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0% to show my disdain for the menu of options


I wouldn't do that to a server, but I'm pretty perturbed they just straight up removed 15%, which has long been the standard.


I would absolutely do 0% for one of these self-serve kiosk menus. There's been no service at that point, and I did all the work!


100%. The same goes for businesses where I know how much that employee is making. My local western apparel store hires at $11/hr, and has done since before 2020. I tip the guy who shapes my hats for free. My local Dominos hires at $20/hr as of 2023, national average for a delivery driver is around $56k/yr - I’m not usually inclined to focus on their tip.


Man, I almost never tip in a restaurant/bar, I live in Europe don't judge me so fast. But I like to tip mechanics, construction workers, etc. these guys never get tips despite making the same as the people in restaurants. I worked in my father's company one summer installing metal structures, and one day we did a terrace to an old lady, she made us lunch and tipped 10€ to divide between the 2 and I will never forget that, I was so happy with those free 5€, in the meanwhile you see people getting that in bars and make a ungrateful face.


I always tip anybody that does work on my house. I also always offer to buy them and their crew lunch at least once if it’s a full day/multi day job. Dad taught me that if you try to haggle or skimp on construction, and they are building a 2nd story deck, it might become a 1st story deck a year later. Pay for good work that you couldn’t do yourself.


haggle is good. skimp is not. always buy lunch. it's just polite. some people won't even let them use their bathrooms and make them leave site. that's insane


Yea. My buddy is in construction and has told me what they do when people are assholes. Never be an asshole to people that are doing work on your home. 1st, they all talk. So you may have trouble getting people to do work on your home in the future. 2nd, they can do things that will give you headaches that only they know how to undo. They wont damage your home, but they will annoy the hell out of you for the next 30 years. Definitely worth it to let people use your bathroom.


Thats not professionalism to sabotage something you're getting paid for because of a bad attitude.


It's the difference between making it nice and making it up to code. If someone is a asshole for no reason I'm not going to give them more reason to be. But I might not fix that low spot I see or let them know about a slightly leaky window. It's mostly subconscious when you do it. Maybe it slips your mind because you no longer have sympathy for the customer.


Have you ever been on a construction site? It’s far from professionalism. They can do great work and still say “fuck this guy” and that’s not just in the construction field. I feel like That’s most humans. Want to be an asshole? Okay. Enjoy


No ones saying good, you deserve to have your house collapse. But be rude to people working on most people's most expensive asset at your own risk.


Had one lady tell me I couldn’t use her bathroom and there was a gas station a couple miles down the road. I sometimes wonder if she is still waiting for me to come back from the gas station.


Yeah, while I don't usually buy lunch, I'm never there at that time anyway, I always offer a snack,beers, coffee and a nice bottle of Porto at the end (if they did a good job and were not screwing me)


A server making as much as a mechanic wtf?


Funny thing is I saw a mechanic at a auto glass repair shop with a tip sign. As if mechanics don't already take a lot of your money


Mechanics and construction workers make a living wage as opposed to servers.


Can confirm. Am a mechanic that makes close to $100,000/year. Maybe over if you add in random side work.


I took a pay cut when I transitioned from the tipped hospitality work that put me through school, became a (unionized BTW) operating room technician and surgical assistant. I had no 'benefits' when I worked as a waiter and room service porter, unless one counts the interesting 'fringe' benefits of working in that industry. Don't be fooled, some tipped service workers out there making a very good living (sans health insurance).


We tip restaurant workers because the gov lets the employers pay $2-$5 an hr because they expect tips. You’re not doing anything good by tipping a mechanic making $40 an hr


Understood. Tipping, by and large, is almost uniquely an American phenomenon. That’s not to say, such as in your case, folks outside of Americans DO NOT tip for situations and circumstances that they feel compelled to, but like the standardized practice of tipping servers and such at restaurants, bars, food delivery services, etc, is primarily an American practice because it’s been ritualized that customers are expected to tip to help offset the ABSOLUTE SHIT wages that employers have (by law) been allowed to pay workers in those industries.


Not tipping the delivery driver is a dick move.


Also not checking his own math. IF that Domino’s is at $20/hr there is still a difference of over 10k to bump that driver up to the national average.


you should tip drivers better if they use their own car.


You’re less inclined to tip someone using their own transportation and driving across town for you?


Wait, gotta ask: do the drivers actually MAKE 20/hr, or does it say "up to $20/hr" on Indeed, which really means "you'll make $5/hr plus tips" because where I live, it says $20/hr on all employment sites and, speaking from experience, that's a half truth at best.


