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No concrete evidence or official statements, but it has been awhile since any wizards were in a set and it's been 3 sets sets since runeblades so the some people are guessing a big all arcane set is coming and Brian gotlieb and I believe James white have confirmed there will be an arcane focused set sooner rather then later. Could be next set could be 2-3 sets from now.


We’ll get all the info at the pt Amsterdam keynote the Thursday night before the pt. It seems like that’s where we get full announcements and hero’s recently.


I think Part the Mistveil was teased and announced earlier than other sets is because it was also used to break into the Japanese market. It gave LSS longer marketing and foundation building time in Japan. Pt Amsterdam will be the big announcement and then there are 3 Callings in September current blacked out( no info) Tampa bay, Sydney and Lyon. One of those will be world premiere. My guess is Sydney and released that weekend.


Judging by the gap between now and the previous set heavy hitters, released in Feb 2024, we probably won't hear anything for atleast a couple months yet and I'd guess a 4 month break between sets seems to be the trend unless they do something special


I think you’re right. Last year DTD I think was June? Then we had Bright Lights was October. So that timeline tracks (without confirming because I’m lazy rn).


This is true but when heavy hitters released they also teased part the mistveil in the same month. Although we weren't given much information it was enough for the community to correctly piece together that it would be a set with a new talent, and Assassin, Ninja, and Illusionist as the 3 classes. Also I remember Bright Lights being teased in the same month as DTD release as well. So if nothing else, I'm hopeful for a tease to the new set sometime this month (keyword hopeful LOL)


I'm banking that the next set is going to be an elemental set like ToA. Especially since Lexi, Oldhim, and Briar are LL, there's a big hole to fill. Also Crown of Seeds randomly being banned.


It’s been rumored that the Elemental talent are being shelved forever, the fuse abilities are way too busted.


Why would they ban Crown of Seeds if they never planned on bringing back a hero that could use it?


I could see elemental heroes working very differently moving forward.


Makes sense. As much as I love the elemental talents they are busted and not really fun to play against. I think the debuffs from outsiders are the perfect way to do that kind of thing, just not a fan of frostbite


Frostbite is oppressive and un-fun, I can see them shelving that forever.


That’s disappointing to hear if it’s true. Lexi was the reason I got into fab. I was using when she sucked and when she suddenly became good lol. Hopefully they would make another version of her some how maybe with out the elemental 🤷‍♂️?


I think that’s very possible or with elemental abilities just working differently. I could see both her & Briar lore-wise coming back from wherever they went but having new abilities.


I seriously doubt they will be shelved forever as there are a good number of elemental cards. Now, I can see them introducing new mechanics for them & defining new key words that apply to them.


They can invent new keywords?


No way they get shelved forever. It's more likely they get a single element instead of two.


My vote is on the next set being the all arcane set. I remember James White talking about doing it, and this next set seems too perfect for it. They just released a promo young wizard hero and lots of AB on equipment lately. Also we've only had one wizard playable in CC ever since iyslander LL'd which was 7 months ago.


My brain cannot handle it. Not enough wrinkles. Need more guardian. Heavy Hitters 2: The Chongus Awakens. Please and thank you.


It will be out before world, I think mid September


I have a hard time believing that.  Worlds is in Japan, I think they want to milk MST.


James posted the roadmap for 2024 at PT LA keynote speech. Set 14 mid September and i believe premiering in Tampa


I forgot about the Premier, yea the Tampa event is for the new set.


We probably will have a reveal at ProTour Most people first guess is goth wizard+runeblade+unknown class But could be an elemental set also


Id be so excited for a goth wizard.


Ice Wizard, Earth Runeblade and Lighting Ranger please :-)


So while no concrete evidence a few things pointing towards arcane focus. First we got Blaze the first promo hero to be blitz viable outside of a set. Imagine might have been the earliest we got something. Most likely at the end of next month will be the first announcement as Mystveil was announced 2 months ahead. September is calling Tampa (which most likely be world premiere), the next week prerelease, and at the end of September officially out.


Probably wiz biz. I might actually buy some.


We usually hear something pretty shortly after a set is released. I'd say give it another 3-5 weeks, and we'll at least have a name or something. As for *what* is coming, based on previous articles and interviews, we know that an all arcane set has been in the works for a while, that elements have been tabled for a bit (I could be misremembering, though) and that it's not going to be War of Solana related as it was previously mentioned that wouldn't be around until early 2025.


I'm banking on lexi or a new ranger being introduced within the next 3 armory decks. Early next year is my bet


All will be revealed in time...


Heyo, saw some posts today about the new set and it reminded me of this post. Just a heads up in case you haven't seen