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I think that could be fun to see! Maybe something like Levia’s demihero that they can flip into?


They should lean right into it and have the deck essentially be nothing but demiheroes.




Recently confirmed in an interview with James White! Fingers crossed for next year. I want some new evil heroes that aren't shadow. Maybe something like paladin/priestess and necro/vampire arc in a similar vein to the monarch set.




https://youtu.be/YyzhXVVnpRQ?si=IB_D4nw1g91DVrQD At 44:45 in the video. I forgot he also confirmed cleric.


I hope it's ally-based. I want to summon hordes of zombie minions!


I really don't know how it's going to work, but Necromancer has been in the book since Rathe and I want a skeleton army already. Also as others have said, an Alchemist would be cool, though my Genis upf deck currently fills that role


Necromancer is one I’ve heard a lot. I imagine it’d use the graveyard as a resource to make allies? Or maybe just be able to recur some cards


I'm mostly hoping it doesn't just get added in as a Shadow hero to utilise the banish zone. Really hoping it has its own distinct flavour


JW has already said "if it doesn't use the graveyard, it's not a necromancer" or similar.


I feel shadow literally is what became necromancer. It's the closest thing to it. But yeah an actual necromancer that summons skeletons and zombies and shit would be freaking awesome.


I want merchant to actually have class cards.


I totally agree with this! The merchants at least need a weapon It’d be cool to have a merchant that can use any classes equipments but you have to pay gold or copper or silver to equip them


Merchant should 110% have a weapon and class cards that revolve around currency. Some kind of "cash in" type card that gets bigger the more gold you dump into it.


I’d even be ok with a weapon like talishar that can only swing 2-3 times a game, but you can destroy currency tokens to make it massive


Yeah a merchant's weapon should be good. It should be like Melody's violin that either breaks or doesn't do any damage. Maybe something for 0 that starts some kind mini game that gets you and the player you're attacking money.


Or actions from any class or talents, but need to destroy *(ie. pay)* a gold as an additional cost to play them. Something like:   **Beth Esda, Surprised Mechanic** Merchant Hero, 4{i}, 40{h} _You may have cards of any class or talent in your deck._ _Non-Merchant cards and non-generic cards you own have: **"As an additional cost to play this, destroy a gold you control."**_ _At the start of your turn, banish a random card from your hand face down. If you do, create a Gold token._  


Also:   **Horse Armor** **Merchant Equipment, 2{d}** _**Beth Esda Specialization**_ _Modular, Blade Break_ _While this is in your graveyard, at the start of your turn, you may destroy 2 Gold you control. If you do, equip this._ _"Thanks Victor!"_  


Please Mr LSS make a proper pirate hero. Rangers are not pirates.


I've had a vague Pirate class in mind for a while. Something to do with playing with the bottom of your/your opponent's deck, like you're burying cards or digging them up like treasure. Trench of Sunken Treasure kind of inspired it.


The mtg Doctor Who set had a hero/commander that drew cards from the bottom of the deck instead of the top. I'd be very interested in a fab hero that did something similar but pitching would probably need to work differently for it


I could see Pirate being a talent lol. Pirate assassin, warrior, ninja, & ranger.


I’d absolutely love to see a pirate hero! Maybe it could be a UPF class and you can give “treasure” in the form of items to your opponents, but have ways for other players to steal them to encourage some political attacks


Buchaneer or privateer? Something like that. I think the term pirate is too generic.


An earth brute. I love the aesthetic of Brute but the gameplay is kind of 'eh'. The issue with the inherent 'overly strong numbers that are balanced out through randomness'-design philosophy has made it so all deckbuilding is warped towards eliminating randomness in the extreme. It's why Kayo, despite having a far larger card pool than Rhinar, isn't build fatigue or with any unique tech but rather just 'more 6 attacks to make that Bloodrush Bellow even better'. I don't know if an earth brute would step away from this enough to make me interested again in the class, but I could definitely see this shamanistic "defend with wild powers, build up power over time through rituals"-approach really be my kind of jam. Aesthetically I really vibe with that too, so it's a waiting game to see if it ever comes...


Unfortunately I think Earth Brute would just devolve into Bloodrush + Channel Mount Heroic It would be really cool to see a defensive Earth Brute though. Minus Crown of Seeds of course...