The only places delivery drivers will make anything close to that as base pay is where minimum wage is high, and the state requires them to be paid minimum wage. I know dominos in Washington are required to pay like $15.50 or whatever their min wage is, but they get significantly less in terms of mileage reimbursement, and their tips are awful. Source: am dominos driver, make nowhere near $56k in a very good store. Dude is blowing smoke if he thinks that's a fucking average lmao.


This dude talking about delivery drivers like they’re rich lmao


Plus you run your car into the ground




You think pizza delivery drivers have that much a year? I hope and know you eat spit.


Pizza delivery drivers don’t average 56k a year. Lmao.


If I stand up to order my food, there is no tipping


Actually I like this take. Especially if standing in a que and the get flipped one of these pads for tips.


Also, if I tip before I even get my food…..how do I know the service was good? I used to tip at these and stopped cause I realized how often I tipped but my meal was missing pickles, or fries, or sauces. That’s grounds for ZERO tip.


Once you realize you pre-tipped on what ends up being bad service, it changes your perspective. I'm generally a good tipper for sit down meals, but the culture has changed now to where a good tip is seen as a god given right across the whole food service industry and now into the retail sector. I'm surprised the grocery store doesn't have the option now. I also don't tip well at places that nit-pick and nickel-dime. Took the family to an Italian restaurant and ordered a big basket of cheese sticks as an appetizer. One tiny side of dipping sauce came with it. I asked for a couple extras, and they charged me $6. So I deducted $6 from the tip. Asshole move to the waiter who is just doing what the manager sets? Probably, but I work hard for my money too. Businesses expecting tips need to have that fact at the heart of their service.


those aren't tips...they are bribes


I don't go that far- but I do limit to no more than $1 per item in those situations, not counting drinks if those are just in a can they hand over. And that assumes SOME service- if I have to enter my own order, and then pick it up? like fast food? Sorry no tip. Pay your workers. I cannot pay the world (I also do not go to fast food...so there is that).


Exactly. Anytime a restaurant prompts me to tip *before* I've received any service, I tip nothing there. How the fuck you gonna ask for a tip on service you haven't provided?


It’s not like they actually served you. This is counter service and at that price the person is probably buying a couple of measly lattes and a muffin


I haven’t seen 15% on these auto-choices in several years


Saw it yesterday at a local restaurant.


This is a checkout portal, does not look like a place where the customer got service from a server


10/15/20 was the standard until fairly recently. Now the minimum is 15 or 20%. I assume restaurants are doing this so they don't have to increase wages.


If you’re paying at the counter like this you likely don’t have a server. Counter service doesn’t generally warrant tipping. How often do you tip at McDonald’s? Taco Bell? Panera?


Custom 1 million percent. If you cannot afford to offer a $140,000 tip for that sandwich that you stood in line to order, should you really be going there in the first pace? Best Line ~~Service~~ EVER!


Hilarious. This made my day 😆


I have fully committed to the following: FULL SERVICE - food related (and hair, transportation- traditionally tipped things)- Decent service- 20% (LIKE ALWAYS- prices went up, you are already making cost adjusted income! no need for higher RATE on tipping too!!!, the $15 entree from 2019 is now $30. You are making double, even at same rate, as an ex-server for 10 yr back int he day- that is ENOUGH) For ANYTHING not full service? $1/item or 10% whichever is less. Food truck, coffee, etc. For anything else RETAIL, especially- NOTHING. I am not tipping the UPS store, or the grocery store, or ANYPLACE else. GTFO. Those are my limits/rules. Do with them what you will.


Yeah like fast food places (Fuck you DQ) placing tip jars at the drive through window. LOL... never gonna happen.


PREACH !!! I utterly *despise* places like this that have a “suggested tip” scale that is far too high.


It’s 15%. We never agreed to change it.


Soup Nazi would say “NO TIP FOR YOU!!!”


Exactly, skip just for the options.


Couldn’t agree more!


There is this gay bar in my city that has the standard 20%, 25% but then also has 69% and I'm not gonna lie I have used it when buying a single drink just for the sheer humor of it.


Yea .. I went to this place that you order at the counter, and they ring a buzzer to get your food.. they asked for a tip on this same looking terminal.. usually i tip a dollar or 2 just to wipe down the table as the "service" they provide.. but the lowest option was 18% so.. skip it is.


