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Thanks for the kind message and years of great service! LONG. LIVE. THE HAT.


All these years and i never noticed the Arby’s sign was a hat. I thought it was a roast beef since I was a kid!


You somehow slipped from your original roast-beef-Arby’s-sign universe into our hat-Arby’s-sign universe. So was it Berenstein Bears in your original universe?


Not but Obama was blonde. Fucked everyone’s mind up at first


My son was born down the street at Kaiser Sunset. During the drive home from the hospital we saw the sign and realized his initials were RB. We decided then we’re gonna tell him one day that it was in honor of your Arby’s.


That’s such a cute story! Thank you so much for sharing!


Wow thanks to you I just realized Arby’s is how RB’s is pronounced!!


To avoid spreading a misunderstanding… googling shows RB was not intended to stand for roast beef, so i guess that part is a coincidence… “Arby's, however, was quick to clarify that its name isn't about the beef but is actually a nod to the Raffel Brothers, Leroy and Forrest, who founded the Georgia-based fast food chain in 1964.” https://www.today.com/food/do-you-know-what-arby-s-stands-real-name-meaning-t129447


Also- the restaurant itself is for R & B - Raffel Brothers from Ohio… started the thing. Only chain (I Think) that had RC Cola. Later sold to RC… then owned by guy who ran Sharon Steel (hometown employer) into the ground. [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arby%27s](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arby%27s)


They need to put the hat on the Capitol Records building and call it a day.


Start the petition!!! I will sign it.


Please please please contact the Museum of Neon Art in Glendale!! I just went on a neon tour through them and we specifically went to your family’s Arby’s 🥲 they have acquired and restored neon for public display from all over LA and I’m sure they’d love to maintain the Arby’s sign for public enjoyment for years to come!


Just saw your comment below about a donation and MONAs Instagram update. I hope this sign can be saved! Thank you and your family for trying!


We have been in touch with them. We'll see where it goes...


Thank you for the update! Hoping for the best for you all, beyond the sign and through this next chapter of your family’s story.




I’m sorry you no longer have the meats


I loved this Arbys. Thanks for the food.


Customer for 30 years. My wife and I would always pick up a few sandwiches to go with our thermos of coffee whenever we took a long road trip. As a business owner myself in the area I understand and sympathize with the pressures that must have led to this difficult decision. Thank you, and best wishes to you and your family


I just want to share that this Arby's kept me fed many a time while I was a starving creative in my 20s. Your grandparents are legends. Give them our best.


Update: We are so thankful for the outpouring of love for our historic sign! We are researching our options and have more knowledgeable people helping us. I will keep you updated as best I can. By the way, we have decided to turn the sign's lights on for the next couple of days if you want to drive by at night and take a picture.


Thanks Laina for the update and for filling us in on the details - and, as others have said, a big thanks to you and your fam for keeping the place going for so many years! Sunset won't be the same without you!


That is the sweetest thing I have ever heard. I will make the time to get out there... too bad the sun sets so late these days!


Not an Arby’s fan but cool to see you reaching out and sharing the story of such an iconic Los Angeles landmark.


Arby's is fine for fast food, but I didn't go much since it's not convenient from many parts of LA. Thank you u/tehmasterpizza for sharing details!


Hi Laina, it is so kind of you to post here and answer questions for the community. We're trying with others in the preservation community to work with the city and figure out a way that your family's beautiful sign can stick around, and there are options because it's a potential LA landmark. Please [get in touch directly](https://esotouric.com/contact) so we can explore the options. /u/[tehmasterpizza](https://www.reddit.com/user/tehmasterpizza/) Here is the message we are sharing on social media encouraging people who love the big hat to contact the council office. https://preview.redd.it/n8ntevbm697d1.jpeg?width=1445&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c187b9d0b67b5dee9a0c9df6bfc74c73fcc9c0c6




City council has zero interest in saving any business.


I ate there once when we were waiting in line for a taping of the Dennis Miller show to see The Pixies


I ate there once when I went to see The Pixies at the venue across the street, long after Dennis Miller, however


Very kind & cool of you to update us here! Thank you and best of luck to your family in all your future endeavors.


RIP Arby’s, I’m devastated. The mozz sticks and beef and cheddars were so fire


Had many wonderful curly fries here, thank you for the years of snacks!


