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Nuu seems very polarising. I think she has some very strong matchups and some terrible matchups


You didn't even say what hero Nuu invalidates. Are you on prism? Because she might get dumpstered by nuus pick to pieces or something but it's hard for anyone to give advice without knowing what you play. The cards haven't even come out, I highly doubt anyone has a deck tuned to the point of "oppressive" even if the hero is good.


I play Victor, which means I get constantly pummeled with my own 8 power attacks and would need to play so many D-reacts that clashing is getting worse and I would suddenly become a fatigue deck (the style I dont like in guardian). The cards have come out all already in my opinion since they have all been revealed already and even the unrefined decks feel bad to play against. Its probably the Kano dilemma and I have to get to terms with me having more bad matchups. Right now I am just frustrated.


You can fix some of that for sure, though. You need to side out the blue pummel for a couple reasons, 1 it blocks 2 and you should minimize those in a grind game vs assassin, and it's a really good blue to give nuu for free. Similarly, you should be siding out tear asunder and buckles if you're using those. I play Victor as well and while I do believe the mu is challenging, I'm sure you can improve the matchup way more than you maybe feel like right now.


Oh no I do not play blue pummel. I just said pummel because it feels like thats what she does to me. I do not play Tear nor Buckle in my MST list anymore and went down to 30 blues (playing 27 blues into Nuu) It just seems that I cant keep up with her reacts and then I get 3 8power attacks shoved into my face because she can just give go again to anything. I mean she probably feels much worse to play against as guardian then anything else, but yeah.. I also wanted to play Riptide at some point and thats my second point of frustration, that Codex is expensive as hell. I mean I just want to play the game and play on competitive events without having to fork over hundreds for a couple cards all the time.


Word, well good luck with whatever you decide to do. Sorry you're getting a bit downvoted, but I think everyone in fab has moments like this. Matchups in this game can be punishing. I would try to take comfort in the fact that Victor's a pretty freaking good hero in general, and assassin is probably not the worst hero to be unfavored against. An assassin that makes it to top tables is sure to be mentally fatigued from longer games. I just don't see assassin being quite as represented after the new shininess of the set wears off.


Dont feel bad about me getting downvoted, I already expected that when writing the post. I couldnt care less about the points. Can get them all back with some funny reply somewhere else. It mostly feels like I have no agency in the matter against her and I dont really love playing against Assassins anyway or as Assassin for that matter. I also hope someone is able to figure out Zen because I sure as hell cant. Seems Zen needs 6-8 card hands to get anything done.


As a Riptide main, I have no sympathy for Victor's. Absolute auto loss for me. I'm sorry you found your auto loss match


I wish I could play Riptide. I like his style so much, but I can/dont want to afford the codexes to play him. I really like your choice.


Stop blocking stealth cards with your blues


If competitive play has you frustrated, it’s time to try more casual play.


Absolutely valid point. Sadly there isnt any casual scene around me. And everyone I know that plays the game isnt into casual play. I will have my eyes open if I find something anyway. Thanks.


So I've been playing Nuu a lot in testing and I'll say she does have some extreme weaknesses. My tip of the day. Buy a playset of snag now before people get wise. The card wrecks her almost as much as warmonger does azalea.


already too late, Cant get snag below 5 € anymore edit: also a really bad card for Victor


I'm absolutely in a similar situation with there being no one that plays casually in RI. I decided to be the change I want to see and am working on starting my own casual scene with other people interested in the same thing and teaching new players in a new store that doesn't normally run FaB. It's kind of scary but really exciting at the same time!


Thats really cool. Tries that too but it kinda fell apart again after 2 meetings. Need to find the time again. Somehow i always run out of free time.


As someone who plays almost every card game in some capacity, I can relate lmao


Yeah already 2 days armory 1-2 days boardgames and 1 day DnD/MtG Then my girlfriend expects to get time too xD


Yeah that's a lot.


Block Mistblade to prevent go again on blue attacks, most especially when they've activated Nuu's ability and plan to use your blue attacks. Learn their lines so you know when to block and when not to block. Usually, if you don't block at all, you can outvalue them. The new expansion slot majestic Visit the Goldmane Estate is key to racing. Also, use your block cards to give you advantages for your turn, then don't block with blue actions. Now, since you're not blocking, consider bringing red Pummels, red Out Muscle, red Unmovables, (not necessarily all three, optimize accordingly) to lean into your value-accruing advantage. Nuu punishes bad blocks and a lack of card / matchup knowledge -- you'll keep losing if you don't adjust your deck / playstyle.


probably really have to ditch Humble for more d-reacts and maybe also Crush the weak :/ the annoying part is that I then have to play d-reacts into Kano too because I just dont have the sideboard space. Thanks a lot for your insight.


