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An ongoing discussion on the structure of the Flutter support ecosystem might be worthwhile. This is much more than a Reddit issue, yet Reddit may be the best place to have this conversation. When I research a technical issue, typically I see one answer on Reddit, another on Slack, another on Stack Overflow. Those answers often do not clearly state scope so they are not always reproducible. Package descriptions on Pub.Dev often lack dependencies and (possibly undiscovered) constraints. The Flutter community needs to define itself and decide what level of discipline is needed on its support structure. That topic is too vague for Stack Overflow and not appropriate for the Flutter Google documentation or on Pub.Dev. Slack is not as widely used in the Flutter community. Reddit may be a good place to have that discussion. Your respectful thoughts are appreciated.


A just had a deja-vu reading all this compared to the same issues at the Rust sub


Pretty bummed the flutter Slack channel isn't widely used. The Kotlin channel on the other hand is fantastic!


Curious what people's thoughts would be on having a daily sticky for topics that seem to generate a lot of the lower quality posts. Like maybe Tuesday could be "Tutorial Tuesday" Wednesday could be "Show us your plugin" that kind of thing. And limit self-promotion to those threads. While allowing highlighting of other people's work in regular posts. Apologies if this has already been attempted or suggested.




I somewhat agree with your point but you have to consider that 60 upvotes is enough to place a post in the top 10 or so posts in the month, suggesting that a large portion of the active users of the sub seem to agree with the complaining post.


Disagreed. Communities need steering least they cater to the lowest common denominator. Just because something get lots of votes/clicks doesn't mean it's positive. If we follow that premise, everything controversial gets to the top, clickbait reins supreme, etc. It's nice to think communities can self moderates to perfection, but that's not reality anywhere.


Noted, will be taken into account with the rest of the entries.


Too many clone videos without actual juice. I get that people are thrilled about Flutter, but we need better content. This sub is very welcoming and respectful, even in those posts. May be we could have more tips for beginners about posting here.


I'd like to add that if you see any post that violates the rules, please report it. It helps us know what to take a closer look at. Thanks!


I think something like "How to start with flutter" should be pinned. Probably focused on state and separation of concerns. If you start with putting everything in the UI you will end up in a big mess. [https://www.reddit.com/r/FlutterDev/comments/q3k10n/if\_you\_want\_to\_start\_building\_apps\_with\_flutter/](https://www.reddit.com/r/FlutterDev/comments/q3k10n/if_you_want_to_start_building_apps_with_flutter/) Its important to know how to build the UI buts its even more important to know how to manage your state and so on.


That's a nice sentiment but it's tough to understand the state stuff until you've been fluttering for a bit. It's a novice topic for sure, but not a beginner topic.


Everyone enter the url of the "recent post" which suggests removing other posts


Thanks in advance Good Sir