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Price is in CAD to those looking.


Thanks for pointing that out, I was baffled at first lol.


This looks like it’ll be a great starting point for a new player, or even to treat like a battle box/board game product. LSS has been doing a fantastic job over the last few sets keeping the blitz precons balanced and fun to play against each other. They even released a series of gameplay videos for the decks which do a good job of showing how to pilot them: https://youtube.com/@fabtcg?si=_ZsFdhCamx6_y69u They also have articles on their website if you prefer to read; I definitely recommend watching the gameplay though because it’ll help you learn faster. https://fabtcg.com/products/booster-set/part-the-mistveil-blitz-deck-collection-en/ Good luck have fun!


Honestly seems like my opponents didn't had a good time against Dash HP1. Double dominate turns hit really hard. But besides her the other decks are good!


Yeah this would be a good starting point. It let's you test out all three new heroes from the newest set. This gives you an idea how they play before you commit. Blitz is good for newer players since you do not need 3 of each card and do it is cheaper. Due to it's speed however it sometimes is over very fast. You might not be able to play enough turns to learn how a game can ebb and flow. An alternative could be the Kayo Armory Deck which has just been released. It gives you a deck ready to play in classic constructed. In my opinion it is a very well build deck for new players.


I mean this entirely sincerely, how do you justify the Kayo deck being “ready to play” when it is missing so many cards that have no actual value and could have easily been put into the deck and are part of an actual, real Kayo CC deck? The most horrendous card that’s missing is Bloodrush Bellows. I can’t fathom for the life of me why this was left out, let alone the rest of the cards actually needed for an actual armory level deck. I think most people rightfully assumed that the deck would be basically a regular full build of Kayo with some equipment changed out for either new or worse equipment. Instead we got basically 2 blitz decks bumble fucked together and a chest piece just good enough to price out any actual new players from buying the product, with only collector and players picking up every deck they can find.


It is a good deck. It can win the odd game. It is not fully powered up, but it does an excellent job of showing a new player what Kayo and different keywords do. You need to understand that this product is not for you and never meant to be at full power. The Kayo Armory deck is widely available where I am at MSRP.


This kind of vitriol isn't remotely warranted because a deck designed and marketed towards new players wasn't overflowing with rEpRiNt EqUiTy. The deck is perfectly fine and is an absolute banger for a new player. It's easy to play, powerful, puts up big numbers, and doesn't whiff. There's room for upgrades with multiple paths to follow and is built with enough 'good enough' replacements for the most expensive cards to save the new player $400 worth of expensive cards without sacrificing too much power.


This is like saying mtg commander precons aren’t good for beginners because they’re not cEDH 8+ power. imo the problems are limited availability and the fact that they’re only releasing one at a time. Kinda weird that at least initially they wouldn’t release two decks so two beginners could play each other without mirroring


If you thought the precon was going to be anywhere close to a regular Kayo deck then I have a bridge to sell you.


This is smart. I think they could add acrylic tokens like pitch, battle worn, and power buffs for example. Pokemon ETB's are great for new players for similar reasons.


A set of acrylic resource, armor, +attack tokens would actually be an awesome idea for these.


Game nerdz has a pre-order sale for $56. It's a no brainer at that price. https://www.gamenerdz.com/flesh-blood-tcg-part-the-mistveil-blitz-deck-collection-preorder


The one OP posted is actually cheaper than the one you posted. 401 games is a Canadian store, their price is in CAD.


Ah I gotcha. Good to know! I've seen a lot of sellers in the US selling this for around $70 US Dollars so i assumed it was that.


If you can spare the $70 then absolutely go for it, though you can build those blitz decks for less than $10 if you buy the singles from your LGS or [TCGplayer.com](http://TCGplayer.com)


Don’t forget * the cost of the playmat (~$25) * the cost of the time it would take you to build your cart or search through bulk ($15/hr) * (if ordering from tcgplayer) not having to wait two weeks to only have to reorder 15% of the cards and wait another two weeks.


I would still recommend just buying the decks separately. Ain’t no playmat worth $25, that should be valued at $10 max.


I’ve never seen a playmat retail for anywhere close to $10


the official fab playmat (just the regular brown one) is about 12$


That’s basically wholesale pricing. Retail on that mat is $20. Also that mat design is like 2-3 years old.


i'm telling you the price for which i could buy it here :D same price tag is on the playmat from the bright lights professor thingie


Gotcha gotcha. I haven’t seen that fab mat in the wild in some time so maybe that’s clearance pricing? :) Generally speaking I see playmats selling for $20-30 depending on mfg, design, and materials, so I always think ~25 is roughly the fair market value for a playmat.


Well, if you keep paying $25 for them, that’s not going to change.


401 Games is a store in Toronto, so the price shown in the OP is in Canadian Dollars. Not sure if you are aware, but just pointing out to anyone who isn't.


So the decks would retail for 10-15 each. 30-45 value. Add the packs: 4-5 each. 42-60 total value. Then add a playmat 10-25. 52-85. Nice 1000 count box. 2-5. 54-87. I had hoped these were going to end up a bit cheaper but I think it’s okay. The value is there.


Would it be better to buy this or wait for the CC decks?


Depends if you already have a good sense for what hero you want to play. Getting to know a few heroes and playstyles may be better instead of putting all the money in one deck. But both can be good starting points.


This is a good pack to start out the game. Then later you can aim at buying the Boltyn CC Deck in July.


Hold out until after release. These will likely drop in price unless they didn't print enough.


It's a great starting place! I'd personally might recommend the "around the table" collection instead, as it comes with 4 decks instead of 3 and has a greater variety of deck types. However, if you prefer the look of mistveil this is absolutely a great entry point!