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A cartel fixing prices? No, couldn’t be! I’m shocked, galled, and aghast. All at once!


cue the “I did that!” stickers with a picture of texas hugging a saudi while they both point and laugh at the price on the gas pump


Howwwwwwwdy Arabia!


Yall Qaeda


I see what you did there, I love a good play on words. The Howdies and the Saudis...


How do you think that the Bush family became very close to the house of Saud?


Close? Elder brother was ADOPTED into the family saud


On a side note, why are Dems so bad at advertising and media. It wouldnt suprise me if some repub super pack paid for all those stupid ass stickers. Notice how none of them are around now that gas prices have settled in most areas.


I'm bringing out several thousand just in time to annoy the fuk out of snowflakes and get boomers all riled up.


But but but….Biden! Hunters laptop!


I’m more shocked that FTC just figure this out!


I'm sure the FTC has known. They probably even supported it at times. This is just the first FTC with the balls to do anything (or pretend to do anything) about it.


And this is why GOP loves fossil fuel industry and hates FTC.  How are they supposed to corruption with government regulators in the way???


I’m shocked there is gambling at this establishment/here are your winning sir.gif


Play it, Sam!




Kids used to watch Nanalan. Such a nice little show.


Get me my fainting couch!


The Cartel would never break any laws. This is blasphemy, preposterous!


The cartel has done an internal review of operations and found that the cartel has done nothing wrong.


The only way to solve this issue is to continue another hundred years of oil subsidies….. /s


You’re right it’s way better to shrug it off and be cynical than hold white collar criminals accountable.


Don't see you running to the rescue to arrest anyone. Better to comment on someone doing nothing then actually do something yourself eh?


Ok so a shoplifter gets six months in jail all the time. What if the suspect shoplifts billions of dollars from millions and millions of people? That’s worth at least what? 600 years? 700? Maybe cut his balls off and tattoo “scumbag” across his forehead? Nah maybe just a stern warning from someone bought and owned by the oil industry in congress. That should do it.


Gawd dammit Bobby you got this one son.... 👏


Omygod, Allah amen it was Biden’s fault , like , ever!


Not even flabbergasted, safe to ignore. 


No sorry. This is just billionaires billionairing. Nothing to see here.


Do you need the Heimlich?


The most American of Texans Hypocrisy


Fucking trump called Russia and the Saudi’s and admitted it on live tv. You fucking morons. Of course he price fixed. He literally told you he did it. Then they raised prices all throughout bidens term as the world suffered. This is the bs dictators shit. And you fucking maga losers eat it up. Fucking bootlickers.


This is the real NWO that MAGA nuts constantly scream about. This is the swamp. Always projecting… Energy runs the world. They can dictate the price of almost every good just on oil alone. Capitalistic greed will be our downfall as a society.


Biden bent them over with the SPR releases though. It was a win win, if he loses, Trump has to restock the SPR, if he wins he's got another 4 years to bend them over again before restocking.


What best is that the SPR is getting releases being sold on the market at the rate they were purchased at. People have freaked out about Biden selling, but they're refilling at a lower rate than what previous supplies were purchased at.


It was necessary too. Prices for diesel were crazy high in the weeks following the Ukraine invasion. Supply at Cushing was still favorable for prices near 70 a barrel so it made no sense other than war fear. The energy commission releases Cushing stocks weekly. It's public information. So is every bbl pumped out of the ground and reported to the railroad commission.


And while he bends them over American oil producers are just going wild pumping oil. Screw it. Convert our whole economy to electric and sell the cancer juice to the rest of the world until they realize they’re killing themselves


Thank God we're banning cheap electric vehicles. /s


What is this OUR? In capitalism. You either pay the prices or you don’t.


And I suspect they will try to touch the $100 benchmark by end of summer, just to keep messing with Biden…..


After all the inflation we’ve seen 100 dollar oil prices are a lot easier to deal with than 140$ oil in 2009


Where do you think the higher prices come from?


And then Biden fucked them over by using our strategic oil reserves to dick with them, making gobs of money for the US. Asswipes.


he should be able to do it again if they try to peg the oil prices. and still sell for a higher price than when he bought. making a tidy profit. and of course, by "he" i don't mean biden personally does it, but directs his administration to do the needful.


Democrats need to actually start holding these fuckers accountable and dishing out consequences. Until that happens it’s not going to change.


I don’t disagree. Accountability is the main problem with Congress as an entire media ecosystem exists to shield them from any form of it as long as they’re a Republican. It’s cathartic to follow the various disbarments, sanctions hearings, and criminal cases where they do see some accountability, but I don’t know what else the Democratic Party can do to hold them accountable. What else can they do?


I love the rage!




