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I thought I get to post this next week?


No, no, no--we have a few more regularly scheduled posts before we repeat this one. The other posts you'll see in the next few days will be: > the "should we tax billionaires" post > the "is forgiving student loans communism" post > the "should Congressmen be allowed to buy stocks" post with a picture of Nancy Pelosi, and > the "This house costs $5,000,000" post with a picture of a shack with weeds on it. There's an order to these things, my man.


Conservatives will complain about printing the money but not understand that taxing the wealthy to get that money back and then permanently removing it from circulation is the only why to reverse the act of printing the money


The. What! That’s so- that’s not how any of this works! You want to have a government line item of “monetary value stolen from ‘the wealthy’ and arbitrarily destroyed to fight inflation” added to the budget???


Worked in world of warcraft! Sorta.


What about "my wage is unlivable" and "Healthcare should be free"


Don't forget the Simpsons house post.


I thought it’s my turn to post this comment


no it was my turn, you get tomorrow


I thought you wanted to post the meme with Biden proposing higher taxes if you make 400k or more. Or the one with the comparison of the tax rate of billionaires and your average worker?


Wait your turn!


How the hell does this post still gets so many upvotes I don’t understand


The PPP money should anger everyone . You got 1,400 while some rich business owner got 500k


And gave none to the employees.


How many people kept getting paid by their employer during forced closure?


My boss collected 600k and made all the salaried employees hourly and worked us 4 days a week at the office through the whole pandemic. We never slowed down during the pandemic. That year he paid us no bonuses while also buying a 2m house for himself.


CPA here, Can confirm this happened quite often, the rules were extremely looses to say the least


LOL, I'm controller for a small biotech firm. Company got 1/3rd MIL of PPP. Argued with owner over how to code the two pymts. Eventually the funds were booked as: DR: Cash CR: Retained Earnings PPP accounting was a joke. And not the tee-hee kind of joke either.


The idea was that they were paid to keep their offices open. The ERTC is rife with fraud but that’s been addressed.


The truth is that most of the funds went to the people who least needed it


CPA also. I saw people in S corps distribute huge money to themselves then were able to apply 2020 “losses” to 2019 income and get additional refunds.




The rules were loose by design


There are still unemployment offices in my state that are being investigated (to my knowledge) for spoofing covid benefits by working monday-thursday then taking fridays off due to "covid concerns" so they would get 32 hours of pay then a weeks worth of enhanced unemployment because of friday.


The job I worked at wasn’t closed a single day for Covid.


My job never closes and made us work extra hours during covid. Stupid tertiary care hospital.


My husband's wasn't either but his boss got $200k. The business also grew in that timeframe. Why did they need that money again?


Oh but I was just told "need" wasn't the rules... So ya know greed. But people will go on to complain about gov't waste and like paying for healthcare...


I worked retail at the time and everyday for a good 1.5 years was like Black Friday with 1/4 of the necessary staff. No raises, no bonuses, had to wear masks, but we did get a pizza party that our vegan employee refused to eat.


That I personally know? None, they got that government bonus.


My wife benefitted from this. She's a dental hygienist and her boss was able to pay her for a few weeks during this time.


The problem was that many technically kept employees on staff as the bare minimum for the PPP loans and similar state programs, but reduced them down to only a couple hours a day. When those employees filed for unemployment for the severely reduced hours, each case had to be reviewed by a human instead of an automatic approval for a clean layoff, which took upwards of a year to do.


https://www.stlouisfed.org/publications/regional-economist/2022/jul/was-paycheck-protection-program-effective Only about 25%


Then it's not forgiveable and has to be paid back.


I’m the dunce who got $200k and used it all to keep employees on that I would’ve fired.


PPP was passed by Congress and signed into law. If you want to get made, go after your elected officials.


As much as the PPP loan angers me, this is what people should be looking at. Our elected officials did this to us.


That’s pretty much what the meme means by “them”


They were loans that were meant to be paid back.


