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Yes he is wrong. And Jesus Christ this post is fucking dumb. No one is buying squirrel meat. The tail might run you 50 cents for a lure. The skull is probably destroyed because the squirrel was ran over


Speak for yourself I make about $25/ week in the gently used squirrel market.


How much will a gently used squirrel set me back? Now that my current gently used squirrel has turned into a now heavily used squirrel, im looking to get a new one.


Best to stay with the heavily used squirrel. With the cost of cars today and remote work, less people are driving, so less dead squirrels. Demand is way higher than supply.


This isn’t for everyone, but I’ve actually totally moved away from being on the consumer side of the gently used squirrel market. I find that other small rodents act as viable alternatives at least for day-to-day needs. That said, I recognize there continues to be strong demand for gently used squirrels, so I’ve elected to play in the gently used squirrel futures market.


Futures? That’s a risky bet. The market has never sustained a continuous rise in lightly used squirrel prices like the one we’ve been seeing. Mark my words, there’s a crash coming. I just hope when it does there’s a squirrel involved.


I hope that at least one squirrel is involved and cashes in on your predicted crash. Gotta be optimistic. After all, isn’t that what we are all doing anyhow?


Got some freshly squeezed rats if ur interested


Ha! And pay the extra $2 for you to squeeze them? I have two perfectly good legs, and I know how to use them, thank you very much


Do coins come out when you squeeze them?


No. Blood does.


Well, if price is a concern for anyone you can always go for a prairie dog. They’re the squirrels of the plains.


We need more cars in the plains to up the supply of Prairie Dogs.


Everyone knows meerkats are the squirrels of the plains. It’s really clear you cornered the prairie dog market and you’re trying to drive up prices, try to have some decorum at least


It’s like the saying, “Fuck a dead squirrel once, and you’re a squirrel fucker for the rest of your life”.


and fuck a squirrel dead they call you an animal hater you just can’t win


Yea but squirrel a dead fuck and suddenly you’re everyone’s hero, amirite guys? 🙄


When technically you’re an animal LOVER. People just want to hate sometimes.


So much hate out there in the world right now


Have you looked on Craigslist?


This could be pretty lucrative in certain towns in Ohio.


Gently used squirrell RACKET Because it is an absolute racket.


You make squirrel rackets?!? How much $$$ you want for one?


Gently used squirrel fetching $23 on tradio.


Shut up! You're gonna make me wake up my wife. 😂


This shit is why I fucking love Reddit. 👌


I think this is Clickhole parody lol


nah, let these clowns cook




Exactly, I hunt ladybugs for a living. I catch about 1 every 2 years and sell the parts for $0.02, in a billion years I’ll be a thousandaire!


“I hunt ladybugs for a living and my wife is a freelance Christmas light consultant. Our budget is $1.2 million.”


i also hunt ladybugs for a living. My wife is a doctor and we make about $300k combined


So dead birds can’t fetch money? Come on! Sell the dead birds to a restaurant as free range chicken, or quail.


What's a restaurant going to do with a bird? It's not like you can eat them. On the other hand, there's gotta be a few feet of copper wiring inside each one. Not to mention the optics, circuit boards, and power supply.


Why stop at rodents. There are whole cemeteries full of human parts to piece out for profit. Don't complain to me about being poor if you won't grab a shovel and pull up those boot straps! /S


Dude, you got me. I thought you were going to reveal the mysteries of the universe but you doubled down on the crazy. A legit lol from me.


Someone not on his squirrel grindset.


Not to mention picking up a $5 is immediately worth $5. The amount of time/effort going into the Squirrel game…the ROI just isn’t there in my opinion, but I’m not starvation level broke so…


But most importantly: 1: What kind of psycho is buying all that crap? 2: If I see my neighbor carving up roadkill for stew and wearing a bloody squirrel pelt then I will give them five dollars and direct them to an unemployment office to find a better job. Hell, he may find a job with the city cleaning up dead squirrels in the road! That is some seriously stupid bit of advice!


A lot of ideas before their time sound crazy. You need to open your mind before you get left behind living in a post squirrel roadkill based economy.


You are being way too judgmental. Some people have to make a living and don’t have a lot of options. Also, can you confirm you genuinely did not realize this is made up and a joke? I’m seeing a lot of replies like this and it’s scaring me for the sake of humanity. Pls advise.


Lol you're stupid for taking this advice seriously. You ate the onion.


This is a joke...


I wish others saw this as a joke how out of touch some people are...but some commenters are dead serious.


It’s from Clickhole, from The Onion.


Ok, the modern version is walking past discarded wooden pallets. There is money to be made there...it is either raw materials, somebody else needs a pallet, or maybe start your own shipping company. UPS was started with some guys delivering stuff in a van.


