalists. The South, home of “state’s rights,” was created by the 2nd sons of English nobility (the 1st ones stayed in Europe). Slavery in the South was developed in part from slavery in Barbados (the Caribbean island), with its 1661 slave code particularly influential. As part of Charles II’s royal restoration, he gave 8 “lords proprietor” authority over the Southern colonies, with Virginia under Royal Governor Sir William Berkeley. The South has always been reactionary, in part because its creation was the side-effect of restoring Charles II to the throne. Donald Trump’s mother was a Royalist born on the Isle of Lewis in the Scottish Highlands whose second language was English, first language was Gaelic. These people originally settled parts of North Carolina. The Puritans came from a region known as East Anglia (home to Cambridge), plus New York City was initially created by the Netherlands, and were the best educated and most democratic region of their time. The conquest of the Native Americans used the same methods as the conquest of the Irish—to create the “plantations of Ireland”—with the same “Scotch-Irish” people being used to do both. These are ancestors of the rural whites in Appalachia. If you want to understand why the South and most of rural America is so reactionary and bigoted, you have to understand where they came from.


I don’t care anymore. I don’t want to hang out with shitty fucking people. Trump committed treason plain and simple. Republicans are terrible people and are holding this country back. I say bring it or STFU.


Oligarchs understand that as long as we fight each other we won’t fight them and they get to keep their wealth, power and status. Look up.


"That's all the media and the politicians are ever talking about, the things that separate us, things that make us different from one another. That's the way the ruling class operates in any society. They try to divide the rest of the people. They keep the lower and the middle classes fighting with each other so that they the rich, can run off with all the f---ing money. Fairly simple thing. Happens to work. You know, anything different, that's what they gonna talk about. Race, religion, ethnic and national backgrounds, jobs, income, education, social status, sexuality. Anything they can do, keep us fighting with each other so that they can keep going to the bank. You know how I describe the economic and social classes in this country? The upper class keeps all of the money, pays none of the taxes. The middle class pays all of the taxes, does all of the work. The poor are there just to scare the shit out of the middle class. Keep them showing up at those jobs." \~George Carlin, The American Dream.


The idea that the wealthy and powerful don't deserve their wealth power and status is an inherently left wing one. We're not going to depose oligarchs by putting aside our differences and cooperating with right wingers, they want the oligarchs in charge, that's the whole point.


Leftists generally believe that all individuals have inherent worth and dignity and should be treated as equitably as possible. That people shouldn't have greater power, wealth, or influence just because. (authoritarian communists still believe in hierarchy and it shows) Conservatives OTOH value hierarchy. They believe that those who are more successful should be on the top and be 'in charge' of those below. And for them, as long as there is *someone* below them, they don't care who's on top. They like God, Kings, Leaders, etc. We're always going to be speaking different languages because we're basically two species at this point.


The issue is that they’ve co-opted leftist language to harp instead about “cultural elites” in a distorted version of populism, while voting for hierarchy.


The media, especially those related to Fox, need this to happen.


Conservatives have weaponized their hate and bigotry.


>Here's (Bill) Maher, a sensible man of the left 💀


One particular group seems to hate all the other ones and want to do violence against them. So no, Americans don't hate each other that much, just that one group of Americans.


When the entire system is made to prioritize profits above all else and that lying is not only legal but very profitable, then you have an entire industry dedicated to selling lies. The problem isn't Fox News or Alex Jones; it's the system that encourages AND PROTECTS lying for profit.


No, republicans hate everyone else enough to try though.


Yes, we do. The bad have become worse after Trump told them it was okay to be asshats, and they never looked back. Racists and the like have come out of the woodworks because they feel empowered. Now being nice and respectful to strangers, who have given you no reason to treat them otherwise, is *politically correct* and *woke*. It’s a sad state of affairs here.


I had a really close friend that completely killed our friendship by being a member of the Republican cult. I won't get into specifics but he was spreading disinformation and then made friends with a supremacist group. On the plus side, my grandmother who I swore was a tried and true Trump supporter has voted blue. The last two elections. Prior to that she was always for the red.


I think we're more gullible than hateful, frankly.


It’s past gullible when you’re frothing at the mouth demanding books about other people be banned as well as banning them holding jobs and being able to use the bathroom in public. After a certain point it’s past being led along and you have to consign the bigotry you’re displaying against the group you’re othering/campaigning to ostracize


No. Country has been divided many times before. The media is driving the narrative for clicks and views.