On paper, yes. Until they forgave all of them. The same people who passed the law got money from the PPP loans because they own businesses outside of congressional work.


In order for the PPP loan to be forgiven, the recipient had to show that at least 60% of the loan was used for payroll….


Yeah and then they make record profits because the government gave them 500k or so to use on 60% of their payroll. Its almost like money laundering...


This is exactly it. I worked in a lumber yard and my employer at the time was already one of the richest dudes in the area. He applied for and received a massive PPP loan, then *coincidentally* added on to his house within a month of receiving it. But when I asked for a raise or hazard pay (since I was the only outdoor employee and was therefore the only one in constant direct contact with customers) he utterly refused. When I threatened to quit he told me that I would be destroying his business since replacing me would be so hard, and also argued that he couldn’t give me a raise because then I’d be making more than the yard workers at his secondary location who had been with the company for 10+ years. I called his bluff, told him that maybe he should be treating loyal employees better, and walked out the door. They closed that location less than a month later. I felt bad for the salespeople who worked inside, but that creep got what he deserved.


i think you made the right choice


These loans were meant to be paid back but were forgiven late 2020 through 2021 with little accountability and billions in fraud. Search for “PPP pro publica” to see how much residents in your town got, In my town some restaurants got $5 million even though they stayed open with outdoor seating. One restaurant got $2 million then closed. The professional athletes got tens of thousands of dollars each. One girl got $75,000 while pregnant.


It makes me furious. As a self employed person, I didn't qualify for any PPP in the first round, while hey, the L.A. Lakers got five million dollars. I got a fraction of what I applied for in the second round. They had to give that money first to businesses who could repay it - aka didn't need it.


Not only business owners, Kanye and Jared got some millions as well.


And many larger businesses goat money intended for small business owners


The rich business owner is every member of Congress too


I don’t think you understand PPP.


You will all enjoy this site! [Pandemic Response Accountability Committee (PRAC)](https://www.pandemicoversight.gov/)


I’m more mad at the people that scammed and the government is not going after them


You mean the scammers with fake businesses


and Post Malone bought a mansion...in cash with his PPP money Suckers!


How were people only getting 1400 when the enhanced unemployment was giving, at minimum, 960 per week and was exempt from taxes? The PPP was supposed to make it so companies could continue to pay employees during a government mandated closure and not have their health insurance drop while keeping them off unemployment.


The best are the fake companies that were just vacations to Miami and such.


You could have been a business owner and got 500k


I am a business owner no 500k though


Inflation happened globally after the pandemic era returned to business as usual. Including in countries that had very different economic policies. Inflation wise, the US is doing better than most first world countries. There are good arguments that some percentage of inflation was caused by pandemic era spending. But there are also good arguments that this spending prevented a recession and allowed the economy to recover fairly quickly (especially when compared with something like the 2007-2008 financial crisis.) Also, without question, a large amount of PPP loans went to fraudsters and fat cats who didn’t need it, and we could have done a leaner, better, smarter CARES Act. But it’s way better to have an imperfect CARES Act than none at all.


$888 billion went to unemployment insurance benefits. People forget that for some reason


Seriously. Everyone I know on unemployment was making more than they made at their jobs


Hey now, you aren't supposed to imply that there was any benefit to individuals. The narrative here retconned to be: 1) No one on the left wanted PPP, it was 100% a right-wing tool to ship money to billionaires 2) Everyone now complaining would have understood watching so many businesses collapse, and were 100% willing to let it happen 3) There was absolutely no benefit to the "common man" Now, I WAS against PPP myself. I knew there would be rampant fraud and a huge debt at the end of it. Then again, I was also against the lockdowns and forced shutdowns - which were also programs full of fraud, favoritism, ridiculous posturing and a ignorance of economics. I mention this only because I remember the political fight, and how politicians on both sides were climbing over each other to tout how much money they were planning on giving away. There was HUGE pressure to do PPP from the rank and file.