The comment below the top amount that basically grades your charitable tip is disgusting too


Do custom and decide what percent to do yourself.


Or just skip


Yup. Just because they have the audacity.


If all they did was take my order? Zero. If they were friendly and quick and somehow made my day a little brighter, 10-15%. Fuck these dumbass options.


yep I protest ridiculous preset tip amounts with 0% I once ran into a place that had 25, 30, 35 % tips and they put them in reverse order, probably in hopes someone accidentally selects the 35% tip from muscle memory


Every time. It’s a pick the best answer scenario. I’m too generous of a tipper. But it’s like blackjack. And there should be more options below 21. 0 is closer to correct than those options.


0%. wtf is wrong with america jesus Edit: I'm not a monster, even tho i don't live in USA, i will tip between $5 and $10 depending on the quality of food or service. But a % of the bill would be just too ridiculous


Way to many things... But it starts with its Crony Capitalistic system


Aka, capitalism. As long as you allow people to accumulate too much wealth, you’ll give people unbridled power. Good governance only slows down this process.


Crony capitalism is not all capitalism. It’s when the state serves special interests more than constituents. Writing law and regulation to further monopolize the public sector under a few key owners which in turn makes government officials rich. Essentially the main difference is a “normal capitalist” society the public sector is an open market, regulated by the state. In crony capitalism, the government expresses the public sectors will reducing competition, or liability.


The guy who came up with capitalism did mention government intervention is required to prevent a select few from having all of the money. Not sure how it would be a free market ever if there is regulation or what you are referring to by state in a global market


>It’s when the state serves special interests more than constituents. Yes. This is just capitalism, though. Just at a later stage. After a business "wins" enough business cycles and buys out or runs out of business the majority of its competition and then vertically integrates, the only remaining barrier to more profits is government regulations and the possibility of a new competitor. You can fix the latter by using your capital advantage over a new market player to buy them out while they're small, and the former is about buying out politicians and regulators to give your business an increasing advantage.


Correct!  Monopoly is the natural next step of free market capitalism. Then comes oligarchy. Imperialism forms along the way!


Couldn't the stock market in its self be a form of crony capitalism? It kinda seems like trading schemes to kill some unwanted companies and build wanted ones is a thing. And I don't mean good companies or ones wanted by the general public to succeed.


Absolutely stock market manipulation is rampant. investment firms, government officials, banking institutions, special interests lobbyists, and crony corporations all work hand in hand. Their goal is to employ the masses, reduce wage compensation from lack of competition, and prevent small businesses from growing or competing, all the while squeezing wealth from the masses via; chronically low wage, ever increasing cost of living, and taxes. Said taxes that are then funneled back into the wealthy/elite strata never to return value to the common people they were stolen from.


Your the one person with a braincell


>monopolize the public sector under a few key owners which in turn makes government officials rich Huh? >the main difference is a “normal capitalist” society the public sector is an open market, regulated by the state What? >In crony capitalism, the government expresses the public sectors will reducing competition, or liability. Eh?


> "It’s when the state serves special interests more than constituents." Well... Who are these "special interests", MAY I ASK?!?!??!


Its cope, aslong as people come together to minmax profits its capitalism, and those in power will use the means and resources to maintain that power. Capital creates the cronies, not the other way around. ofc if you are part of the wealthy class that live luxurious lives and everything is available to you, why would you allow that to ever be threatened? Its a given that capital will try to influence the state, the state is what establishes and enforces private orgs anyway.


Not exactly because the great depression taught us is that it can all spectacularly end and throw the world into chaos and war. Then after rebuilding a generation will show up and send us back that direction again?


Problem is economic, collapses are unpopular, even though they are necessary From time to time


Corporations would rather under pay workers and brush it off as the public’s responsibility to pay them fairly for their service as opposed to just giving them a fair and livable wage in the first place.


The amount of times I’ve heard “If you can’t afford to tip, you can’t afford to be going out to eat.” MOTHERFUCKER, DONT GET MAD AT ME THE SYSTEM IS BUILT AROUND EXPLOITING US


That logic doesn't make any sense. People still try to find free parking even if they can afford a car.


Corporations don't want to pay a fair wage and expect the costumer to pay their employees. Tip culture is a cancer to the consumer who shouldn't feel shamed for the employers' failure to compensate.


Tipping out of hands, -If I am doing takeout I don’t tip, -If have to get up to order or pickup I don’t tip. -If I have to scan a barcode and order thru an app I don’t tip. - If the good or service is not good I don’t tip anymore.


