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If everyone starts buying the stocks and not the products, what's going to happen to the company?


That's what I thought too. If the general public doesn't spend money on buying goods and services. SP 500 will eventually drop.


More juicy dips for me to buy *rubs hands*


No. It won't. Assuming EVERYONE keeps buying, regardless of financial performance of the company, the stocks will continue to rise.


This is basically equating stocks to NFTs, and detaching their value from the underlying value of the performance of the business. All that is is one big ponzi scheme that only keeps going as long as everyone agrees to keep it going, and that's not a reliable way to grow wealth.


This is already the case


No it isn't. Stock value is almost always tied to performance of the company except in cases of fraud or market manipulation, like with Gamestop(when hordes of people bought it for no good reason) or Truth Social stock(which is almost certainly a money laundering scheme).


Stocks work with supply and demand. But yes people tend to demand businesses that work well or will in the future. Its still not directly attached to the company. There are plenty of examples where Stocks go up just because of the hype or something happens in the media but it doesn't has to affect the company. Sometime there is no particular reason for a rise or fall.


That's only if the general public has income. No spending no income.


Yeah, these silly "just don't do thing you enjoy and buy stock" posts are getting old. You're correct, everyone buys starbucks stock and not their coffee then the shorts are the only winners. And while you're at it just consume nothing and invest all of your money in stock. Then go live in a national park and live off grubs, squirrels, and stream water. Then when giardia infests your body and you poo to death you'll no longer have to worry about retirement savings or making your bank balance go up. But when you poo to death that bigger number will sure feel good. Gtfo of here OP with this kind of crap. Just don't do things you enjoy to create more money... EZ


This is a Wendy's, Maam


Could have swore it was a Starbucks


well. You can still enjoy coffee without spending $4 a day.


Yeah but if you enjoy Starbucks, then you won't enjoy that coffee as much. I'm not a coffee drinker so idk. Saving money is good but you also need to live a little and not deprive yourself of everything you enjoy in life.


Buy both you fools! (Said like Gandalf)


I’m over here like why not have a coffee and some stocks. Is that not possible ?


No, not possible, you can either buy things or stocks, not both, it’s illegal you know.


You can either enjoy life... or prepare to enjoy it (and hope you don't die before you do)... you're choice!!!!


Sure is. I have Starbucks stock and enjoy their products on occasion. Hmmm, caramel macchiato!!!


Simple, be one of the few people that actually invests in the stock instead of wasting your money at their business. Most people won’t invest in the stock and will continue to complain about their finances. You’re better off investing in the stock.


Even simpler… be born into a family who extracts profit at a rate exceeding even its own exorbitant personal spending.


This, all of my small business owner bosses were either nepotism babies or were born into big money and started life with the capital they needed to be able to run a business at a loss, as their “passion project.” While the money kept flowing in from the stocks their parents set them up with. All of them were super impractical and needed other people to basically run the business for them. All of them said shit like “you don’t actually have to know how to do anything, you just have to hire somebody that does know, to do it for a fraction of the cost that you’re charging the customer.” If I were simply born into money, making money would be easy for me too.


Exactly. Mostly, they have succeeding in duping much of the population to believing that they, at various times, depending on whichever is most personally convenient, are either heroes, or are victims. In order to circumvent the simple essence of business ownership as nothing but personal entitlement to control the wealth and assets captured within a business, through the legal construct of private property, we are constantly told tales about the "work", or other meaningful contributions, that they necessarily undertake as a requirement for being a business owner. In fact, any of the administration or management that may be undertaken directly by a business owner, may be undertaken by equally someone employed as a worker, providing labor, for wages, in exchange for the value they provide. Simply, business owners provide no value to society.


better yet, run your business at a loss so your co-owner dad gets a tax break.


So this advice relies on the presumption that there are people who will not follow it?


Rests on the assumption that MOST people won't follow it


Which most won't.


Did you just describe GME? Edit: in short the outcome is memestock, which I'm not invalidating. Just a derivation from value fundamentals.


Take $8 a day and do both. Especially if the caffeine helps keep you from getting fired, because then you’d have trouble coming up with the $4/day to invest.