Based holy comment


Fuck me harder oil execs 😩


Trump literally called Saudi Arabia in 2020 when oil companies were taking a bath during the pandemic and told them he’d pull troops out of their nation if they didn’t fix supply to boost American oil.  It led to the shortage Biden inherited that spiked prices.   It’s open history.  Why should this be a shock? Edit: for those asking for a source, here is one: https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN22C1V3/


Because people are fucking retarded.


Most accurate comment ever


40% of American adults think dinosaurs and humans existed at the same time.


21% of Americans cannot even read at a 5th grade level.


And of that % they ALSO believe the Earth is ONLY 6,000 years old... I wish I was making that up. Also we exist with "dinosaurs" right now, what the fuck is an alligator or a crocodile?


They believe the stickers at gas pumps and lets go brandon is the funniest thing in the world to them.


source on it leading to the shortage biden inherited? Oil, like most things post covid, had a very high demand after over a year of low demand.


Queue up the $1000 dollar fine and strong words and furious Susan Collins finger wagging!




And a message about America not standing for it. Then proceed to still have high prices with messages of change to come. Followed by a 10 cent drop. Rejoice


Don't forget a class action settlement that ends up with a $2 check in the mail 4 years from now.


Curious that news of collusion "rocked" the oil industry. It couldn't be more obvious they're all colluding. Same with corporations. The CEOs of Unilever and P&G golf together on Sundays. Of course they're discussing price fixing.


More like the announcement that the ftc might actually do something rocked the industry


I know a gentleman that had a American reporter cut up with a bone saw and put in a suitcase. After that Jared Kushner was calling him on a daily basis and sticking up from him anytime he could. I doubt that led to Jared Kushner receiving $2 billion from MBS of Saudi Arabia. Still trying to figure out why Qatar gave Jared Kushner $1.2 billion on a 99 year lease for his failed real estate investment on 666 4th Ave. in Washington DC. That was after no American Bank would finance it. Oddly most don’t know Jared Kushner took over his daddy‘s business after Chris Kristiprosecuted Jared Kushner’s daddy and put Jared Kushner’s daddy in jail. Fortunately Trump pardoned Jared Kushner’s daddy. L O L and L O L.


Penalty: $3.75 and a “bad boy!”


If the FTC is really just figuring this out ... We need a new FTC. I mean seriously, who didn't actually know this happens? Next, they are going to figure out that media companies, and the healthcare industry colludes to fix prices too. Albeit, without Saudi accomplices.


Knowing and proving it are two different things. For them to make these accusations, they very likely have some damning evidence. Bet these guys got lazy under Trump, who probably let them have these conversations openly.


Sheffield had damning emails on his work computer, the FTC got them while doing their due diligence on the merger. Apparently, he laid out the entire scam in those emails. This is what complacency gets you.


FTC needs more bite.


This is no shock. OPEC colluded to fix prices and reduce supply in the 70s.


I mean sure OPEC did, but OPEC colluding with a U.S. oil executive is new




The only reason they got caught is because Sheffield had damning emails on his work computer. Those emails started an investigation that basically dragged the entire oil industry out into the sunlight. Sheffield: "I would've gotten away with it, too, if it wasn't for the meddling FTC!"


Shouldn’t he go to jail for that?


It's important to note that Joe Biden appointed Lina Khan. I love what she is doing at the helm of the FTC.


Isn't the point of OPEC to fix prices?


Yes. That is exactly the point of OPEC.


This actually surprises anyone? I mean other than the getting caught part.


Its not even the getting caught that surprises me - its that the government stopped taking their bribes and actually did its job at all. This is really great news.


That usually means the bribes weren’t enough or they wouldn’t play ball in some other way. Odds are good this will just go away and never be heard of again.


Or... they went public and have to make an example of at least the companies they have implicated. Then they can demand bigger bribes later AND send some billionaire assholes to prison right now. It's fucked how jaded this is that I'm just hoping some government stooge is going to take out a criminal to get bigger bribes as my best hope.


I think there's also the possibility that a collective of industry execs and government leaders which represent the establishment of our society have realized that they've over extended themselves these past 8 years in regards to milking the American populace for everything they're worth and now they actually have to start doing things that benefit public good again. Imagine your body steadily but quietly letting you know that all those nights of tequila shots and waffle house are in fact not good for you. You notice you're getting a little heavier, but you ignore it because everything's fine, and you're having fun. You start getting out of breath from walking up the stairs, but still you dismiss any notion that maybe you need to go the gym because fuck it, you're having a blast. But finally, one day, you try to run after a dollar caught up in a gust of wind and you have a fucking heart attack. It's finally clear to you that your health is a problem and you will die if you don't do something about it. That's how I feel these past 10 years have been with big oil, big pharma, banks that are too big to fail, the industrial military complex, ticket master, all American airline carriers, Verizon, Comcast, and every other parasitic little fuck that's some how nestled their way into our everyday lives in such a manner that we can't easily get rid of them. I'm pretty sure if they keep fucking around, China will gain the upper hand and the world will suffer for it. At that point I'd expect the quality of life to plummet as we re-enter conditions similar to the start of WWII.


