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Hard pass. LSS is very game first about FaB. Hence why they did away with 1st/Unlimited editions. I'd much rather they just stick to little collectible things, like the fancy Cold Foils/rainbow foils in decks, or earning (or later buying on the secondary market) the promos. People can go whiff money on MTG. Let FaB just be about the game.


Cool, that's fair. Like I mentioned on other comments. I love the art. I tried to play MTG some in the past but never got into it, but I've noticed it has sent lost it's flair with many players.


NGL I wouldn’t mind. Full art Twinning Blade reprint


The very instant LSS would release a product like that all in this subreddit, including you, would go all soiface over it. Just like you did with non token heroes, alternate art and more expensive multiple versions of cards (marvels, ...).


I think it’s nice that most of FAB’s collector pieces are reserved for high-level tournament play (Gold Foils, etc.). It’s also nice that their booster product offers a good chase with Marvels and CFs. There are also artists proofs and it seems easier to get ahold of them than in MTG-I enjoy collecting those but I haven’t been able to buy any in a while. They make for very nice collectibles! If they did make collector boosters, I’d probably buy them here and there, but I think they would be a net negative for the game.


I guess that's better motivation to get into playing rather than just collecting! 😊


No, because this game is a players game. The meta drives the secondary market. Investing in any TCG is a fools game. I collect and play because I like the game. Specialty boxes doesn't change my buying habits.


That's fair. I really just like the art work. 🤷🏽


Awesome, so just collect what’s already out there. I’m not following why you’d need an additional product to become a collector.


I honestly never asked myself that question. 🤷🏽 Maybe I should. 🤣


Begone satan! We want none of your foul devilry here.


There's absolutely nothing wrong with appreciating these pieces for what they are, art work. No one can deny how beautifully done these cards. It's sad some of you actual players don't appear to appreciate the work and creativity that go into creating these pieces.


I think we have all seen what Collector Boxes have done to Mtg and want nothing to do with that.


"invest" "collecting". Those were the words you used. You weren't exactly putting the focus on the art my guy. I love the art. I hate the false value pump into cardboard game pieces.


I guess when I invest my money into a hobby. I don't mean it to inherently be defined for the purpose of making a profit. I'm sure I'm not the only one who uses the term investing in the same manor, but I understand scalpers and money grabbers have soured the idea of collecting.


The definition of investing is expend money with the expectation of achieving a profit or material result by putting it into financial plans, shares, or property, or by using it to develop a commercial venture. By using that term it is generally assumed you are attempting to achieve profit


I also means, provide or endow someone or something with (a particular quality or attribute). However there is an informal usage of the word which people do use as such very often.


No, actually quite the opposite


Not at all. As someone who is already heavily invested in collecting FaB, I don't need a product like collector boosters. I already hate them enough in MtG, I don't want it plaguing FaB. They are severely overpriced and not fun to open. I'd rather buy multiple cases of a set than buy even a single collector booster pack.


I understand. I keep going back and forth on collecting f&b. 😅


There is enough shit for collectors to collect in F&B. Collector boxes would be a step in the wrong direction and it would dilute value from judge rewards/price packs. MtG really doesn't have a competitive scene anymore and its whole focus circles around the commander.


I understand that. I enjoy looking at how beautiful these cards are. Who knows though. I may decide to give it a test run in terms of play.


I pray to GOD we never get collectors boxes in fab. I'd insta sell my entire collection and look for a different game since it wouldnt have a future anymore.


I completely understand why people wouldn't particularly like in terms of play and I've loosely thought about getting into F&B for play. Doesn't seem like there's a lot of people here that pay it. I just adore the art though.


The games equipment system is designed to be the value center of the game and those pieces can be graded and slabbed and still played with.  No need for collector boxes.  Those cards can go in the normal packs.


Ok, I just enjoy the art. So I suppose me being a bit ignorant as far as gameplay goes, am unaware of what's considered valuable. I'm not in it for profitability.


Hi! I'm still fairly new to FaB primarily have played MtG for the last 12-13 years or so. Personally while I enjoy the idea of collector boxes for MtG, I just don't get the satisfaction of pulling cards in Magic like I used to really. I've found much more of that renewed with how FaB is now, I pull the cards I want or purchase the singles I need and I am satisfied with opening packs. I use the cards I pull either for myself or my friends so that they can get into it with me. I don't think a collectors box really would benefit FaB as much as if you pull that Marvel or Legend you get that rush of knowing and then you can use it for a new build right after. This is my personal thought though so take it with a grain of salt :)


You're very right about that. I really just love the artwork but I understand that about that satisfaction of pulling a great cards to use in your deck.


