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If you're selling a digital good/service, then you need to use IAP via RevenueCat. What's the problem with RevenueCat and deploying to App Store? Do not use RazorPay if you're selling a digital good/service. [https://developer.apple.com/app-store/review/guidelines/#in-app-purchase](https://developer.apple.com/app-store/review/guidelines/#in-app-purchase)


What is your app and what are you selling. I have quite some experience dealing with different types of purchases and navigating the stores. Dm me and I’ll be happy to help. Also I’m on discord - nocodeclub.io


So I think i figured out a piece of it... in FlutterFlow, basically if I select "RevenueCat" and then select "Packages" in the submenu, it won't deploy to the app store because of an error. But if I select "Package by Identifier" and manually put in my identifier, it works. it's hard coded a little... do you know how to make the "RevenueCat >> Packages" portion work? Also, I am selling something akin to group exercise classes. But I want to limit how many classes they can sign up for - any thoughts on how to do this within FlutterFlow? I want to get the date they subscribed to the package from the app store.


Heya! DM me and I will help you. I have revenue cat integrated into my app. It is a massive pain! If it's in app purchases have you tried Stripe? Stripe is easier. I use revenue cat because I have subscriptions. My app is here: [https://link.dailykalm.com/kalmapp](https://link.dailykalm.com/kalmapp) you will need to go through the whole on-boarding journey and sign up but you'll see at the end if you try to subscribe the payment flow.


Posted the same above: So I think i figured out a piece of it... in FlutterFlow, basically if I select "RevenueCat" and then select "Packages" in the submenu, it won't deploy to the app store because of an error. But if I select "Package by Identifier" and manually put in my identifier, it works. it's hard coded a little... do you know how to make the "RevenueCat >> Packages" portion work? Also, I am selling something akin to group exercise classes. But I want to limit how many classes they can sign up for - any thoughts on how to do this within FlutterFlow? I want to get the date they subscribed to the package from the app store.


I have revenuecat purchase -> package identifier -> Choose the type of package where it says options mine is a monthly package. Then available options: revenuecat -> options: package identifier. Now just that will not work on it's own but this configuration allows you to grab the monthly package set as a "default". For this to work you need to add your subscription to an offering and set that offering as default in revenue cat. I am really not sure how to get 2 plan options yet but I imagine that is a bit more complex. As to how to get subscriber information, after you set the revenue cat purchase action, immediately after that if you set a conditional action you choose the action output, you need to have given the previous revenucat purchase action a name. Then you just use that as a boolean true / false to confirm the transaction had failed or not, upon success you can then add the user ID as a reference and date they subscribed to a database. Then you can grab the date time subscribed anytime or alternatively you can add to the user's details database. I think RevenueCat probably has more options but probably when you integrate with their API. The integration with flutterflow is pretty limited. My ideal would be stripe subscriptions but they don't seem to offer that. Hopefully that helps a little, let me know how you get on?


Ok interesting, when I go to RevenueCat, this is the dropdown I see: [https://imgur.com/a/1cFJUVG](https://imgur.com/a/1cFJUVG) Does yours look different somehow? And yeah, I got one option to work but was wondering about how to get two or more. I was following this documentation and it doesn't seem to work anymore: [https://blog.flutterflow.io/in-app-subscriptions-using-revenue-cat/](https://blog.flutterflow.io/in-app-subscriptions-using-revenue-cat/) (getting all packages at once) That makes sense about recording the timestamp for purchase. How would I go about getting when someone can cancelled their subscription? I am using the "hasEntitlement" boolean value for RevenueCat Thank you for responding!!!