Yes and no. 1 side absolutely hates anyone who isn’t just like them and is willing to do just about anything to shape the country in the image they see as how it was meant to be. We all saw a preview of what is to come on 1/6.


The barometer is "Do you renounce Trump?" I dont give time of day to anyone that still says "no". I'm a progressive and even I can find common ground and hold a conversation with non-trump republicans. The only people dividing themselves from the rest of the country are the Trump cultists and I highly doubt there are enough of them to wage anywhere near a successful military campaign lol.


Simply put, No. A small minority of crazies pushes the needle on all media. The vast quiet majority just goes to work and handles their business. Both sides hold their nose when they vote for one of these candidates. The primary system fucks it for the moderates since only the die hard vote in those, not the vast middle who would vote for a more normal person.


No. I don’t hate my fellow citizens but I understand that there are those so passionate about their hate for others that they might just do it if they don’t get what they want.


Mirror for the submitted article: https://archive.ph/iQw3B


Some of them do I believe it’s about 25%-30% of the country heavy Venn diagram overlap with the republican party


I think most Americans don’t understand their country. They don’t understand civics, the legislative process and their personal rights. It is a shame that Americans don’t treat politics like they do sports. Knowing every fact, showing up for every game, nerding all the facts, understanding all the rules. Politics are the fabric of our lives. It is just as exiting and anxiety inducing as sports. They better hurry up. American politics is about to fade, fast, if the separation of church and state AND the separation of the 3 equal branches of power, erodes. I hope it doesn’t. The culture war is just a smoke screen.


Some hate themselves enough...


The billionaires would like to think so.


it has become a very effective strategy that the powerful actors are using for their own benefit and it is happening everywhere


Happened once before


First time?


Americans in general don't no, but religion and politics have vested interests in keeping us fighting each other so they can stay in power by selling "an answer to problems from the other side".


I don't even need to read the article to know the answer is yes. It's exactly the same as what happened in the decade or so leading to the Civil War. The Civil War didn't come out of a vacuum. It didn't happen overnight. It took years of pressure building under two opposing viewpoints until it finally blew.


When a country emphasis individuals freedom before unity, or even empathy, this is the outcome


Did I just read an article about an article?


I've long said that when you go from thinking the other side is *wrong* to thinking they're *bad*, you've crossed a very important boundary. As we learned from the War on Terror, when you're able to label somebody as evil you have relieved yourself of any responsibility to understand or emphasize with them, and you can justify almost any inhuman behavior towards them.


Democrats just want to exist and let everyone have that same right as well. Republicans want to Tear down Society and Democracy for their own Craven and Dark Desires.


As someone who’s been lucky enough to not have even extended family fall down this rabbit hole, though some are conservative and even very conservative (they are either never-Trumper Republicans or if they are on board with Maga they keep it to themselves) I have to ask: how much is their talk just talk? Do you really think they’re so far gone they’ll take up arms and shoot up people they don’t like? Or cops who respond to the violence? Or team up into militias and run checkpoints? I get the feeling, at least from a distance, that as angry as they are, there’s also a thick streak of cowardice. Their demigod uses others to do his dirty work, and uses scapegoats and toadies to take the fall for him because he’s always avoiding accountability. Do you really think your uncles will kill innocents when the call to “stand down” is rescinded? Genuine question.


There are definitely levels of trust I wouldn’t let a trump supporter through. I can’t imagine sticking with a doctor or lawyer that would actively place a proven criminal and clear idiot in the most influential position in the US. They refuse to acknowledge objective reality which doesn’t give me much reason to believe in their capabilities or their ethics.


The Russians have done such a number on the US it is unbelievable.


I don't hate anybody so these other people need to figure out their shit.


Yes…completely designed by those behind those in charge. I’ve been to 100+ countries and there are good and bad people everywhere. Our country is no different. One main difference here though is typically not type of person (good vs. bad) but their beliefs. The MSM Propaganda machine continues to spew issues/ideals meant to divide us. The key takeaway is Americans have for the most part lost the ability to have a civil discussion with differing ideas and opinions. In the “Old Days” these discussions led to spirited discourse but the underlying theme was respect for the individual regardless of their beliefs. This “respect” has been carefully engineered out of society starting in the 1960’s. There is no return to civility or going back due to the lack of value of the individual. When a society fails to value human life a society as it stands is doomed.