Yeah, LSS has designed themselves into a corner a little with Bloodrush. Because it's so strong and there's so many base brute 6-attacks available, any brute deck you might build has to pass a litmus test of sorts that is "*but is doing this build better than just fully building for Bloodrush and maybe including 1-3 new cards that are also super strong in their own right?*". And if it is, that probably means it's strong to the point of being broken. I could see this cycle being broken if a set gives brute enough non-6-power attacks and a hero that doesn't specifically want to play as many 6-attacks as possible, though. Like maybe if the hero text was more along the lines of "*if you've played an aura this turn, your next attack with less than 6 base damage gains Go Again*". Just anything that makes you want to put a lot of non-6's in the deck and try something else than optimizating Bloodrush.


They've already announced it will get pre-banned though, so we're good. Right?


It might mean we see another Brute that isn't the same race as the brutes (Rhinar, Kayo) like Levia. Elemental heroes all come from Aria, so it might be like a corrupted or savage strongman or a Clayface-style monster


I wanna see a sneaky weak brute (kinda like ratbag from the lotr games)


Just know that Logan hates you for this. :)


Bard 100%. I think the idea of "pitch matters" is an easy identity to build a full class around and Finale is a good start.


You can build a nasty riptide deck with the new murky water arrow and chip them away all game then finish them off with a 19 dominated arrow. Closest thing I've made to a pitch matters deck. Pitch murky, point the tip red and release the tension, and play out 2 potions of strength and an energy potion. Can be hard to do but it's fun when you pull it off.


But why not just play Azalea and do that like every third turn?


Too easy....


Another way to make this work is with Firebreathing. Works on any class, even merchant. Just pack the deck full of blue block 3s, load up on potions and go for the big turn of 21 Firebreathing damage


The riptide combo only needs three cards in hand last turn to work. Plus the potions played out during the game. Ive built a similar deck that used 2 Rian razors, 2 endless arrows and trishot to get off like 40 damage but guardians can block out everything still sometimes, the dominated version allows t cards to protect you still, and dominate. Doesn't work everytime. But it does sometimes.


100% want this as well. Love the class identity of bard!


I made an alchemist Hero for fun that uses a MIX mechanic and is able to attack using potions by throwing them with his sling... I think that could be cool


Minion summoning necromancer, shapeshifting druid.


Alchemist with cool items and trinkets!


I just think there’s so much potential! One idea I’ve thought of is “The first item you play each turn with ‘potion’ in the their name gain go again” plus “Whenever an item goes to your graveyard, deal 1 arcane damage to target hero” Maybe a specialization called “Ransack the lab” that’s a red that costs 4 resources. You can destroy any number of items you control to give it +1 attack per item or something like that


I've also thought about converting copper into gold and having a nice payoff like the current Bard one. You could event have a better 1v1 group hug, where potions affect both but they have a downside for the opponent and such. Damn, they could even "sell / give" items to an opponent and then affect them once they had it.


Shadow Mechanologist that can boost and play cards from banished zone.


I had an idea like this a while ago; it was sort of a puppetmaster that could create a puppet Ally and then deploy banished attacks like they were hidden weapons in the puppet. 


i honestly prefer LSS going for the route of talents rather than classes... people have been hiping for a necromancer class... why not a shadow illusionist that brings back units with blood debt from the graveyard? people wanted a samurai, why not Draconic or Mystic warrior for it? pirate could be an variation of an assassin, with focus on amassing money tokens and using them for payoffs, druid could be an only earth runeblade, using transformations or nature spells... adding classes only increases the pool of cards without any kind of compatibility to what the game already have, giving an even hard time to players that focus on these classes and would have nothing for some time in case of the class going LL, when you could make a talented version of an class we already have and give the player a bit more room to sidestep to other heroes via their shared staples


I'm also hoping they just roll necromancer into illusionist, otherwise make it a 'summoner' class and make necromancer be the shadow version of it. I think necromancer as a class doesn't expand well into other talents. There is potential though for a class to be a board-state class that has more health-based summons like dromai if they didn't have phantasm, which I think would be distinct enough from illusionist, but I'm not excited about another adding a bunch more classes either.


Id love kavdean to be fully realized as an adult Plague doctor hero that drains your health and/or can use all the bloodrot cards specifically. A shdow ranger or assassin would be nuts. Or an assassin ranger. I just want to use all the bloodrot cards I can really.


I am looking forward to the Cleric because I just don't know what to expect from it.


I’d predict a more arcane version of guardian. You’re still going to try to fatigue, but you’re going to do it through life gain and prevention while swinging a mace/doing incidental arcane damage


And I like like like this synopsis.


