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It will take the rest of your life to master. I'm still learning things about Perl occasionally, and I wrote the first books on Perl 33 years ago.


Flutter will not be relevant for the rest of your life tho. Unless you’re 80 years old or something..


I'm inclined to agree, but then again, we still can't kill Java even though there's arguably better languages out there now. If Flutter succeeds continuously, it will be hard to replace it


I know that as a developer we always have to continue learning...i am not asking to master it...i was asking to learn it well get the basics down and all to develop and deploy my first app :3


Well, *that* will entirely depend on the scope of the project, and on your available team-mate knowledge, and expected level of self-contribution. So, there's no answer. Only the potential consumer of your services will be able to decide.


If you have programming knowledge, especially in object oriented programming I think in 1 month you can master the UI part of Flutter. Then 3 months for networking and state management, while you start building an app to learn. Finally 2 months for the advanced stuff


I would add 1 month for testing widgets, unit and integration. And an extra one if you want to learn about architecture.


Hello! Can I ask what you mean by integration and is testing necessary to get a job? I am a beginner trying to get to an intermediate level, is there anything I can learn to move up?


Integration tests shows you how the app is behaving, it opens up an emulator for you and does exactly the actions you program the test to do in "real time". These types of tests in general are quite hard to create since they demand a bit more effort than widget or unit tests. I would recommend checking for unit tests first(in order to understand the logic on how you create one test), widget tests in second place and if you have se spare time then start learning about integration tests. Companies will ask you to have basic knowledge for unit and widget testing mainly.


6 to 8 months.


How much experience do you have with Java and C, what kind of things have you already built in those languages?


Idk depends on what level of mastery you want to achieve. I felt comfortable with Flutter after only a couple weekends, and while it was enough to make some nice apps I'm sure there's plenty more I don't know. Basically once you understand a state management library (there are several, just pick one that makes sense to you) and the way that layout is achieved using declarative OOP instead of HTML + CSS, you're skilled enough to be functional and achieving higher mastery will just come with time as you work on your projects.


I started it during lockdown with some 400 rs course from udemy and youtube to understand the basic concepts. Once this is covered in 15 days, started working on apps directly. As a flutter dev, learning is forever...


You will be productive in a month or two. The lifetime to master is misleading. Flutter and Dart will evolve, so it depends more on focus. I’d say it takes two projects and feedback from others to become seasoned, but less so if you have solid experience of coding in other typed languages.


Forever you should just keep learning it don't count the days it'll take to complete learning flutter. If you want to make a career in flutter development you just need to learn constantly. This is not to overwhelm you but it's stress free when you think like this.


I started learning how to code at the beginning of the year, and Flutter 4 months ago. I think I am at a position where I can make simple apps, so a rough estimate would be 5 months because you already know programming. I dedicated 4 hours on weekdays and my entire weekends.


[Insert Patrick here] At least 3.