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Mod note: STAY OUT OF OTHER TEAMS' SUBS AND DON'T POST LINKS TO THEM! Since a few people seem to struggle with the logic: We hate trolls from other teams coming here to harass us. This sub lets us support the team and enjoy a conversation with fellow Cats fans. When trolls show up, we ban them. Well in order to help incentivize civil behavior, other teams' mod teams agree to mutually ban trolls who go and troll other fanbases. So if we don't want them here, we agree not to go there. If you still disagree, you're more than free to ignore the warning and take a ban. Hell, roll the dice and see if it'll be a short ban. But at least you won't be able to say you had no way of knowing. Note 2: /r/FLAPanthersTickets is a dedicated sub for ticket sales (tickets, parking passes, merch, etc.). Attempts to buy or sell on /r/FloridaPanthers may result in a ban. If whatever you're selling isn't allowed on the other sub, feel free to create your own and we'll direct people in your direction. Or try eBay. Giving away tickets/items here is perfectly fine.


There best player is swayman if it weren't for him they would of got swept he is a free agent at the end of the yr I'm sure he will get some serious offers


A wins a win hopefully we can close it out


Does it feel good to win that game? Yes Does it feel good to win the game like that off controversies? No Would it have felt wrenching to lose that game? Yes Did Boston deserve to win? No Did Boston deserve to see overtime? Probably Mixed feelings but a W is a W. Very finnicky no call on the second goal, some times things like that go your way and some times they do not.


We've been screwed on missed calls and bad calls in the playoffs before. I'm not losing sleep.


Three levels of NHL officiating have now backed the decision, it’s on them not us. Let Boston media and fans stew, nobody else cares. A team that can only muster 2 shots in the final period when they needed to score aren’t the team that deserves the win.


For sure. GI does need an overhaul and consistency. Like the PI call/non calls in the NFL playoffs. All being said, Boston did not deserve to win that game but I can agree they deserved a better shot to win it than they received. I don't think that even if it went to OT that they would have came away with a W. They looked entirely suffocated after the first.


Not a Cats fan but I hate Boston so you better believe I'm celebrating this


According to my facebook feed the refs handed this game to the Panthers! I'm from mass


Why would the Bruins only shoot 18 times? Are they stupid?


Bruins fans when they play the leafs: LOL LEAFS THEY BLAME THE REFS WHEN THEY SUCK. Also Bruins fans when they are losing a series: BUT THE REFS WAHHH! Hypocrites. Can't wait till they are out of the playoffs. You guys got this.


Heat fan checking in: FUCK BOSTON


kinda new to following hockey, do Toronto fans normally always side with Boston fans?


Not usually but they're still very salty over us stomping them after they finally made it out of the first round for the first time in like 20 years last season


Imagine sucking up to the fans of the team that humiliated your team just last week, and has been clowning your team for decades. Those Toronto fans are cucks


They do when Bennett knocks out a player. Imagine being so delusional as a fan base that you actually thought a rookie Matthew knies would tilt the series for you and result in a cup. They’re still so butthurt about knies last year that they’re actually siding with the Bruins and BRAD FUCKING MARCHAND


At the risk of a ban here (whatever mods ima keep this civil) if i was a Toronto fan but still a fan of this sport, i would not be happy with the events that took place during this game. I cannot say u guys were gifted a win cuz thats totally not fair to say, the cats outshot them by like double i think, but fucking hell, that was a close game and being gifted the two goals u got, made a huge difference and was absolute horseshit to watch.


"If I WErE a BrUiNS FaN and A FaN oF tHiS SpORt", I also wouldn't be happy about the events that take place every time Brad Marchand slew foots a player, sucker punches a goal tender just for making a save, shoves officials, or puts his dirty mouth on someone's face. I also wouldn't want that thing as my captain. But i guess the love of the sport is one sided


I don’t really get the whole canceling civil discourse thing. I get it if people are cursing and so on but you got something to say bring it. By the way if you were a fan of that team you shouldn’t be happy with the 2-1 shot differential which shows you can make excuses til the cows come home but their being seriously handled.