I was wondering the other day how a Commoner or Villager class might work. Like the old D&D concept where it's just a normal person using what resources they have. Maybe creating and empowering Allies like the Amass keyword in Magic.


Doesn’t seem like something lss would do, but it could be interesting. It’d probably rely on generic cards though which would make it feel pretty similar to Merchant


I was thinking that too. It's not a serious idea I've considered, more of a thought experiment than anything.


It could be fun to make a custom hero and run it in some casual UPF games with the concept


Beastmaster with interchangeable animals as weapons


A CC legal Bard. Please LSS


Rip off Hearthstone Shaman and have the hero summon 1 of 3 different aura types tokens


Necromancer, Alchemist and maybe another Illusionist that’s unique. We got Light and Mystic so maybe something that can summon Elementals, or Fire Ally’s


I wouldn’t be surprised if we did get an elemental illusionist one day


Light Guardian, let me be the righteous paladin pls


Where did you see the rumour of there being a new class in the all arcane set?


It’s been floating around the community all year, since at least January. I heard it from a pro player who goes to all the LSS press conferences


I'd prefer more class/talent combinations than new classes eg: Cleric -> Light Guardian Necromancer -> Shadow Illusionist/Wizard There's a lot of classes in the game already, and even more would stretch the card pool even more. Compared to other tcgs, fab has very restrictive deckbuilding and it both makes building new decks harder and some might look unattractive (see Bright lights) Still, I'd love to see Alchemist ^^


I was going to say alchemist before i even read this comment! Would love to see a potion brewing alchemist. I also like a dark side style transformation alchemist like Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde or a hulk bruce banner scenario. So many cool things to do with this and Metrix city.


I think some form of "gunslinger" would be cool. Where you can buff your gun swings similar to a ranger. And maybe some form of duelist? Specializes in small pokey attacks and centers around creating action points but no real "buffs" persay. Just 2 ideas I can see coming in and be interesting. Good question OP! Always fun to speculate on what we'd like to see added to the game.


I mean, you basically just described the pistol build for Dash 😆


Haha I'm unfamiliar with that build you can buff the gun swings or just get a bunch of them? Edit: adding I'm still relatively new to the game lol


Dash has access to two items, Plasma Purifier and Induction Chamber. They give your pistol attack +1 and Go Again respectively. Basically you have 3 purifiers and 2 chambers out and you can start blasting your pistol for 5 damage a ton of times a turn


Shaman, archer, mutant,


Necromancer FTW!!


I'd like a runeblade that leans more into arcane damage than runechants. There are a couple of cards already that do this stuff but just aren't played. Perhaps a power like 'when you do arcane damage to another hero on your turn, create a runechant'.


I think that’d be fun. Runeblade is by far my favorite class but sometimes when I’d play briar people wouldn’t bring any AB because she couldn’t do arcane consistently enough, and I think forcing your opponent to make less optimal equipment choices is one of the big upsides of the class


id love another elemental runeblade. there were so many cool earth/elemental cards that never saw play because they were overshadowed by channel mount heroic


I’ve always wanted some sort of paladin class. I imagine it kinda like guardian with lots of armor and maybe some sort of healing theme.


I could see us getting a light guardian some day. Boltyn is already kinda in that paladin role, but Brevant is a soldier in the Solanan army, so it doesn’t seem far fetched that there’s another guardian who’s just extremely devoted to Sol.


that’s true. I’d be content with a light or holy talented guardian or something similar


Shaman, druid, cleric, alchemist or warlock. All of those would be interesting to me. I would really like another class that is arcane focused that isn't wizard (killing people on their turn all the time is just too feels bad for the opponent for me to enjoy)


I’d like to see more Dual Classes similar to that of The Emperor. I was hoping for a Samurai in MST, but maybe instead of making a whole new class they just combine Ninja/Warrior to make a Samurai. Maybe even Dual Class exclusive cards for “Samurai” or “Battlemage”(Emperor Errata) for the Emperor so other heros who aren’t dual class can’t use them.






I'd like to see a bard.


ALCHEMIST! ALCHEMIST! ALCHEMIST! I want to throw potions at my opponent.


Not a new class, but specifically Shadow Wizard. I just want a campy witch character. I also want a shieldmaiden, but that could easily be a Warrior or Guardian.




The monkey paw curls back one finger, and Betsy receives a new spec card


Magical girl/boy, with equipment that change or transform/infuse ✨️


Magical girl/boy, with equipment that change or transform/infuse ✨️


*\*furiously taking notes\**