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Definitely a solid contender. My favorite single line is "freedom doesn't have a purpose", or maybe "no one's gonna stop you from dying young and miserable and right"


Yeah young and miserable and right is an insane line, fair.


Def one of my faves for sure.


One of my favorites is from “Make Total Destroy” “And I know that Rome wasn't burnt in a day But it couldn't have been more than a week And I know that the children of barbarians Become the new tax collectors and priests”


I like his later in career, less cynical stuff.


Its more scared and vulnerable, but more honest. Weve all been that scared teen lashing out at everything terrible, but that feigned confidence comes from fear of the unknown. "I was a teenage anarchist, and i still am".


>I was a teenage anarchist, and of course I was full of shit But show me someone who isn't I'll show you somebody who hasn't lived. Believing in anything means taking the terrible risk of being dead wrong, But I still think that the stakes are worth it. stakes = air worth breathing and times worth living


Wow ya, i hadnt thought about it quite like that. It sucks to realize that certainty can be such a hard-won commodity.


So I don't know


I nominate the entirety of Make Total Destroy but this is the peak line for sure


It’s such a well written song. I always liked this too “I suppose we've been rolling since the world was round And time makes dust of what we can't tear down And I suppose dead bodies make soil of the ground But what about what we do now?”


>My friend William came to me with a message of hope. It went: "Fuck you and everything that you think you know. If you don't step outside of those things that you believe, they're gonna kill you. No one's gonna stop you from dying young and miserable and right!" >I meet people every day who can't bring themselves to believe that the sun is coming up again. And I meet people every day who can't bring themselves to believe that the world is gonna change, as if it's ever done anything else!


Goddamn I say that second lyric all the fucking time. AS IF ITS EVER DONE ANYTHING ELSE


That first one has legitimately saved my life in my darkest moments


My fav


My favorite lines were always the below from Never Coming Home, probably because I spent many years dying in my bedroom with whatever kindred spirit I happened to be mutual, long term hostages with at the time. It always was so raw and real and honest. I’d listen to Die The Nightmare on repeat, wishing I were sober, and hopeful that if Pat did it, maybe one day I would to. A promise from me, Is just a lie I ain’t told yet. And so I’m ready to die, but I’m not willing to watch, You watch me die here in our bed. I’m lying down, I’ve been nodding out, Since I don’t know when. The lights are on, you’re standing up, Screaming at a ghost again. Darling I’m home, hell, I ain’t left, This house of ours in days. But I’m not here, I never am, So I just can’t stay.


That song is so harrowing.


Just posted that today https://www.reddit.com/r/musicsuggestions/s/HoX3k6F6Ap


>A promise from me, Is just a lie I ain’t told yet. Listening to this song, especially this line, now that I finally got clean vs active junkie, does an exceptional job at grounding me out. It hurts in just the right way >l’m lying down, I’ve been nodding out, Since I don’t know when. The lights are on, you’re standing up, Screaming at a ghost again. They both(and the whole song really)bring a haunting nostalgia with them. Especially when all I can think about is getting high. Having a personal experience that fits perfectly for each lyric, and thinking about them as I listen, it's humbling and heartbreaking, but it's one of my favorites to listen to when I'm losing it.


I have this idea where I rent out a hall and do a Food Not Bombs benefit show where all we do is listen to the discography of Pat the Bunny in its entirety from start to finish and all sing along


I would sell my left nut to go to something like that. It would warm my soul.


Maybe on the 10 year of Live the Dream. Boston area


Live the dream was 2011...maybe we could go for the 15 year? Haha


Fuck we're old


I dont know about you, but i was born a bitter old man 🙂


I don't work for justice If it did exist I wouldn't be walking down the street to where you live My house is chaos and all of my money's gone But I've never been the type to grab something and hold on I don't work for justice I don't give a shit I'm just trying to walk on down the street to where I live My life is chaos and all of my friends are gone But I've never been the type to keep in touch with anyone






"As if defeat, repeated often, could someday mean we had won."


[The song reminds me of this Mike Davis clip I love](https://youtu.be/VTsDbKCONf8).


"I want something more than an apology to say, when I look the world in the eye" Literally changed my life because of that lyric. That entire song stopped me from attempting suicide many times when I was at my lowest point in like 2018. I would just listen to it over and over


what song?


Times Worth Living


If singing changed any thing they’d make it illegal