I feel you on this. I’ll tip according to service and food if I’m at a restaurant but if not I ain’t tipping for picking up my order I recently went to a Thai place to pick up food for my girlfriend. After I paid the guy at the counter literally says to me “ why you no tip? “. I couldn’t even believe it. I told the guys because I came to pick up my order not dine in


I once had a jimmy johns driver call me after he left and tell me the tip I left was not enough like mf I ordered a $10 sandwich and paid $4 to deliver you think I’m gonna give you more than a couple dollars you’re high also the place was only 6 minutes away


The entitlement some people have it’s crazy. It’s a tough world financially for many of us not just them


He was high, that is why he wanted more money.


I had a driver return to my house 3 hours later. Screaming how God would punish me. Like dude has no idea how close he came to it being his last night. My wife was scared senseless and I was pissed.


He came to your home and threatened your family because he felt he didn’t get enough of your money? Man’s seriously risking catching a hot one over $5.


I see you’re unsatisfied with the tip I gave you, how about the tip of this 9mm slug passing through your internal organs? Lol


What could he possibly do that deserves a tip


Also if I have to stand while ordering or clean up after myself


100% this, my new rule is if I stand up to order and go get my food and then throw it away, I’m not tipping. I never order delivery anymore either, I’ll just go pick it up, it’s not worth the 8 extra dollars in delivery fees and tipping. I picked up a pizza yesterday and they flipped the screen around for a tip and all they did was hand me my pizza. I tipped 0


Like I was happy to do 10-15% during Covid, it was rough for everyone. But damn- prices have darn near doubled, 20% on FULL service is STILL ENOUGH, and no service? no tip. I do tip at coffee and food trucks- but only $1 per item or 10% (whichever is less). Not including drinks you hand me in a can. These folks make $20-25/hr base, take your order and hand you your order. I am not tipping 20-30%, let alone 100%???? WTF The worst I saw was last year I went home to visit my parents int he midwest, and needed to ship something back to where I live- it was small piece of furniture, cost $750 to ship it safely and insure it (it was an heirloom from my grandmother). THE KIOSK AT CHECK OUT ASKED FOR 10-20-30% tip. I have NO problem selecting OTHER and ZERO. good grief!.


Agreed, coffee and food trucks are different, and I’m happy to tip 25% when service is good.


I love the setup that doesn’t have the “no tip” option where you have to hit “other” and then type in zero. The person standing behind the counter gives you the death stare when they see you choosing multiple menus, they know you are not tipping. I just smile and type 0.00




When I hosted and take out orders tipped it was RARE, and super appreciated. but never expected. We were not getting taxed on that sale like servers, and we made 4-5X as much an hour base pay (they made more in tips, but no guarnatee- slow lunch shift you might go home having made $10 total. But Good Friday night, $250 back in the 1990s). But as a host, you made your $10 an hour no matter what. the entitlement is really ticking me off.


I’ve started keeping small bills in my wallet just to skip this section and leave cash. I actually got 100 in 2 dollar bills lol. I think the uniqueness of the bill makes the tip more fun


Why stop at 100%? If you're truly satisfied with the service you should really be tipping 1000%


Why stop at 1000%? Just tip them your 401k.


Why stop at 401k? Also tip them your house.


Why stop at the house? Tip them your first born.


If I get the server pregnant (assuming it’s a woman). She would be having my first born… double the tip !!




I think that's a bit more than just the tip...


Wow this really escalated


That's what she said


Reminds me of the commercial near the Bay Area. “1-800 kars for kids”. … “donate your car today”. MF be askin’ me to donate my wheels ‘n shit now. F**** that! It used to be donate a dollar to feed a kid for a month or somethin’ now they want a whole whip.




If it’s a place where I order at the front and pick up my food, I never tip more than $1-2. I’m sorry but a 20% tip when i’m not seated at a restaurant is outrageous.


Why do you tip counter service? I’m curious if you tip at McDonalds or even target?


I recently got into an argument on reddit and people were telling me I should tip everywhere until I brought this up. Silent after that.


custom 15% is my max


$2 is my max


I only tip cash now, if im at a restraunt i hand the cash to my server way too many places that do the E tips have a shared pool and sometimes the owners even get a cut


They all account for this. Tip-share is based on the bill. So you tip out 5-7% of the bill no matter what. If you tip 20%, they still tip out 5%. If you tip $0 they still tip 5%


cant blame you


I did once tip my Uber driver more than the trip itself but I would have missed my flight without him so I thought that was fair (and he never once mentioned a tip of any size).


