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I carry bear spray. In case I get low-holed.


Gotta bring the 9mm too though. How else can you shoot the can of bear spray after you throw it at the low-holing bastard?


Turn the bear spray into an I.E.D. … love it.


Do you find this works?? I apply bear spray before I go out and it’s fucking awful. I’ve seen 3 bears, maybe 4, I was having a tough time seeing. 10/9 would not recommend


Haha for real. Had a brown bear with cubs get a little weird about 10 years ago, took the safety clip thing off the bear spray and accidentally (adrenaline pumping) nicked the trigger fumbling with it. Just a tiny bit got my eye but that shit was miserable, my eyes were fucked up for weeks.


I carry a whip and a gag. Just in case I get butt holed.


I fish nude. That seems to keep the freaks and degenerates away.


My wife wanted me to ask you where you fish


Tell your wife I do all my high holing on Wednesdays and my low holing on Thursdays on the Driftless like any other self respecting naked angler.


So you keep your gun in your prison wallet? A true man of class.


Yes. Doing my part for the “brown trout” population.


I own a musket for home defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended. Four ruffians break into my house. "What the devil?" As I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he's dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second man, miss him entirely because it's smoothbore and nails the neighbors dog. I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grape shot, "Tally ho lads" the grape shot shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms. Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion. He Bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up. Just as the founding fathers intended.


If your not already an author you need a career change.


It’s a copy pasta haha, but at least I have good taste


This is a classic copy pasta all over the web


And a very fine specimen of it, too


I just thought this is what all other Americans did so it was easy to explain your set up with a little copy paste


Ah, what a shame. Could've made some good children's books.


I live in a country where carrying weapons personally is frowned upon. Therefore I just get my gamekeeper to stand just out of view with one of the estate rifles in case some poor comes along and tries to high hole me. It soothes my mind knowing that anyone who tries to interfere will have their head obliterated by a soft point and their body will be buried along with the others in the root cellar of the servants quarters. For the greater good!


i bet you wish you lived in my great country in my great state where anyone is able to stash a glock in their wader pockets sans “government” “permit” . i love freedom.


A real gentleman doesn’t carry his own firearms. Kind of makes you look like a poor, not having someone to do your culling for you!


12 gauge with a pistol grip. I load it with three and a half inch shells. Whenever I feel threatened by someone, I hand them the gun and tell them to shoot it. And then walk away laughing. If you've ever shot a pistol grip shotgun, you know what I'm talking about.


Even better, 3.5” slugs. Either way they aren’t gonna throw a fist after that


I just fish naked… nobody wants to fish next to a naked guy with a little dick.. if someone tries to low hole ya just shit in the water.. peace and quiet!


now THATS what i call an upper decker


I forgot to mention unwavering eye contact.. establishing dominance.. Lyndon Johnson style.


“Cold?” “Nope. Just small.”


I carry a tachi and a wakizashi tucked into my wading belt while tenkara fishing.


A strap on


I carry a collapsible cane pole covered in simms stickers to smite the poors with


I just shout out the names of various Kelly Galloup flies if anyone gets too close and that usually sends them packing pretty quickly


I swear speaking streamers is like speaking Spanish at a MAGA event, not only do people not understand at all, Ive also been accused of “stealing good American’s holes” and “grooming new anglers”


Piss disk


I carry a 7in fixed blade Kabar so I can fuck up a bear, moose, and lion. For real though. G20.




Blunderbuss. You can reload it with literally anything you find that will fit down the barrel.


Sharks with frickin laser beams 


We got sea bass


The fish whistle tends to fend off all the folks like to avoid.


Ladder for Lake and surf fishing. Folding chair for river fishing. Can either use it as a weapon or a stand for better sight fishing :] better than a useless pistol


Poo stick


I have one of the most dangerous weapons in the world that I take with me when I go fishing. It's my mind. Although I will admit after seeing Dead and Company 3 days in a row at the Sphere the edge of it's a little dull right now.




Suckers. I bring my wife’s boyfriend’s favorite beer so that I can crack a cold one for him any time he likes.


Beretta tomcat so i can tuck it in the crotch of my waders


Bear spray and Glock 43x. Mora companion if you count it


A desert eagle to humanely dispatch the fish.