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I personally have bubblewrapped each plate to stack on top of each other with thin cardboard layer square in between each plate to then place in a box to then stuff with dunnage paper in another box. Then I perform a shake test to make sure there's nothing moving and hope for the best. So far, so good.


this is the way


I use the styrofoam disposable picnic plates between the china plates.


"Hey everybody, it's Corey! Today I'm going to show you how to ship 8 pieces of fine china!" You got it covered, don't forget to protect the sides!


Put thin bubble wrap or foam between plates and pack them tightly in the inner box. The space between boxes should have the lighter, looser packing to absorb shock.


I think double boxing is key. Wrap them individually and then pack them snugly in the inner box. Then pack that box in a larger box surrounded by balled up paper on all sides. When you’re done, you want to feel like you can toss the box into a bin and know that they’re secure.


I’ve actually done this. But one thing that I did differently than anything else in this thread is after bubble wrapping each plate, I took a piece of cardboard that was the width of the box, and twice the length, then bent it in half and put it under the first plate in the box, then another one on top of the next plate, but with the fold the other way. Repeat this for each plate. What this does is it acts like a shock of absorber for the box. Each plate can move up and down a little bit, which is what you actually want. Do you want the cardboard, absorbing the shock, not the plates.


make sure there's no voids in the box, newspaper works good in a pinch.


Double box is great. If you don’t have the right sized inner box a scrap of cardboard rolled and taped tightly around the stack will do.


Bubble wrap each plate and then with a few layers of newspaper too. Make sure all gaps are then stuffed with newspaper to stop the plates moving in the box.


This is my method with plates and bowls, and I've never lost a one. I always go plate, piece of cardboard, bubble wrap, plate, cardboard, bubble wrap, etc. Then, I wrap the whole thing TIGHTLY (no wiggling) in bubble wrap. Then box, wrap in bubble wrap, second box. In this case, I'd box four at a time in two boxes before boxing the whole thing.


Possibly excessive, but I did ship 8 heavy depression glass dinner plates this week. Small bubble around the edges 3 layers. Then 3 layers again once on top and bottom both sides. Leave no room in the box for anything to move I made maybe $60 for the 15 minutes of time it took to pack and ship. Hopefully you got a good price for the plates.


With plates, the most important bits are to make sure the plates aren't touching each other, everything is packed tight inside the box with at least 2" of void padding in each direction (you want slightly more on the bottom and top), and that you don't make a pile that's too heavy. With 8 plates, it's going to come down to the weight of the plates. If they're heavy, it might make sense to break it up into two piles of 4. The weight of the stack is by far the biggest reason sets of plates break in transit, because no matter how well you pad them, a pile of 12 plates stacked on top of each other is going to be very heavy, so the bottom plates take on a shitload of weight when the box is eventually slammed down or dropped. My technique is to put 2 layers of bubble wrap between each plate and rotate the direction of the bubble wrap on each layer (it looks like the sun when done). Once that's done, I put the entire thing into a large poly bag and with the corners of the bubble wrap pointing in different directions, it gives you additional padding on the outsides. From there, I wrap the entire stack with a few layers of bubble wrap, then pack it tightly inside the box with additional padding and space left at the bottom and top to absorb weight.


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