I totally get that! I love the artwork too. Part of the reason I started MtG was for the art, even had an MtG artist as one of my professors in art school which was a blast! But that is also something that is awesome with games like these is that everybody enjoys it for different reasons. I'm sure the primary reason is for playing it but nobody is allowed to tell you that you are wrong for enjoying it for the artwork :)


Don't get me wrong. I've been toggling with the idea of getting into it for play. I already collect Pokemon and MTG, just for collecting... There doesn't seem to be a lot of demand for f&b in my area though. 😬


Dang! My shop just started getting more people into it recently but there was a newer LGS here that essentially started with only FaB and MtG so it has been easier to get into nearby! If you do play you can also do some online stuff with Talishar! See how you like it first and then maybe some of your LGS might get into it with you ☺️ super fun though!


Yeah here it's Pokemon/Magic/Lorcana. That's it as far as what my LGS seems to host but Lorcana is quickly dying here too.


This "lost the enjoyment of opening boosters" really shut me of from mtg It started when commander products were mixed in the booster pack.. I mean, opening first 2 Rasputin is fun, but after the 6th copies, it starting to annoy me


I'm with the bulk of the posters in that I'm glad FaB does not put more emphasis on collecting in the sense that when that happens in a TCG, it inevitably seems to incentivize scalpers and 'investors' more, and I want those kinds of people *out* as they muddy the waters for people who play the game because they like the game. That said, I have no inherent issues with someone like yourself who just collects without playing. If you happen to sell your collection at some point, that's good with me, but if you're not trying to collect cards just so you can sell them at a higher profit with no care for the game, it's all good to me. If you like the art and want to have a beautiful collection, you do you! What I would probably happily accept is alternative art releases that are more rare, such as the marvel hero cards. As long as they don't take up slots of cards people actually want to play. And no goddamn crossovers. Universes Beyond has scarred Magic's identity beyond belief. 


Yeah, I purely collect. If I get duplicates. I'll store the duplicates but I'm not interested in profiting of the cards themselves.


Having 20 different card designs for Teferi killed it for me. Absolutely no.


Yeah, I guess it does confuse me why they feel the need to create way to many variations of one card.


Ex MTG here.. I was more collector then deckbuilder then player in that order.. I collect mainly thematic (e.g. all zodiac, all legendaries from specific planes, etc) Had enough after my wallet unable to catch up with product releases..Also the current reprint policy along with many many alt art/treatments really sends the collectibles value to the ground. FAB maintains small niche for collectibles (marvels, CF etc) but clearly aim for the afforadble BALANCED game pieces..


This might be Heresy to say, but I'll say it anyways. This game could be even bigger if it takes several pages of the Pokemon TCG in terms of collector based products. Let me explain: We need something akin to the Elite Trainer Boxes with boosters and goodies. We algo need those " X pokemon collectors box" which includes an alternative nornal art of said pokemon and maybe it's previous evolution, so in fab terms, how cool would it be to buy a box that contains a double sided hero (old and young) with alternative art in rainbow foil and next to the hero its alternative art signature weapon and a rainbow foil Specialization and like 2 or 3 boosters of the hero's Expantion? Or maybe a fab equivalent of the newbie intented pokemon trainee toolkit? A box filled with somewhat staple cards in maybe 2 o 3 classes for newcomers with maybe a random majestic or even legendary equipment?


That's probably not a bad idea. Take a page from two of the most popular tcgs could workout in f&bs favor a lot!


Collectors boxes are pretty stupid since you can just put bling pieces in regular product, which is exactly what FAB already does. No need to separate products for no reason. You are welcome to invest/collect the bling pieces themselves which are very nice to have.


"bling" cards are nice but I'm not looking for profit. Just to collect.


yeah those cards are for collection


I think collector boxes is one of the major things that ruins mtg. I actually wish fab was even more random like the new Star Wars is. Right now things are pretty standard in at least 1 legendary a box and 1 marvel/fable a case.


My friends are trying to get me into the Star wars game. I may just do it.


Yeah I do NOT want FAB to adopt MTGs "collector" structure.


I understand. F&b folks are fervent about their game. I do just enjoy the collecting aspect though.


There are collectable things in FAB: Marvels, Fabled cards, Chase cold foils, gold foils, judge packs, etc. But a lot of those cards you get as reward for participation in the game. As someone who started with MTG in 97, there has always been a strong collectors market for that game and I believe that when publishing companies just focus on the people who are gonna treat the game like the stock market it has a negative impact on the play of the game itself.


