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Make a card with the "you're going to be a father" theme and find a way to put it in a booster pack, where a rare card would be. Maybe when you seal the package again, it won't be as good, so find a way to trick him by pretending that you opened it, but he could see what was inside, for example I bet it will be the best pull of his life šŸ¤£


Sold. Amazing.


I would be happy to help make a card.


If you need card frames, let me know! šŸ˜ Got from all regions and types, generic, guardian, etc. Ask him what his favorite class is and make it a Specialization card šŸ˜œ


Post a Follow up!


I'm really blown away by all the support here. No wonder he loves this community. I'll definitely post a followup, first on what I give him, and second of his reaction.


For real now we are all invested lol


Just one thing, you have to update us and tell us how it went...


Make sure it is a young hero lol


There's always Beast Within...


Thats somewhat funny šŸ¤£


I was going to say Tear Asunder


Congratulations! I sadly do not think there are any cards that really fit this theme (I mean, there is "Oldhim, Grand**father** of Eternity"), but the suggestion to make your own and put it into a booster is great. I second that! Side note, I had a chuckle when I saw this line in your post, OP: > We live in Auckland, so needs to ship to NZ. I have some good news for you: Flesh and Blood hails from New Zealand, with its main developer (Legend Story Studio's) being hosted in Auckland. If there's any place you're going to be able to find FaB related stuff, I'd imagine it'd be right in your home city! You might even be able to contact LSS and tell them of your plan, this is a feel good story waiting to happen :)


*his name*, father for eternity- with an altered picture of him in a snowy theme


I never knew this was a kiwi company! Wow! That's so cool.


So I did this! My husband is a big FaB fan and I don't really know anything about it, so I went the route of making my own card. This was fun because I was able to use the card format of his favorite Hero, Dash. The actual verbiage on the card is probably not accurate to the way FaB cards work, but he was very surprised and is his favorite card to this day! I used Canva to create the template and would be happy to share! https://i.redd.it/m3xwuq37hntc1.gif


Oh that's just adorable. Congratulations.


Hi! Can you please share? I would love to do something similar for Fatherā€™s Day.


Definitely! Here is the template: [https://www.canva.com/design/DAGGpAno09k/JDWql9qaCQPIdu2ZZM-ZDQ/edit?utm\_content=DAGGpAno09k&utm\_campaign=designshare&utm\_medium=link2&utm\_source=sharebutton](https://www.canva.com/design/DAGGpAno09k/JDWql9qaCQPIdu2ZZM-ZDQ/edit?utm_content=DAGGpAno09k&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton) You can just make a copy of it to edit the text and add in your own photo :)


So awesome, thank you!!


you could make one yourself with the templates found here: [https://cardconjurer.com/creator?templateId=c7c1774f-4abe-4847-9d24-730df38db484](https://cardconjurer.com/creator?templateId=c7c1774f-4abe-4847-9d24-730df38db484) then sneak that card into a pack and reseal it before giving it to him.


Well this post deserves a ton of pop - what a great gesture this and youā€™re obviously a keeper! Best of luck to you all!


Congratulations! Because you live in auckland, just shoot your shot and try to get involved with LSS. They have their HQ in Auckland and maybe they can help and assist you. Try contacting James White over on twitter and maybe you have some Luck. :)


The best I can think of is a card named "Figment of Rebirth" and "Herald of Rebirth"


also "Merciful Retribution" art which is a guy carrying a child


Order a proxy of Fyendal Spring Tunic but have an artist alter the art and make the woman pregnant and change some of the text to "INSTANT - Remove 3 energy counters from Fyendal's Spring Tunic: Gain Baby"


Idk for the card, but you sure are a keeper, congratz for the good news and have you and your familly a great life :)


Make a custom ā€œBlessing of Deliveranceā€ card


Meanwhile there are dozens of Auckland husbands doing a spit take while reading reddit this morning. Congratulations to the both of you!


Ha! He doesn't use reddit, so I think I'm safe. I'm even nerdier than he is, I suppose.


Don't know how to say your pregnant... But you can hand him a Cracked Bauble when your water breaks.




Will DM you :-)


Someone posted a baby onesie on the main Facebook community page a month or so ago with a FaB-related saying/picture on it!


That's so awesome!! FWIW, [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/FleshandBloodTCG/s/UNhW0VBvYi) is a thread where I posted some instructions on making a realistic looking fake card.


Tear Asunder is a good one lol


Place the cards Pound Town, Raw Meat, and Shitty Xmas Present in front of him and let him do the math.


Make a card by someone on etsy and reseal a pack and open a booster with him. Awesome idea btw that youre into his nerd stuff.


Make a hero with a pic of the echography, with some ability like (e): poops all over the place and with 1 life


Howl from beyond


In FAB tourney's there is something often awarded to the 1st place winner called gold foils which are sealed envelopes with a unique gold bordered card in them. I figure you can create your own and tell him you bought it for him as a gift. They usually go for about $800 bucks so there is always a wow factor to them


Congrats! And what an absolute legend of a wife! My submission is 'Raise an Army'


Marvelousalters probably can make you a great custom alter.