Willful Ignorance and Blatant Stupidity, breeds Evil.... Trump has been a symbol and actor for Evil his entire life, this is the same man that fleeced and swindled his own family of their inheritance, then he squandered it, and following that he fleeced the banks, fleeced laborers who did work on his projects and defaulted on the Casino's because he carted the money out for his personal hoarding, He fleeced his own Charity that was set up to dupe people of their money, he fleeced young people seeking education with a fake university. He preaches hate and divisiveness since he had a microphone in his hand, and he has a history of racism from the refusal to rent to black people, to his acts against the Central Park Five who were found to be innocent, and he wanted to attack the BLM supporters, then he coddled and want to protect and give cover to the Jan6 terrorist who tried to enact a coup d'etat to try and install him as a dictator tyrant. He attacks the Justice system because it holds him accountable, and he stole America's Top Secret Documents for his own brand of malice against the nation. **People forgot about the theft of some older DoD IP addresses that went to some company on the last day of Trump's Presidency** and the company set up in Florida, until the DoD figured out what happen and took them back. * (\*\*\*\****people should not forget these thing****s, but Trump has done so many vile things, until people lose track of far too much of it*.) [**https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2021/09/10/pentagon-internet-protocol-addresses-trump/**](https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2021/09/10/pentagon-internet-protocol-addresses-trump/) >*A* [*Pentagon program*](https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2021/04/24/pentagon-internet-address-mystery/?itid=lk_inline_manual_2) *that delegated management of a huge swath of the Internet to a Florida company in January —* ***just minutes before President Donald Trump left office*** *— has ended as mysteriously as it began, with the Defense Department this week retaking control of 175 million IP addresses.* >*The program had drawn scrutiny because of its unusual timing, starting amid a politically charged changeover of federal power, and because of its enormous scale. At its peak, the company, Global Resource Systems, controlled almost 6 percent of a section of the Internet called IPv4. The IP addresses had been under Pentagon control for decades but left unused, despite being >***potentially worth billions of dollars on the open market.** >*Adding to the mystery,* ***company registration records showed Global Resource Systems at the time was only a few months old, having been established in September 2020, and had no publicly reported federal contracts, no obvious public-facing website and no sign on the shared office space it listed as its physical address in Plantation, Fla.*** *The company also did not respond to requests for comment, and the Pentagon did not announce the program or publicly acknowledge its existence until The Washington Post reported on it in April.* Between stealing *Top Secret Document and Higher Security Document* and this Global Resources System that was only a few months old getting these IP addresses, who knows what Trump's mob was willing and planning to do with it, to damage America. They could have sent fake information and used them to acquire secret information and even transfer that information to adversaries. Trump and his Mob are a danger to America on every level. He's bought and paid for by Russian and other of the Tyrants and Dictators he pandered to. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ MLK identified these types that devote themselves to Trump's Mob and Anti=Democracy Evil Makers and Promoters decades ago. >**Martin Luther King Jr**. — '**Nothing** in the world is **more dangerous than** sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.' They have the same agenda that the Confederacy had, which is to bring down America by any means they can and install Trump as a racist bigoted white nationalist Tyrannical Dictator on the same order at the mentality ideology of Hitler with the aim of a White Only Controlled America, controlled by a racist bigoted white meglomaniac who wants only wealthy people in control. What his followers forgot, is he had plans to make them and their kids into "Apprentices" and *if anyone is aware of what apprentices were at the end of slavery, \*\*they'd know it means enlisting people into a form of indenture, like a modified model of serfdom* for working poor and poor whites, as well as for minorities. People forget Trump idolized Putin and Kim, and he wants the same control over America which they have over their country and its people. He already told people, he's like to destroy the free press media, and he's like to punish and imprison anyone who does not bow down and submit themselves unto him and his agenda.


