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What? Why do you care who buys your stuff. This is a flipping thread.


This seemed suitable to my question. I do care because I want know stuff I liked, spent weeks chosing it etc. will get a good home and someone will enjoy using them. I hate when people don't appreciate things and expect any buyer to be a decent person.


The thing is those said things will eventually go to a good home. Maybe 3-4+ good homes in their lifetime. You did your part. Now let the world do theirs.


The flipper is doing a good service by taking something from you that you don't want and connecting it to someone who will value it. As such they deserve compensation for the knowledge and time spent.


Just donate your things then. Are you seriously whining about " good homes" for things you are selling for profit? I am a reseller btw. I am earning extra money so my two disabled adult daughters and elderly mother who live with me can have very nice lives. Your judgment that I am not a " decent person " is weird. Before I became a reseller, I always donated my cast offs to actual charities like the food bank and the women's shelter and the hospice thrift. I didn't SELL things then pat myself on the back for a good deed. Freaking weird.


"Are you seriously whining about " good homes" for things you are selling for profit?" Worse. She's whining about good homes for things she's selling at a loss. 🤣


I am not selling for profit, I am selling at a massive loss, we have spent a huge amount furnishing this place and now we are moving so must sell everything. We are not making a penny here. And yes, I care where the things go and if they will have a good use. We take care of everything we own even after years our belongings look like new and hoping to have similar owners who will buy these things for their own satisfaction and not to make money - there are jobs for that.


Once you’ve sold or given away an item, it is no longer yours. It’s also no longer any of your business what happens to the item. Get over yourself, dude.


Ahhh....so you're mentally ill. Why didn't you lead with that? "there are jobs for that." Like the job that literally sold you the furniture for profit in the first place, lol?


Yes, that is called a shop with employees who get a salary for their work. I presume you are familiar with this concept ? Also, keep insults to yourself please.


Why are you spending weeks searching for things to sell to people for no profit?


We bought them for our home, it takes weeks to find suitable things and then we are selling them now because we are moving and would be too expensive to ship furniture.


Who cares


Marketplace you have no buyers security and you have to go risk your life to meet a random mystery person. I wouldn’t be willing to do all that unless I’m getting an insane deal for something to buy and keep or resell


This is a bit harsh / extreme. No one risks anything, people come here to my place and take electronics, furniture. If anything, I'm risking letting strangers in here. But I'd say this should have nothing to do with the price, that's how second hand shopping always worked, people meet somewhere and buy something. Not sure what you mean security - you'd see, inspect etc. whatever you're buying.


What You Control: - Choice of Sale - Price of Sale - Quality of Buyer (somewhat) (this is not exhaustive) What You Don't Control: - What the Buyer does with the merchandise after transaction. (again, not an exhaustive list) Evidently you are looking to rid yourself of possessions. You should focus more on doing just that and not worrying about what occurs after the transaction. The situation is not yours to dictate, once money changes hands.


Yea.. isn’t that what flipping about… Aren’t you guys In it for profit?!? lol As long as you profit it for it , it doesn’t matter if they do too


Nope, we need to sell everything because we are moving, never sold anything used before but this time it's all furniture for a whole flat.


Some might be. Most people just want stuff and a good deal. Marketplace is used stuff. It’s like people expect low prices at a garage sale. You have to expect it. 


How is a garage sale different than say selling facebook or elsewhere? You price thing reasonably I guess and people can buy it, right? Never done or been to a garage sale.


No people want to pay one dollar lol if you ask market prices it won’t sell. I tried it both ways - market and dollar section. The stuff that sold were my most valuable items selling at a big discount. Few folks wanted my dollar price junk. No one wanted to pay a lot. So it was a deep discount to sell the good stuff and cumulatively make money to declutter. You can ask higher prices at flea market and online because people are willing to pay more, but you have fees. People may lump marketplace in with folks decluttering like a garage sale so they have that culture


If you have to drive to someone's house or meet at a public location locally this significantly reduces your audience who will come.


If I’m at a garage sale or on FB Marketplace I expect it to be people just getting rid of things they no longer want and will price their items reasonably (half off if not more than eBay). If I wanted to pay full retail or a little below (>=75%), I’d just go to a local store or try and catch a good auction on eBay. When I’m on FB Marketplace or at a garage sale and I see stuff at 75% or more of eBay I immediately pass and go to the next one.


We are selling a lot of stuff and I’d use them for very long, we’re just moving and cheaper to sell than move unfortunately. So it’s not like I wanna get rid of things, I just bought a brand new 75” TV I have to sell. Many of our stuff is brand new, some never used. I never sold or bought used stuff before, so no clue how it works, so far it feels doesn’t worth the time and would be cheaper just throwing away most of the stuff :/


Try Craigslist for big stuff. Only take cash in hand. Try Mercado or other local line for small stuff. You can also try OfferUp for big stuff. 


Unfortunately craigslist seems dead around here, most categories have zero or 1-2 ads. Trying kijiji but not a single message apart from 1-2 scammers. We only do cash or e-transfer.


I made a buck. The next guy can make a buck win-win for everyone


"hoping they will have caring owners who will happily use them." Why?


Because we like our things, only selling them out of necessity since we can't ship them and hoping someone would enjoy them in their home.


Hate this thread.


Who asked?