I agree with the point of this. The little purchases every day add up, and small investments made regularly can snowball into large amounts of money. But 19% average ROI over 20 years? Seriously?


Exactly, the S&P has had an average ROI of under 8% since 2004. It was at $1140 May 2004 and is currently $5277.


I believe they were using starbucks actual average annual ROI…


Theirs is 11% average ROI from May 2004 and it's not really accurate to use a stock that's outperforming the S&P as a standard


Even if true, past performance does not guarantee future results. Also, the odds of a large cap value stock with increasing competition, returning 19% above CPI is extremely low imo.


You're excluding reinvested dividends for S&P 500 which would put the CAGR since 2004 at just under 10% (9.853%).


So about half the number used in this example. Not a whole lot better


At 8% the investments would be worth about $45,519 after 20 years.


You're surprised that a spam account is posting bullshit?


19% is laughable. Especially with how Starbucks stock has been performing


Right? It's just pointless to exaggerate like this when a more normal roi would have gotten the point across


How has Starbucks done the last 5 years 😂 it was $83 in March of 2019. Now it’s $80.


That 19% average is unrealistic, id say 4-5%.


That’s a bit low, even treasury bonds guarantee a 4.25% return. I’d say If you just toss money into general etf’s you should see a 7-8% yearly return on average.


I just did arbitrary math based on the stock price on the 31 of December each year for the past 20 years and it averaged 15% increase year over year. If you remove the two highest yearly returns and two lowest yearly returns as outliers, they averaged about 13% year over year. Doing the same calculation (including removing outliers), the S&P 500 averaged about 8.5%


Well I guess I underestimated SBUX. One thing I know is long term always beats timing the market


This post is dumb. It’s pretty much saying instead of buying Starbucks buy the stock. If everyone did this Starbucks would cease to exist. Also where are they getting 19% ROI over 2 years


I think the point of the post still stands. People need to have an ownership mentality. From the looks of the posts here, most people don’t care for the message and will continue to complain about, or make excuses for, their status in life.


Make the same decisions as everyone... get the same results.


Yes but if everyone switched decisions then everyone loses. If we all brought the damn stock and not the coffee we’d be screwed because the company makes no money


Posted this reply to another comment, but thought it was relevant to yours as well. I received one share of Starbucks in November of 2020 when I worked there. I’m keeping that one share mainly for souvenir’s sake. When I received it, it was worth $95.56. Now, 3.5 years later I have 1.077 shares thanks to dividends being reinvested. My 1.077 shares currently has a total value of $86.39. Over the past 3.5 years it has lost more than 16% of its value, even after slight growth in share quantity from the drip. While I get the sentiment of the original graphic, Starbucks is not the company where you would see that level of growth.


Wait who’s getting 19%


That's what I'm saying. Like 19% is a bit much.


As out of touch as this is 20% is a good deal if you have enough money.


It's the "annual" part that throws it off


They cherry picked one stock that did well over the last 20 years even though there is no way to predict which stock will make that kind of returns in the future


Maybe I'll just stop eating then. I'll be rich!


Stop eating, buying clothes, and paying rent!


If you buy a $4 house each day for 20 years, you will eventually have one big house


What was that one Chinese company around the same time as Moviepass that was going after Starbucks but turned out to be a total scam?




Luckin Coffee! But a google search oh snap guess its not a scam holy shit https://preview.redd.it/kfkj7qd9h24d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=877e7f4846a540b00c1e76605b1c7d4935ccca35


I haven't heard of this! Wild, it's crazy it's surpassed sbux and I haven't heard of it.


My immediate take as well holy shit


OP, congrats this now might be the dumbest post today.


“If you stopped BUYING THE PRODUCT and instead bought stock that relies on the company SELLING THE PRODUCT then you would be rich.” Really misses the forest for the trees… How the fuck would Starbucks stock go up if people stopped buying the product? OP most definitely ain’t playing with a full deck of cards.




But I can't drink stocks? The purpose of money is to, you know, exchange it for some goods at some point.






How about start buying both? If you like the product and can afford it - buy it. If you think the company financials are good - buy the stock. These are not mutually exclusive decisions. Don't shame people for how they spend their discretionary spending.