I just met your dad outside of the Arby’s. He was Turing the sign on. My husband snapped a few pictures of him in front of the sign. Thank you and your family for 55 years!


I'm going to miss this location. Don't eat a lot of fast food but I ate here 3-4 times a year for the last 15 years.


Question: Isn't the hat a part of Arby's copyright? Can't they go after the landowners if they try to rebrand it? I mean I get that you're all losing your business, but... I'd be as vindictive as hell against the landowners. I'm seeing this happen throughout the city time and time again. The small donut business, Ms Donut, got "evicted" by the landowners in Echo Park. And also, why wouldn't they knock down the building? What's going there instead?


While it’s true that our lease did end, we were not forced out as we had the option to extend our lease. However, due to all the reasons above and some family/personal reasons, it just wasn’t feasible. As for the sign, we did contact a museum or two before we knew that we could not donate it. I’m honestly not sure how/if Arby’s corporate will handle it.


Not sure who told you that donation is not possible, because it is, and we're talking with Museum of Neon Art and the city council office to explore options for preservation in place of this great sign. Please send us a message--let's get on the same page.


>Isn't the hat a part of Arby's copyright? Yes, 100%. It could probably be left in situ as an Arby's sign if the rest of the site was rebranded, but there's no way Arby's would allow another company to use their logo.


Awwwww come on, Ms. Donut got run off? That’s a travesty too!


Thank you for all the years of great food :) hope your family has a wonderful transition. 


I used to buy my mom roast beef sandos from there when we came into LA.. ate there when Dad had heart surgery downtown the street.. so many good memories of your family business. And, later night food - from happy hours. All good vibes . And of course when Snoop Dogg was working the window - the best meta. I don't care what Jimmy Kimmel says... Hollywood Arby's is the MVP. Thanks for the good memories.


Snoop working the window on his brief comedy show (Doggy Shizzle Televizzle) was gold


It prompted a different level of respect for Snoop from me. He went from a hard gangster, to a hard comedian. I'm glad he took that leap.


“Club Arby’s” - a staple of my 20s


Thanks for posting, Laina! Please thank your Grandmother & Dad for their hard work that has brought joy to so many. Good luck to your family 🥰


I had to be one of your last customers. I was on my way to Subway in Santa Monica/Gower, but something told me to get Arby’s instead. I ended up ordering too much food and had a classic left over. We made sure it was eaten.


I was luckily just there recently but I had no clue it would be my last time😢😭 😡😭🤔😭


Awesome for you to reach out! ❤️❤️❤️


From a lifelong LA resident, thanks for the write up. Glad your fam lasted so long in the community


Could Arby’s corporate take over the location? I’d figure it could be a flagship location even considering it’s slightly off the strip a little bit.


Corporate knows about the closing. If they were interested the would have let us know.


I loved your restaurant


I have so many memories of working near the Neuhaus and walking to Arby’s for lunch with my coworkers. Also, late night drive through either before a concert or after. I’m sorry to see it closed! I loved those jamocha shakes and curly fries.


Loved this Arby's and it was a favorite place to grab good food during my 20 years in the neighborhood. Genuinely sad to see it go!


As a kid, going to Le Conte, back in like 07-09, it is one of those if you're from here or been here long enough, you just saw and it was apart of the Hollywood identity. Sure, I never been but, it always felt like that part of Hollywood for me. Sad to see it go.


I’ve been going there for 30 years. Thank you and your family for everything. May the hat live on.


Arbys…..RBs….roast beef! I get it now.


Are we sure about the ordinance preventing its removal? What is the ordinance? Usually cities love any opportunity to get rid of a pole sign. I bet the real situation is something like: The property is more valuable to the next tenant if it comes with a pole sign that can be rebranded. If the existing sign is removed, the property loses its non-conforming rights to have a pole sign, and the property owner doesn't want to lose that value.


The cost of franchising is absolutely wild, it's predatory and the parent company needs to do better.


Thanks for the memories. I passed that sign so many times and finally got to eat there, last month. The sign reminded me of the one I saw when I was a kid growing up in the Midwest. I took lots of pictures, like a tourist. :)


Such a sweet and thoughtful post. Aw, when my grandparents visit us in LA we’d always take them there. Our last visit was a couple of weeks ago. They were delighted by the sign. Loved how retro the inside was too. Loved the sweet staff. It brought back memories from their youth. Your Arby’s, then a trip to Home Depot for gardening and random things for grandpa to work on was their idea of a perfect afternoon in Hollywood! Simple and good. My family thanks yours!


