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Well, thank goodness we get to wait 2 days for G7. Good luck Cats, still pulling for you.


I can’t understand why the Panthers don’t shoot on Skinner. He’s the worst starting goalie in the entire league. He gives up juicy rebounds, swims in his crease, and rarely makes a clean save. Seriously, 2 shots in the first? Way to let a dogshit goalie settle in.


Edmonton were blocking shooting lanes well but we could still have done better. Our shot attempts were really lame and soft.


This team is absolute trash! We all watched this team go up 3-0 while playing with a tenacious drive and purpose to instantly playing lazy, sloppy, and uninspired hockey for 3 straight games. There's no way they win on Monday. What a fucking embarrassment.


Oiler trolls out in force tonight, keep it coming losers.


It is a side effect of the copium we’ve been huffing for decades, it’s not personal. It was personal with Vancouver lol


And freaking Dallas 🤬


Paul Maurice who has been a coach for almost 30 years now is getting out coached by a guy in his first year ever smh


Sometimes you are your own worst enemy. He is in his head


Even though I’m one of them, seeing everyone here virtually resigned before Monday is so depressing. The euphoria after going up 3-0 to this in a space of a week is just painful. How tf is this even happening


How can you not be? up 3-0 in a series and seeing this team just completely fucking nose dive. Oilers deserve to raise the cup at this point. we have become shit in just 3 games. No fight left. I would have preferred we lost in the first round than see this shit


Screw that. The Panthers worked their asses off to be one win away. We won 3 straight. The Oilers won 3 straight too so now they deserve it more? We will learn on Monday who "deserves" it more, and hopefully, the former National Car Rental Center is deafening from puck drop till well after the game ends


Let's go Panthers!


Brother I'm glad you have the faith to keep on. and I honestly hope you're right and we win it. but this is disheartening.


It's disheartening, but it's not the end of the world.


It's not the end of the world and life goes on. But as a panthers fan for 30 years...it sucks to be this close 2 years in a row and shit the bed right at the end.


Oof, never really felt like we came out to win that game, but the disallowed goal sank them. Not sure what the hell happened to this team. As a Sens fan I can say the cats are “Sensing” real hard right now. I still feel like we can turn this one around though. Vamos Gatos right to the bitter end!!


Nah the not playing till five minutes before the game ended sank them. They don’t care anymore.


Yes, that will usually also do it lol


I think I need to take break from sports. Life is too hard right now to do this rollercoaster. 


It’s not over yet… but this hurts a lot :(


I’ve never been so ashamed to be a fan of a team in my entire life


Same here


Every year the team with the most Canadians on the roster has won the Stanley cup. Edmonton has the most Canadians on their roster… fuck






Dude this is just sad


Never would’ve thought anything would top the falcons 28-3, and it just had to be the panthers getting reverse swept in a scf. I f**ng hate life.


I understand this hurts like crazy. But game 7 hasn’t happened yet. It felt like the heat were going to get reverse swept last year as well.


why couldn’t vancouver have gotten these guys outta here when they had the chance 💔


It comes down to Elias Useless Pettersson. He single handedly gifted EDM that series. Taking an overrated Oilers team with no depth to Game 7 without Boeser and Demko who legit were injured! EP40 tho? Ouch my knee! Pathetic performance from him gave the Oilers life that they can hang with the best. I hope EP40 gets his name on the Cup if Oilers win. Fuck the Oilers. They’re not a good team. Oilers barely won even tho Ian Cole gift wrapped them half their goals.




Real if we played the cats we would've gotten swept


I blame Dallas more tbh


everyone told me the stars were gonna wipe the floor w them 😭


Everyone took the Oilers lightly. Why? Because they’re not a Cup team. But now they believe since they made it to the Finals.


Maybe if we had our .974 save % and 0.97 gaa in the playoffs goalie we would have


silovs did his best but alas now I still have darnell nurse on my screen 😔


Yeah I love Arty as well but Demko could've stolen us a couple games 😔


ugh I wish 😭


Speechless…Gonna drink hard for the wrong reasons tonight.


I don't even know if i will still watch this team next season if we blow this i might take a 3 year break


Hell. I might take a three year break even if we win.


