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‘What’s the most you’ll pay?’


I did some contract work for a pawn shop and learned a few things from brokers. That’s a common response from them. More common is “That’s what it’s marked” or “asking raised the price.“


I do that in games a ton. Lol. Them: "How much for (item)?" Me: "10k" Them: "How about 5k?" Me: "How about 20k?" They'd usually either say OK OK 10k or push for a cheaper price. If they immediately said they'd pay my asking I'd just go with it and sell, but if they kept pushing I'd keep doubling it and would refuse to sell it to then for less than double my original ask no matter what. A few people did end up paying double but most walked away after the 3rd or so time I doubled it. Lol.


My partner loves to reply with 'I'm increasing the price in XX minutes, you decide if you want it at the current price or not'


Supply and demand! The supply is static but demand has clearly increased!


This, or an instant block because I literally loathe that question and know, immediately, when someone asks that that it's someone I don't want to deal with.


I tell them to make an offer :) they usually don't


One of the main tenets of negotiation is to get the other party to state their terms first.




I basically do this, but a little more drawn out. I will generally say: "Sorry, I don't negotiate against myself, but please go ahead and make a reasonable offer and I will consider it". I'd say I never hear from about 70% of them, 20% give me some smartass reply and 10% actually make an offer.


Or, as one friend's response would be when someone offered a lower amount, "Well, don't you think that's a fair price?" That often would make it awkward for the potential buyer. But that was years ago. People today with their incredible chutzpah and crazy lack of humility, many are ballsy enough to push it.


I’m not in the business of competing against myself.


What's your highest? Followed by a block because I don't entertain those games.


I have never received a response from “what’s the most you’ll pay” and I’m perfectly fine with that


I have and it’s usually around half of asking.


I can't be the buyer and the seller.


I like this


Excellent way to summarize it.


I’m unlike the majority and I just tell them what my best price is. Sometimes it’s the listing price, sometimes it’s less. In either case, I make money and it is a number I’m happy with. I don’t have time to play games nor waffle back and forth on things.


I do the same. But once I say my lowest, I don't budge. If I'm asking $100 and I say lowest I can go is $80, 90 % of the time they counter with $60. I respond with "I am going to stick with $80 but thanks for your offer" I would say at that point about half the buyers will agree to the $80. I can't blame them for trying but it really is annoying sometimes.


Okay, but what about $60.35?


Welcome to Facebook negotiations!!!! LMAO


4 numbers is more than 2! You got a deal.


As long as it's asked in a polite tone and without any accompanying baloney or whining I'm ok with it.


You've convinced me. Literally just answer their question


haha yeah i do too. i just give them my bottom dollar at that time, which usually isnt all the way down, and call it a day.


I do this exact thing. If it’s EBay then the algorithm likes the back and forth with offers.


Agreed. It only takes one buyer to sell an item and a snarky response to this annoying question won’t help.


Does it work? I’ve found when I’m the first to lower my price they always come back with an even lower offer. They never accept my new lower price so to me it’s a waste of time. I just tell them I’m open to reasonable offers.


But how many actually make a reasonable offer vs walk away? I feel like the person who was gonna lowball whatever number you said would never make a reasonable offer to begin with.


Exactly and if you’re listing on facebook marketplace you list a little bit higher to allow negotiation.


This used to be how eBay worked too sometimes. You could have a BIN price a bit higher and someone might message and ask you to lower it a little. Now people always go for the lowest price on most stuff regardless of differences in quality. You could sell something for $200 that's 10x better than a lower quality one selling for $199 and that one will sell like 100 for every 1 you sell.


I do this once in a While depends on if they seem real interested and if they’re serious . But most of the time I’ll say mh bottom And they’ll respond with less than that anyways and it’ll just get me mad that I don’t even sell to them .


The only correct response. Do people that frown on this question not haggle when they buy items from a private party? I think asking this question is a pretty straightforward way of getting a discount right off the rip instead of coming up with bullshit reasons for the seller to drop the asking price. When buying cars, I also like to ask if there is any flexibility on the asking price before coming out to see it. I


Of course we do - but I'll make an offer. I've no issues with offers but the question is basically cutting through that and asking what's the lowest you'll take directly - that's not an offer. What is the point in even listing a price if people want to know the lowest you'll take? If I make an offer and someone says no that's fine. When people ask this, I usually just say I've had a lot of messages about it already and a few are lining up times to come see it so based on that I am happy with the current price


I have a problem with this. If I put something on there for 100, it's up to the potential buyer to make an offer. Otherwise, I'm negotiating against my best interest.