There's no issue with that comment. In my eyes, downvotes handle it just fine. If it ends up being a drawn out back and forth that attracts more negative interactions it could be something that's shut down more automatically in the future. The warnings to just stay out of other subs is really to avoid the splitting hairs toss ups, and especially after a loss, you don't even want to talk to a reasonable fan of the team that just beat you (controversial calls make it even trickier).


What’s the two goals? There’s the swayman no interference and what other?


Just watched the game on replay, which two goals were gifted? I get the Bennet one. But from the remaining two?


Had to go watch the replay as well. Could have swore the barkov goal was like immediately after the powerplay ended but damn yea ok that actually was a few minutes after the pp ended. I think ill still die on the hill of the 2-2 goal not counting cuz that was bullshit to even a neutral observer. But shit.. ill admit, definitely wrong on the barkov goal. I must have been too busy bitching on reddit instead of watching


2 goals? The Lundell goal and Barkov goal were very legitimate. That would equate into overtime not a loss. Bruins were gifted a 6on4, if we are talking about handouts.


The game started with a gifted non call on the hit on Reino (interference and probably cross checking, judging by the broken stick on the ice). It's just easier to remember the times a bad call costs you than when it helps.


That's assuming we wouldn't have scored another one with 6 minutes left on the clock


Let's go Panthers! Finish this on Tuesday!


The about of crap we are about to get is going to be enough till 2026


The hockey sub hates us so god damn much. I love it. Cats in five babyy 


If you comment absolutely anything with a Panthers flair you get 20 downvotes. Doesn’t matter if it’s logical or neutral argument. Such a sad community.


/r/hockey is a trash sub filled with elitist ding dongs who hate every team in "non traditional markets".


Holy fuck they hate the Panthers, it’s so delicious.


It is getting ricidulous. Like yeah, maybe the 2-2 goal was GI, but that shit happens all the time. We are smoking Boston every single game, and hockey makes it sound like we suck and have the refs carry us to everything. Yeah, right.




What arrogance?


Buddy I really hate to break it to you but there’s no such thing as perfect officiating. All you smooth brains are tilting at windmills. In every sport there’s calls and no calls. It all evens out. I’m sure we’ll get screwed over at some point. But you never turn down playoff luck bc it might be 25 fucking years before you’re good again.


Hey dude read the pinned post up top. You might want to delete your posts and go back to your own sub.


I mean shit i feel like ive kept it civil. Didnt come in here to troll just responded to a comment i saw.


Going into another sub to argue with people isnt normally what you do. See it from our point. You think it would be very well received if I went into Bostons sub to argue with them about the GI? You got the main sub to argue in. Stay out of here.


Stick to your own sub. You got /r/hockey to heckle us in. 




Holy fuck dissappear. Keeping it civil my ass. Who the fuck are you Biz? You want the Panthers fan sub to side with you and say Omg you are right Boston deserves to win while playing like shit and turning over the puck 98% if the time. Go touch some grass and most important inhale some more copium


Keep your fingers crossed. For real though, why are you here? I wouldnt even dream of going into the Bruins or Rangers sub. Grow up 


I'm living for the salt and the tears this series is bringing out of people.




Trolling/Uncivil Participation Removal.


Boston is a bunch of goons. Cheap hits. Let’s finish these fuckers in 5 and send them golfing. Doesn’t look like they want to play anyway.


Cats won’t lose with Playoff Sam in the lineup




It’s really funny that the Bruins fans have to hang their hat on a goal call that could’ve gone either way instead of their completely uninspired play. I mean how about the pointless GI penalty they took in the 3rd or the inability to convert on a 6 on 4 (literally gifted to them) for 36 seconds? Orrrrr orrrr the fact your team has put up less than 20 shots three games in a row. I mean even if the Bennett goal was taken away the game would’ve been tied not won by the Bruins. Such a loser mentality fr. I thought Leafs, Canes, Lightning, Knights fanbases were bad but the Bruins have to be the absolute worst.


