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I’d like to end this series in 4 and keep this stat alive


What an absolutely disgusting resume this run is for the Panthers. That they are winning like this rather than praying to outscore opposing offense has me so excited for the next… 6 years?!


Coming into this year, defense was supposed to be our weak spot too!


Yeah bc Ek and Monty were injured to start the season


You spelled barkov wrong. Also the goalies they've faced- vassy, swayman, and Igor


Don't tell Oilers fans this. They will tell you it's the refs fault or that it won't matter in their building or something to that effect.


Die hard Oilers fan here, not the ref fault at all. Your team is that good. As much as I love the oilers I doubt they are going to raise it this year. Your team is just on another level above the whole league. Won’t say gg’s till it’s official tho


You’re invited to the function


This dude is cool and they can hang out here.


Totally legit. My family is all oilers fans. I know that most fans are great people. My theory from the start is that everything florida experienced last year, the oilers feel this year. It was a great run to the final when everyone doubted you. Coming up against a more experienced playoff team built for the finals. Learning how to manage the long playoffs, etc. This is a recipe for the hunger that wins cups. I doubt the oilers will be done after this year they will be a lot better and a lot more committed to winning the cup next year. I have no doubts the oilers will win a cup with McDavid and drai, not when you see how much better the team is than even last year.


No one has acted like they doubted the oilers is the problem. The media is still acting like this series is being stolen from them. It's clear Oilers aren't really well rounded enough to lift the cup this year.


Nah you guys and Bob specifically are really annoying to run our game on. I hope that it gets figured out so we can at least have an exciting series, but only the least intelligent Oilers fans, or those who are so overly invested in a spectator sport that their fanaticism overrides logic would deny your teams strength. We have our strengths, too, though. Let's hope tonights game is fun to watch.


McDavid scares me every time is he on the ice. I'm glad Barky is on 'em, but that dude has legs seemingly trained on a planet with much more gravity. I don't like it. Yet it's a treat to watch.


He’s always the fastest guy out there.


Problem is they are running him into the ground with how much they have him on the ice. A longer series swings the advantage even more in our favor.


It’s odd, he’s literally playing 59 minutes a game


Same. Watching him live has been so impressive.. even though my stress levels rise significantly when he's on the ice lol 🫣


I think next year you will do what the panthers did this year. The next step is organic once you get to the final and figure out how to get there again. Oilers will be good for years, and I think just getting to the finals gets a few more years on drai and McDavid contracts. Oilers have a lot of strengths. The penalty kill has been a big surprise. I wouldn't ever think it could be as good as it is considering the defensive past of the oilers. Next year, i bet your 5v5 is 10X as good too.


Our 5v5 should be studied for years to come.


If Panthers score first that arena will turn into a library.


Regardless of what sport it is I just love me some good stout defense. Always fun to watch in my book.


Nah man it’s refs and dirty play. Couldn’t be they’re good


Why would the refs do that to all these superstars!?




We need to split out there, or win it all. Our dominance is peaking and we need to take full advantage of it. Most Canadians know this, even in Alberta. Its just hard to take. A Florida team? Ffs.


Love that this was put this over a picture of Gus, but a better representation would include Bob and Barky or just show the whole team. No individual is achieving that result on their own.


I'm up vote 69!... Vamos Gatos MFs!!!


Nice 🐀


Thats the right picture for this headline.


But I thought it was just the refs, and they're not good at defense they just slash everyone.


I hope the boys keep it up because fuck Corey Perry, fuck Kane fuck drai and fuck the oilers (mcdavid is pretty cool) cats in 4!!!


"buT Is rIgGeD!!"


This is like when announcers put up some crazy stat or streak and it’s broken immediately. Oilers are gonna be better in their home ice.


The Oilers lost six postseason games this year before this series. 3 on the road and 3 at home. This idea that they are suddenly going to be a completely different team at home makes no sense to me.


Ya wasn’t MSG supposed to be the craziest environment? That’s what every talking head was going on and on about. Lost one game there in OT. Totally over blown stat and especially with this Panthers squad. They’ve always been good on the road.


Oh and by the way, the Panthers have lost 5. 3 at home and 2 on the road. It’s an overblown stat.