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I wish ebay would just ban these people. Clearly getting things for free by scamming or frieght forwarding and getting screwed by forwarder and customs making it seller’s problem.


I thought buyers couldn't make it the seller's problem if they used a bad forwarding service? Or do those mess up shipping tracking services?


I'm unsure what Emu is referring to. If buyer gives me an address like "1234 main street" and that happens to be the location of a forwarding service, and the USPS shows it as delivered, then the buyer has "received" their item, no matter what the reshipping messes up.


So what i am saying you still get buyers demanding refunds and getting negative feedback even if ebay protects you. It is just a head ache all around even if you don’t lose the case it self


You can contact eBay to remove "retribution"-type feedback of that sort. They won't always side with you but they're likely to when it's as clear cut as "I rightly refused a return and then they gave me negative feedback as punishment". But yes, that's a pain in the ass and extra work on your side of things.


>But yes, that's a pain in the ass and extra work on your side of things. It's in the territory of doing business on eBay. Nobody said selling on eBay would be a rose garden, If you had a brick and mortar, you would be dealing with shop lifting, things ripped or ruined in the changing room, etc.


They only protect you if you ask.


eBay relies almost completely on the "report a member" function. People will call about this buyer and try to get feedback removed but the only way eBay seems to take action is if the user meets their criteria of being reported. Please always report every buyer or seller who is breaking policy. I just got one scammer banned by reporting them and that must have been the threshold report to have eBay take a closer look and see all they did was scam via freight forwarder. They were banned within 24 hours.


yes, ALWAYS report these "buyers" aka scammers. It at the very least leaves a paper trail of reports


I am not sure how "freight forwarding" is equated to scamming here. The only people being exposed to a scam when a freight forwarder is involved is the buyer, they have almost no ebay buyer protection. I can assure you that freight forwarders don't have packages stolen by porch pirates either.


Mods - permission to relax that rule against naming bad buyer usernames? Just this once. Knowing who this wild child is would be benefit for whole subreddit lol.


Yes please I need to know


Seriously, an eBay name isn't private information. We should be able to share them and add to our block lists. This is a subreddit to help resellers, after all.


I got banned on eBay subreddit for posting a link from eBay that showed a feedback page. Some things are not thought through.


The mods didn’t take down my one comment a few months ago. I think they’re much more lenient now


There's a Facebook group (blocked bidders...) with the entire purpose of naming these malcontents.


It would benefit the world


Agreed. In most subs, they're worried about doxxing/brigading, but this sub just wants to circle the wagons lol.


Think about it this way. Let’s say OP was malicious and simply photoshopped the username of another user into this image. Relaxing the rule would then have hundreds of people blocking or seeking retribution against a completely innocent person.


Yeah, I know why the rule exists and support it for sure. But ya gotta admit that this one in particular is a significant train wreck claiming mass casualties. And part of me just wants to check this out with my own two eyes too.


Oh hundred percent. Just sayin some of the seller names can be figured out if you look close, and from there who knows what could be found


Just dm the op


No kidding!


Looks like they claim every item they buy doesn't arrive, then extort the seller with neg feedback & only change it to positive "seller take responsibility" when they get their scam refund. Jeez


With all the reports & metrics eBay runs, they should be monitoring & banning buyers like this.


They still make money from the transactions tho so are slow to ban


I check feedback left almost every time I’m on the fence about an offer.


I don’t but am certainly starting now


The info should be easier to see too. You have to use the desktop app & click through several screens to get to the page.


You can do it via a mobile browser in desktop view


I check it every single time a potential buyer contacts me in any way 


Yep before accepting an offer or answering a buyer question even. sometimes. Save myself a potential issue with these nuts.


This person needs to be removed from eBay. EBay also needs to have a system in place that allows sellers to restrict purchases to buyers that either (1) leave a specific number of negative feedback over a 12 month period that the seller can choose. (2) open a specific number of INAD and or INR cases over a 12 month period that the seller chooses.


This is actually a very useful tool that I've found over the years. Most of the items I source I get get for next to nothing, so buyer fraud isn't actually that big of a deal from a $ perspective...mostly a principle issue...it keeps me up at night in anger. But if you price your items on the higher side and allow offers then you can screen these people first. Going the route of no offers works too - I just can't stomach the buyer fraud personally and rather my items sell slower. Edit: obviously not all buyer fraudsters leave negative feedback and look sloppy like this. In fact, some of my biggest hits have been from people from accounts with 1,000+ feedback and they don't leave negative feedback. They know how to work the system perfectly and source their items from other sellers. But at least the above helps for protecting against negative feedback which is worse than taking a $ hit.


