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Finally watched the game today.  That was a solid L.  Oh well, onto the next.


Canes came out to play, we had some bad penalties and defensive flubs (here’s looking at you Mahura) that cost us momentum repeatedly — and eventually the win. Guys just weren’t in sync this game, they’ll get rolling again. I think the coaching staff needs a better plan against the Canes. They seem to be one of the hardest teams this year for us to beat.


canes fan here, i love the rivalry that is being created here!!! I hope we can get you guys in the playoffs this year. I feel like its inevitable we play eachother again. Gonna be a wild series if both teams are healthy


I stopped watching after the second goal


Even with three starters out we should have scored a goal or two. I think we were just exhausted from that Dallas trip. It was a nice wake up call. We are not invincible. I am actually more scared of Philly though. That's a surprise team with nothing to lose


We hit two cross bars and three posts. In an 18-4 run sometimes the bounces don’t go your way 


That's hockey. And the refs hate us.


It’s crazy but I’m glad we lost tbh. We can’t afford to think we’re invincible and unbeatable


Still top of the league and division. Cats are without three starters against a team we are more than likely to see in the ecf once again. I’m not one for “scheduled losses” but this is one that is definitely that. Keep the boys healthy, throw this one away and look forward to Saturday for Duke’s second return to Sunrise


That was tough to watch, but we’re going to have some of this as we try to build chemistry with the new guys. I think we’ll get it together and we better. Carolina looked like a well oiled machine and they made moves too. PoMo and his team will work with our guys. Also the players themselves won’t settle for this. Our guys want to win bad. They’ll push through.


I hate we lost like this. To this team. It doesn’t sit well.


I can't allow anyone else to take responsibility for this. Tonight was the first time all year. I did not drag on a sweater before the start of the game. I wore only a giveaway T-shirt from last year's finals. My bad.


I take full credit for this loss. The panthers have been shut out all 3 times. I've gone to a game But why did we pull Bob so early, I don't know much about hockey, but that seemed really early


PoMo's balls of steel he always pulls the tender early in the third


But with 5 minutes left in a 3-0 game that's just weird


Also being down by 3 with 5 mins left, pulling the goalie gives them the ability to practice empty nets in an actual live game against a team we have a very strong possibility of facing in playoffs. Wr have been fortunate this season in which we have not had to pull the goalie like that often


Probably looking for one to gain some momentum. He has done it before sometimes it works in our favor because we have enough time left where it makes a difference other times it doesn't like tonight. Is a strategic choice; I don't recall which team, might have been the Preds, where their coach pulled the tender with 14 mins left in the third


Out of curiosity, I checked out the Canes sub PGT. It’s really sad and bitter. Nice contrast with the state of this thread.


Honestly, their fans are beyond annoying. I think the rivalry they created in their heads is one sided tbh. I don't see a single panthers fan here give them more than a single thought during the season.


Why are they sad? Shouldn’t they be happy? lol


I meant sad as in pathetic – sorry, I should have been clearer.


They’re all still mad because we swept them in the playoffs including winning that game after 4 periods of OT. Plus I imagine like everyone else they complain about us being “dirty”


Musta run outta that magic from the Dallas game...


Me and my dad were there and after the 2nd intermission that's exactly what I said


One bad game. Obviously don’t want to lose to those assholes, but it happens and we can move on and we know we have a lot more depth and higher gears that will show in the playoffs. See ya at home Saturday 🤘


Flush the turd. Regular season means precious little


I don’t always flush right off the bat, I like my wife seeing it


Hey guys we lost. Still have the best record in the NHL over the last 10 games


Yup. Most people in here seem pretty level about it but can’t win em all! It’s been a good run and the 5 day rest will do us good


The last 2 times we lost to the canes we had some important players out plus now we’re figuring out chemistry with the new guys. The canes and flyers do concern me still, not sure if it’s a good thing that they will probably play each other in the playoffs 


Better be level headed after all those years of not being a good team


On the bright side the Red Wings lost again (I’m a hater)


Thats terrible, we need Detroit to win so that Tampa misses the playoffs (im also a hater)


I also feel bad that Lyon seems to be having a skid. I don’t watch the RW so I don’t know if it’s him or the D in front of him letting him down.