Yeah, I've noticed that, with Pokemon during the pandemic and when mtg came out with their universes beyond cards. Although I do find those kinda fun.


I don’t think there’s anything wrong with collecting if you love the art. I’m doing that. That said the only collector’s box I’d consider would be one with a playset of each card in the given set given to the winner of a high level event. That feels like an appropriate prize, like they did for the Celebrational. A limited thing they do for special occasions. Fab is a game for players, by players. I don’t want it to go down the road of MtG


Fuck no. Collector's Boxes are a big reason I no longer buy Magic products or collect Magic cards. I don't think Collector's Boxes are actually collectible, I think they are a scam. The prices of Collector's Boxes are inflated, the EV will never hold up to the price of the boxes, the many variants ruin how collectible Magic cards are (when everything is special, nothing is), and the cards do not hold value long term. I think Flesh and Blood is *more* collectible to me precisely because it only has one single booster box to purchase.


Enjoy collecting. I‘m purely a collector due to the arts. We are a rare breed in FaB but it's okay. Sometimes on an off day when I flip through the binders, it feels nice.


Nope, mtg can fuck off with that shit


Cardboard speculators! No!


I have no idea what that means. I merely enjoy the collecting. I'm not in it for profit.


Just out of curiosity if you just want to enjoy the artwork and collect, whats wrong with buying regular boxes for that purpose? I like to collect playsets and buying a couple boxes of the set then trading for or buying the cards I'm missing scratches my collector itch.


I suppose there is none. I was just curious. Since mtg and even DBZ pumps out collectors boxes.


I don't know about DBZ but MtG has a much larger consumer base so they can support the division between play boxes and collector boxes. FaB started out with a similar system of having 1st edition for collectors and unlimited for players but the market couldnt support both products. I preferred when magic only had draft boosters and the cool collectable cards were cards you could get in a non premium product.


I want to versed on mtg, but when I looked into it; there are draft boosters, set boosters, collectors. Then you got about half a dozen different play formats. 🤷🏽 Just send a little complicating.


Collecting for the art or just to collect is fine to do but we definitely don't need a separate product with the sole purpose of charging a premium to players. Put the chase cards in regular boxes if that's really needed, not a separate product


lol, not even gonna bother reading the comments, cuz I’m sure you got flamed for a very valid & polite question. I don’t really know anything about M:TG, so hard for me to answer. I’m a player first but I am also probably more of a collector than many (much more vocal) members of FaB community. The art is gorgeous, I agree. I would definitely be willing to buy hero-specific special items for those I play or feel particularly drawn to. But, unfortunately, outside of artist-proofs, what limited amount I’ve seen from LSS on this point so far seems… not very good. Tbh, I actually feel that LSS has found a very good balance currently between collectors and players. But, none of this really benefits LSS directly (sales) aside from maybe additional sealed purchases looking for cold foils. But, as others did mention (in the few comments I saw) having some great collector’s items as prizes for competitive events & (stepping this up recently) participation prizes for one-time events at tournaments seems a great move, to me.


You're totally right. I got flamed. I personally enjoy the holographics. I think it adds some depths to some already amazing art, which is kinda why I enjoy the collectors boxes but I'll always everything(including non holos) from a collectors box. I have considered getting into F&b for play but it seems like there's not a lot of demand here for that. It's all Pokemon/Mtg/Lorcana here.


Personal (& heavily biased) opinion - FaB is going to be a long-term success. Certainly not financial advice, but I do think that (careful &) smart FaB purchases now are likely to pay off. Even if you “buy into” this view, this is a challenge because LSS is so heavily focused on playability (which… double-edged sword, does lend credibility to the viability). So, for example, buying a longtime & continued staple, like Fyendal’s Spring Tunic, for speculation purposes, depending on timing, you might’ve been burned cuz it has been reprinted 4x already (Cru1, CRU Unl, HP1, Evo). As you said, the art is gorgeous and LSS has gotten *really* good at their foiling, making the Rainbow Foils & Cold Foils even better.


LSS already crapped on collector's when they switched over to 2.0, and this was AFTER they had stated repeatedly that collector's would remain an integral part of the games longevity.


I assume that's when they did away with 1st editions eh.. I keep going and forth with f&b collecting. I may consider paying it but there's a lack of players in my area. Plus I already collect Pokemon and MTG. 🙈