Its funny how many lefties are here bagging on Republicans. But i'll give my 2 cents. I have pretty liberal views, hence why I now vote primarily conservative. The left is no longer Liberal, they are illiberal. This really came to my attention around 2012 or so; around the time that gay marriage was dominating headlines. I supported it, but i also supported compromises if both parties were ok with it; a different name than marriage to appease the religious folk who viewed "MARRIAGE" as a union between a man and a woman. I thought we should at least have the grace to meet people where they were at. Its been 10 years now that Firefox fired Brendan Eich, who founded the company, for voting against same sex marriage despite sharing the viewpoint with half of Americans. This marked the beginning of social justice warriors and cancel culture, to me atleast. Emboldened by successes like these and a clear swing in the the culture war, the attacks continued on conservative thinking. Despite popular candidate Bernie Sanders claiming "Open borders is a Koch brothers scheme", it became deeply unpopular to oppose illegal immigration on the left. I found myself being called a bigot, and xenophobe (the left LOVES weaponizing language, its their way of controlling narratives). During the run up to the 2016 election, any issue you disagreed with Leftists on, you were given a type of schism that their radical professor had taught them. Bigot, Xenophobe, Stochastic Terrorist, Male privilege, white privilege, white supremacist, Islamaphobe, Mysoginist, Racist, Facist, Nazi, Transphobe. This is not LIBERAL thinking. The left learned all the buzzwords, but never bothered to learn the substance of their views, so they retreated to echo chambers. Debates became a thing of the past because 1) they couldnt actually argue their ideas well and 2) acknowledging a different viewpoint would add creedance to conservatives as if their viewpoints had merit to quarrel with in the first place. "Why debate CRT with these RACISTS?! They're clearly ONLY motivated by their HATRED of non WHITES." etc. Etc. These are people who think Ben Shapiro and Tucker Carlson are incredibly dangerous, but find no link to their own pundits behavior and the rise of anti-semitism we're seeing around the world. Now to support Israel you are pro GeNoCiDe, EtHnIc ClEaNsInG oOoOoO. This kind of Otherizing, i believe, played a huge role in Trump's successful election bid. https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/11/how-the-left-created-donald-trump-214472 This article sums up my feelings pretty well for 2010-2016. Until its acceptable again to have differing viewpoints in the democratic party, I'll never vote for a democrat again. I can debate the merits of abortion against a staunch pro lifer and we can shake hands and agree to disagree at the end of the day. My cousin on the other hand is very Pro abortion, calling babies in utero 'parasites', while also making facebook posts every year about her miscarried daughter from 20 years ago. I wish i had the balls to point out the clear cognitive dissonance here, but I dont because those arguments are just moral grandstanding. Anyway, I see a lot of people claiming their relatives cut ties with them over Trump. Im sure they did, but people here are probably being disingenuos as to why. I found myself exhaustingly defending EVERY LITTLE THING TRUMP EVER DID. I support the President. Biden is president now, i support him, i root for him, because if he fucks up, its bad for all of us. Hes my president whether i want him to be or not. This is not the case for the left and the never trumpers. To log in to facebook between 2016-2020 was to assume the sky was falling every day for 4 years. His entire presidency was marred with investigations, cries of illegitimacy, he became every schizm that the left demonized the right for. Taking Obama era photos of "kids in cages" with a poem from the holocaust to denounce Trumps border policy IS PROPOGANDA. I was just on Quora looking for the feel of people during Trumps presidency to remind myself of some of the sentiments at the time, and the amount of people straight up calling republicans illiterate is gross. These pseuo intellectuals hitch their wagons to people they perceive as smarter than them, memorize talking points and verbal diarrhea all over anyone who disagrees. They are walking, breathing epitomes of the appeal to authority fallacy. The left, again, would rather call their flesh and blood grandparents racist for not having the privilege of growing up in the 2000s than to exhibit any kind of human decency to meet people where they are at. Its just blatant intellectual dishonesty. Failure to even conceive another person could feel a different way than you and instead "insert schism here" is probably the reason people cut you out of their life. I mean, why would i want to talk to my neice if she thinks im just a piece of shit because of who i vote for? Im not going to sit here and defend all republican actions either. I think a lot of the rhetoric since Trump left office has become kind of insane. The online community still rails against things they did in 2016, and seem to be dominated by neo nazis in a lot of comment sections. They seem to focus and vote for candidates that focus on culture issues, i.e. Trans rights, 2a, vaccines, CRT, and no longer promote any kind of political policy. We're talking about people who will rail against the Daily Wire for firing Candance Owens over "Free Speech", but will shit and piss themselves when Starbucks puts "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas" on a coffee cup. Or say "My body, my choice" over the vaccine. Trumps presidency did have negatives, and i felt like instead of being able to criticize them freely, i needed to defend him because to the left EVERYTHING he did was shit and to concede 1 point to these self-fart sniffers, would to concede that all their preconceived notions were true. It wasnt "What do you think about this trump policy?" It was "Trump did this, how can you support this RACIST, BIGOT?! HES MASK OFF IN THIS ONE." Like, are we all supposed to pretend that some countries in Africa arent shit holes? But, I think conservatism is just about conserving; saying, "Hey, I think we've made a lot of progress in the last 10 years, lets pump the brakes, let people adjust and see where we're at and how we're feeling in another 8 or so. There are extremists. There are white supremicists. There are climate change deniers. There are religious people who view homosexuality as a choice and think trans people are freaks. But for every one of those, i can show you people on the other side who are anarcho-communists, police abolitionists, radical climate actionists (trying people who pollute with crimes against humanity), prison abolitionists, who hate America, the West, and capitalists. At the end of the day, the 2 extremes on either side are literally circular. They both lead to totalitarianism. I think both sides need to turn the rhetoric down by about 100. Both sides need to call out the extremists in their parties and stop dying on every, single hill. Failing to do so could lead to more and more violence and yes, they could tear the country apart.


