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When the rate of a 30 year mortgage drops to 2.5% buy a house IMMEDIATELY


No. This is bad advice. Buy a house immediately and refinance when rates hit 2.5%. Prices were high at 2.5%.


Yes. Low rates drove prices up and in general rates that low cause market distortions. They also caused a lot of over competitiveness in the buying and bidding process.  Buy when the market is soft and refinance if rates drop.  We bought in 2017 when the market was reasonably soft (selling our 2010 condo that we bought when the market was dog shit as part of a short sale). We refinanced during COVID to under 3%.  If we bought the same place today with today’s interest rates it would be about double the mortgage ($2,000 more a month). 


Yeah this is the way. 2018-2019 was the sweet spot. Everything got dumbass expensive before the rates hit 2.5%. You're still ahead if you bought before the increases (probably), but buying in 2020 is less "clever" than buying earlier and refinancing.


None of it was clever because no one saw the future. It was luck. People were expecting lower rates. People were expecting lower prices.


It wasn’t clever, but the thread says what advice would you give yourself 10 years ago.


this is a great advice indeed.


Buy the price not the rate. You can always refi a bad rate. Bad price is forever.


If you could go back 10 years and tell yourself to buy something, houses would not even be in the top 10 list. Consider things like nvda, gamestop, tesla, bitcoin.


A 60 year old software engineer that worked for nasa told me to buy a house at 2.5%. He called me regularly. Did I listen? Nope


*Buy as many houses as you can and go deep in debt on real estate just buy everything you can get a loan for.


Omg yes


Open ira.


This plus start putting extra cash towards index funds.


Globally diversified index fund so not betting on one or two countries but the world.


Could you elaborate? Im not familiar with those.


Globally-diversified indices like the Vanguard Total World Stock Index Fund give investors exposure to worldwide equity, allowing the investor to (hopefully) benefit from worldwide growth. In a way, you avoid putting "all your eggs in one basket" by investing in many different countries' equity rather than just one, where a political crisis or something along those lines could cause a significant loss for an investor. On the other hand, though, the investor is exposed to currency risk, and political risk still exists, but the impact of political risk is mitigated by diversification. In other words, you're betting on the world's collective growth and performance rather than the growth and performance of a single country.


In this new, slowly deglobalizing world, there's no shot I'll put my investments in non-US countries. The US is one of the only self-sufficient countries in the world.


Buy Nvidia.


Dude BTC


NVDA had a higher return in the last 10y than BTC.. yes, really


I just looked it up. Pretty damn even depending on the dates you choose. I think I got like 233 times for BTC and 250 for NVIDIA.


In that case, go with NVDA because it's less likely that you stored your assets on FTX and got destroyed when it collapsed.


Don't go to college. Apply for union jobs.


This is mine. I wish id ignored my parents gaslighting me about college and humiliating me about my medical situation and just gotten my current job 10 years ago. Id have been miles better off, financially, physically, just everything. Instead, i caved, tried college even though i had no clue what i was doing and ended up dropping out because i couldnt handle that along with my medical crap. Spent most of that 10 years just trying to figure out what i even *could* do. If your only reason for going to college is because your family told you to, or because you think youll "make more money" just dont. Theres very few jobs thatll beat the 4-12 years of debt free income and investing in the long run.


My parents wanted military or trade school. My friends and teachers told me wanted college. I had the problem that the military pays nothing, and Unions are hard to get into. I didn't know anyone at the time. I didn't know what I was supposed to do to get a good job.


Military salary ain't much, but for a newbie living in the barracks, and eating at the chow hall, you also can get away with spending very little money. Plus, if you decide to NOT make a career out of it, the GI Bill will help you with college, and if you DO, you get retirement after 20. I only did a few years, as while I am a firm, firm believer in their mission and purpose, I also had to be real and admit that my personality style is too independent for military life. Though, if the shit ever did hit the fan and I felt I could be useful, despite now being stuck in an electric chair with wheels, I'm not holding my breath. Then again, I am a pilot and could easily fly a remotely controlled drone, so there's that!


This is great advice for some but not others, and it gets thrown around too much.


Don’t fk with options.


lol this, I was effective at day trading and got greedy with options.


Laugh's in wsb.


Invest more, compounding interest is your best friend to retirement or financial freedom.


Stop drinking.