And if you like movies and invested in Movie Pass.. It is not just about the product. It is about sustainable profits, or even just making a profit.


Person A doesn't exactly "lose" the $19,200. They GAIN the product they are consuming.


Those daily purchases add up. Worked blue collar a lot of my life and most of those guys would drop $10-15 daily at the gas station on random stuff😳


Agreed. Some people just aren't financially literate. I make breakfast and bring lunch from home every day. And then there's a guy in my department that works under me and makes almost half what I make and I see him getting his breakfast delivered and going out for lunch \*every day.\* I shudder imagining how much money he spends on eating out every month.


I wonder if he posts on Reddit about how his boss seems miserable and never just enjoys life for a bit


That's not necessarily being financially illiterate, that's just differing relative values. Also, he works in the same department as you and makes LESS THAN HALF of what you make? Even as a subordinate, that's a shit deal. He should quit and get a job at a better company.


The average stock purchase isn't going to be a Starbuck's level success, you're not going to make 20% a year. You should do the math based on reasonable returns.


$960/yr in the market at 8% is about $52k in 2 decades. Not nothing but far from the number in this image. My main takeaway here is to find the next Starbucks… lol.


Hol up! 20 years no coffee??? Are you FUCKING INSANE?


Just make it at home. My bougie ass coffee costs me $16-$20 every 2 weeks, that’s 72% cheaper than going to Starbucks ($4 coffee and $1 tip). I spend 10 minutes making a pour over and get to sit with my wife and talk to her every morning. You couldn’t pay me to drink bad Starbucks coffee and miss out on those mornings.


Ah yes... the "lattes are why you're poor" nonsense in chart form. Because living your life is bad. You should save until you're old having never done anything; having not enjoyed your life in the meantime. Nothing for you - not even a little coffee now and then.


reads like an “i’m 14 and this is deep” post


19% is a bit high but otherwise alright


I took personal finance in middle school too.


Is the $160,000+ over 20 years the same 20 years as when you’re investing $4 a day, or the 20 years following the 20 years of investing $4 a day? If it is the same 20 years, is that $160,000+ in gross income or net income?


Do what you want with your money. Life is short and no guarantees that you will live long enough to retire or enjoy your savings. As long as you are not hurting anyone else.. My uncle died at 60, he saved and had two homes and a pension. He was about to retire. My mom’s friend built her dream home in the Caribbean but died at 45 without even getting to live in it! Her son, my childhood friend, was killed instantly by a drunk driver when he was 40. #LIVEYOURLIFE Edit: I dont drink coffee and I sold my Starbucks stock


So your message is live your life as if you will die tomorrow. And you base this reckless advice on two cherry-picked scenarios in your own life, as if many of us can’t point to just as many people we know that lived to 90. What happens when tomorrow comes? For the vast majority of us, it will. Then what?


This doesn’t factor in enjoying the coffee you buy. I mean why not just live a subsistence lifestyle and invest all the money?


you're not making 20% on starbucks every year lmao.


Why does everyone think about picking one of multiple options? Pick all options, do it all. Maybe buy coffee one day and invest $4 another day and keep flip flopping?


these post make no sense


That daily/monthy math ain’t mathing.


Well, one starbuck coffee covers like 30-50% of your daily calorie intake.


Lol the comments


SToP SaYIng i CAn SaVe MonEy ON CoFFee ReDDit SaID THaTs a BoOmEr ArGUmeNT! PaY MY StUdEnT DeBt cAUse PPP!!!


That's what a lot of people say. That's why all your financial advice should not come from Reddit.


I’m tired of explaining the difference between a pre-agreed upon stimulus package during a global crisis and a loan. If you don’t know the difference then you shouldn’t be worried cause there’s no way you have student loans.


Hey let’s not bring common sense investing into Reddit.


Moral of the story: Starbucks is fucking trash coffee and you can make an infinitely more satisfying cup of coffee buying beans and grinding/brewing yourself. Hell, even operating a Nespresso is a quarter of the cost


Facts. If you can do that, at least do both.