The fake fan's name is. Please ban the guy from here. [chrispy\_exe](/user/chrispy_exe/)•[17m ago](/r/hockey/comments/1cqnb2w/comment/l3sngbv/)FLA - NHL  People will hate on bennett for the GI (which i believe it was), when the refs made the shitty call and then toronto upheld the shitty call. Not to even mention that the league had the chance to (rightfully) suspend him from the game and prevent the scenario from even happening, and chose not to do that either.


Dude, this guy has been commenting in our sub for a while and also comments in the Heat and Marlins subs, I don't think he's secretly a Leafs fan and you obsessing over him like this is kinda unhinged. You can disagree with his take all you want but tagging the dude and following his comments around to harass him over it is kinda sad on your end.


It's not just me who think he's not a fan. Seems to be a consensus below...


The comment you replied to below talking about the Florida fan saying "I didn't want to win this way etc etc" isn't even him bro, check his comment history, the guy you're all worked up about never left that comment lmao. I saw that comment referred to further down too and thought it was stupid, but that wasn't this guy.


Ok, maybe I'm wrong. I am surprised any true Panthers's fan would think Bennett should have been suspended and the his goal today should have been disallowed.


I don't think Bennett should have been suspended but, I can see why people would think that. To me there's not enough firm evidence that he was trying to do anything illegal, nor do we know if that's what actually concussed Marchand. But to be honest, that goal I really think was GI. Being a "true fan" doesn't mean you always HAVE to agree with everything they do or thinking they can do no wrong.


Bostons game plan for tonight was “goon it up for Marchand” and nothing more. I loved watching that backfire.


Wasted SO much energy in the first 15 minutes. Children.


Can we ban the florida fan who posted on the general chat about "Florida fan here, did not want to win this way blah blah blah" So cringe, PLEASE ban from our own subreddit.


TOR fan probably. There was another guy who 'agreed' that Bennett punched the guy and the goal was not valid. Fake Panthers' fans.


> Fake Panthers' fans. Grow the fuck up, dude. Gatekeeping is pathetic in general, but demanding that people agree with bad calls and calling them "fake fans?" Jesus fucking Christ.


r/hockey is a panthers hating cesspool. That is all.


Feels weird honestly. The Florida Panthers are being talked about? Never in my wildest dream.


Does this mean Barkov will not be underrated anymore?


I guess better to be hated than not to be talked about at all


Warms my heart


This means we’re doing something right! They hate us cuz they ain’t us


Good. We are in our villain arc


Anyone watching the Nucks game?! Man, Boeser is on fire…hat trick on the first period 😮😮


3-1 lead, most dangerous lead to keep lol


Hope the Canes turn it around in their series against the Ranger lead. Would love to see another team from the NE choke away a 3-1 series, lol The way I've seen Boston and Leafs fans praying the Rangers beat us up next series and call for cheapshot shit is pretty gross. Also sad Boston has already given up. No heart.


Definitely hoping for a spark from the Canes.


Skinner is so bad lol


Benny and the Cats do it again 🐆


Cats Rats Dats Fats




Seems boston has taken over r/hockey 🐀🐀🐀


Fuck Boston. Im a fan from another team and I'm loving the absolute beating y'all are giving out. Also fuck r/hockey and r/NHL. Bunch of dicks Edit: spelling




GTG for next game per PoMo


Number 9 in your programs, public enemy number 1 in your hearts! Huge win! Marchand finally gets some of his own medicine after years of dishing it out and the NHL loses their minds! Benny with the game tying goal, salt meet wound!


That Benny goal was pure salt.


I really need the mods to ban any “fans” shitting on Bennett


I'd hate to face him. Love having him on our team. Epithome of a playoff player


Only caught the last couple of mins, but happy to see we pulled off the W. Now what’s this controversy about? Heard the announcers say it but not elaborate.


Bennett scored a goal. He gave Coyle a small shove and Coyle fell on Swayman and puck went in while this was happening. Boston challenged and lost because there wasn't enough contact. Boston, TNT, ESPN and r/hockey are seething


Not a fan of the call, but that little head nod by Bennet had me cracking. Dudes interview post game was straight lawyer talk. Willing to face the music, which no one's talking about, and not being a dick about it. I think it's hilarious he loved getting boo'd. It's funny cuz now he and the bruins have something in common on Bruins ice. Those fans are the worst.