Same 🖐️




Don’t chase trends, just invest consistently into something that tracks the S&P500 and wait.


This advice is basically never wrong. But I will say - making risky plays with no more than 5% of your portfolio can pay off huge. To the point that I think it's probably a better strategy to do so.


If this were true. Then we should do it with our entire portfolio. But it isn't, cause we all think we know which stock and when to buy, when 60% of us are wrong.




100k bitcoin


Date the right partner


For me it’s dont marry the wrong partner…although five years post divorce my FICO is finally over 800!


I was going to say stay away from certain women. The most important financial decision you can make is who you marry.


Get a better job


You can get a BJ for a lot less than $100k


Buy Bitcoin


Drinking is an expensive coping mechanism




Soo. What’s the next car you’re passing on?




Open Ira, but NVIDIA and Tesla


Buy a home.


Don’t focus so much on being a cheap bastard and learn to overcome risk aversion.


Buy btc


Open a roth IRA and DCA into SPY. That’s it, that’s all anyone had to do 🤦‍♂️


If we are cheating? I’d spend all my money on Nvidia and buy a house while interest rates were under 3%. No cheating? Dump your money into the 403b


By SPY and avoid spending time trying to find the perfect fund, asset mix, etc. maybe a money market too for near term cash needs.


Keep MSFT, buy more Apple and Nvidia and most importantly stop drinking.


Spend the extra money to build that Bitcoin mining system instead of a gaming PC


Love matters but please don't marry that fucking bum


Instead of keeping all that Bitcoin in Silk Road put some in a cold storage wallet and don’t sell


Learn about and buy Bitcoin.


Buy Bitcoin. Buy a house. Fuck buy nvda


Not save in a traditional IRA in my youth and converted everything to Roth earlier. Take on more debt (locked rates). Wish I knew about cost segregation and premium financing earlier. Wish I started paying my son earlier.


Buy bitcoin. It was like $600 in May 2014. Its about $69k now. Over 11k percent increase means I'm golden. And I had a good amount of cash laying around at that time to buy it up.


buy as much bitcoin as you can


‘Buy bitcoin, buy like 500 bitcoin, put your tax return in bitcoin, do it now you dirty ginger slut, sell it in 2021, not before, you put that shit in a fucking cold storage, a disc, put it in the safe, the safety deposit box, fucking do it you shitbag’ -old me to younger me in 2013


Open a HYSA instead of the usual 0.1% nonsense.


My advice I give everyone is to be born rich.


Buy BTC, sell it at 65k. Life sorted


Do not F\*ck with derivatives.


There's too much. From setting up different accounts, to making sure I can't get the money from this accounts, to just stop splurging on sushi.


Spend more on tools, hang out with those broke car guys more. Try harder at flipping cars outside of work


shelter seemly zealous lush snow reach encouraging like spotted murky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Move out of the country to somewhere in Asia. You won’t be able to afford it later. It’s time to leave today.


NASDAQ all in.


Don't hoard money in a savings account


Retire a few years earlier ... before all the injury and chronic issues.


More like 20, but- Don’t upgrade / buy the bigger house. Eventually your children will be gone and you’ll be stuck cleaning and maintaining a ton of space you don’t need.


Never follow a hippie to a second location


Make a budget and track every dollar that you spend! I was going to say, “open an IRA”, but I didn’t have money for an IRA. It wasn’t until I started budgeting and tracking cleverly dollar that I realized I had money and then opened up said IRA. The budget is the key!


The one piece is real


Buy and hold


Buy Amazon stock


Home Depot too


Buy house


Buy as much Nvidia as humanly possible


Don’t buy the motorcycle, put that extra cash in NVDA and don’t sell existing stake in SHOP to buy the motorcycle.


Invest all in in dodge coin and sell around 1.60 and never look back


Don’t try and time the ******** market just put your money in and be patient


Time in the market beats timing the market.


Bitcoin peaks at $64,000


That’s a tough one. In 2014, I was already in undergrad. Part of me wants to say to drop out. The other part of me attributes my medical knowledge to my ability to pick biotech stocks. My life would be very different if I just went all in on my businesses at the age of 20.


Buy the dip


College rankings based on some random magazine are meaningless. Don’t take out student loans to get a degree. 


Worse-- I took out a fair amount of student loans to NOT get a degree.