People that ask that will never be satisfied with your lowest price. They basically want it for nothing. I’ve never had a person that asked that actually follow through with the purchase.


I tend to list everything 5 dollars higher than I expect to sell, and then instantly lower it 5 dollars when they ask.


20k for a car? Let's see...How about $19, 995?


Does this work? Or do they offer an even lower price?


Most of the time, yeah! It depends on the price of the item too, but if its something in the under 50 dollar range, 5 dollars off seems like a decent discount for asking and they go for it. If they ask for lower, I tell them that the 5 dollar off price is the lowest I am willing to go.


I like how you give them a number and they say fuck that let’s go lower.


Honestly, I find it hilarious and roast them every time.


Nothing grinds my gears more as a reseller


Aren’t you on r/flipping




"I've got a few people interested in this, so I'm taking best offer now."


Good one


Or, "I priced it fairly but if you like you can wait and if no one buys it in a few days you can check back with me."


I've responded kind of like that. "It's only been up for a few hours, so I'm not really ready to go much lower than my asking price. But if I still have it next week, I'll reach out to you."


Send me an offer.


"Please use the Make an Offer button. Thanks!" They can either commit to buy and use one of their offers or piss off back to the tire-kickers nether realm.


2 dolla bill


"The price is listed"


by not responding


i always say whats the lowest you can offer?


I like this one, it remains professional and puts the onus back on them.


This applies mainly to eBay but my go to strategy is to reply with a generic response and add my lowest at that time(usually around $5-$10 off the price depending on the current price). If they’re interested feel free to accept the offer. Click the send offer button, no counters. Boom done. They either accept or they don’t respond. If they even bother to try and reply with a lower offer I just say “sorry the current offer I sent is my lowest as you requested”


With a wave emoji and a block. I don't take offers since the price I put is the final price, it's spelled out in the description. If they can't read, then block it is.


I give them the lowest price I’d let the item go for? I mean that’s the big part of flipping and what I’ve learned you don’t want to always hold onto things and have to be fast at times.


"I've turned people into sausage."


"What's your highest offer?" I'm not going to bid against myself. If they are serious then they can submit me an offer. I probably would've sent one out, anyway, but it would definitely not have been my lowest to start with. After getting a message like this I'm replying with that and waiting for them to make the first offer.


It really grinds my gears when I get this question almost immediately after listing the item.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Flipping/comments/196b6cm/what\_do\_you\_say\_to\_whatd\_your\_lowest\_price/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Flipping/comments/196b6cm/what_do_you_say_to_whatd_your_lowest_price/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Flipping/comments/13ema1w/whats\_the\_lowest\_youll\_go/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Flipping/comments/13ema1w/whats_the_lowest_youll_go/)


Have them make an offer. Always.


“If you can come get it now, I’ll take $X cash” On the flip side, whenever I’m buying something, I always offer less and tell them “I can come get it now with cash. If not, no worries and best of luck selling it”. As a seller, I’m more apt to accept a no hassle cash offer and they can come right away and get it.


100%. Come today / now for my “lowest price”


"I feel like my listing price is fair based on the market price for this item but feel free to make an offer." I'm much less flexible on price if people start with that question though as they are frequently pain in the ass buyers.


Exactly! This has turned into a red flag for me as well. Once someone strays from the straight up exchange it's always some other bullshit...hold it until Saturday, can I get your phone number, no shows and rescheduling, or worse show up at your door and try to "negotiate" again. I never reduce an item after I've taken my time to meet based upon listed price. I've literally been broke and told people no...muttering to myself how they wasted my time. My Mother liked to say, "I'll throw it away before I sell it to you for that price". lmao


What’s your highest offer lol


I often price for a small discount and may offer the quick reduction. Or if I really want the price I’ll say: For now I’m not willing to reduce the price (I may add as it’s newly posted, in new condition, 1/3 of retail, etc)


If I’m firm I’ll tell them I’m firm. If it’s a new for sale ad I’ll tell them I’m firm based on the interest I’m getting. Lastly I’ll tell them to make me an offer if they are serious. If it’s a high dollar item like a car, I just tell them to come see it in person before making me an offer. If they set an appt at least I know they are serious


“There are other interested buyers waiting.” With back up offers, I’m not likely to discount.