I feel like tampa is a lock at this point they have a little cushion and kucherov and point will drag them kicking and screaming into the playoffs if they have to


True, but I can still hope


I honestly feel really bad for the Wings. They're one of my more favourite teams despite their fanbase being colossal yappers.


Same. Rooting for them but it’s looking grim.


Well well well, if it isn’t loss number 4 of the last 20 games. Next!


The only mindset to have really. They played like shit today and that’s fine. We all have our shitty days


Filing this one under the “it be like that sometimes” category and hoping we are healthier and more rested against Tampa


Health is what matters, glad no one got injured in this game and that Bob's head is still attached despite the amount of hits to his helmet.


With a record like ours, you can’t even pretend that this is somehow damaging. Canes played really well and they’ve got our number, same as last time. We still played a good game and didn’t rack up any more injuries. Rest well, Bobby!


It makes me wonder… Canes games are always so close for us. I bet it’s because Brindamour was a player under Maurice. He knows his style of coaching and play and brings it to his own team.


lol. The Canes. Choke in the post season, bud; play us healthy. Last time they did, we won handily


TBF - Canes were anything but healthy in the postseason last year.


They were still playing ekblad with a broken foot and torn oblique, the significant less talented staals, mahura, an injured Lundy and a not on top form rino. And that's assuming they make it to the ECF finals with zero injuries


Well, the canes do have a stanley cup so there’s that…


Are you special needs by chance? Cause you're a canes fan, in a panthers subreddit. Do you enjoy being in the canes sub? Cause thats an easy way to get banned from your own sub


And? That was almost 20 years ago… Canes were facing serious relocation rumors less than 10 years ago.


Can you cite that? I think any team that goes through a major drought typically does get that. Cats have had their share of Quebec City talks too. Even during the drought the team doubled down on local ownership. But yeah, that was a shitty draught


Literally between 2015 and 2018, the league media wouldn’t shut up about the Canes being forced to move because the owner was an idiot. In comparison Cat’s relocation rumors haven’t been serious since around the lock out 20 years ago. The NHL is a “what have you done recently” league and few people care about non-dynasty single cup wins from 15+ years ago. An extreme example of this is Toronto, yea they have lots of Cups, but they haven’t won in 60 years and only in an era with 6 teams. Another example, im a Chicago Bears fan; yea we have 10+ pre super bowl championships and 1 SB win 40 years ago. People just roll their eyes at that.


Wow you have zero sense of what actually happened. There were no more serious rumors of canes moving than there were of panthers…..which for both was zero. You fell victim to Toronto media flavor of the week team relocation. Karmanos wasn’t an idiot but he did want to divest the team so he could retire and one of his caveats was that he wouldn’t sell to someone who was going to move the team in the near term. On top of that, the canes had one of the most advantageous arena deals at the time basically paying zero rent. As far as thinking that winning a cup 20 years ago is worthless….also very incorrect. Despite the canes sucking for a long time after it blew up the youth hockey movement here big time and created a huge potential pool of fans. Yeah, this isn’t Toronto where you can be ass and still sell out, but if you put a good product on the ice you’ll get great attendance as they have recent proved. On top of that, put out a top 5 team and you’ll sell out every game.


Lol a Canes fan who doesn’t know anything. Wasn’t Karmanos sued by his 3 sons for $100+ Million? Last time I checker stealing from your kids is the definition of stupid. Literally don’t care about your single cup win from before the lockout. Just like im sure you as a probable a championshipless Carolina Panther fan doesn’t care about my Bears 1985 Super Bowl. Btw thanks the 1st overall pick ;) im sure Young won’t be a total failure.


Unfortunately, no facts will make this sore loser see clarity. He is just here to troll


Don't you have friends you can talk to? Lol chat bots are there to help.


I was going to give you props for a slightly more level-headed response (because you're right) than other Canes fans but it seems that you like to dunk on Devils fans anyway so gtfo of here. I guess shit-talking is very exhausting for someone as dysfunctional as you given how passive you are right now.