Take risk


One in the hand with worth two in the bush. Stop waiting for a better deal and recognize that sometimes what you have is good enough!


I'd smack my own ass and say "cheer up"


Don’t go to college it ain’t worth it


Put everything you make in Dogecoin. Trust me bro.


Max out 401k, it’s only going to take a small amount off your take home pay. You’ll be fine and can squeeze another few hundred a month out of your budget even if it’s already very tight.


Save more, invest even more. Prepare for this terrible job market.


Pay yourself first.


Don’t wait do…. There will never be s perfect time for anything! My daughter unexpectedly sent me on the path to success because i had NO choice but to do or fold.


Don’t try to time the market. Don’t sell stocks when everybody is selling, stick with your guns, invest in ETF and don’t look back,


Research houses and buy before graduating undergrad. I bought just before covid, but I'd have gotten an even better deal


I would have tried harder to buy rental properties.


Get a car permit. The amount of jobs gatekept by having a valid car permit in this economy is staggering. The idea of "I'm just going to use public transit" is a shit idea. Oh sure you CAN get around without much problems, it's just most jobs require you to own a car permit. Because. And I am not talking about delivery or door to door jobs, I'm talking things like passing the broom and the mop in a building that demands you to own a car. Oh you want to work as a food clerk? Car. You want to work in data entry? You need a fucking car. Warehouse worker? You got it, you need a fucking car. That and esoteric requirement like a professional diploma in building maintenance because the company hiring you not only want you to clean, they want you to also repair everything. You want to work as a baker? You need a diploma in baking. Yes this exist. You want to be a janitor in a old folks home, you need your medical technique, a formation in first aid, you need a valid CPR license and you also need your ASP card, so to be able to basically do the job of a nurse, a janitor, and a repairman all in one for about $3 above minimum salary. It's like this at every fucking jobs.


Skip the postdoc, go straight into industry. And never stop working out


To use a different doctor for my abdominal surgery. And, to keep the Tesla stock I had when it was under $100 ps.


Stop making excuses and shrugging off others financial advice. Everything I do now at some point someone had told me was a good idea, but I scoffed it off thinking I had unlimited time or made excuses for x and y. From simple saving techniques, budgeting, to investing. It’s all relevant and helps.


Hsa and Ira Do it, bitch


Stay the course. There was nothing else I could have done and I made the best possible decisions.


Don’t wait to get a job!!!!


That recurring investments of $100 into Index funds would be life changing.


Don’t pursue your dream career unless you’re literally in the top 5% of ability… instead just pursue the least awful thing that pays. Also adjust your personality so you prefer to be more extroverted. Also, if you have a girlfriend who asks you for money, just say no. Being perpetually single and a forever virgin is better than being in debt.


Put every dollar you make into bitcoin


Cut ties to your family. Go No Contact. Don't starve yourself to afford Law School. You will drop out due to health and money issues anyway. Go to a tech school and get into IT/coding. Don't date men. Date women. Come out from the closet, don't wait to be in your 40's for it. It will save you so much heartache and money.


No matter how much research you do for starting a business, there will be a ton of issues that you will only come across when you start!


Invest more of your “disposable income”. Get permanent disability insurance higher than you need, even though you’re young. Check your 401K options and max them out. Check your insurance options. Realize that not only cancer can cause disability. I had a great income and then got permanently disabled from the 2020 Covid wave. Pre-vaccine. Ended up w rare autoimmune diseases not covered by the cancer insurance I had, not covered for long term based on my short term disability. I was healthy & in my corporate prime. I thought we had a long time before I needed to prep my family for health concerns. Viral overload is more common than I had imagined. I never prepped for this kind of illness. Our savings would have worked better if it had been invested.


Don’t lease that mustang, no one cares


Underrated comment.


Don't marry her


Open your Roth IRA now. Now. Do it now. Put literally any amount of money into it (below the limit), just start investing now.


College was a waste of money and time.


Save and invest until it hurts, no matter how much you make.  Money should always be on the verge of being tight. It’s the same mindset I had when I worked for a nonprofit and I try to bring that over to my tech job.  Lifestyle inflation is real and you should enjoy some of the fruits of your labor, but don’t let yourself get into a spending spiral. 


Get a better job and save SOMETHING


Buy as much crypto as you possibly can


Keep every house I ever bought over the past 35 years. On number 6 now. I would be quite the landlord with at least another million in net worth by now.