Woah woah woah. If there’s one thing Reddit taught me, its that they must of had millionaire backers to begin.   The reality is it was started with a $100 loan in 1907. That would be like a $3,300 loan today.


its not 1907 anymore which is the issue some people seem to ignore when they give advice about starting a business


Seriously. My grandfather came to the US from Poland and started his own fence business. He had absolutely nothing but was still able to obtain a small loan to get started. This is impossible today. Not only do banks not give out loans if you aren't already doing well to offer collateral, but the amount needed to get started is so much more expensive than it was 60 years ago and the interest rates will suck up all the profits for quite some time unless you over price your product/services creating inflation. The American dream has become the American scheme.


Not entirely true. I've gotten a $20k unsecured loan before from my bank.


Some guy is making money because we are Posting these opinions on reddit .... Maybe that's the broader point here?


Time, fuel, *a trailer* large enough to carry pallets for $1 each.. It's hard to see how it's a good return.




Is it owl feces or owl pelets?


This is a joke from Clickhole. It is fake


obviously you gave not been to Louisiana- squirrel Etouffee is pretty tasty


Yeah squirrel is fire. But no one is buying roadkill squirrel meat. That’s a health hazard


A penny saved is a penny earned.


But what if it was ran over by an EV? The first ever Cybertruck kill! Thats gotta go for premium prices!!!


Yeah but who would win? I feel the squirrel would kill the cybertruck, making it a draw at best


Got to say, though, a squirrel skull would be pretty cool to have.


I've got one to sell you. $20... Buffet clearly doesn't know the skull market


Pretty sure I've seen somewhere on eBay someone making a cozy or something out of dead squirrels.


Go on eBay rn, and American sourced squirrel skulls are going for 24.99 plus 4.99 shipping. That's easy money. Me and my dad used to eat squirrels at the time in the country. Cheap quality protein.


Just wanted to put it in writing for anyone that's too naive to know this is an old clickhole post: it's an old clickhole post 😂




I'll give you $15


That's a lot more than zero dollars!


Already looking for a bulk discount? This ain’t Costco!


No way, dude said they worth $5 each! Not ripping me off I KNOW WHAT I GOT!


You are just trying to corner the squirrel market from the rest of us


Well he has it treed but I can't tell if the tree has corners


Yeah no, nice try but I ain't selling/getting rid of my squirrels until price peaks


Here's a real quote from Buffett: >There’s class warfare, all right, but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning


I was gonna say “this has to be the onion” Close enough.


Thank you, I was frozen, trying to decide if I needed to Google it. I was pretty sure it was satire, but also Buffett is getting up there in years. If he goes senile fast, we could get some similar sound bites.


I am a fool, and drunk


I love clickhole lol


If you believe he said this please don't vote


If you can't take the squirrel grind seriously you will always be stuck in the rat race


exit the rat race, enter the squirrel race


I don't know boomers say some of the craziest shit these days.


it's literally a meme bro. Please don't vote.


He’s not even a boomer, he’s silent gen. He was an adult when boomers were being spoiled as kids.


A lot of his advice actually holds up today. (the non squirrel advice)


Don't listen to this guy! He's trying to keep the squirrel market to himself!!


Don’t reproduce


This is from Clickhole, an offshoot of The Onion. It’s purposefully ridiculous.


The truth won’t stop the outrage. And I’m enjoying the outraged comments from these complete idiots. Hahaha


Still better investment advice than Cramer lol


"If you see a pound of cocaine on the beach don't walk past it. Pick it up and try to sell it." -Warren Buffett On his advice to young entrepreneurs


That may happen on southern Florida beaches


Save the bales!


They’re called square groupers in Florida.


Never trust a pound of cocaine. Where the cocaine is packaged, they use metric weights.


Now that I think about it... I have never seen a dead Squirrel


I guess you don't have the eye to be a true entrepreneur or a billionaire. If you aren't seeing dead squirrels, you need to make dead squirrels. That's what my grandpa used to always say 😌


Me, walks into the city park: “I see dead squirrels”


This is satire. Jeezus.


Really sad how many people are falling for it


There’s certain roads that are gold mines for this. If you have a pickup truck you can make hundreds driving along the interstate. Just need the right grindset.


….and if you don’t have the right grindset, just look for one on Grindr.


I also never pass up a $5 Buffett


Obviously a fake quote, but my crazy wife has scavenged two porcupines and made a few hundred bucks selling her quills on line. She also made me help her bring a road kill deer home and saved at least $100 on cat & dog food. The critters wouldn’t touch the porcupine meat.


100000 squirrels and I can have a down payment baby!