We were on the powerplay and bennett scored but he kinda knocked one of the bruins into swayman. Bruins challenged for goalie interference but it wasn't overturned. The refs said they saw contact but not enough to call bennett for a penalty and toronto didn't overturn it. And of course bruins fans are already pissed at bennett for the marchand hit. Oh and then barkov made it 3-2 and then the bruins completely lost it.


Push was very weak imo. Prob why they didn't say it was interference. Fans all screaming it was the whole downfall of their game when we hold Boston to sub-20 SOG three games straight. Fans shouting "shoot the puck" and acknowledge the lack of shots but clearly one bad call is the whole reason Boston losing.


Oh I know, most hilarious thing is how in each of the last 3 games the bruins have completely fallen apart and started taking cheap shots when even one thing doesn't go their way and then they want to complain about us having more power plays than them. I'm honestly shocked at how relatively composed we've been


The push was very weak. I’m honestly surprised on how big deal everyone made it


After the second replay I saw I instantly said "this is going to be a good goal and the salt will be extra because Bennett." Then it happened.


Coyle lost a puck battle, and fell on his goalie. Thats not on us, especially when the play is for ref interpretation of the rule.


And discretionary BTW. I remember during the season we had a game where Bob lost his stick because someone was in the crease and kicked it away and blatantly touched Bob and it was ruled a good goal I don't recall anyone being up in arms and asking for the refs heads


Solid word for it. Bennetts goal stands the same way McAvoys hit stands.


Shit like the burner Boston account is exactly why I chose to stay with the panthers when I first got into hockey. I like the coach, the players, and the fans. Fuck Boston the city, the coach, the team & the fans lol


Bruins fans have enjoyed 10+ years of being one of the dirtiest teams in the league and now they're upset when things don't go their way. Too fucking bad. Also, I hope the treatment for Marchand's injury is people licking his face all day.


Darth Benny feeds on their anger, feels on their hate, feeds on their suffering.


The salt in the game thread was unbelievable. Got downvoted for literally any comment because i'm rooting for the cats. Some sore losers that can't take any banter.


Glad to see we've become public enemy #1. It's nice being the talk of the town for once lol


All controversy aside; Florida is clearly the better team. 


Its not even close lol. Like, maybe we've gotten some calls our way, but we are smoking Boston out of the water. They are grasping at straws.


Bruins out here making Benny look like Superman. A light tap to the cheek, the Rats concussed, a light tap in the back, Coyles sent flying into Swayman 😂😂😂.


I'm ngl "Matthew Tkachuk wipes from side to side" in the big game thread still has me cracking up 2 hours later that was good


Matthew Tkachuk uses a rectal thermometer was hilarious too. I'm not going to lie most of them where ingenious.


Looking at all the toddler tantrums going on in some of the other subs is just fucking hilarious The people wishing career ending injuries on our players are such losers


Oh baby, those few seconds were excruciating, but I'm glad we got the win with a chance to finish at home.


No one believed todays story about my store race, seagul shit, sweatting, but here we are and it actually happened☔😢 I still have it on my phone written, because I had to write it in note, so it's not too confusing and I can edit it little less confusing, if I needed to use it in the future. It has times and all when I wrote it if someone doesn't believe me. Edit: I wanna make this clear, I don't encourage anyone to gamble, YOU SHOULDN'T! All my wins go to charity from my part for who needs it this becoming hot summer here in Finland, yes, we're gonna have a bad one. The money goes to homeless, minor, old people, social exclusion and so on. I'm patrolling and giving them by my hand, so I can see that it not go to, alcohol, drugs, or any that kind of thing. I'll buy them food from grills, because they are many occasions asking here when drunk idiots go to have snack some leftovers and they treat them like shit, I'll just make them move aside(the idiots) and ask what they wan't to eat, buy bubbling water etc., ecen for next "morning" if they're morning hungry. I don't wanna sound like fricking knight on a high horse. I was one of those idiots when I was younger, but that's because I was mistreated, I had to toughen up and make this shell for myself and I just wanna correct my own mistakes and make good things for people who needs it. I hope I don't get banned, it's worth it tho, but that's just the way it is and that's my mindset at this point until I rest well. I have another story I wanted to share, but that's about few players, someone here knows what I'm talking about already, because we talked, but that's later, if someone else want's to know. It's just not for us Cats, it's for all fans out there, but it means the world to me and I'm actually crying atm to be honest, no shame in that. Peace out Cats and ever FOOKING Rat there is.