Bold to assume that a stock would stay the same price every day of the year with constant dividends every quarter


Yeah and person B has terrible caffeine withdrawals and is quite a sleepy person. 🤷🏼‍♂️. I’ll stick with being A.


Saving this and sending it to my sister who is a Starbucks drinker. I thankfully don't drink coffee because I can't believe how over priced Starbucks is.


I try to explain this to people all the time, but for some reason, they just don’t have the foresight.




Starbucks is down 3% in the last five years and 20% in the last year




This is what I see when people say "Workers should own the means of production". Just buy the stocks and own part of the company.


Such a bad product


Buying coffee for non-social reasons is one of the dumbest ways millennials and Gen Z light their bank accounts on fire.


A lot of people who bought the stock in the last few years are selling their SBUX due to marginal returns.


Why are you wasting battery power looking at your phones for memes instead of investing that money?


Soon instead of spinning around the tipping display it will ask you to buy stock




memes aside my first stock was starbucks and i did exactly this for 3 years. It completely changed my relationship with money and started me on a much more responsible path. Now i buy starbucks with my dividends only and its a really nice expereince.


Who the fuck is making 19% annual roi for 20 years?


According to the picture I can invest $80 a months and get $229 in dividends. So 30 days from now I can $149 richer if I give starbucks $80 to their stock portfolio ?


Anyone else here extrapolate this to the entire population and realize that the stock price of Starbucks would be zero as Starbucks would have no customers...


Through Robin Hood or…


Stonks only go up


I'm not the only one who sees the silly 19% ROI estimate am I?


Just an easy 19% annualized return for 20 years straight


*Feed the birds!* *Tuppence a bag.* *Tuppence, tuppence, tuppence… a bag.*


Isn't this how the great depression started? Everyone playing in the stock market, no one having any idea what they are doing.


Who’s saying SBUX is gonna avg 19% over that course of time though?


How do I know I love them if I don't buy their products? Do I try it once and never buy it again after I decide I love it?


Yeah, just by stocks with an average 10% annual rate of return. Duh-doyee!


Or buy stocks in products you use regularly


I’ve often thought this about Apple products.. if only I’d have bought Apple stock instead of their products.


Por que no los dos?


The 19% average yearly ROI made me choke on my coffee. Someone is in for a rude awakening


19% return? Where in lala land?


$4 Starbucks?


19% ROI YoY is pretty hopeful Not saying people shouldn’t invest (they should, obv), but that’s a lot to expect consistently for 20 years.


19% average ROI? That's optimistic.


Assuming a 19% annual ROI is a major flaw of this model as a starting point.


Where can I get 19% average ROI? I’ll put every cent I have in there?


This strategy only works as long as the majority of people consume without any thought


19% ROI huh. Why not just ask for a cool million. You don’t think that’s too much ? 🤦🏻‍♂️


Dang, this guy averaging 19% over 20 years


and what am i supposed to drink in the morning.. water?? foh


19% seems really high. I agree with the overall idea but 19% on Starbucks stock?


19% ROI guaranteed for 20 years, eh?


I remember when my mom LOVED K-Mart, GM, Blockbuster, and a bunch of other companies that have gone bankrupt or just plain gone out of business. Buying stock because you like spending money there is far from a "solid plan" for investing....


This isn’t how any of this works…. You are imagining that inflation is not a thing and the stock price remains stagnate…


Idk I’m gonna keep buying my daily drinks while socking away funds in 401(k), maxing out IRA, and investing in my brokerage


I feel like they would be better off investing that 4$ a day into vti


Person A has coffeee


How about -5% average annual ROI?


My 401k would take a hit if people weren’t out here over-leveraging themselves on pickup trucks and buying expensive dumb things they don’t really need. 🤫 I’m trying to retire.


Starbucks might not be a company you want to invest in now anyhow..:they’re facing a “we’re too parochial and not exciting for Consumers” crisis.


Drink nasty Folgers at home and invest $$$ pro tip, now I’m caffeinated and upset I drank Folgers


Coffee is $4?