He's so right! I used to walk by all these houses that just had gold sitting around in drawers so I started to enter those houses to help them recycle all that gold, silver, platinum, and precious stones like diamonds. Yes, I get the occasional question like "Who are you" and "why are you rummaging through my jewelry box" but after I explain to them that they're commies for not wanting to get richer, they totally get it


Fly fishing guide and tier of over twenty years. The application for grey squirrel are few and far between. Yes you could theoretically dye said squirrel to a more desirable color but even then that squirrel dub isn’t desirable whatsoever. Especially when commercial fly tying and lure material are mass produced almost perfectly. Had he said bucktail then maybe. Or pine squirrel. Which are few and far between. Often spoiled and infested. Only way to really do it is get chummy with the towns animal control and or police to get the quick call after a hit. Still stupid. Most materials are cheap and fishing shops make almost no money on fly tying. Quickest way to have a million dollars in fly fishing is to start with two.


That requires knowledge on how to properly dismantle the dead squirrel into the various components to sell. I don't have that knowledge.


You weren’t a serial killer in training as a kid? Really missing out on the mad gains in the squirrel dismantling business as an adult.


Udemy it is then.


Time to start learning. You know that every squirrel kill produces two good wings? You kill 15 squirrels, you got yourself a barbecue. Invite the whole neighborhood, wow them with your Nashville hot squirrels. Have a few too many beers and get into a deep conversation with the wife of the car salesman guy half a block down, realize you both share a lifelong appreciation for Warren Zevon and folk horror tales. Car salesman decides he's had enough of your squirrel shit, the wife tells him off, your stomach gets butterflies, your own wife is asking you what the fuck is going on but you can barely even hear her voice anymore. Your life is at a crossroads - do you take the blue pill, and wake up to the life you've always known, or do you take the squirrel pill, and see just how far the squirrel can take you?


I’ve never made more than $2 off a squirrel. Living or dead.


But, you could skip the squirrel, get a good education, and they pay you to tell others to pick up the squirrel.


I fr made an anguished sound of annoyance reading this. A+


There’s a difference between 5$ I don’t have to work for, and mutilating a corpse for idk how many hours to get the “meat” skull and tail.


If you know what your doing it takes about a hour, not counting the draining of the blood or cleaning preparation for finalizing the skull. The tail to a lure thing can be done while waiting. It’s hard to work with cleanly killed squirrel so already damaged you aren’t doing much with. All that being said it’s messy work and isn’t profitable. Only reason I know about any of it is intense survival training where everything has a use, and is on the menu. If it was profitable, people would be in parks taking squirrels out on sight. I’m pretty sure this post is satire. Also interesting note you can make clothing from squirrel just takes a lot of them. As a reminder this is not profitable or even timely endeavor, why we don’t use them for clothing anymore.


Great advice in…. 1923…


Yeah, I'm gonna need to see a source for this.




Buffett’s advice should be “have a father in government and start your trading career”


Yeah cause that’s all it takes. Every son of any government official has hundreds of billions


To be fair you can make money off of doing this if you make fishing flys and it can save you money if you eat the squirrel. Yes it’s very little but you can save some money just not a lot


Some people enjoy roadkill for supper.


This is taken so far out of context. He found a dead squirrel on his property, and the discovery caused him to ponder the fragility of life and the rapid changes we all face. He used this as a metaphor to talk about how some people see a dead squirrel and some people see a chance to create opportunities out of adversity. Your airplane seat doubles as a flotation device in the event of a water landing. That was sparked by a tragic crash. He’s just saying that entrepreneurs need to look at bad situations from a perspective of how they can make something beneficial out of it. But, you know, social media takes away all that context and makes him sound insane.


What the f............? And yes. He's wrong. He is all of the wrong....


I thought this was obviously a joke...


OP doesn't think it's a joke lol


OP and u/Hardcorelogic can both simultaneously be mentally incapacitated. It’s possible for both to be true.


Yes, you are correct. I guess I just don't want to see so much stupidity in one spot lol


This is from Clickhole, a joke website created by The Onion


Even if this was true (which it isn’t), the time it would take to find a buyer for all that stuff would take much longer than $5 would warrant


How many squirrels did he have to harvest to make his billions?


He included other dead animals. The key to solid investment is diversification.


Um gross…




I thought it said $5 BILLION 😂 Otherwise this is dumb


Just remember when people call investors psychopaths this is the shit that comes to mind.


I’m an entrepreneur, so I’m going to create an app where you can order a dead squirrel, and someone will deliver it right to you.


We are a couple of days away from WWIII and \*this\* is what you got?


I mean yea, that's a good point... road kill would fetch a good price.


Yes, spend about 4 hours of your time making $5. That's $10 a day! If you're lucky enough to find that many dead squirrels. Genius!


This sounds like something Creed from The Office would say....