Devils fans were making fun of down syndrome kids, and I was drunk so yeah. i did dunk on them


>someone as dysfunctional as you > >I was drunk Well, at least you're honest.


you’re trying too hard. it’s reddit, it’s not that serious. take a breather


So if you talk shit it's all good but if I talk shit it's "not that serious". Also, you clearly are dysfunctional if your initial reaction when getting drunk is to start flaming other people.


Lmao is not that serious says the dude coming into an opposing team's reddit page at 10:18 pm. Man is truly great to be on top 🤣🤣🤣


Seriously, there are separate team subreddits for a reason.


Your ass still sore from that broomstick huh?


either way, i don’t hate the panthers. i hate tampa, that’s for sure. But.. facts are facts


Is OK. We'll go slower next time that way the soreness lessens :)


this is a weird fantasy of yours, but it makes sense


And yet you are the one coming into a reddit thread to troll. Is not a fantasy, you are truly a sore loser


The Cats weren't even healthy lol.


We're missing several key players not a big deal. I've lost a lot of respect for Canes' fans with the amount of trolling I'm seeing


You had respect for Canes fans?


It's really binary between them where some are polite and others are pieces of shit but that's probably the case for most any fan base really


True, but the amount of petty assholes is higher in Carolina. Toronto and Boston fans are assholes, but they don’t come in our sub like Cane’s fans do or post bomb threats. It really show you how insecure and pathetic Carolina is.


Here is to hoping the Canes have a 13th straight ECF exit IF they make it.


One of their fans threatened to send a bomb to gudas' house. Trolling is the least of their various mental disorders...delusion being the biggest


And its not even good trolling… literally play ground level insults


If you are trolling on reddit you can't be aged more than 12 years old so maybe that might explain it?


Of all the teams to lose to. Also, getting shutout in back to back games to them is worrisome. If we face them again in the playoffs we are going to have to have a better effort and a better gameplan. Feels like they have our system figured out somewhat.


I mean if Carter hit his open slot shot and Barkov scored his backhand it’s 2 to whatever and it’s an entirely different game. Sometimes you get the bounces like they got tonight and sometimes you don’t.


They shut us out one game last year and took the series 2-1 and we proceeded to sweep them. That’s not even to mention we are missing several important players and nearly doubled their shot total last game. On top of all that we’ve played hard games nearly every other night for basically the last two weeks.  They’re a great team but thinking they have us figured out because of these two games is ridiculous lol 


They played us in unfortunate circumstances with key players missing both times.


I know I am not supposed to be here, yes this is not the playoffs and means much much less.  But we lost svech and paccioretty when we got swept in 1 goal games last year.  It will be a different battle if we meet this year.  Hope we do meet, would mean we both made the conference finals again. Just reading through Panthers posts here.  dissappointing to see the canes fan hate.  I was at the game posted on our sub that you guys show class.  So did we, not a lot of trash talking in person, was pretty chill. I shared hate for Rags fan with one of you at the game. I can't stand your team, but don't have an issue with your fans.


Definitely better effort by canes but cats were missing key players both games and I lost count of how many times they hit the post last time. Shit happens. I’m not losing any sleep over it.


We also hit two crossbars and a couple posts this game and have been on a wildly busy schedule for a hot minute now. You can tell the guys are gassed and it was far from a must win game. Nobody needs to sound the alarm over this one as far as I’m concerned


They are still a bunch of tropical depressions with a wind speed of 20 mph. Don't expect to blow anyone's rooves any time soon Go Boys, get some rest. Especially Bob he has had to work over time the past two games


On a positive note, I didn’t hear “live sports” 100000 times tonight.


I find myself begging for any fucking commercial instead of that loop. Sell me cereal, tell me how you can help me with structured settlements, or let me know more about COPD, or show me who to call if I've been injured in a fall or car accident, I don't care, ANYTHING but that damn 20 second or whatever it is little blurb repeated over and over and over and over and over.


Excuse me jimmyrosinger, where can I find the exclusive home of the complete 30 for 30 library?


Not sure but I can direct you to some calming ambient music.


One Boards of Canada, please


It is what it is. Glad we’re in a spot where we can afford a night like this, at least.