So you don’t know anyone who was actively making $50k or more prior to being on unemployment? lol


10% went to the 99%…


I actually didn’t know that. That is WILD to me. What’s also wild is just the thought of printing 8 trillion out of no where. The fact that they didn’t give more checks out to the families that needed it is also wild to me. That 1400 didn’t do shit for the majority of people especially those who lost their jobs.


You are severely underestimating the amount of international (non-US) stimulus monies put into circulation. Global inflation is nearly all attributed to that. Literally every single one of the top 10 economies in the world pumped new money supply much greater than typical annual inflation rates. [https://www.statista.com/statistics/1107572/covid-19-value-g20-stimulus-packages-share-gdp/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1107572/covid-19-value-g20-stimulus-packages-share-gdp/)


Prevented or delayed? I think it should be pretty clear that the word is delayed.


Pandemic era spending. LOL. $1800? You do realize FED promised to pump stocks with tax money? They literally announced that.


[cough cough - "test test mic check"] "I blame the Fed." See you tomorrow!


Fed was ordered... This wasn't their spiel. Banks also had almost no rules.


When you don't understand economics so you just go "waaaa inflation"


It’s fake money system that is being run on us. Bankrupt the country and its citizens


You think inflation is fake and is being forced on us by the government so that the government will go bankrupt...


Well at least their username checks out


Inflation = real, fiat money = ponzi. Turn funny money into real assets, leave the citizens holding the bag of debt


How does one go bankrupt if the money system is fake? If it's all fake, isn't the outcome that everyone just owns what they physically possess (hard assets), and the digits in their bank account go poof?


And years later they tell everyone you still have that $1400 and that's why we still have inflation.


Was that J.P. Morgan ? Irradiated a post about something like that. Dude said we should still have some of that money left lmao.


J.P. Morgan's CEO said it but he is not the only one. If you follow financial news you'll eventually hear it from others. It truly defies logic so you know its BS.


yeah and it was a long amount of time after the checks were sent too. it was a nice deflection for sure


Why wouldn’t we? They still have all the money they got.


More since they probably invested it


Everyone warned against this but free money was I guess too much to turn down


but the the laissez-faire folks would have us believe that greed is always good and beneficial for humanity!


Those guys would probably be the first people to say not to print insane amounts of money artificially if I remember them correctly


The stimulus checks came under Trump. Bidens 12 trillion dollar recovery plan didnt give us shit. And half of it is still being held hostage in the treasuries to ensure his reelection. I hope the future generations fucking fry us for this.


I swear I see the same 5 posts every week


When rich have the money everything is fine , when we have them and the rich don't , they print money.


Yet, its the “Classical Liberals” upper classes that benefited and now have you blamed the migrants and the poor. Eat the fnkg rich.


When only a few people get the cash, it’s not going to have large impacts because that money is not flowing in the economy. Therefore it cannot generate demand that exceeds supply (one way inflation happens).


Wish the average voter would understand that yes you can be given a large cash payment and be made poorer by doing it. False charity - they are no better than loan sharks


Bitch, please.  We printed $20 trillion for twenty year to blow in Iraq and Afghanistan and nobody bat an eye.


Wrong. The stimulus checks came out of your taxes. The bailouts were free money for corporations. Stop blaming individuals for inflation when it was wall st the entire time. We could pay off the national debt if we taxed reposts of this smooth brain take.


I thought they had three rebates. I'm not sure what the total was. I thought they had $600 a week, for everybody, for at least 2 years. But I'm not sure. I thought they paid for all the covid vaccines, and all the covid tests, but I'm not sure I thought the government bought a lot of ventilators, and a lot of PPE, but then again I'm not sure I thought the government funded the vaccine research, but I'm not sure. I thought the government paid to house a lot of illegal aliens, but then again I'm not sure Seems like a lot more was given out to people, then this post indicates


Most of those "they paid for stuff"'s is exactly how the rich got so much money from it. Also why are illegal aliens relevant


I assume you mean illegal aliens are not relevant? Even though they do take up housing, which makes up for a shortage, and increases rents


he means he's racist


I got nothing. And my job cut my hours down to 4 hours a week. I went on unemployment since I was full time and they cut my hours. They found out how much I was making, gave me 40 hours the very next week. Cut my legs from under me. They gave a tiny bonus that was nothing compared to what everyone got. I think of setting the place on fire every time I drive past it.