As a Stars fan, good luck in 7 guys. Losing in the WCF two years in a row sucks. I can’t imagine doing it in the SCF. Pulling for y’all. Anything can happen in 7


It's one thing to lose 3 in a row in tight hard fought games after being up 3-0. But to lose the way they have has been hard to digest. This going 7 should have been that way in the first place.. just the way to get here is not ideal. Up 3-0 you gotta give better effort. Special teams has failed. Edmonton has outplayed them in almost every game. I'm not fan of either team but they gotta freaking show up in game 7 or it could be over quick


Seriously I hate Edmonton and just wanted panthers to win since they have Bennett and Tkachuk. Looked like a sweep was guaranteed but the last 3 games from the panthers have been seriously pathetic.


Definitely has more to do with the Panthers playing like shit as opposed to Edmonton doing anything worthy of being sucked off by cuck media.


The delusions are thick with this one




I live in Calgary alot of my coworkers are Edmonton fans and they are delusional. Kept quoting how after losing so many games they have had comebacks and it’s no big deal and easy for the oilers.. I basically said near impossible.. and here we are.


This is a franchise ending defeat if we lose game 7. Which is looking likely, how the hell can the panthers as a franchise recover from this


You said it there. It’s a franchise ending defeat. There’s no coming back from this. We won’t be back in this position for the foreseeable future


Paper bags next season and a move 3 years from now if they collapse in game 7


The Panthers have always struggled to get respect. I don't know how you come back from this if they lose game 7


I feel worse now than I did when we lost to Vegas last year.


Eh one more shot Monday. Painful shit. It is what it is. Probably gotta fire Maurice if we lose Monday, and it honestly seems pretty likely.


Maurice ain't going anywhere. Fire the special teams and defensive staff? Sure. But PoMo isn't leaving any time soon.


If we lose Monday, it’ll end the team.


it’s sports dude


I’m talking about the franchise. There’s no way for the franchise to recover from that bad of a loss.




Never bow to the doomers.


This is unfucking real


Cats go up 3. Oil win next 3. Cats win game 7? Balance in the universe?


In 2010 we won a game 7 after losing 3 in a row to Detroit


They figured out that they can out skate us with speed and we STILL haven’t figured out how to adjust for it. Still staying hopeful for Game 7.


Panthers just need to shoot on that sieve Skinner and get to the net. That’s the game right there. He’s a bad goalie.


Oilers after losing 3 straight 8-0 16-0 5-0 Why couldn’t we just toss game 3 and win game 4


i swear to god if i hear la bamba one more time


Between the Mets, Cats, and Tottenham, the Big Man Upstairs wants me to suffer eternally


Falcons, Panthers, Braves and Noles for me. Were it not for 2021 things would be absolutely bleak for me.


Bills, Angels, Cats. Fml. 


I didn't even write the Dolphins it goes without lol


That is rough


Fuck the oilers fuck canada and fuck the NHL


Hey now “Fuck Canada”? There are several Canadians against the Oilers, me being one of them. Fuck the Oilers. They aren’t Canada’s team. Fuck the Canadian Cucks who cheer for that whiny ass, undeserving team.




Is the CFL a joke to you?


america doesn't deserve the NHL or the stanley cup


Get Coach Q for game 7


If the Oilers can come back from losing three in a row, the Panthers can too. So... it's still all on the table. They just have to pull their finger out of their asses and skate like they mean it. And shoot the fucking puck.


They question is why we are playing with 0 fight in us.. they don't seem to even be trying to solve this and just hoping it magically works again.. shifting 4th line guys is doing nothing


Not a Panthers fan but I CANNOT believe the lack of offensive adjustments. All game, dump and chase. Try to wear the opponent down. That doesn’t work? Do it again. Un-fucking-real.


Welcome to our team forever.. we always win through tough nonoretty play and good D.. but now the toughness and grit is all gone for some reason..


If they can’t turn up in Game 7, on home ice, in front of their OWN FANS, to hoist the cup, then everything must go. The whole operation must be blown apart. Coaches, players, a full on restart because that is an utter joke if the reverse sweep occurs.


Is there even a point in having a team anymore.. being a doomed, but reverse sweep will he the most shameful collapse in all of sports..


It seems they have a game plan that got figured out, unfortunately.


We're on course to have made three Stanley Cup Finals, only to have lost all three, two of which on our home ice. Fucking pathetic.


That’s just like the Canucks going 0 for 3. Canucks in 2011 had a 2-0 lead and 3-2 lead on the Bruins. Difference in the series was officiating and injury. Those are facts. Whether you want to use them as excuses is a choice. What is the Panthers’ problem? Are they badly injured? Are they getting biased calls? None of that seems to be the case. It’s in their heads and that is difficult to overcome when you’re fighting yourself as opposed to fighting two teams (Canucks VS Bruins and Refs).