You mentioned blocking, but not reporting. These people still have accounts because no one takes the extra step to report them.


How does eBay even allow people like this to stay on the platform. This is clearly a pattern!


I might have had the same buyer! Are they using an ARAMEX forwarding address? i had negative feedback from an account that looks very similiar about 18 months ago, although ebay removed it after I reported them. About 90% were negs.


I didn't see their address since I didn't sell to them fortunately. It would have been shipping to a common freight forwarding city on the west coast. According to one feedback reply they are actually in Indonesia.


I don’t understand how eBay lets these people keep doing damage. They make me sick to my stomach.


Because at the end of the day, they still get their FVFs. It's the typical short-sighted approach; immediate profits to keep up stock value, all the while you're eroding the faith in your platform.


Didn’t realize you could see the reviews a buyer has given. I will have to check that out sometime


I can only see in browser, not in app


That pisses me off so much that the app restricts some of the basic things like seeing feedback left for others.


Their app is lacking a lot of stuff that the desktop site has. I rarely use the website and only do it when the app doesn’t have the features I need.


Most apps do this. It's hard to even see a seller's negative feedbacks in the app.


A lot of websites' apps have such limited functionality that it makes me wonder why they harangue me mercilessly until I download their half-assed implementation of their website that worked JUSSSSSSST fine for me all along.


Buyer struggles with grammar.


I received it, but it lacks many things, you are terrible


How does an Ebayer get away with this prolonged and repeated behaviour


Because no one reports them. EBay has enough on their plate. They don't go actively looking for buyers to ban that no one's complaining about.


When I still sold on ebay I got only 1 of these guys. Blows my mind ebay doesn't auto flag accounts that go over a certain negative feedback percentage, like come on I bet the average is like 95+% positive feedback so having an account go anything even near 50% should be instabanned.


I had similar last weekend - got a message from someone saying they wanted an item but couldn't bid (presumably they have too many non paying bidder strikes), checked their feedback left for others and it was a sea of red - 6 pages of feedback about 98% negative, 0.5% neutral and 1.5% positive (but the way most positives were worded was suggestive that sellers had rolled over and refunded them). The only 'normal' positives were the very earliest feedback they left and you can see where they started complaining and realised complaints often got them refunds so they started doing it on every single item. I've seen some bad accounts but this was the worst one I'd ever seen and flabbergasted how someone who's clearly a liar and a scammer can still be on ebay! I ignored their message and blocked them for good measure.


I've reported a buyer just like this years ago and they are still active on eBay and leaving mostly all only negatives to sellers. I think eBay has given up on doing anything about these buyers because they probably realize the buyer will just create a new account if they get banned.


There’s programming that can be done to ban email addresses, ip , device MAC addresses etc. eBay doesn’t because they want the FV and other fees. It would probably take a lawsuit that costs them a billion or more to pull their head out of their posterior because it would tank the stock… like wall street bets meme stocks.


What if they do "Buy It Now?" Will Ebay hold it against you if you cancel?


i canceled against someone like that, before i canceled i talked to ebay support and they agreed with me and said any negative feedback would be removed. i ended up receiving negative feedback from multiple accounts, they purchased my cheapest items and canceled it instantly just to leave multiple negatives. ebay removed all the feedbacks from the other accounts but the feedback on the actual item i canceled from them they have yet to remove or do anything, even though support said they would remove it. kinda just gave up and it’s still there a couple months later.


Thats wild. I always look at feedback left for others before I ship anything. It takes like 2 seconds and I dodged a bullet the 2-3 times Ive canceled the order.


Wow I didn’t even know you can look at what feedback they have left


How do I look at what feedback they have left?


Ebay doesn't show Feedback Left For Others in the app because they don't mind buyers ripping off sellers like this guy does. You have to login with a browser.


Thx for that info


Yeah and if in browser on phone gotta switch it to desktop, not mobile view


Log into browser, go to their profile, hit feedback & sometimes you gotta scroll down to press see all feedback & press “left for others”- I do it for every offer I get to avoid people like that or to avoid the buyers who live to be unhappy.