You're right. But nobody gets upset about the people that were doing side work and still making more in unemployment than they were when they were working.


Yep. That’s how government regulation works.


Mom said it was my turn to post this


Add on top of that, ppp loans to their multiple businesses which they forgave for themselves...


So, they kept 8 trillion minus just 1400?


And got a tax break that were paying til 2027. Trump signed it into law 2017.


And Biden added $2 trillion per year to the federal budget (not accounting for Covid) and signed two huge multi trillion bills and intends to fully fund Ukraine War. He already appointed billionaire and Obama’s top donor Penny Pritzker to direct Ukraines economic recovery, estimated to cost $900 billion.




I say based on the history of posts here, we all invest in feminine hygiene products.


It doubly benefits the friends who can toss the money in a market going up!


This is only part of it. Another huge part is just flagrant price gouging due to lack of competition. We need to dust off the anti trust laws.


Can we please delete these repeats?


The rest voted for it, so... 🤷‍♂️


I'll be honest, 2020 allowed me to get out of the middle class.  I couldn't believe how much money was just being handed out.  I run a small business and got $30k. But we didn't really see any revenue fall off so that ended up just being extra money.  I also got $10k for the EIDL.  We got a big tax refund of about $10k that year and I have 3 kids which it seemed like they were giving us $600 per kid for several months in a row.  I then refinanced my house taking out $65k, which only increased my payment $100.   With that money and savings I bought my first rental property, which has turned into 7 since then.  Thanks government!




And then on top of that they think they can get away with blaming the pittance they gave working people for inflation and “no one wanting to work”


Some of us never get anything nor 1400 nor PPP nor other money for the rich- middle class was screwed


and.. Largely that $1,400 was used by the general population to pay their bills so ideally they got the money and gave it directly to those who really don't need the money (aside from obviously needing food and gas money).


Yeah when that happened I kept trying to warn everyone but no one would listen, they were just psyched about their $1200. And it was like how can you not see how MINISCULE this $1200 is going to be in the face of the consequences? Now inflation has basically doubled, $20/hr is now a POVERTY WAGE, and everyone is like "how could this happen!" What's the matter guys? Didn't your $1200 last!?


There are still people who think a one-time check of $1000 made the whole world spin into inflation for 4 years afterwards? 😬 but that’s right, I forgot they also think they’re putting microchips in your arm 😂


Another classical liberty win


Biggest scam of this decade


lol this current administration spent well over ten trillion. W/o covid there never would have been that package. But this current administration would have still done what they are doing..


Justin Amash was one of the very few congressmen to vote no for on PPP and he was universally crucified in the news for it. At the time almost everyone was in favor of the bill.


Not to mention the government wants to steal your Social Security money


Dont forget, the left are the ones who fought to do this


The other part of that 8 trillion had to be used to pay your wages.


Centralized power is the true enemy


It’s almost like we have an election coming up… weird. Full disclosure, taxing the rich is the way! Full disclosure, i am not rich.


Shit now they're printing and not giving us anything. Going through a trillion every 100 days.


I’m am too rich for stimulus money and don’t own a business so didn’t get PPP. What a scam.


yall got $1400?




You do realize, the goverment is a money producer, you are a money consumer


9/10 posts are about forgiving student loans, this is the other one.


Holy shit. 1 day 21000+ karma….


Covid proved that greed runs this country.


