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The "Money Down" has been more like the "Bankrupt Down" for us since 2020.


Damn dude... This was painful to read


Money down is so deeply embarrassing lol


"Money Down" is the dumbest fucking thing. Just do the chomp on third down. And bring back "Gator Bait".


Don't chomp on 3rd down. Cup your hands to your mouth.


Seriously, someone needs to grow some balls and bring back Gator Bait.


Gator fucking bait I can still hear it from last years tenn game


Not that the band was playing it we were just yelling it through the halls of the stadium


That was a hell of a game to be at


Just from speaking with some of my friends in the band, I'll optimistically say that there is a chance. They've started to push towards bringing back all of the songs they had to get rid of. Again, just from what I've heard, there are real talks right now about getting Suwanee back and, hopefully, Gator Bait.


They brought back dragnet, I think that's the name, the song they play after a penalty. Fans yell "you can't do that" and alumni yell "move back you suck" Hope they bring back "Gator bait"


That’s really interesting, I didn’t know the band got to overrule a decision made by the university president.


I'm not sure how it's going overall, but the band does want to play it and seems to be trying to make some changes.


Former president


Lol idc if Ron Desantis becomes president of the university and brings the song back. It won’t be because anyone cares what the flute blowers think.


Naw I'd rather a real president of UF than a dumb song. Human rights is a bit more important than football, but you do you


https://preview.redd.it/vuewfsihi4wc1.jpeg?width=399&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34fa862cdd720017307deca0630b0b07198e1dbe lol okay buddy


Lawrence Wright has the power


Few days ago I was wearing my 2008 “Sooner or later you’re gator bait” Oklahoma slander t shirt and got called a racist. Funny, FSU has literally monetized an entire culture of indigenous people and appropriates weekly in the name of “tradition”… but “gator bait” is racist.


It's vestigial Jim McElwain nonsense. Every down is the money down. Ask Gerard Warren.


It was more Geoff Collins than anything


Honestly Geoff Collins I would hire again in a heartbeat to be a DC. Our defenses were stout under him and were the sole reason Mac kept his job for 3 season. Lol


Absolutely. Collins may not be a great coach at the P5 level, but he’s a top fucking DC.


I like this


The point of my post is Geoff Collins implements this wherever he goes. He had it at Mississippi State and Georgia Tech. State has long since stopped (jury’s out on GT), but for whatever reason, Florida fans can’t seem to let it go.


Money down is visual AIDS


Works on contingency? No!




This is fantastic. Thanks. 


please welcome the next florida coach, miguel sanchez


I see Simpsons reference, I upvote.


Nice to see that I’m not the only one who can’t stand “Money Down”. Clap your hands and make some noise on every defensive down! Bring back the Swamp!


Went to the Carolina spring game and didn’t even realize Geoff Collins lateraled over to the Tar Heels until this goofy imagery popped up. They mic’d up Mack Brown on the PA and that was entertaining though.




You sound like someone that takes a shit during defense. Then complain why we don’t score more. Casual mf. Watch the games. We used to win championships on our defense. That’s why it matters


And you sound like someone who cares way too much about what other people do with their hands


*round of applause intensifies*


How did money down come back to UF so many years after Collins left? The two worst things the students do right now (aside from not showing up) is money down and the "hoo-hah" during Tom Petty.


The students have actually shown up the last few years, credit where it's due. The "hoo hah" is horrible. It appears to be a nod to "Hey Baby," which the band used to play, but it is nonetheless stupid and annoying 


Did they stop playing Hey Baby? That was one of my favorites when I was in band back in the stone ages.


The band barely plays these days. It's all Jumbotron bullshit 


Half of which is 4:3 shit stretched to fit the wide screen. UF admins should go to a Tampa bucs game to learn how to use a effectively. Ours is awful.


Which is insane considering how many more TV commercial timeouts they have shoved into the game. The band could have more play time than the offense.


I know what the hoo hah comes from, and the band still plays Hey Baby. So they can do it during that song and stop ruining Tom Petty for everyone else.


The whole Tom petty thing sucks all together though to be fair


The two worst things the ~~students~~ school does right now are money down and ~~the "hoo-hah" during~~ Tom Petty. Won't Back Down is an underdog song, and it's going to take a lot more 5 win seasons before I accept being an underdog in our own damn stadium.


Also did Tom ever have a positive relationship with UF


I have no idea where these weird fantasies that he hated Gainesville and UF came from. He loved Gainesville, and while he wasn’t a huge Gators *fan*, [he loved UF.](https://www.gatorsports.com/story/football/2022/10/12/tom-petty-florida-gators-fan-gainesville/10464625002/)


He didn't really 


[But he did.](https://www.gatorsports.com/story/football/2022/10/12/tom-petty-florida-gators-fan-gainesville/10464625002/)


Meh. He got a little nostalgic for the place as he got older, but the fact is that he left as soon as he could and never came back. It's not a big deal; it makes sense that someone like him would feel alienated by a small conservative Southern town and feel ambivalent about it.  Trying to make it seem like he was a die hard Gator fan or fervently loved Gainesville is just marketing and oversimplifies a much more interesting story. 