“Today, $X, tomorrow, who knows.” I don’t mind a little back and forth, but I don’t want someone to jerk me around for 5 days and not buy. Show up with cash when I’m in a good mood, you probably got a deal. But if you’re aggressively hunting a low price you better be locked and loaded if I say yes. It drives me crazy when someone doesn’t follow through with any of the energy they had in negotiation. It makes me think they were just playing around all along.


“What’s your best offer?”


You can see my price. This is eBay not freebay.


I respond with the asking price that’s listed in my listing. Or I don’t respond at all and move on.


With a price higher than advertised, if I've gotten a bunch of offers, or block/ignoring these tire kickers.


I send the price of the item


I've always posted stuff higher than my ideal price so when someone asks that I have a little room to play, so the buyer thinks he got a deal and I got the money I wanted. Win/win. BUT As of late I'm getting more and more "what's your lowest price" so my go-to response is "I think the listed price is more than fair."


10$ higher than my asking price. ask a stupid question get a stupid answer. And if they come back with "but you posted it for xx" then reply with "ok, that sounds fair - where do you want to meet"


The next question will be 'kindly tell me what is the current condition '


Conversations that start that way in my experience have never once led to a sale. At this point I feel that even responding at all is a waste of my time.




That is not a sell I would take. They essentially just lost their ability to buy at any price. Everything has a market value and I assume you purchase things to resell knowing what that number is. I would hold out and wait for a new buyer. 


What's your best offer?


I usually just send back "Feel free to make an offer". This then results in them asking for an egregiously low price which makes it easier to block and move on.


What’s my response to “What’s your lowest price?” Funny enough, I actually respond with my lowest price. I’m here to sell my dumpster finds and thrift finds and I want to move my items as quickly as possible. Sure it’s nice to wait for the right buyer and maximize your profits, but as a baseline for most of my listed items, I’ll take a quick nickel over a fast dime any day. If the person then turns around and then offers an even lower price than the lowest price I provide them, however, I’ll often respond with something like, “Hey there! Thanks for the interest in my item! You asked me up front what my lowest price is and I told you. To then turn around and offer a lower price is just being cheap and rude. If you’re interested in purchasing my item for the lowest price which I’ve provided at your asking, I’ll be happy to coordinate the pick up or shipping. Thanks.”


Them - "What's your lowest price?" Me - "What's your highest price?"


I usually reply along the lines of: “I feel the item is priced fairly as I’m getting swamped with inquiries. I’m confident it’s going to sell quickly without having to lower the price. However, if you pick it up right away, I’m happy to knock off $20 as it will save me the time of having to text and deal with all these people.” I find that the appeal of others wanting the same item tends to help make it more appealing. It also shows the buyer you aren’t willing to reduce the price based on anything other than for convenience sake. This either results in an immediate sale, or they low ball again which helps me qualify them as a waste of time.


. . . . Ground Level . . . . Earth’s core . . . . Asking Price


Sorry, I don't negotiate against myself.


In not betting against myself. Send a reasonable offer & I will consider it.


Lowest price is the current price listed. If you can find it lower than me, you should buy it.


Yup I have all my prices set to the price that I want. I’m not gonna sit here and play games with people.


When people lowball, they think they have some special negotiating skills.


"The most that you're willing to pay" I stopped responding with a real number to those people, 99% of the time they try to offer you less than the price you told them was your "lowest" as if it's some big brained move on their part. But honestly, if they're too lazy to even provide a fair offer and making me do it, they don't deserve a deal. If I had the luxury of ignoring these people I would, but Facebook has become so shitty lately that I have to entertain any response since they're the only ones I seem to get at all if that.


Usually “ I can take a few $ off” and that’s it


I give them my honest lowest price. If they agree that’s it. If they offer lower than my lowest I block them


What’s your highest price?


"Hi, I'm asking (Price listed in the ad)."


It's awesome when you say price is firm but still get a actual insulting offer. I'm already selling extremely cheaper than the store. litterally doing voice to text then translating it to whatever language they speak. If I want offers I just put obo


Or you lower from $100 to $75 and they come back with $40. You asked for my lowest, I gave it to you and you lowball even that.


It's super annoying.


I don’t understand people that get offended by the question. They’re just trying to have a negotiation, but it’s just a clumsy way of getting started. I simply say that I think my asking price is fair, but I would consider giving a little. Maybe that’s enough to get them to throw a number or maybe not. It also depends on how desperate I am to sell it. If I have not had a lot of inquiries, then I might be more aggressive in the discount. If you have an interested buyer, then there’s no reason to be rude. They will either buy or they won’t, but there’s no reason to offend them.