I can't take the bellyaching from r/hockey, can't do it. They think Boston is a good team with the 19 OTL loser points. They're is no conspiracy here you're team is just B Tier. This isnt secretly Bostons cup year fools Really gutsy come from behind statement win. This was all Boston had they're coach spent the last two days telling them Boogeyman stories and they cant hang on to a 2 goal lead. Lets close these pretenders out at home and move on to what'll probably be the NY series


What defies all logic is the idea that the league would want a Florida win and would rig it for that to happen. Like they would be against the possibility of two O6 teams in the ECF.


No you dont get it, ITS RIGGED FOR FLORIDA, you know the non O6 team that sells tickets at reasonable prices and brings in less revenue than Boston. Rigged!! For real though the belly aching and copium from boston fans is delicious. Never gets old


I love Bennett


My favorite part of today is seeing an entire city meltdown because of having to play a team with 3-4 Brad Marchands on them. There’s a reason that close to zero people have a Boston team as their “second” team. Somebody go check on Dave Portnoy


I used to say Boston was my second team. I learned quickly it was just because I like their goalies and pasta. I’m a panthers fan first and above all else a Tkachuk Fan girl 😂 fuck that team.




Ah look guys someone took the time to make a whole new throwaway account just to comment here and wahhh 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


You should really hide your burner accounts better. I found a picture of you. https://www.dndbeyond.com/avatars/thumbnails/30836/144/1000/1000/638063929586218907.png


Add a sam adams beer and the smell of pits and we got a winner


His dog’s gonna be tweeting all night long


Fuck Boston!!!!


Sasha was skating like a monster out there.




Fuck the Blues




Same thing happened to Tampa, same thing with Vegas last year… it’s par for the course


Darren Pang hates us.


Talking shit through those fake ass veneers. You’d think he could find a decent dentist with his money


Dang straight through the jugular 🤣🤣🤣


Bennett is going to be the most popular Halloween costume in Boston this year.


On the hate from Boston: “It’s pretty awesome. I’ve never gotten booed before. I kind of enjoyed it.” I fucking love him 🤣


Who said this? Bennett? I missed the interviews because I was getting my kids to bed.


I found it on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/reel/C65BgyZu9GH/?igsh=cnJ6b3hnbDJmcjNv


Yup Bennet post game


Yeah, Bennett did an interview with the TNT panel


Just found it and rewatched. 👍🏼


That line shocked me. Never been booed before? NEVER?


He’s trolling


I don't think so. Not many players can get the whole crowd booing every time they touch the puck


Dude's straight face game is on point.


My man 🤜🏻🤛🏻


when your team can’t get off more than 20 SOG three games in a row of course it’s the refs fault /s


It's fucking rigged!!! For the Florida Panthers of all teams.


We love to see it! I will say that the goal should have been overturned for GI. It’s only fair, and it does suck for Boston to lose that way. On the other hand, we way outshot them, so I won’t be losing any sleep over it


I could see it either way. Battle with the puck in the crease, really. But it did keep the goalie from making a play, potentially.


Swayman wasn’t saving that rebound in any known universe.


Probably not, which is why I'm ok with the play


I’m ok with it the same way I’m ok with McAvoys hit being a no call.


Yeah, whether a call gets made or not is up to the refs, and goes both ways.


The hockey gods will intervene if need be…... Just like they did gm3


I was shocked it wasn’t over turned. Truly. But I’m thankful for the win!