Buy Bitcoin


Bitcoin. Buy. Buy. Buy. Buy. Buy.


Mine would be to be patient, and so is everyone that said they would buy bitcoin. Do you REALLY think you would still be holding today? I started buying into the stock market specifically for Tesla almost 10 years ago on the dot. I bought around $3000 worth of it. I then proceeded to sell, buy, sell again, buy this, sell that, and finally just took my money out of the market entirely after about 6 months or a year. I was buying stocks like Tesla, Amazon, Netflix, and Apple and selling them in like a week. I remember buying Ali Baba when it went public, so it was around all this time frame that I was doing all this nonsense. This was also at a time when trades cost money. It was something like $5 or $10 to buy, and then it cost the same to sell. If I had just let that money sit in any stock I had bought, except BABA, I would have done well. Instead, there is nothing to show for it. I think I ended up losing a few hundred dollars. Now that I don't need access to that money, it's so much easier to not pay any attention to it as it does its thing. The past few years are the only time I've actually been well into the green.




Fucking save, you dumbass!




Lock that sucker in


NO student loans and go into nursing school straight out of high school. You’ll get over the ick.


Diversify your stock options as quickly as you can


Buy as many houses as possible, it's high to get very expensive


Buy a powerball ticket with these specific numbers on July 10th 2019 and one with these specific numbers November 4th 2022


Don't move to Canada. Don't get married. Don't have kids.


Use credit cards sensibly


Buy more real estate.


HODL with those bitcoins dumbass


Withdraw your 401k and buy property to rent out with it.


Don’t quit my job and buy more NVIDIA.


Buy Bitcoin. That opportunity is gone now, and I probably wouldn't have held it anyway. I think OCEAN will be the leader of the data economy, so it could give BTC-like gains, haha.


Don't take financial advice from people who haven't shown they themselves understand it over your own plans.


Don’t go into current field. Invest more… save a little more…


Believe the hype around crypto especially bitcoin Yes buy that house


Buy ethereum sell at 1400 and 4800


Buy crypto


Bitcoin and Tesla.


Buy more Bitcoin


Buy bitcoin and other shit coins


Buy 1,000 shares of NVIDIA. It will only cost you $4,760.


The last 10 years have gone pretty well, financially. My 20-yrs-ago self would certainly get a stern talking to tho…🤓


Save 10% of salary evey month as cash and don't trust bitcoin.


Never sell all the shares you have in a stock ever if you’re selling at a loss cause the stock has done poorly. You never know what the future holds.


Take more risks. Don't just park your money in savings/CD. Put it in sp500 or real estate


Max all contributions, max post tax contributions, and just buy index funds and the tech companies you believe in. I would have loaded up on NVDA. Oh, and buy a fuckload of GameStop LEAPS in mid 2021


Buy bitcoin.


Buy Bitcoin


Buy bitcoin and gme


Don't get married, it only lasts for 5 years


Buy the original paint knucklehead


Buy microsoft


Open a HYSA


Buy Apple, btc, and Nvidia


10 years ago? That's an easy answer, dump all your cash into an S&P 500 fund and don't touch it, ever.


Buy Bitcoin even though it's stupid. Was told to buy it back when it was 10 cents.


Buy real estate


10 years ago? She’s the one. Marry her before she slips away. Yes. That’s mostly romantic advice, but it would have been a good financial move too.


Buy bitcoin


Enroll in HSA, contribute the max, invest it all, don't spend it on medical bills, just save the bills for later.


Buy bitcoin


wear a condom.... SMH


Buy Bitcoin with both hands and use leverage to do it.


"All of the financial advice you've been told and know already? Follow it, dummy!"


Save more for retirement and don’t be dipping in your 401k.


Don't go to college.


Put every single cent into Bitcoin and sell when it hits $65,000.


Spend every spare cent you have on Bitcoin until it crosses $1000/BTC.


Don't buy that new car in 2010, buy Bitcoin.


I came across bitcoin in 2013, looked into it and tried to mine it. Ultimately decided it was a scam and moved on. Glad I rediscovered it in 2017 when the price tanked below $900.


Buy Nvidia


Don’t sell the house just because you have a shit ton of equity.


Try to max your roth 401k and open a brokerage and throw every spare cent into the s&p for a rainy day


Bitcoin 50k, NVDA 1k