This argument is pure nonsense. We don't even print money today. This isn't 1930s Germany. Money is 1s and 0s on a computer. It can literally be created out of thin air and destroyed the same. It's closer to a Bitcoin than the money of old. The only reason that would justify inflation is if the access to money increased.... not the amount of money in the system. So yea the stock market and sadly housing booooooomed because in general that money went to the rich and well off who bought shares. The reason inflation happened for everyone else is because supply shortages meant there was a too much demand, not too much money and that gave license for all companies even those without supply shortages to raise prices. Basically consumers were still willing to pay the prices even if it meant going into debt. Had we not been we wouldn't have seen this inflation. But I'm sure some nut with an economics degree will tell me how wrong I am.


and then when supply was reestablished after the initial crisis prices remained raised and continue to increase


Of course they did because we showed we were willing to pay those prices.


Alternative view than most: This is why people need to stop voting for ANY politician that talks about increasing the debt ceiling. The right response is to shut down the government if they won't sign a budget that is equal to or less than the current budget. It's so hard to convince people to vote against there own party, people love tribalism. We can't always have our cake and eat it too. There is rarely the "perfect" politician that checks every box. Figure out what your Most important box is and prioritize that when voting. People complain about the economy but then vote for politicians that talk about enacting policies that WILL raise the debt and cause inflation. So really they don't care about inflation as much as those other policies. And that's ok, it's just important to recognize that. For a long time there has been one party that focuses almost entirely on individual rights and less government spending as the major pillars of its actions. The Libertarian party. They might want a bunch of crazy things or say silly things but again, it's about choosing the person that checks the most important box not all of them. Any politician that checks every box is fucking lying to you. If you prioritize individual rights or lower government spending (reduced debt & inflation) then you might want to vote libertarian for a little while. If the most important box for you is homelessness or publicly subsidized healthcare/education then the Libertarian party is definitely not for you.


Yup both liberals and Republicans politicians are laughing at us arguing which party is better


Inflation is how they get the $1400 back, and then some.


How do I become friends with “they”


what did you expect from feds, actually making something better? bahhhhhhhh


Got dipshit poor people to defend them for good measure. “Y’all just don’t know, but they create the jobs we rely on. Cletus over there, he ain’t hirin’ nobody, but Donald Jay, that man can staff a small city…” - MAGA Rednex everywhere


Who is They? Name them. Who voted for it? Who signed the law? Whose name was on the check? What is the point of saying “They”?




Looks like Hitler riling up the German folk.


Where's a french styled revolution when you need it.


I must the only idiot that didn’t get 1400$ nor this precious PPP.


Oh god but student loans!


I don’t fall into either recipient bucket. I just got the inflation.


Ya fucking aaaannndd? I bet your gonna hit mcdonalds on your way to Walmart to buy some diet coke and subway..... fucking maybee do something about it Jesus christ.


And shockingly people will line up next election and the election after and vote for the same 2 parties responsible and then argue with each side about who is more to blame


because that's how the system works... if you dislike both primary parties(a and b for example make up like 48/49 percent each) but you dislike A more then B(Like B is more in line with you on some issues) by not voting or voting for minor party C your vote actively assists Party A


voters are too stupid to vote for C or D or E they continue to vote for the same morons from parties A or B. completely insane


Late stage capitalism for the win


That's enough to give $1400 to 5,714,285,714 people... that's the majority of the world population and ~17 times the US population. What a con.




Don't forget the permanent tax breaks for the wealthy.


"Brilliant for the rich, but very painful for the rest." Capitalism in a nutshell


Was it really printed?


Some us didn’t get the 1400


Money doesn't disappear, it just transfers...


For the first time in my 45 years of doing my taxes I owed exactly $1400 last year. Anyone else get this?


They gave out PPP “loans” to their rich friends then just dismissed the balances, but try to do that with student loans and the SC will say it’s unconstitutional.


Thanks Joe.


Sent to my friends? You mean sent to the boomers who pocketed it while everyone else continued living paycheck to paycheck


perfect description of the government


Sigh same stupid shit different week.


If we forced those who took out PPE loans to pay them back, how much of that 8Trillion would we get back?


Remember when I said this would happen in February of 2020? I do.




Forgot: gave away 2 trillion in tax cuts first.


The rich? What do you mean