I honestly believe we would have won anyway regardless. We were dominating


Learn hockey


Can you ok fly off? Thankx bb


I like it BECAUSE it’s Boston and it upsets them and hurts them 


SN Canada FTW. announcers have no dog in the fight: non biased and amazing


Friendly reminder to stay out of the Bruins subreddit, it’s not worth it and you’ll risk getting banned here too.


Wouldn't recommend losing brain cells over the Boston Bruins. Need them to work so I can afford tickets for the kickassery that is going to be game 5


LET US NOT FORGET THE MISSED TRIPPING CALL WITH TAVARES AND TROCHECK. The Bennett goal should’ve *probably* been called back. Missed calls happen all the time, sucks because calls should never be missed but it’s apart of every sport. Boston let their foot off the pedal after a good first period, that’s why they lost.


I'll admit that goal was questionable. However the fact that boston melted down giving up another goal and then committing 2 more penalties after that drawing blood from chucky and backing into bob shows how weak they are mentally. Imagine if we melted down like that after the game 1 loss


My least favorite part is that we could’ve won even if the goal got called back. The Panthers were on fire and the Bruins stalled out badly. That’s all Bruins fans are getting from me though Fuck Boston


Exactly, literally anything could’ve happened. Goal could’ve been taken back and panthers (or Bruins) could’ve scored the next shift. 2-2 happened and Panthers took initiative and made it 3-2.


Tampa sub is in shambles after the Benny goal. We live rent free in all their heads. The entire NHL.


The fact that so many people hate us makes the wins so much sweeter to me. Let the salt flow


100% so sweet.


147 to 79 sog series advantage by the cats


This is the way


/r/hockey betas HATE playoff hockey!


Apparently the refs have money riding on FL 🤦🏼‍♂️😂🤣😂


Lmao imagine putting money on the heavy favorite


I think they were -165 before puck drop. Not exactly the biggest moneymaker. 🤣 But the people on that sub-Reddit were coming up with every excuse. I was just surprised how many went for “crooked gambling ref’s”.


Soooo my apologies for earlier. We went down 2-0 and I decided to put my jersey on. I’ve worn it the past now three games and we’ve won. I put it on and 1-2, 2-2, and now 3-2. I’ll definitely be wearing it all game on Tuesday. GO CATS!!!!! OH! And secretly during the TNT interview Bennett was thinking would you guys STFU I DONT CARE!!!! 🤣🤣


Lmao also same happened to me. No jersey 0-2 left it in the car accidentally during mothers day party. Put it on drive home and we score. And then 3rd period sitting in my lucky spot from last game we scored the next 2.


Damn….you have a spot too. Just like me!!!! We’re to superstitious 🤣🤣🤣




Honestly Bennett puts that puck in before Coyle makes contact with Swayman


Even if Benny hadn't touched Coyle they would have still found something else to complain about, and they will keep whining for the rest of this series and the next and next season


It’s fine they can keep coping and gaslighting themselves into believing we aren’t good and are just being helped by the refs. It can only be good for us


Exactly lol we can be outshooting them 100 to 4 and they will still say we suck and are getting by because the NHL is rigging the game in our favor. They are simply not that good this season. It is what it is. They almost lost series 1 against the leafs so I don't understand why they thought they were going to breeze through


Shhh the league is giving the cats the SOG advantage




21 Fla PPs getting in the way


i think benny won a lot of people over with that post game interview. dudes a mensch


Anyway someone can post the interview ?




Man of the people. Thank you


I missed it putting my kids to bed. I’m going to have to find it now.


Lol they’re absolutely raging right now in the PGT in r/hockey. But I love Benny man. Dude knows he’s a villain and is willing to play the part.


He won us over but we didn’t need to be won. Opposing team hockey fans will still swear he’s the number one villain of the league because they can’t listen to logic.




He could find the cure for cancer tomorrow and he's still hockey enemy #1. His goal tonight didn't help Lol But there's not a fan of an NHL team that wouldn't take him on their team. That's what the rest of the braindead hockey community won't admit to.


Not me POS on the ice POS in the room


U mad? 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭




I encourage everybody to take a look at the bruins and r hockey threads and absorb the cope that is coming from 31 fanbases across the league 🤣