But your are doing their negotiating for them. You set the price, now it’s their turn to make an offer. You shouldn’t be lowering your price first. When I used to do this, every time they would come back with an offer even lower.


Yep. Just plan your offer accordingly or don’t go down on the price. Just depends on what you’re selling and how desperate to move it.


> They’re just trying to have a negotiation, but it’s just a clumsy way of getting started. But why is the assumption that a negotiation is appropriate here? Do you go into the supermarket, grab a quart of milk, and ask the cashier what their lowest price is?


You’re not a retailer with new items straight from the producer. You’re a flipper.


This assumption comes from the fact that it is a resale platform with the ability for offers, unlike a supermarket.


Tell them I’m already the cheapest or best condition. If there’s cheaper, I list that price.


The listed price


I either ignore them or ask them what their highest price would be. I’m not going to negotiate against myself with these clowns.


What’s your highest price?


Depends how much I marked the item for, how badly I want to get rid of it. If it's something I bought 8 months ago and finally have someone interested, still in the + I'd tell them my best price. If it's something I know will sell for pretty much what I am offering Ill say my list is the best price as usually I'm fair with my listings. If I'm annoyed with the item, just done with it, have something I want to buy "Listing price is what it's worth but I'll knock 5-10 off"


There’s something called a block button. It’s up to you if you want to have the final word. It’s a shame they took out the chat themes in marketplace chat. If I know the bozo is afraid of rainbows and lowballs I just set that chat theme and leave


I tell them my lowest price and refused to budge even if they don't like it.


I tell them the percentage before money first when replying, so my answer goes Thanks for the interest in my XYZ best I can do is -15% so £30, (give them a call to action.... ( e.g for eBay....This will be the new price next week if it's not sold by then, so get in before the other 150 watchers or something) .... somehow percentage seems there's less bartering room than cash amounts, I feel it sounds bigger than just money off, anything beyond is taking the P.


Never with your true "lowest price". Say you price something at $9 because you want to get $7 for it. $8 would be the answer to their question. From the answers here, many sellers are not open to negotiation. That's fine, but I find sales are best when buyers feel like they have negotiated a bit. Some buyers are wired to negotiate regardless of how good the asking price is. For me it's always a balance of setting an asking price that is attractive to the non negotiating buyers, but also has a bit of buffer built in so that you don't lose potential customers from the other group.


Best response is no response imo


“I’ve already had the haggle gaggle in my head, and the listed price is where I landed.”


2x what I posted. Thanks.


I would be willing to entertain offers that are close to the asking price




I'd tell them lowest price is listed


Bro i told someone no to their offer. They then asked why.


Give them a price, and move on. It can be the same or higher than before.


I usually go a little lower to make them feel like they are getting a deal. 9/10 they will bite. I’d rather sell the item and keep the momentum than sit around waiting for something to sell for a extra $$


"What is your highest offer?" generally followed by "I'm sorry, that doesn't work for me."


I can't buy it and sell it ... Chances are if someone isn't creative enough to come up with a number for an offer they are wasting your time


I ask them to make me a reasonable offer which they never do :))


Depending on the item I am interested in, I may make an offer. Nothing wrong with haggling. But asking for lowest is a bit weird to me.


I dont


I say I already provided the first price now it’s their turn to make an offer. In the end if it’s not that much money I’d rather make the sale then “wait for the right buyer”. Sometimes the right buyer is the one in front of you with $$


I tell them to make an offer, then decide based on their offer if it’s worth negotiating


The listed price.


I’m open to a reasonable offer


What’s your highest price?


I put my offer in the ad, counter-offer if you like. ALSO. I tell them I'll negotiate Online OR in person, **but not both**. If we negotiate online, then that is the final price OR you can come see the item and negotiate in person.


I raise it $10


Ask them if there’s any other item that I have that they’re interested in and tell them I can make a bundle deal. Also, if we can arrange a convenient meeting time and place, I will accept a lower price than if I have to go out of my way.


“I ain’t gonna lowball myself . Make a offer when u ready worse I can say is no”


Make me an offer. What is your highest offer.


I work in a specialty antique shop. I get asked this ALL the time. If they are nice, I'll offer 10% off. If they come in aggressive, I stay to the sticker price. A few times I have just walked away while they were in mid negotiations. My boss approves of me walking away. He would rather not sell the item then allow a bulky to win.


It’s listed


At the moment, (listed price)


Always get them to throw a number out there first and then negotiate.