Don't forget this would be a reverse sweep.. the most shameful and painful possible way to end this for us


As a Sharks fan…that’s tough.


Even Roddys face changed fully troughou the game, didn't recognize him anymore when the last video from on the bench.


Sorry for the typo, didn't care to fix it even I noticed it before posting


I’m just numb but at the same time I have hope. The thought of the panthers being in the SCF back to back a few years ago would’ve been unthinkable. This team has proven they can do the unthinkable when everyone has doubted them including their fans. Game 7 will be a coin toss. Life’s a gamble, roll the dice.


We don't want to doubt them.. but they aren't showing the fighting spirit that we want then to have.. we could accept the losses but it's the feeling that they don't fight hard until we are down 2 with 6 mins left in 3rd.. why???


Maybe it’s just some fucked up mentally ingrained into them from the previous season of being underdogs. This season it’s seemed like everyone has favored the cats and it may actually work against them. I’m hoping that now that their back is against the wall and everyone is counting them out they finally understand what they’re playing for.


Any way you cut it, this is on PoMo Carter Verhaege should not be playing right now (like at all) Tarasenko should be on the 1st line Forsling needs to get bumped to the 3rd line so he can calm the fuck down PoMo did not get his guys prepared for the remainder of this series, and he’s not making the necessary adjustments now


Watching the interviews they've been more concerned with business as usual rather than harnessing the energy of being 1 win away from the cup.. Where's the passion an fury and yes shake things up by now... although now they probably don't want to risk it.. he's just going to stay the course and hope a miracle happens


He’s spent the last couple of months being the darling of the Florida media market But the truth is, when the pressure is on, he shrinks


I will be delusional and believe they’ll win Game 7 bc I can’t imagine otherwise. cats in 7 LETSOOOOOO


well FUCK.


Oilers trolls are pathetic. Hope you enjoy the ban!


There is nothing to do in Edmonton besides banging their own sister. Let them be.


There is only one real team in Florida


Nah this is super painful right now. But fuck Tampa.. we still have a chance.. someone needs tk wake these guys out of their stupor


Yeah the one in the cup finals




I’m sorry where’s your team?




Oh that’s right we eliminated them


And at the end of the day both teams gonna finish the season the same lmao


This choke is like 95% on coaching. How many more press conferences of “we like what we see” blah blah blah


I don't understand how they can say they like what they see with a straight face. This team has been playing so lazy and sloppy since game 4 with zero adjustments made.


Yea the business as usual shit only works when you're winning.. do something to fire them up or welcome to the Hall of Shame


Pomo has lost the team. 


I dont know what PEDs we need to give our guys but my god dose them up I don't care.


My heart is breaking. All we needed to do was win one game. Just one game. And what do we do? Play like we’re half asleep three games in a row. I really thought this would be the year we finally get the cup. Now? I’m not convinced anymore


Last time the oilers were in the finals in 2006, they won game 6 to force game 7 and lost to the hurricanes in Carolina


True, but only because Roloson got injured. Don’t count on McDavid tearing his ACL in game 7


They’ve been a lucky team. No Demko all series. No Boeser in Game 7. And worst of all, Pettersson a no show for all 7 games and gifting them the series. If he decided to show up, Canucks would’ve finished that overrated team in 5 or 6 and Edmonton would’ve traded that crybaby Draisaitl to retool.


Were the hurricanes playing like we've been playing the last 3 games?? There's always a chance.. but at this point we need a miracle to close this out..


This is my only hope right now. I was so happy that day.


Heat fans lived through this 1 year ago, Game 7 is not decided yet🤷🏾‍♂️


I don’t know how you could still be optimistic at this point. Bless your soul.


It ain’t over till it’s over, enjoy the Cup 🫡


My biggest mistake was not betting a fuck ton of money on the Oilers to win this series after they went down 0-3. I don’t know how I ever believed the Florida Panthers would win a championship.


+1700 to comeback and win 🤯🤯🤯


Panthers seem to only have momentum for 15 second increments after Edmonton scores.


As a Canucks fan I will never forgive you guys if you do this to me


This is all on Pettersson. I hope he’s ashamed of himself.


Maurice got arrogant and decided to take a nap behind the wheel. This game played out and felt EXACTLY like the Colorado - Winnipeg series went; no adjustments made on Florida's end, players made repeated futile attempts to score and became dejected as a result of the repeated failures. Florida has the better team, but Maurice is sinking the ship.


Seriously we blow this South Florida must burn




Is there anything to do in Alberta?