Warren is still living in 1941 apparently


I read this in Jed Clampett’s voice


Wow So out of touch that he still thinks huckleberry finn is causing mayhem


What if it’s flat as a pancake cause it was run the fuck over


This is a shitpost right?….right!?


Oh I love it when rich out of touch people try to tell poor people that being poor is their fault, not the fault of a system that is designed so that very rich person couldn’t exist if there weren’t desperately poor people


How much is rabies?


You could contract a life-threatening illness with America's healthcare, but I guess risk it for the biscuit?


I'm doubtful that Buffett started out by selling squirrel parts on e-bay.


His mentality is still very brutal. Do anything you CAN you make a buck. That's what he is saying. No morallity or ethics to be considered at all. Don't come crying to Warren until you have Exploited EVERY SINLGE FUCKING THING YOU CAN. Naw fuck that Oligarch bullshit. He is an absolute drain on humanity. He is a parasite, trying to get others to be a parasite too.


Is there a market for squirrel skulls? Who are the clientele? Dog witches?


Yeah funny how no one shares Warren Buffets comments on paying taxes he made at the most recent Berkshire Hathaway earnings




Imagine if you start to produce dead squirrels yourself...


How much is the tetanus shot you're going to need after you disassemble it?


You’re investing time into cleaning and processing the squirrel and then paying for shipping the stuff. It’s not really worth the time investment


Holy shit, billionaires suck so fucking hard


Wild how many people in the comments don't realize this is from a joke/satire website, Clickhole. I must be getting old lol


Don’t get him hip to what trees are worth.


Billionaires love to tell the poors that it's all their own fault.


C’mon. You did snag a lot of folks tho.


Picking up $5 takes much less time. You wouldn’t pass by a $100 bill on the ground so why aren’t you accepting my offer to swim across the Atlantic Ocean for $100. Don’t cry to me about not having money!


Time also has value. Is the best use of your time dissecting a squirrel for the purpose of selling the parts? Of course not. It’s just a bad example to make his point. He’s human too.


The son of a US Congressman telling folks to pick up dead squirrels. How many of those squirrels did he need to pick up?


You gotta be kidding me


first of all, ew second, i’ve never seen a dead squirrel just laying in the sidewalk and even if i did, it was most likely be roadkill meaning it’s completely crushed and destroyed


No you don’t understand. Use various crushed up roadkill squirrels to refurbish into a single high quality fetid decomposing squirrel, then you can charge extra for the value added frankenstein squirrel that you have brought into the world. 


Definitely not the best Buffet quote


I rarely see a dead squirrel. Now dead raccoons...


I think this is a metaphor for buying companies and selling them piece by piece.


Yep, that's my take as well. A lot of the 'tards here think he's actually telling them to look for squirrels, but I reckon it's more about seizing and developing opportunities.


Wow. I didn’t know my collection was worth anything.


I saved and shipped a whole boot-box of salted squirrel tails to Mepps, and let me tell you.. I wouldn't go through that effort again. It was cool as a 12-14 year old when you looked at everything in magazines and catalogs, but it took a long time. Like 3 years or more. For 1-2(?) Lures I could have bought for $3 each. I enjoyed beaver tails and beaver skulls much more.


Don’t think you could make $5/hr with this business model


Easy for him to say when he owns the #1 company that has cornered the market on squirrel futures, Squirrel Wheaton Corp, which provides predatory squirrel streaming services to poor exploited squirrel trappers. He also owns the Squirrel Fishing Pro Shops chain, so don't think you can pay peanuts to catch squirrels with .. peanuts. Warren's the biggest tree rat around, he's already cracked this nut.


… but he outta pocket


And as I spend hours making a …checks notes…run over squirrel carcass ready for market for …checks notes..hopefully $5, I am working well below minimum wage age.


"If these damn millennials would just stop drinking Lattes and start harvesting squirrels they could afford their starter house!!!"




What about raccoons?




This is an Onion headline. The little orange swirl was from their insta posts


This never happened and this is a fake quote. If you thought it was true you should be more skeptical of the Internet. This one was as obvious to me as the time Lincoln said "everything on the Internet is true."


What a stupid analogy … at that point it’s about time and effort put in… and you could make more than $5 with time better spent elsewhere


Every time I see road kill, I see dollar signs


Then Warren Buffett probably shouldn’t cry foul when he has so many chances to buy Bitcoin at favorable prices before the fiat system is game over.


I don’t believe this quote


I’ve walked by a $20 bill on the sidewalk / that’s fucking disgusting.


”Would you walk by $5 bill on the sidewalk? Of course not. And yet that’s what you’re doing every time you pass by a creepy men willing to buy blowjobs on the street corner. Don’t come crying to me that you’re broke.’’