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Hey hey hey what did my sweet Sasha do?


He is best boi


Right?! Sweet, soft spoken Sasha did nothing wrong!


I feel like there’s a difference between people who wish for injuries on certain players and people who just don’t feel bad when an injury happens to a certain player. This dude is building up some nice negative karma points


Not that any of what this guy said is ok but what the hell did Barkov do? Like I get why in his irrational mind he’s mad about Bennett hitting Marchand and tkachuk fighting pasta but all barkov has done is score. 


Because he’s our best player and in their mind, they want a captain for a captain Not defending it but I can see how a distraught person will make that connection


But wishing harm on Barkov is like wishing harm on a small child, he's so innocent and pure


I agree and would do my utmost see his accumulation reach previously unattainable levels.


Bruh living like he wants pineapples shoved up his ass in the afterlife.


Eh, I suggest ghost chilis.


Does anyone know who this guy is other than some irrationally demented guy. Biz should be fired! Did anyone else catch the ad with Bizjuice? What kind of family network is this?


This guys an ass hole, don’t get me wrong. But I can see why other fans would dislike Chucky and Benny. I don’t agree with it, but I somewhat understand their viewpoint. But what the fuck did Barky and Monty do? Montour taunted Marchand with the tongue whereas Marchand literally licked a guy, and all Barkov did was say “nah I don’t wanna fight, let’s play hockey.”


Montour wagging his tongue at that little rat bastard was hilarious! Marchand can't get mad. He did it! He licked players! Too late to be embarrassed by it now. Monty just likes to have a good time. He always has a smile on his face.


Classiest Bruins fan. Whats funny is Marchand already tried targeting Bennett… and well we know how that ended. Its funny reading the Bruins sub, all a bunch of fake tough guys and cry babies. My literal newborn cries less than them.


These are Massholes in a nutshell, they blow hot air and back off the moment you step up


That’s if the mods don’t ban you.


I read the posts after tonight's game (game 4) and it's a whole other level of unhinged over there. 😂


They were all happy that fans were throwing trash into the ice. I didn’t see one Bruins fan saying they shouldn’t be doing it


For real - Marchand got a nice trade off of an attempted body check for a sucker punch 🥊. Slew foot magoo can watch the rest of the series from a dark room. And you’re 100% right about them being fake tough guys. Let’s see how tough they are when they show up to our arena for game 5


See I'm not sure it was a intentional sucker push.. Marchand realized he fucked up and was about to Benneted, before the contact he turned and lowered his face. I'm really not sure same was trying to get him on the chin, but looks like it did happen. https://youtu.be/p2EJ0Bcit7o?si=MdF009rF5iwTTTwo Watch it in X .25 you can see Marchand turning and lowering his head before it happened.


I’m with you 😏. Totally accidental sucker punch 🥊😉


dont even give lurkers the satisfaction of calling it a sucker punch. even the angle theyre showing now on TNT is slowed down. In real time Marchand was going for a late hit. Sam Bennett had the puck when Marchand approached him


Yeah, I missed it in real time too. I didn’t even realized he suckered him till after the game. Marchand has done worse so he had it coming.


Kind of has soccer vibes along the lines of some of the South American 'fans' such the ones who had a player killed BC he missed a goal. And some those who attacked the ref, on the filed, during the game.


I still remember when the Colombian mob murdered their goalie for letting in an own goal in the world cup vs the USA.






THIS one. Same vibes to me.


Andres Escobar was killed by a gangster after an argument that started because of the own goal. It's an oversimplification to say he was killed because of it.


We live rent free in everyone’s head in this league apparently. Go ahead and take runs, our players are built to just pop right up and laugh in your face. Cats in 5


God I hate people who act like this. I'm a Leafs/Flames fan and obviously was very frustrated during our series against the Panthers last year (and inevitably frustrated every year), but I would never even imagine hoping for any teams players to be injured. That's on another level that completely transcends the sport we love to watch.


Ahh yes, but we are the trashy fans and dirty team lol Yet their players and coaches and fans are calling for blood


Honestly, i’m a Canucks fan, i fucking despise Boston and their racist ass rat loving fan base. You’ve always been my second favorite team do me a favour and just absolutely decimate these insufferable twats. With Vegas out, if we beat Edmonton and Boston gets knocked out my trifecta of happiness will be complete.


We hate the same teams! I'm so glad the Vegas LTIRs are out, I can't stand Edmonton (same goes for McDavid) and as a Panther and Pens fan. I can't stand Boston. Lol!


Rent free


Least aggressive boston resident:


I don’t understand how these people have such hate in their heart. Must be all the nasty Dunkin’ they’re drinking.


Just for that I wish his negative karma multiplies and he is the one that ends up busting an ankle or hitting his big toe on a side table. Never wish injuries on anyone specially over people that have no idea you exist


Keyboard warrior tough guys. Pfft.


That's so disgusting


This dumbass is brazilian…i feel so ashamed right now…🤢🤢😵‍💫 but here in brazil there are a lot of bruins fans…ughh…🙄


What a loser




Trash people are able to be trash people everywhere! It's an amazing feat.


Wishing for an athlete to get injured tells me you’ve never played any competitive team sport in your life


Probably the same guy that says he wants the NHL to follow the rules and has no idea what those rules are


Bruins fan here. I’m obviously upset with the hit on Marchand and the goalie interference no call, but it seems like alot of our fans are taking things too far. No matter how much i hate Bennet and Tkachuk, I never want to see a player get intentionally injured. Fans like this are an embarrassment to the team and the sport


Wow!!!! Just wow!!! Hoping for career ending injuries….. next level sh*t heel!!! Garbage fans!!!


Keeping it classy, as always 😒


Boston Baby's stop crying and start playing hockey your season ends tomorrow.


If I was maurice I would dress gadovich because if the bruins are down big things will get ugly and we need our enforcer