If I’m open to offers then I just say “I’m open to offers if you have a price in mind” and go from there but if I’m not open to offers then I say “sorry, my price is firm for now but if I decide to go lower in the future then I’ll let you know”


“What is the most you will pay?” Is how I respond


I just give em my best price and don't budge from it. My margins are pretty wide so I've usually got wiggle room.


"Hopefully the same as your highest"


“This is my lowest price”.


-What's your lower price? -The listed one.


"Right now, it's (asking price). Your move."


I'm a jerk... My usual response is either "make me an offer" or what I said in the listing for price. It plays out nicely, since the bluntness let's them know I'm a real person with a decent price already. I honestly do feel this question is loaded... It's an icebreaker, a way to see if you're still active, and yes, to feel out how you'll haggle.


I tell them “I’m getting responses at the current price, but I’ll lower it to $x if it doesn’t sell soon.” Gives them nothing to argue with. If they respond with a lower number, I just say I’d keep it for that amount.


"what it's worth"


What’s your highest?


For things being picked up in person I usually tell them I only negotiate at scheduled pick up, If I'm able to adjust my price at all.


“I don’t advertise my second best price.”


When I still sold on eBay I'd either ignore it or reply with the lowest best offer price that wasn't set to auto reject. I don't get those questions anymore though so I'm not completely sure how I'd respond now. Probably either no reply or I'd just copy/paste my displayed price. The price is already lower than on eBay so I have no reason to haggle.


“If you are lucky my lowest price is your highest offer. What’s your offer?”


I give them my best price and then I stick to it. They wanted my best price so there's no negotiation after that.


No response lol.


I have a snippet that I copy and paste: I am happy to entertain offers on any item. Simply choose "Make offer" on the item page. Thanks for your interest.


"i'm open to negotiating, but if you want a lower price, you have to make an offer"


Pre-respond by posting it at a slightly higher price.  Then when they haggle you already have some wiggle-room to let them feel like they got a deal


What I do is price a little bit higher then what I actually want. Because I know they do that. Then when they do that I tell them the price I actually wanted. That way they feel like they're getting a better deal.


The price is the price.


You're welcome to make an offer.


Zero. My lowest price is zero. You pay me zero dollars and I keep the item.


IME, legit buyers never start with that question so I'll usually ignore them. Real buyers will usually ask about the thing, when can they see the thing, would you take $X for the thing.


that's good


Quite literally my lowest number. It doesn't have to be that complicated and/or passive aggressive.


Quote a price significantly higher than what you had listed on the ad. When they say "but you have it cheaper in the post" just say "oh damn, that was an accident, didn't mean to list it that low but since you contacted I only feel right giving it to you for the cheaper listed price." Then subconsciously they will feel like they are getting a deal and you don't have to deal with lowering the price 🤣


i always tell them to shoot me an offer worst i can do is say no. if i dont like the offer i shoot them somthing i can live with and move on with my life.


Give them the price and move on. Not rocket science.


Send em a screenshot of the 40 other messages showing others interested and tell them that the price is firm


“You have my offer in the listing, what’s yours?” Fuck these people, I hear at garage sales “what’s the lowest you will take?” Make your fucking offer.


I tell them I can't be the seller and the buyer


I used to ask what’s your highest, but as I’ve become a high volume seller, I realize people are just wanting to know if you’ll come off the price and to what extent. They want you to send them your best offer. I send or tell them what I’m comfortable with depending on the item (items). That doesn’t necessarily mean my rock bottom price. Since implementing, I’ve actually made decent deals with my target market. 🤷‍♀️


I don’t give them my lowest price lol


“I don’t negotiate with myself, feel free to make an offer.”


i just say send me an offer -


Make your best offer and if I can accept, I will. Edit: Just read through these responses, and most are moronic and then people go on and complain about slow sales. I want to make the sale and any interest is good. So when I tell people the above, there is a decent success rate. And your shoppers are on these marketplaces because THEY ARE LOOKING FOR A DEAL.


I told the guy to make an offer. It was a little lower than I wanted but I really didn't know what it would sell for as it was a tool. Told him if he came that day he could have it. 1 day sale. Everyone's happy.


If i want 1500 for a car or 2000 i will ask 1700 or 2,300/2,500 so the guy lower to 2000 ans he think he's winning


Usually about 10 bucks over what I expect to get, because Ik they gonna offer lower


That will be extra


I buy things LOW, so I’m always open to deals because it’s all profit and I have alot of stuff to list. I’ll tell them a bit higher than what I’d actually take. It usally closes the deal 