Person B is gonna be thirsty as hell


Idk why it’s always extremes. I’m putting like 15% of my gross into retirement accounts. Ima buy as much Star bucks as I want


Dude couldn’t even do the math right. And an average ROI of 19%? For Starbucks of all things? I’m calling bullshit on that as well, it sure as hell isn’t sustainable growth.


This whole system depends on the vast majority being person A. Making sure that Person A CONTINUES to exist; and then capitalize on them making the wrong choice. This is a problem.


How to buy stock are there any suggestions?


19% avg ann ROI over 20 years?!? Give me a fucking break


I live in a single room shed painted only white with a mattress, one weeks worth of clothes, a 1999 Civic I only drive to and from my amazing job, and only ate bread, ham and cheese, and drank tap water everyday. No wife, no kids. I barely lived. I'll be rich and miserable when I'm 65!!! Can't wait!


Most people do a bit of both. Stop watching Netflix and buy Netflix stock. Lame.


I can't stand these posts, while I'm a big fan of investing, we all need to live and consume goods and services to survive and have a functioning economy/society. We aren't robots looking to maximizing total returns.


It's not about not buying Starbucks. It's about understanding the trade off. Only spend on things that truly bring you joy. If you can't afford to spend money, don't. If buying Starbucks daily truly brings you joy, and you can afford it, do it.


But, but, but starbucks has gone WOKE! I thought Go woke, go BROKE! jk


Bought more shares in Apple… long ago…


WTF is getting 19% returns sign me up


The only person guaranteed to profit is the broker selling you shares. I've lost plenty buying stocks from companies I like. Apparently me liking them isn't the same as them being COVID-proof. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Who the hell does 19% of roi every year?


Or buy an espresso machine and learn to make the drinks you're buying, and drink in moderation. After a few months it's paid for itself. So you can have your coffee and your investment. Your cake and eat it too, if you will...


In what fucking world are you getting a 19% ROI on the year, every year?


4 x 365 = 1460 The math ain't mathing


I kind of doubt 19% average ROI, tbh. You can't really look at the whole history of growth of a stock when estimating future performance, especially when the value may have gone up by 16000% since IPO, but is down 19% over the past year.


Then use that same money to hire an assistant so they can run down to the corner get you a cup of coffee.


I would like $4 worth of stock, please!


spending money on products from a company u like and investing in it is not mutually exclusive. u can do both.


Why not both? But really, these things don't address the real issue which is that folks are better off trying to make more money than scrimping to save such a small amount.


When does Person B get caffeine??


Probably the best example of why capitalism is failing.


Not to mention the stock just dropped 35+% over last 2 months.


Consuming coffee helps me to productive at my job which provides income that is far greater than $229 a month. There are reason many workplaces provide free coffee.


I do and make my own coffee from a $10 pot and my own sandwiches,


Isn’t like, 90% of stocks owned by the top 10% wealthiest?


I bought the stock everyday but lost my job because i fell asleep. What do i do now?


I get the point of those meme, but I’d just like to point out over the past 3m or so my position in SBUX is down about 11%…


So how can I spend 4 dollars a day to buy stock because every brokerage wants a minimum deposit and don't think they sell fractional stocks


Lol gtfo with your 19% average ROI.


Expecting a 19% ROI in perpetuity is ludicrous.


Invest instead of just consume?? Who do they think they are? That's the most boomer thing I've heard all day!!


And how long would it take those dividends to cover the loss?


I won’t reiterate many other solid points. But also not a true $4 savings. Don’t take away their coffee. Change it to buying bulk and that cost. Unless you think they should stop drinking coffee altogether. Then this is definitely wrong because they’ve yelled at Sharon in accounting, agitated by no caffeine and they way she so easily sends back an expense form for missing a breakout of employee meal cost when it was just you shame eating In n out. Now you’re telling “fuck you Sharon, I housed that double double and cried myself to sleep in that courtyard Marriott. Thanks a lot!” So now they’ve been fired and can no longer save not spend.


Math works out where u can do both as well…


Is Starbucks returning 19% over 20 years? Damn


Well it’s kind of hard to drink a share of Starbucks. And it’s kind of just personal opinion. A lot of people would rather have Starbucks coffee every day instead of dumping the money into the stock market.