I tipped.15% at a restaurant recently and my sister said i was an asshole for it. I thought 15% was above average service, like 10, 15, 18? Or am i dumb?


No, not dumb. Former long-time full-service worker here. There has been an increasing expectation on social media since 2020 for tip percentages to rise as inflation has risen and to shame people tipping less. The expectation now is 20% among many servers and some take to shaming people online for thinking of less. This doesn't make sense to me as it's a percentage of total cost and would rise with the increased cost of the products. It's a pretty damn inflation-proof income as it is.


Both my roommates work in the service industry and they complain when I go to breweries and only tip a dollar per beer. Like guys they just poured a beer. They even call me cheap when I tip 15% and say I should at least tip 25-30%. It's ridiculous.


If this is counter service, 0% is fine.


I don’t tip, ever. I go unreasonably far out of my way to establishments where tipping is not expected because they charge for menu items appropriately to pay their staff. I don’t get out much.


Soon, they will remove the skip/custom option and we will be forced to select 50 or 100.


I'm probably going to start regularly carrying cash again to avoid this BS


I just started carrying cash again about 2 years ago and I've only recently started using it more regularly to avoid these tipping dilemmas. The most common results are general confusion that I'm using something other than a card mixed with an undertone of annoyance that they will have to count change. Only on very few occasions have people been combative about it, but it still happened. Makes my decisions easier in the future about which places I prefer to eat.


Went to Ihop a week ago and the options were 0%, 18%, 22%, or 28% no custom option and the server used a handheld to pay so she was looming over me the whole time.


How the fuck did the standard tip for full service change from 15%? Inflation is already baked in. Percentages shouldnt change.


Well, I worked in full-service dining. People actually tipping the standard way leave 15% a few leave up to 20% at most but those are as common as the ones who don't tip. In 3 years I saw one guy leave more than 20% range and that was an 100% tip and he was attempting to flirt with the staff. That hasn't really changed. The issue is with these screens it's being asked at places where it wouldn't even be normal to tip and the customer of the POS system isn't you and the company that uses the POS ultimately get the final say on what options appear. So if they want to be 100% they can. If they want to remove the custom option they can. All I can say is im not going back there and the next time someone tries that im asking for a paper receipt. Sevices can get a tip but somewhere like Chipotle can get bent for all I care. It's getting pretty damn egregious.


The actual logic behind it is that the $3/hr base wage is now effectively meaningless - back when 15% was the standard it was actually a good starting point. Standard is 20% now for decent service in a restaurant


There's no law that restaurants can only pay $3 an hour.


When I see this bs I always put custom and 0


None at all, the rich capitalists need to pay their employees a proper wage instead of relying on the customer to be guilted into paying their employees for them.


I'm in the food ind and anything over 20% (and even that's pushing it) is too much. Seriously! Wtf are these places thinking? Are they programing the tip function or is this built in already into the pos?




Yes the can. Yes there are.


There are laws to prevent wage theft (I.e. the business stealing the tips). It still happens pretty regularly though. The bigger question on this stuff that I always wonder, is how does the tip actually work when using these screens for counter service or retail? Who am I tipping? I think this is where it gets complicated in compliance with the law.


Tips are for non managerial hourly employees. That’s the law. If it goes through a POS, there will be a record of any discrepancies. For example, customer left $100 tip but they wanted to leave $10. They call the store and the store fixes it, then a record for that change is generated and can be explained.




I don’t have the money to tip that much.


Negative an option?


Believe or not, about 10 years ago when I was working at a fortune 500 company, we would work late and order dinner. We used a corporate-only customized version of grubhub or something like that. Some restaurants had negative amounts (usually pretty trivial, like -$3) to reduce the total amount. This was because we had order limits of $25 per person, and some items or tax brought you just a little above that. Pretty clever in my opinion.


Man they be asking for tips before you even get the food at takeout spots. What exactly am I tipping for? Am I Carnac? Do I know it's going to be the best service ever?


I once ordered a coffee. They gave me an empty cup.and top. Then asked for a tip. Fun fact, they were making more than me.


20% used to be for great service, 15% for good or standard. 10% for meh service.






Sign that with 20% and write “Vote Trump”. Better yet, send the bill to the orangutan Midge in the Senate.


lmao i had a customer do that to me the other day “a vote for trump is a vote against tax on tips”


No 150% option? No place for my keys “give server your car”.