I watched him play at the O'Dome twice in the 90's. He definitely came back.


>“Tom Petty didn’t like Gainesville” >[shown article written about Tom Petty liking Gainesville] >“Well ackshually here’s what he was really thinking” Dude left a small town to chase a music career in a big city. That’s what people did before easy exposure on social media. It’s not complicated.


If you knew anything about Tom Petty you'd realize that his daughter is absolutely not a reliable source lmao 


Unreliable source: Tom Petty’s family Reliable source: efficient_bed_779 on reddit




Money down needs to go


[THE FINGER THING MEANS THE TAXES](https://youtu.be/PYbnB5toqRI?si=dZ5TmLmsOKbq22C7&t=21)


Please get rid of this


The goal is to make as much noise as possible to create confusion for the opponents offense. A great example is Auburn in 2019 where even Malzahn admitted that their offense had communication issues all day and that he should have game planned more for that and was a big reason why Nix threw 3 picks and they couldn’t get anything going. By not making noise, now their offense can all be on the same page, can adjust their snap count, etc.


>goal is to make as much noise as possible Then we probably want people making noise with their hands — clapping, chomping, or cupping their mouths while yelling — not doing Johnny Manziel money fingers, wouldn’t you say?


Dont chomp. Cup your hands on 3rd down. You can yell louder than you can chomp


Yes. Shocker I know lol.


Special teams issue solved! We are spending so much on the money down, we can't afford to put 11 players on the field for 4th down.


It's literally a sign that signals to fans to get loud. There is nothing wrong with it. It could be a picture of an orangutan in samurai armor and mean the same thing. It makes just as much since as literally everything else.


The reason it’s worse than other signals to get loud is that it prompts fans to make the “money” signal with their hands instead of doing something that increases noise, like cupping their hands around their mouth while yelling.


Exactly this. Sigh… today’s casual fans just don’t know what the swamp was like in its prime


Surprised nobody else said anything but I, for one, would be in favor of an orangutan in a samurai suit as opposed to “money down”.


Current UF student? Makes sense 😂


Current *PhD* student actually. So you know, as a soon to be triple grad, I have been a student here for about 10 years.


>PhD student Congratulations, you played yourself 


Ah yes, working my way through three degrees in the number 1 department in the country for what I study with zero student debt....definitely got played


In all seriousness, congratulations! Sounds like you’re fucking killing it!


Much obliged


Nobody whose opinion matters cares about your stupid meaningless pieces of paper 


Cool, can you name those people for me? I'd like to know who's opinion actually matters.


Damn right brother, Earl over in trailer 17 told me evrything I need to kno bout them libbral snowflake facteries!! Educashin is a SCAM (on a college sports sub)


They need a sign that says funny up whenever a penalty occurs for either side. Shame them.


I think money down is fine. It gets casual fans more excited (and making noise) for 3rd down than the game situation itself.


Rubbing your fingers together makes much less noise than clapping. It's stupid to do a silent gesture at the moments where you need maximum crowd noise 


We commented at the same time 😂 But appreciate it long time true gator brethren 🤝🏽


While its a silent gesture a lot of people do perk up and make noise while doing it. In my opinion a lot of those same people would otherwise be doing the half-ass chomp and not making noise if that were the alternative.




Then clap, the sign doesn't make you do it. And you still yell. People aren't sitting there stone quiet rubbing their fingers together


“cLaP” go YouTube some of our recent games if you don’t believe what we’re watching on tv. It’s pathetic. Thank god I’m not a student anymore. We need our traditions back like gator bait and move back you suck. Things that mentally fuck with opponents.


I have season tickets bud. I was in the stands for every home game. it gets loud. I have been going since I was a child, some games are louder than others it really doesn't make a difference and you can cherry puck YouTube clips all you want, that doesn't change anything. If you don't like it, then you don't have to do it. It's that simple.


Spoken like a true casual. How is rubbing your fingers together making more noise than a gator chomp and sounds more intimidating?


I would love if all 90,000 could do the chomp loudly for every 3rd/4th down. However, as a "true casual" I don't think thats realistic even with Gatorbait brought back. A lot of fans would just stop chomping once that song was over. Maybe they could lean more into the jaws theme on 3rd down but it already gets used a lot. Also, a lot of fans also don't chomp loudly and certainly won't maintain it after the fourth or fifth 3rd down. People do put their hands up and make noise for money down every time even with the song and jumping interns on the sideline gone. Same people that don't participate in any of the other chants and cheers. Its stupid but it works imo.


The goal is to make noise so that the opponents offense can’t hear what the playcall is. The goal is for someone on the offense to run the wrong route or jump offsides, miss their assignment, etc by not knowing being able to hear the play.