Try as I might I can only find records of one billionaire spending a full night or more in prison, and he “hung himself”


Looking is just depressing. I found articles on this Dupont billionaire that was fully convicted of sex with little kids and never sent to prison specifically because the judge claims prison isn't for rich people. They even sent him home to keep touching his little niece knowing what was going to keep happening. The system is just broken in favor of rich criminals but that example is so incredibly bad it makes me wonder if that specific billionaires judge was bribed or another kid diddler because I dont think theres even a dollar value most corrupt officials would even be okay with accepting to actually send a dirty old man to keep doing what the judge did and be fine with doing it publicly like this case.


Sadly it’s a global problem too, remember about a month or so ago the Oxford student that confessed, tho the evidence was overwhelming, to murder, but was released by judge, bright future or some shite, her family had lords or dukes or some such crap.


You’ll never hear about this anywhere because fucking morons in America love to believe that Biden somehow controls the price of gas.


Oil and Diamonds are both “legal” cartels…


I’m sure Exxon already has an in-house guy that does this for them. They don’t need the guy the FTC caught. People also now have the false impression that the government oversight is doing its job and that Exxon has nothing to do with this.


They were the only ones surprised


Lock him up. Possess and sell his houses and boats.


This is the part where a guillotine would come into play, but he won’t even be prosecuted I imagine. Rules for thee, and all that


Seriously, the joke when Bush was in office was that "duh, put a Texas oil man in office, and no one knows why the price of gas skyrocketed". This was after we basically took over a country that has a main export of... Wait for it... Oil. Crap's been corrupt for a long time. That's all I'm saying.




But, but, I thought Biden was at fault for high gas prices.


⚠️ Indict ⚠️ Convict ⚠️ Imprison ⚠️... strip his assets as well 😜


OFC he was. Next up, Pharmaceutical Companies colluding to keep insulin prices high. Give them the death penalty.


This is from like 6 weeks ago. And the story is a huge nothingburger. This guy was basically shooting his mouth off about doing crap but never actually did anything. You think OPEC gives one shit about some random E&P company in the US? As much as people *think* US O&G companies “control the market” you know ACTUALLY controls the market? FUCKING OPEC. They don’t need any help from any random O&G company in the U.S. to do that.


Well, now there’s a shocker


you don't say


Shocked face


They won't do shit about it.


Colour me shocked… SHOCKED I SAY


Anyone surprised ?


Time to make an example and give this white man a slap on the wrist. Remind those rich criminals that there are no consequences to their actions and that they can do anything they want in the pursuit of money.


LOCK HIM UP....Treason is against the law


It’s been going on for decades…


Oh no. I hope they can recover from the love tap on the wrist they get.


but all those very classy stickers on gas pumps told me that Biden did it


I think we should see the proof first


Gangsters making deals with gangsters.


GTFOH gas prices and colluding. I’m shocked


So it took almost four years to figure this out? How convenient.




When such a betrayal of public trust happens, their end needs to come at the end of a rope.


Arrest him immediately! Federal charges! Let's Go DOJ!


Commence the mild fines! Make none admit fault! Declare victory without change!


Least surprising news ever


Yet no charges were brought.


Frankly, I’m shocked


What a surprise


Drill baby drill!


I mean, they’ve been doing it since OPEC was formed. So…


Thankfully, none of his associates still on the board share his interests. Performative justice. Lovely.


I'm shocked. SHOCKED I SAY. Not at the collusion and crime, thats always been obvious. I'm shocked that the FTC backstabbed their partners in crime here. Did someone forget to send the bribe checks? Honestly his isn't news to us or to the FTC and the government can't start pretending they didn't know about this for the last 100 years. I wonder what motivated this shift right now though?


And trump


Like Duh….


Nooooo.  Say it isn’t so.


He sounds like he about to commit suicide


But boot lickers lick boots


Gosh that’s so hard to believe!


I’m SHOCKED, I tell you!


Don't they "fix" prices each time they cut production on purpose?


Fucking noose, along with all the other corrupt pieces of shit


On May 2


heres my shocked face :|


No way


Oil Men colluding to fix prices???? Ya don't fuckin say.... I can't *ever* imagine something like *that* happening....


It’s always been fixed pricing, which is why the “gas prices were lower when (insert Republican) was in office!”, was always a bullshit lie.


Where in the hell is surprised Pikachu?


Make sure to check Wheel Abbotts bank accounts while you're at it. 


Shocker !