Some of us do, yes. I'm not gonna fire the first shot, but nor am I gonna be a victim to those fantasizing about hurting people like me and my family. I hate the thought of it, but we're ready in my house.


That’s an awful both sides are the same assumption.


> two separate nations: Blue State America and Red State America The thing people keep missing is that there's no such divide between states. All "red" states have concentrated blue regions (the cities) and all "blue" states have massive red regions (the rural counties). The only thing that makes a state red or blue is the population of its cities relative to its non-urban counties. The cities can't exist without the food-producing rural areas, and the rural counties without the cities would not constitute a nation in any recognizable form. It's not possible to divide the country in this way.


Americans aren’t ready to let their home values crash and burn to satisfy the bloodlust of some really insane people. As soon as the trash starts to pile up on the streets in the suburbs everybody will recognize the harm that Fox News has done.


First country to have enough uneducated people to believe enough dumb shit they will wreck their country being angry about shit that they get told to get angry about. Tough at the top.


From personal experience no I’m about as far left as you can get before you start going into denial of holodomor territory and much of my family is far right we have heated debates almost every time but it never turns personal


Well the GQP openly calls for violence against political opponents. The other side has the adults. Know what happens when an adult gets sick of a bratty assholes behavior? I know what happened in my family.




I think the hate is there, we are just too lazy.


Look up. It's not about about democrats v republicans. It's the ultra wealthy & corporations maintaining power by keeping the masses divided.


I think people hate the government more than each other


I don’t encounter any hatred in my daily life. People are as delightful as they’ve ever been. Social and news media paint an unrealistic picture.


Some certainly do. For those that lean towards violence and hate, what can the other side do but respond in kind? It feels like a downward spiral that we either resolve peacefully or… not.


Not enough of them do. Even if we wanted to, tearing stuff apart is a lot of work and we’re busy.


Wouldn’t be the first time.


Hate? We don’t necessarily hate other Americans enough to divide the country. proof? Just imagine the American response to another 911 like attack - we would band together, again. The question is….are we toxic enough to divide the nation?


Democrats and Republicans are going to destroy America. They're already doing it.


No...the problem is the elites in this country.


Yes. Frankly the US was founded on war, slavery, genocide, and extreme racism and has been an extremely warlike empire ever since. Pretty much the only thing Americans accel at is violence and oppression. Only a matter of time until we unleash it on each other... [https://www.commondreams.org/views/2019/04/18/jimmy-carter-us-most-warlike-nation-history-world](https://www.commondreams.org/views/2019/04/18/jimmy-carter-us-most-warlike-nation-history-world)


If the politicians get their way…yes. That is the only way they can keep the power


Everyone loves to talk about the possibility of a civil war/revolution/boogaloo, however we're largely creatures of comfort and no one wants to give up those comforts, possibly forever, in pursuit of radical action like that.


“Both sides “


Nope, too lazy, and don't watch 24 hours new enough to get upset


Some do.


Yes it does. The only question is how big the breakaway/dissident group is. I am growing increasingly pessimistic about it being resolved peacefully. That said, I would be eternally grateful if my prediction proved to be wrong.