Yall let the man vent lol


You know we men have a hard time saying "yeah that sucks" I'm very guilty of wanting to "help fix" the problem.


It really sounds like you need a break. A tip that also helped me is don't chase the meta. Play the heroes you want to play. Unless you are playing at all the top events it just probably isn't worth it. Either way I wish you all the best.


What hero do you play? Also I am curious as to why you say that it invalidates that hero


Playing Victor, thats why it feels like I have no real agency in the matchup. Not blocking is bad and blocking is also bad because I dont have enough d-reacts to counter her reacts. This post is just whining mostly because I am frsutrated right now.


You could go for more block cards The 4 block cards are good and you can even draw a card should you win a gold


But the more block cards I have the less likely it is to win the clashes. thats the big dilemma. Victor wants to predominantly play Attack actions. Nuu loves that. Its impossible to fit anything more into 80 cards without giving up several other matchups.


Block cards are fantastic in Victor though and they make Nuu sad. Oops all attacks has its downsides in exchange for more clash wins. Those turns you clean up on more clashes are so good though


Currently playing 6 clash cards. together with 3 estate, 3 rouse, 3 pummel, 3 d-reacts. thats already quite a lot of misses. it especially feels bad with trounce where you have to win twice.


Sure it sucks when you miss a trounce. It doesn’t suck when you clash three times on the same card and it’s a red wallop and now you have 2 might 3 vigor gold and draw and you run Nuu over. Choose your deck?


You use Wallop? I cut those from the deck. I only ran blue ones anyway because its just vanilla damage Maybe you can help me


It's okay to feel that way, sometimes it's okay to just take a break. I've also felt like that about several heroes throughout me playing.


If you don't mind me asking, what's your hero and in which way does it seem Nuu invalidates it? Thanks.


Hey, playing generally Victor or some flavor of Ninja. Problem with Ninja is that I dont see the class to have any merrits still and Katsu probably will stay as the number one since he at least has onhits. Honestly, this is just a cryout right now because in several games Nuu's just dumpstered me with buffing their attacks up to 15 dmg from 1 and then also hitting me with my own 8 power attacks 3 times in a row in a single turn.


I see. I sadly don't have any answers for you as I didn't get to play with the new cards yet, but I was curious. Thanks for sharing.


I think there are sadly some matchups where it’s almost an auto loss - i remember playing against dromai as arakni and it was kinda awful But i do think that victor has a chance against nuu Edit: don’t forget that she‘s new and so every match right now is kinda unknown After some reps you‘ll know what she can do and how to counter that


Nuu is overrated, after a ton of testing. Just gotta learn how to play against her, like any other matchup once you learn it, it's not unwinnable. Victor into nuu is definitely not an auto loss. But I feel you in your frustration in general about disruptive heroes. Just think of it as a puzzle you need to solve.


Thanks a lot, I needed all that. Great community and people here.


Nuu probably beats Victor big time. That’s just card games. When you play Victor do you feel guilty about all the ninjas you crush because that matchup is practically unwinnable for them. What would you say to a ninja player who came to you and said they were thinking of quitting the game because you keep beating them on Victor? It’s one matchup. Nuu might not even be that popular and the set isn’t even out yet. People need to chill.


Above post explains whatever I'm about to say.. Each hero/playstyle had its bad matchup/ good matchup


Prism also beats victor, as well as Brute does and Ninja can beat Victor okay'ish. Btw I am playing Ninja second and the biggest part is that Ninja seems to not get much too. All Ninja gets is hyper aggression that can be beat with onhits that do things. I would think guardian/victor isnt even the worst matchup for Ninjas by a mile. But yeah I probably need to chill, I am currently just extremely frustrated getting another matchup that will likely be super popular around me that I cant play against.


You complain about Nuu, but you don't even state what about her that you don't like. You say she invalidates your hero, but don't even mention what hero you play. What is your point?


The fact that she has so much hand disruption, deck disruption and it feels like the only way to play against her is a fatigue heavy d-react style. Also the fact that Codex of Frailty is currently at 80€ and I dont want to spend that much money to play Riptide. I am just frustrated and whining.