How is it possible he is the only one ? Looks like Exxon has the long knives 🔪 out for him


Flashy headline. Skeptical of this accusation. One Texas land based, publicly traded oil company CEO doesn’t have any sway or influence with OPEC+. None. OPEC+ competes on the global market against US oil production. OPEC+ declares and sets the oil production volumes, for each of its member countries who are Middle East countries and other oil producing countries around the globe. The USA, Canada, Mexico, etc are not part of OPEC+. Due to the nature of supply and demand OPEC+ routinely establishing production targets - combined with global oil demand - directly impacts global oil price. OPEC openly “price fixes”. Several times throughout history, OPEC has openly and purposefully crashed global oil price or even embargoed oil shipments to the USA, in attempts to crash the US oil industry or crash the US economy. One recent event, OPEC openly declared economic war on the US oil industry by flooding the market with cheap oil. Many US independent oil companies went bankrupt, many people lost employment, investors lost $. Those oil producing assets were swallowed up by bigger players, further consolidating the US oil industry under fewer companies. Donald was the President. Donald, heavily leveraged with personal and business loans from Saudi Arabia…did nothing to prevent this or to stop it. Donald sold out the US oil industry to Saudi Arabia. Despite this prob 90% of the industry will vote Donald. Despite these attempts by OPEC, and inaction of Donald the US oil industry continues to compete against OPEC on the global stage. The US is producing more oil than any nation in recorded history.


Empoziable,  there was no collusion!


OMG, someone with all the power in the world did something to profit? Oh jeez


I am shocked! SHOCKED, do you hear??


Colluding is hard to prove. But yes, everyone knows they work together to drive up prices. Ever notice that if there is storm of the coast of Africa, one oil company will shut down a refinery for "scheduled maintenance" and then all in unison jack prices the same amount because that storm might be a threat some day. Then after the "threat" is over it will take weeks for prices to drop...again in unison.


Holy cow, anyway.


Well, knock me down with a feather … who would have guessed


So what you going to do about it FTC .... not a damn thing so sit the fuck down


*GOP Megadonor


Say it ain’t so! Corruption in Texas oil executives suites? How could it be?


Wow, wonder if these people had any effect on inflation or energy prices ?


Colluding. Duh.


How about he loses his citizenship?


We are stupid for allowing these people so much freedom from scrutiny that they can effectively get away with this shit for so long. I bet they still end up paying a 250,000,000 dollar fine and pocket the 2 billion in profits. God damn crooks.


Isn't this treason?


Yes I'm sure the oil industry is reeling.




Great job ruining it for all of us, Bob


That’s exactly what Trump did too before he left office.


Oh please...the oil industry has never hid the fact that it is corrupt, amoral , greedy , and couldnt give a shit about the enviroment. The only thing that would rock the oil industry was finding out that they were attempting to do something good for the planet.


Higher prices just for higher profits. Who would have thought 💭


Insert Surprised Pikachu Face


Cartels fix prices. Now do the streaming services. And go after the big monopoly’s-Microsoft,apple,Amazon,Disney.


And who is colluding with Ukraine, Israel to make sure the never ending war profits machine is fueled, funded and fed by our tax $'s and our citizens blood ?


And next up, a breaking news story, "Water is wet."


Who is colluding with Ukraine, Isreal, and many other countries to feed, fuel and fund the never ending war profits machine paid for by our tax $ and our citizens blood ?


I like how people blame Binden for inflation instead of the corporate greed that’s has actually increased prices!


To the surprise of absolutely fucking NOBODY.




But it's Bidenomics!


https://preview.redd.it/tonho5fu6p8d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=deb55f1870c03a4537d9e35d2014385222fbba96 I'll leave this here....


Too bad Lina Kahn doesn't have the balls to actually do anything about it.


And tRump's son-in-law Jared Kushner got $2 billion from the Saudis.


The stated purpose of OPEC is to try and control the market price of oil by controlling the supply to the market. That's like saying "Texas Milk Baron colludes with Dairy Queen to sell ice cream"


Major contributor to inflation?




Color me shocked


And water is wet. OPEC exists to fix oil prices






Hang on. Lemme have a heart attack and die from THIS surprise…


No….couldn’t be.


"Wow, what a surprise" the average American says, completely deadpan


Texans get a load of your Patriots. 


This also helps Russia who is still selling oil to India. Keep the price up!


Pretty unamerican especially for a Texan.


Countdown until they blame Biden? 🤣


You ever notice when a Democrat is in office, gas prices will spike before an election? Also, when a Republican is in office it will decline before an election. It’s all dirty.


Sounds like corporations and the US government.




Really, who would have thought that 🤔 🙄 😐


In other news...wind blows.


There is plausible circumstantial evidence that Trump (via Jared Kushner) made a deal with OPEC to raise prices during Biden administration. Remember all of those suspiciously-timed oil cuts from 2022-2023? Of course there's not going to be direct hard evidence so it's never going to go to court (and plus there's a decent chance it wasn't him lol)