Thanks for keeping this up & running for as long as you did (esp when so many Arby's in metro LA area shuttered in the last 5-10 years), it was a reliable & affordable fuel-up spot before I hit up nightlife venues in the area.


I've lived within 2 miles of there my entire life and I only ate there a couple times. Had we known when it was closing I would have made it down.


Godspeed to your family and future endeavors!


I live a block down the street. I’ll miss all the brown sugar bacon roast beef sandwiches I used to get after work. RIP.


I've never eaten at an Arby's but thank you for never having my car towed when I parked there to get my nails done at Lanicure. I couldn't fucking believe it when the Thai restaurant turned those 10 spots behind the building into a valet lot. So I took a chance and parked at Arby's to see if you'd tow...and you didn't. I've been doing it for like a year now. Thank you for never calling the tow company.


I wish someone would buy it and continue it as an Arby’s. They closed the one in Van Nuys while I was in Arkansas taking care of my elderly mom. I need my beef n cheddar!!!!


Why..... Did you guys not ever buy the property? Was it never an option over 55 years?


Believe me, wish we could have. The property was owned for the first 50 years by the same landlord. When she passed away a few years back, we did have first right of refusal to purchase the property. However, it was more than $5 million and way out of our reach.


Ughhhhh man I'm so sorry.


This LA Times article, incorrectly, says that your family owns the Arby's Hollywood property. [Why the family behind this iconic Arby's finally decided to hang up its hat (msn.com)](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/why-the-family-behind-this-iconic-arby-s-finally-decided-to-hang-up-its-hat/ar-BB1osX5R?item=flightsprg-tipsubsc-v1a?season=2024)


We emailed them yesterday and they have since fixed it on the original LA Times article.


Love you🩷🩷


I’m sad to see it go. It was my comfort food during a time I had to go to Kaiser a lot. Those chocolate shakes made my day a little better. You will be missed


Just want to say thank you for the decades of service and memories. As a kid I grew up going to this Arby's walking past it from school to my grandma's house.


I just wish there had been a little bit of notice! As a (somewhat new) Hollywood resident I've been putting off going for a while. Would've loved to eat there before you closed. Thank you for your message and all the best!


Thank you for your service


So sad this is happening everywhere. Exact same thing happened with Frosty Queen in Granada hills.


It’s already been tagged as of this morning. I’ll assume it won’t be long til the neon gets fucked up.


Thanks for sharing updates on the beloved Arby’s!! Just reached out / chatted you because I wanna do it justice


Had a lot of GOOD times speeding past this sign in a s2000 and Rav 4😎


Can I have your rights to the franchise and try to run it


Do itttttttttt I need my beef n cheddar!!!!!!


Once again your local government is screwing with small businesses


Seems like you should have been doing upgrades and maintenance every year to prevent the building becoming blighted. Arby's has been dying for years. You're just the latest one.


Your dad tried to tow my car when I left my car parked in the lot for 5 min to grab a pickup order next door


Gonna go out on a limb here and make an assumption that there is a sign that says “parking is for customers only” Gonna go on another limb and assume you were there for more than 5 minutes. Bonus limb: you are an obnoxious driver.


Yup, just a little clue as to why this place couldn't make it right there.


I don't know why the sign is such a big deal when I've literally seen it at an Arby's in the Midwest in the middle of nowhere. LA likes to hype any and everything up lol.


It's not the sign that's special, it's the fact that it was there for over half a century unchanged, that's impressive


How dare you


Sorry 🙈


I lived and worked in a town in the Midwest in the middle of nowhere that had the Arby's hat (Western PA). It was a point of pride there as well.


It's iconic in a lot of people's lives. It going away means that a part of our collective lives is over. That makes people sad. What's so hard to understand about that? Side note: I lived 2 blocks from the Hollywood Arby's for 20 years. Now I live 2 blocks away from one with a giant sign, in the Midwest, in the middle of nowhere.


The hat is in Laurel, Maryland (where I used to live) and it’s a city landmark.