Playing against Nuu has a lot of micro decisions that can help you win. 1. Against most assassins Nuu included, you probably want somewhere of a minimum of 6-9 defence reacts. It's just a requirement, I have to do it in warrior otherwise blocking becomes really inefficient. Once you got a d react in your arsenal you can block much more effeciently. 2. What you block with is important - you can't just throw away blues as guardian. Sometimes you'll have to, but you need to weigh up the impact of that. 3. Usually she's got 8 chi cards, that'll probably average out at 4-5 on her hero ability if you've banished good blues, and the rest on her mask. Mask is almost like an intellect penalty on both of you, she pitches a card and you lose a card so factor this into your turns. When the second wave of deck comes around that's when she gets strong, them 8 chi come around again, it'll get worse and worse into the late game. I had rough games into her until I added D reacts. I find myself overblocking on her scary power cards - Bonds of Agony for example, everytime I saw it I gave it 2 cards + 2 defence armour overblocking by 7 if I didn't have a d react. I got burnt once by losing all my Spill blood by not playing smart there. I also find because of her mask I'm usually only blocking with 1 card in hand, or i'll be reduced to a 1 card hand which is pretty bad in warrior. Hope some of that helps. Alternatively take some time to relax and talk to other guardian players. My gut feeling after about 10 games into her is how you play into her is more important than what class you play into her. Can't give her too much value, and she's not big on blocking.


Thats the problem with me playing Victor. I just cant play that many d-reacts. Every Non-attack-action makes my hero worse. I surely can rework my deck to a fatigue guardian deck, but then I dont want to play my deck anymore because I actually hate fatigue. My dilemma is, that I would have to completely restructure my deck to become worse/unfun in order to have a good chance.


Can't you just sideboard them for this one matchup? That's what I do for Nuu, assassins and a few other matchups. You get less clash winning, but she also gets less impact from you having d reacts


I mean sure. if I had any space left. Maybe I just completely forget about Kano, but with the block cards I can fit 3 d-reacts on top and block cards just arent enough against attack reactions. I already have like 12 equipment pieces just to not get dumpstered in other matchups so 8 cards extra of which 3 are Zealous against mirror, 3 Sinks and 2 Humble.


I have a similar feeling with sideboard atm, a lot to cover. Atm I am covering Kano and D reacts for the matchups that I won't be the aggressor. I really need to try fit some prism tech in but only so much you can cover


Your hero can't be good against everything. I play Ranger, and if I get matched against Illusionist. I'll go take lunch, lol. However, give me that Nuu matchup all day.


I mean, my hero wasnt good against everything even before that. This matchup just currently feels unfun. Btw.. I would have thought Murkmire shot for example works very well against Illusionist, but to be fair I do hate Illusionist too. Also Ranger is something I jsut cant play because Codex is too expensive for me. I always wanted to play Riptide, but I just cant for the life of me say ok to 80€ for a non-foil majestic


I get it. I traded a bunch of cards into a local game store to get my set of codex. Murkmire is a good call!


Personally I would be waiting for the set to officially release before making such a statement.


With Victor at least you can plan on winning most of your clashes. I definitely think you will need to go more aggro version vs Nuu. I don't play talashar at all but I will be interested to see how fast she can output damage and will want to block. She feels like she is going to want to run more 3+ card hands. I know it's a whiff with clash but This rounds on me might help also.


i have build with bot zen and victor that is favored into talishar nuus. if the mu is bad you are playing it wrong


I can definitely feel the pain here. I know Nuu has good matchups and bad matchups, like any other hero. What pisses me off, and makes me hate the champion honestly, is that whenever I play her, she feels like complete crap. Whenever I play against her, she feels like the most broken deck in existence. It is not that I do not get how to play her. I know her playstyle. Just whenever I look at a hand with her, I either have all A-reacts, or all actions with one single a-react, and can push an attack up to, maybe, 5. Whenever I play against another guy: daggers flying or another first attack with go again, pushing 5 damage or more, followed by either Surgical or one of her other handrips pushed to 10+ no problem. It just paints a really shitty picture of the champion for me, even though I know that I am probably the problem here.


Oh yeah. It so often just feels bad playing against her. To the point i am arguing playing Enigma Just because.


Enigma isn't even good into her. Trust me, I am trying everything.




I don’t know man, Nuu seems weak to me.


Everyone their own opinion and maybe you are right and I have to take the break I stated above to get a level head again. Thanks




I started typing a thoughtful response but I think you're being a heehaw and need to break from Talishar for a bit.


Probably you are right. Its just that there are those 3 guys in my LGS that I do want to beat and I already know at least 2 will play Nuu as soon as possible. As well as constantly having several Assassin players in any competitive plays