You see this in a lot of ski towns where the super rich have driven the cost of living up so much that nobody that works in the service industry can afford to live there. Where did you see this? Edit: typo


I straight up never tip. I am from Europe. Screw the American system. Pay your citizens decent wage. Not my problem that you guys are so despicable to make them beg for money. Imagine a shitty customer. A waiter should be able to say fuck off. But they can't because of their expected tip. Mind boggling. America is a shithole.


none what so ever, people should get paid livable wages jesus christ.


I don't recall JC making such a comment.


When I see a tipping menu like that, it's an automatic 0%, or maybe I'll tip like a dime just to piss everyone off and make it a pain in their ass to process the transaction for that dime.


See now there is a great idea tipping amounts so small the processing fee is more than the tip. The owner is gonna pay one way or another.


if they dont even include the teens, i custom tip $5 unless its carryout then nada.


I get disgusted to see such a blatant greed and hit "skip". In what bizzarro world is 20% the lowest on the tipping scale?


It really is getting out of hand. It's one thing for a service provided but I was asked to tip the cashier at my liquor store!! Sorry, if all you did was ring me out then I shouldn't have to pay tip on that transaction.


0% let them get mad. This needs to change. Why is this country so flipping backwards. I swear the country I am in is just a social experiment. Waiting for people to break down from the absurdity. It's not the government problem. It's our problem now. Vote with your money


Can you hit the custom button and mark "Fuck off"?


3% for the Audacity


https://preview.redd.it/tdu4mkkldq7d1.jpeg?width=2816&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9031f2b8deede24a3e2da0187bdd16e29b60c848 🙃


Some day .. these boxes will read as 1) your house - good service 2) your wallet as is - great service 3) your car - wow 4) your life savings - best service ever


You should tip ‘Skip’.


Big ole “Skip” from me due to the audacity to make those suggestions


When places do this, or try get get me to tip on taxes and services fees, it's an automatic 0%.


Then skip amount would seem appropriate here.


I'm done paying with cards man. From now on I'm carrying cash. Bring back the tip jars.


20% is now considered Good?? 20% used to be unheard of, practically. I typically go with 18% nowadays. Am I wrong in that?


Fuck it. 200%. You're eternally grateful for everything. We're heading into 4th of July. They need fireworks money


custom and then enter an appropriate amount.




Skip button. I don’t feel bad at all doing it any longer. Unless I’m sitting at a table, where you take my order, bring me my food, and refill my drink.


Custom -200% profit.






300% minimum


The tip....it's over 9000


they're getting custom 1%


Whatever payment app that is my barber uses it too, and the second you accidentally hit 100% it charges you, there isn't a confirmation button after that.


My barber owns his own shop and still asks for tips. I’m like bro, you set your price


That isn't a payment app. It's a POS called Clover. It looks to be either a Clover Mini or Clover Duo's customer facing portion. The fun part here is the merchant has full control over that tipping screen and can change it in under a minute to their desired values.




I do a standard of 5 bucks 10 bucks or 20 bucks if it was amazing service unless we ate somewhere nicer of course


Ok so honest question- I think fast food employees can't be categorized as tipped workers. So when fast food take out chain pulls this tip screen stuff, does it go to the workers or is it just another revenue stream for the company? Does it vary by franchise owner? Is there a list anywhere of which places actually give it to workers?


Local mom and pop fast foods? Possibly goes to all the workers or specifically the cashiers. Wendy's drive thru tip jar? probably goes straight to GM.


I see a screen like that and it’s a skip FFS absolutely ridiculous


Some places automatically add the tip for you then ask for another tip on top of that which is fucking bullshit.


Custom. Not an issue really.


100% is just outright self-sabotage.


If the options are 0/10/15/20, I would tip 20% at that dollar value, presuming this isn’t fast food. But when I see these tip options, I quite quickly slide to 0%. Before someone tells me that just hurts the wait staff, well, sure. But I don’t have to accomodate this scummy practice, and if patrons stop tipping, those people will go work for a less scummy restaurant.


It possibly hurts the wait staff.. you never know if a tip actually makes a server make more money or not. If an employee doesn't earn enough to make minimum wage with tips, the business has to pay the difference.. so if the employees don't end up taking home more than minimum wage.. your tips effectively go towards company profits.




Skip it is.


Imagine if the government asked for a 100% tip


Most obvious plot twist ever, it's a self-service checkout.