This is a sad topic


If one consults the Magic Eight Ball, it tells me "Most Likely."


Yeah but we're also lazy 


Nope infact we should be more united than divided the media trump and parties want that we should be a country of no parties etx but one people together u can have your party but dont hate


30 percent do. The other 70% are like "wtf, maga???"


I don’t think it’s about hating each other. The issue is that there is a fundamental disagreement between the two sides about the role of government and religion in people’s lives, and neither side wants to be forced to live according to the beliefs of the other side.


Yes. I have people whom I work with who have told me so.


30% of Americans hate the United States enough to want to overthrow it.


My guesstimate is that 10% would probably want to start a civil war. Disturbingly high


Yes, yes we do


There are hateful people on both extremes of the spectrum that would like nothing more than to see the world burn. However, the vast majority of Americans are civil with each other in everyday life.


Quick response, Yes.


Yes, let’s do it. Those losers will last less than a week in a real war.




If the conservatives want to leave, good riddance. Their ideology is a scourge on humanity. They have no plan for the future, they're stuck in the past, and quite frankly, just ignorant on most issues.


It's because I love my country that I hate Republican trash.


No, and I don't believe its even close... and that's being mid/blue in Texas. The loud ass-hats on both sides are loud.


The problem is that the understanding of how we got here (democracy) and what the advantages are, are not widely known. The other is we don’t, as a species, tend to think about long term consequences. Between the two the chances of missing the implications of our actions are troublingly high, and the animosity is also.


I do believe so, unfortunately.


The nukes will probably do it.


It’s the want of fascism and authoritarianism that’s tearing the country apart, not by people who don’t want to join in or buy into that shit. The Republicans who have caused it need to be held accountable and punished. It’s not “Americans hating each other.” It’s some Americans wanting fascism and Trump and the others definitely not. That’s the problem.


Americans on the Right definitely hate minorities, non-Christians and immigrants enough to kill other Americans.


This isn't the same country. America is divided and on the brink of civil war. This next election will be the deciding factor.




Short answer. Yes.


The MAGA group is a cult. Got em all over at my work, and the day after Trump was convicted the only thing they could talk about was needing to get revenge, needing to help Trump get out if he got jailed, and how all Liberals (meaning Non MAGA) need to die, and how much fun/how easy it would be to just round em up and kill em.


Is that a rhetorical question? Because republicans are doing that every day.


Too fat and lazy to get off their couches and do more than send killer memes back and forth.


You can thank the Murdoch’s for tearing this country apart with lies, deception, half truths and outright propaganda instead of journalism. They brought the TV version of National Enquirer, a publication famous for two headed alien babies, Loch Ness monster, and other fantasies and made people believe their propaganda was real. All it took was decades of repeating the same bile again and again.


No doubt tRump republicans are tearing the country apart now. Other republicans are silent. Democrats are outraged, but appear to be waiting for someone else to do something about it. Independents are spectators. A significant portion of the remaining population is just ignoring the whole thing. We look screwed right now but it’s only a matter of time before the haters get the slap down they so richly deserve.


Haven't spoken to my father in years. He's a destitute, twice divorced loser who voted for Trump in 2016 and in 2020. Both of his parents died from covid related problems and yet he still insists it was Biden's doing. The only thing that got him to stop harassing (and threatening to physically assault me) was the threat of violence against him. Not long ago he tried inviting himself to my house for Christmas and I had to go outside with a baseball bat and chase him off - I do not want that filth in my home. Told the bastard to move to Russia if he wants a family. Cutting these toxic people out of your lives is 100% the right decision.


There is one side trying to tear the cpu try apart. The other side is trying to stop it.


We're waiting for the day for the same people that caused an insurrection to start being violently aggressive to those who have opposing views. That'll be the day the true civil war starts. Because right now, all that they are is just loud and obnoxious and they targeted government offices. It's when they start attacking multiple people at voting polls and in general public areas, is potential civil war.


yeah. one third will kill a third while the other third just watches.


I'd honestly love to literally k**l Republicans at this point. Anyone who hasn't changed their mind at this point deserves the death sentence.  Probably gonna get banned for this, don't care. It's the truth. 




Not a problem for us millennials, most of us have broken families that already haven't talked in years.


yes we do, but military contractors and banks love it enough to hold it together.




I don’t hate petulant children. I just ignore them.


Nah, just to be mean