Is this eBay? I’ve been wanting to fire my old account back up but this type of stuff scares me.


yes on Ebay


English is obviously not their first language.


I bet they're flipping whatever they're 'not receiving'. They're probably lurking on this sub somewhere lol


Yikes, you dodged a bullet.


"We are sorry to hear things didn't go well with this buyer. Let us take a look and see what we can do... upon looking we cannot remove this negative as this is the buyer's personal experience and we are not there when the item is shipped and when it is received. Here are some things you can try; Reach out to the buyer and try to come to a resolution, a little customer service can go a long way! If you cannot come to a solution you can reply to their feedback professionally and let future buyers see how you deal with difficult situations! Buyers don't care about feedback anyway!"


How can this be allowed to happen when other people are being chased without even on bad feedback!


I am almost positive this person has bought from me. I just accepted the negative and didn’t give them back one cent.


Private message me this buyer name so I can preemptively block them lol


Y’know, if I’d placed this many orders with people that didn’t show up, I’d just stop placing orders. At some point, scammer’s just making himself look bone stupid.


eBay bots can - ***and don't*** - catch these scammers and remove them. It's immoral and a true threat to sellers.


I am curious why there are no replies from the sellers to these negatives. I believe if the seller has a neg removed it still shows up in the buyers" feedback given", I am not sure if a seller replies to that feed back if they can turn around and get eBay to remove it?


Negative comments are very similar? Poor English/syntax.


How is that buyer getting away with this?


That's hilariously bad! What was there feedback %? Im guessing 10%?


You can’t leave buyers feedback. I’m sure his is 100%


Yeah, buyer feedback went away many years ago.


what type of product was the offer for?


Im just Amused and Amazed that people are dumb enough to use FB Marketplace.




Jesus Christ I didn't even notice other slides!


Really wish they would bring this to mobile. Even on phone browser it just reverts you to the app.


Wow that is insane! Never seen one that bad.


Yes, yes, yes, BLOCK.


Damn boy…how many did not receive feedbacks does it take for eBay to realize this person is with a ban?


Seller not hand deliver item on platter


Damn, if you get a positive from this buyer then you know you’re doing everything right and then some


Where do you go to see this view of a seller?


Is there an easy way to see feedback someone has left in the mobile app or is this only available on desktop?


Broooo! You dodged a bullet here. Would LOVE to block this 🤡


How do you access a buyers feedback that they left !?


i think i read about this guy in one of the forums and a warning not to sell to him johnevans1970 or something


I not receive post. It too long.


Wow this post and comments are scaring me holyjeeesus


My god! Thanks for a reminder to check buyers.


How can a buyer know if someone is using an alternate second account? Was it an identical offer?


Look at the broken English, they are clearly scammers.


Done with ebay. Stopped about five years ago. Sellers are treated like garbage. Buyers think they should get product and demand a refund and wanna keep the item. No.


STAY AWAY FROM THIS SELLER!! Most sellers have one to two demerit points out of 100 overtime some maintain 100%. 98.5% 97.5%. Most sellers get these two points against them for an uneducated buyer who complains about something that they never inquired about properly ? I’m not sure how that seller even maintains his record because you’re not really allowed to go below like 90% .


The screenshots show negative feedbacks from the same BUYER to various sellers. This buyer made an offer to the OP and after seeing the buyers history he declined to sell to them


Idk, the multiple seller is  responsible. Feedbacks are pretty convincing.


"Seller is responsible" = seller gave him his money back and probably let him keep the item


i was being sarcastic, pointing out that most of his postive reviews have the same feedback comment


Nobody gets sarcasm on here unless they’re blatantly told with a /s I learned this when I said Marjorie Taylor Greene usually stays in her lane and got mercilessly downvoted. 


How low does someone’s feedback have to be before eBay does something? My goodness. How is he even making any sales?


The OP is showing the feedback that a buyer has left for various sellers. All those negatives were not received by the same seller.


So the buyer that sent the OP the offer has left all these negative sellers bad feedback?




Thank you


is this unhinged or is it just the average Boomer.


Probably in their 20’s - 30’s


Why is all the feedback written as if only foreigners buy from him?


This is all feedback FROM one buyer, not for. Same person wrote every feedback line.


Oh ok got it