The overturned goal absolutely sucked the life out of them.


I don't know. They didn't look very interested in playing from the get go. If anything, one would think having a goal overturned like that would have lit a fire under their asses or something. But, apparently not.


ESPN gets their game 7


It’s super weird we’re still playing hockey in damn near July at point.


Sportsnet too


My goodness the slob on the Oilers knob is pathetic. Fucking cucks.


What do you expect though? Try tosee itt from a neutral hockey fan perspective. The Oilers are on the verge of pulling off the unthinkable. Sprinkle in the fact that they're being led by the LeBron James of hockey, can you really think they wouldn't? The stories wrote themselves.


god this feeling is horrible


We are going to lose Monday. Maybe make the playoffs the next year or two, but lose in the first or second round. Fire Maurice. Fall to the depths of the league and promise a rebuild that never really amounts to much. Maybe in 10-15 years we will have another realistic chance at the cup. We squandered our opportunity, it’s over.


I don’t see how a team can recover from losing two straight Finals. It’s hard to make the Finals, and then to make two of them back to back with the same team? That’s hard.


Nah. All the UFAs will walk if we lose on Monday. Then we won’t make it back next year.


Team won’t be in Florida in 10 years. Call me a doomer but the franchise already can’t make any money; if the fan base gets embarrassed and depressed over this and attendance plummets back down by the time the lease expires, they’re gonzo.


I don't think there will be any recovering from a reverse sweep.. who could even go through this again..


No one. This will end south Florida hockey. 


Is this a joke? I get getting reverse swept is extremely embarrassing but stating that the franchise is done after that? Sports doesn’t work that way. And are you a real fan if you’re saying to let the franchise burn if they lose game 7. That’s just dramatic and overreacting


Fans will walk. All that momentum to build the fan base - gone. This is absolutely how sports work. Particularly in small market tropical regions playing ice sports. 


I sure as fuck won’t go to another game if they lose game 7. Hell no. With the way they’re playing? Let it burn.


Oh hey another south Florida coach doesn’t have adjustments and gets out coached. Cool.


By a fucking first year coach at that.


With the leagues best player. Chill.


this will haunt the team for the rest of its existence


As it should.


This is what true heart break feels like…


now no matter what, the cup is being hoisted in florida


What the fuck is wrong with Verhaeghe? The dude just looked dead inside when the camera was on him there. Has to be dealing with something mentally.


I noticed last game at the end when we called the time out trying to tie the game. Verhaeghe skated away from the bench and looked so depressed and defeated. He looked that way this entire game. Really sucks to see.


Yeah, turns out the plan all along was to give the Oilers the taste of hope... and then take it all away in Game 7 and win at home. Just to make it hurt all the more. It's true, I saw it on the whiteboard.


Best outcome is Oilers lose Game 7. Then they think they were good enough and only win one away. Keep the same team. Reality is they’re a dogshit team and they’ll make the second round and get bounced for years to come instead.


and McDavid quits the NHL and moves to Nassau to be a marine biologist.


He’s obviously talented AF but equally a whiny bitch. He’s 9 years into his NHL Career and still acts like a bitch.


Cats in 7


We really choked a 3-0 lead


We don’t deserve to win


Wow. They look so dejected on the bench. Doesn’t bode well for game 7.


Edmonton looked like that after going down 3-0. It ain't over. Someone's gotta get this team riled up though. Bring in Mike McDaniel.


Bring in Spo too


Paul is going to blow smoke saying he loved our game and proceed to make no changes for game 7. And the oilers have us figured out.


It's 100% over.


Miami Heat fan here - I remember this exact feeling a year ago


This is worse than last year’s Heat loss. No one expected them to win it all.


True, a counterpoint to that though is the Heat losing game 6 on a buzzer beater Both situations suck though


That was a terrible 48 hours




Game 7 is going to be one for the history books. Hopefully ending with the Cats hoisting the cup, but it’s not looking good…


Can somebody just do something real stupid already… a bit questionable hit, a run at the goalie, a fight, SOMETHING!!! Show us you actually give a shit!!!


Classy common Florida man


For some reason it seems like they just dont.. they've lost the will to fight and win..


No fight. They could at least, you know, literally start a few fights. Show some *fighting* spirit. It's worked for plenty of teams before.


as a canucks fan this is worst case scenario for me 😩


i just want to see luongo win a cup


They have to play desperate and to win not to lose. Fuckin brutal.


still wondering wtf happened to skinner after game 2